Monday, November 19, 2012

Out and About

Goddard's jaw drops. 

Master! Find your words!


  1. Aara smiles and does a little spin. "I told you you'd like it." She slides her scimitar into the silky belt around her waist and ties on a pouch. "Come along, Ibben." The monkey jumps up her arm to settle on her shoulder, chattering at her. When Goddard doesn't move or speak, she frowns. "Goddard? Is everything alright?"

  2. "Oh no!" he shakes his head. "I mean yes! I mean...don't frown! You look amazing lecai. I especially like the little skulls and bones," he passes a hand over the embroidery.

  3. She laughs. "I told you it was elaborate. The men's version is even more so." Taking his hand, they walk outside. "The temple is not far from here."

    The sun has raised the temperature considerably, but all the streets are still cast in shadow. The bazaar is coming alive, colors, scents, and sounds fillikng the air as they walk. When they walk through a square, Aara pauses.

    There's a stage in the center with a post standing on it. The stage is old and solid, stained dark by the sun and years. Silently, she hands Ibben to Goddard and walks up the stairs, worn smooth with time and heavy boots. Looking over her shoulder at him, he can see her eyes are red.

    "I didn't know this was still here," she said, putting a hand on the post. "I was a small child, but they accomodated my size." She has to catch her breath before continuing. "I passed out after the first lash, but they revived me before giving me the second and third."

    She jerks her hand back as if the post had burned her. "My brother stitched me back together. One hundred seventeen stitches in all- and they were nearly insufficient, but it was all the line we could find."

  4. Ibben screeches and gives Goddard a warning nip before running back to Aara. Godard didn't realize he had begun to squeeze the creature a little too tightly as Aara talked.

    "Want me to rip this apart?"

  5. Aara shakes her head and backs away from the post. She passes her hand over her eyes, takes a deep breath, and leaves the stage. "No, nuur'eni. I simply dreamed of it last night, and wasn't expecting to see it today." Nuzzling Ibben, she leans her head against Goddard's chest and takes another deep breath. After a moment she lifts her head, eyes clear again. "It's the past, tearing it down would only give it more importance that it deserves. But thank you."

  6. Goddard hugs Aara tight when she leans against him.

    "And I'm sorry furball...I didn't mean to," he says to Ibben. "Let's go lecai..."

  7. She nods, taking his hand. By the time they reach the temple of Uzzaya she's recovered. The temple is a simple building, dimly lit and cool. At the front is a raised dias with a statue surrounded by flowers, candles, and braziers for incense. The room is filled with a peaceful, quiet presence.

    Upon entering, a priestess approaches and greets them softly in Arabyan. Aara speaks with her a moment, then hands her a gold crown in exchange for a small package.

    Approaching the statue, Aara smiles. Uzzaya gazes down at her worshippers, her eyes loving and the carved veil hiding what one might think is a smile. She is wrapped in silks of many colors, and the statue's hand holds a razor-sharp scimitar at her side.

    Motioning for Goddard to kneel with her, Aara opens the package. Inside there are two small pouches of incense, a vial of wine, and a simple white flower. Aara pours her incense on the fire, whispering a prayer in Arabyan. Uzzaya, you have brought me this far, how much farther shall I go?

    She takes a small sip from the vial, just wetting her lips with the wine, then leans forward and kisses the statue's bare feet. Placing the flower between her hands and bowing to the goddess, she leaves it on the dias and rises.

  8. Goddard stands back up with Aara. "This is all very beautiful," he says looking around more carefully at everything. "Would you have come here everyday?"

  9. She shrugs as they leave. "If I wished, there are no restrictions. Adahara's priestesses dwell here, caring for the temple and the women who worship here." Once again in the sunshine, she smiles brightly. "And now, I have a surprise for you."

  10. Goddard smiles. "I like surprises!"

    "Ok well...most surprises..." he says looking at the shadow on his hand.

    Was I not the best surprise you have ever received Master!

    "No you're one of those surprises I wish father didn't share..."

  11. Aara leads him deeper into town. People nod or bow to her as she passes, and she acknowledges them without stopping. They finally arrive to a large building. It's made of the same pale mud and has elaborately carved wooden shutters covering the windows. It smells like flowers and spices here as she leads him into a welcoming foyer.

    "Anissa Aara?" A woman asks in Reikspeil as she approaches. At Aara's nod, she women smiles. "Your reputation preceedes you, annissa. We are honored with your costum. Please, follow me."

    She leads them to a private performance chamber scattered with chairs and couches to lie on. On a small table in the center is a selection of fruit, cheese, a cold fruit wine, and a small bowl of chocolate spheres.

    "Nasira will be with you presently. Please, relax and enjoy."

    As she leaves, Aara stretches out on a couch and pats the empty space in front of her. "Sit, nuur'eni. Before it starts."

  12. Goddard sits down and looks around at everything. "Oooo chocolate! Can I eat this stuff?" he asks Aara as he points different things out.

    "Oh and what's anissa? And what is this? What's gonna happen? OH WAIT! It's a surprise."

  13. "You can have whatever you like, nuur'eni. Anissa is a word for an unmarried woman. Now, be quiet."

    Servants enter and light candles around the stage, and drum music begins.

  14. Goddard nods as he tastes everything. Some things don't mix as well together as do.

    His ears perk up when he hears the drum music.

  15. Aara wraps her arms around his waist as the dancer enters. She's dressed scantily and has trailing pieces of silk wrapped around her.

    Aara sits back and watches Goddard watch her.

  16. Goddard looks dazed and hypnotized. Aara can feel him occasionally tug to try and move forward but he instantly stops when he feels the tug back.

  17. Aara pulls him closer to her and nuzzles his neck. "I told you they put me to shame."

  18. It's very easy to pull him close. She could sway him back and forth and he wouldn't resist. He continues to stare on.

  19. The dance ends twenty minutes later. She bows and backs off the stage as more servants light the rest of the room. Shaking him gently, Aara turns him to face her. "What do you think?"

  20. He has a huge dreamy smile on his face. "But why couldn't she get closer?" He makes grabby hands. "And why did it end? Can't we just get another one out here? I have so much free time on my hands it's insane..."

  21. Aara's flash of anger and jealousy suddenly gets the better of her, and she pushes him to the floor. "Go after her, then! I'm sure you'll enjoy her company more than mine!"

  22. Katarina lounges on the pillows by the table finishing off her breakfast of Figs, Dates, and toasted bread with honey. She sips from a cup of mint tea and breathes deep the aroma.

    So far this place has been wonderful. Koroush hasn't made it down yet, but it is still very early. I wonder where Aarta went. Where ever she is surely cannot be as delightful as this place; the pampering, the fine food, the relaxation. Amazing what can happen once a source of stress is not around.

  23. "OOF!" Lucky for him, there are pillows around.
    "You think she'd go for tha...HEY wait! Aara..." He looks at her with apologetic eyes. "Um...I can't help myself?'s my blood?"

  24. Rising off the couch, she throws a fig at him. "I brought you here to show you what I couldn't do justice, but all you can do is pant after a performer like a dog in heat when I'm right here!" She throws another fig at him, then stalks off.

  25. "You're wasting food! Ow!" He stands up and goes after her. "Wait Aara...lecai...come on!" He grabs her her hand. "I..."

  26. Eyes filled with tears, Aara whips around, her free hand slapping him so hard he doesn't see it coming. Her hand connects with his cheek, and a blinding white pain shoots through her hand as she freezes.

    Shaking with fear, Aara stares at him. "Nu- nuur'eni?" she whispers, a tear rolling down her cheek.

    Before she can say more, her eyes roll back and she faints.

  27. Goddard looks at her completely stunned while another woman is fanning Aara's face. "Oh no...lecai..."

    He scoops her up and sits in a corner out of the way, holding her.

  28., if I don't wake up, I won't have seen...

    Her mind scratches at the darkness, begging to stay.

    Aara doesn't open her eyes. She knows who's holding her, would know those arms and that scent anywhere. A low moan escapes her as her eyes flutter and open.

    She exhales a huge sigh of relief. It's her Goddard again, his eyes full of worry and fear. She reaches a hand to his face, but halfway there she sees how badly it's shaking and makes a fist and lowers it instead. This is what he was afraid of. I can't show him my fear.

    "N-Nuur'eni?" she whispers.

  29. "Lecai," he manages a smile. His eyes still remain the same. He just stares at her quietly, waiting for something. Anything.

  30. She's still trembling, clinging to his clothes, afraid to let go and afraid to stay. She buries her face in his chest, biting back tears. Uzzaya, have mercy on your servant. This thought strikes her as immensely funny as they have only recently left the temple.

    Laughter bubbles out of her, a sharp sound on the verge of hysteria. Stop it, she thinks, but she can't. Her grip on his clothing tightens as her tears and laughter mix together.

    Ah, Uzzaya! You use your chosen hard.

  31. Confused, Goddard sort of peels her off and stands up. Did I scare her that badly...I'm not helping the situation.

    He rushes out of the building and ducks into the space between buildings and wraps his head and face.

    Master...I'm sorry...

    "Shut it," he growls. "I mean...I'm might be all I've got now."

  32. Aara scrambles to her feet, but her shaky knees won't hold her. A servant comes forward to assist her as she gasps for breath. Outside, the light blinds her.

    "Goddard!" she shouts, pulling away from the servant and grabbing the wall for support. He can't have gone far, and we came from this direction.

    Bracing herself with the wall, she concentrates on biting back the hysterical laughter again. He runs from me! I'm nothing!

    When she gets to the corner, she doesn't see him down the street or in the alley. "Nuur'eni? Please don't get lost, I don't think I-" She trips and lands hard on her hands and knees.

    "Seven hells!" she curses, looking down at her bleeding hands. "Where are you? I know you're here somewhere!"

  33. Master! She is insane! She's out to get you!

    "It would appear that way," Goddard mumbles, keeping to the smallest darkest places. "Maybe...maybe not?"

    Be safe Master! Don't fall for her tricky female...STUFF.

    "Maybe I should come out..."

    No Mastet!

  34. Aara waves the servant away, ordering him inside. "Leave me alone, I have to find him," she says. Tears stream down her face as she gets to her feet again. "I'm sorry, nuur'eni." Sliding down the wall, she wraps her arms around her knees and lays her head on her arms, crying. "Come back, dearest."

  35. "I can't leave her..." He runs over to Aara and drops to his knees in front if her. "Aara," he touches her cheek softly.

  36. She throws herself into arms. He still feels like before, still smells like freshly turned earth. "I'm sorry," she whispers. "I understand now. I didn't mean to..."

    Pulling back slightly, she studies his face. Now that the hysteria is beginning to wear off, it's easier to think. "You still look like you," she says. "You're eyes are the same. You are still my Goddard, aren't you?"

  37. "Yes," he says softly. "I'm still me...I'll always be me...sadly," he smirks.

  38. She hugs him tighter. "I'm sorry, love. For how I acted. I shouldn't have lost my temper. And for..." She lifts her hand, flinching when she sees how swollen it is. "I must have hit you pretty hard," she says, wiggling her fingers. "I can't really feel it..." Looking up at his face, she reaches up to touch his cheek with her other hand, accidently smearing blood across it. She manages to suppress a shiver. "That will take some getting used to," she laughs nervously.

  39. He takes both her hands and looks at them. "I'm sorry...your hurt because of me."

    Goddard puts her hands up to his face and kisses them.

  40. This time, she doesn't flinch or shiver, but smiles at him. "Take me back to the temple?" she asks. "The priestess will get this cleaned up."

  41. Goddard lifts her up and carries her. "Don't fight me on this...imma carry you lecai," he smiles and he carries her to the temple, placing her down gently.

  42. Aara doesn't argue, but lays her hands in her lap and lets him carry her. Someone brings Ibben to her, and she cuddles both elf and monkey along the way.

    The priestesses only ask if he'd inflicted her injuries, and chuckle amongst themselves when she answers that his "ridiculously hard face" was the culprit. After that, they make quick work of bandaging her hands.

    "Well," she says as they leave, "what should you like to do now?"

  43. "You're ok with...this," he points to himself, surprised that she isn't running away screaming.

  44. Remembering that he can change into something other makes her head swim a bit as the image flashes through her mind's eye.

    "It's...frightening," she admits, "but you surely know that. I understand what you were trying to protect me from, what you were hiding."

    She takes his hand in hers gently. "Your secret isn't what I expected, but you were there when I woke up, and you were the same Goddard I laughed and sparred with last night." Moving to stand in front of him, she bravely places a hand on his cheek again. "You are my nuur'eni, and that won't change."

    After a moment of standing still, she notices the ache in her head and shoulders. "Did you drop me?"

  45. He closes his eyes and smiles when she touches his face. "I'm more surprised you don't hate me...I expected you to be scared..."

    " fainted...which is perfectly understandable...I'm sorry I didn't catch you I just didn't expect you to hit me."

  46. "I could no more hate you for it than I can hate the skaven for being rats. As for hitting you, I am sorry for that. Master us always telling me that my temper will be the end of me.

  47. "But the skaven don't look anything as good as I do," he smiles and then suddenly hugs Aara, lifting her up off her feet and then puting her back down. "Now see why I told you no need to apologize," he laughs then sighs happily.

  48. She shrieks in delight when he picks her up and it sets Ibben to chattering loudly. "Yes, I see. We should probably make our way back to the inn. The others will wonder where we've run off to."

    As they retrace their steps through the bazaar, Aara stops a few times to pick up essentials for the coming trip. She's very particular about which tea blends she purchases, and makes arrangements for other small items to be delivered. When they return to the common room, her bandaged hands are full of pouches of tea and spices and a few pieces of linen.

  49. Goddard buys edibles that will keep well and asks Aara all kinds of questions as to what something is and what it tastes like as they walk through the bazaar.

    He seems a lot happier, until they return. Then he seems to go back to his "usual" self.

  50. Adjusting the headpiece in a looking glass, Katarina smiles at the image. Boldly going where none of the Sisterhood have gone before

    Fastening her belt and sword to her waist, she grabs her sling bag and prepares to wait for Koroush in the common room. I'd be more perturbed if I hadn't been awakened early. Speaking of which, I wonder how Tannin is doing? The servants spit on the ground then told me he left to seek his ambassador earlier. I hope things work well for him

    Entering the common room, she sees Aara and Goddard arms full of merchandise. Oh, they went shopping. Probably best I didn't go. I've only got a few Ducats and Crowns anyway and its probably only coin of the realm here...

    "Welcome come back!" she greets them

  51. Aara greets her, taking a seat at the table. "How was your morning, Kasha?" She spreads out her purchases, biting the knuckle of her index finger as she contemplates the spices. "We went to the bazaar, and I showed Goddard the Temple of Uzzaya."

  52. Goddard holds back any and all smart ass comments when Katarina greets them and just sits down quietly, going over all the yummy new foods he's acquired.

  53. "Eat the salty ones during the day," Aara suggests, "and the sweeter bits at night. That way you won't feel ill."

  54. Katarina covers her mouth with her hands. "Very relaxing. Aarta, your dress... its so lovely. You look beautiful in it!"

    She moves over and begins to examine the young Araby woman. "And you jingle when you move too! But how did you manage to get sand and dirt right up here?"

    As Katarina moves closer, Goddard can smell the scent of vanilla again, coming from the target of his disdain.

  55. Goddard cringes when he smells Katarina.

    She's the cookie?! Good thing she didn't see me burst in! That would have been my head! Might have been worth it but still!

  56. "Thank you. You may see more like it, it's the style most Walking Death wear when visiting temples and cities." Brushing at the dust on her skirt, she looks over at Goddard. "I tripped in the bazaar on my way to the temple, that's all."

  57. Looking her over, "Oh, poor dear. Looks like you hurt your hands as well. One of them looks really swollen. I hope nothing is broken. Hopefully whoever gave you aide checked for that."

    She pauses for a second letting Aara's words sink in. "So if I see another woman wearing this dress, she is like you?"

  58. "Adahara's priestesses said they don't think anything is broken. I fell hard and hit it on a stone. Though women are few, it's usually safe to assume that a women in this dress is one of us. But you must always look at her hands, it's rare, but there are imposters."

  59. "That's good. Of the things you have told of what you have survived, it seems silly that a simple fall might seriously hurt you; but it happens.

    "Impostors? Really? Well, it happens with my order as too. But I will keep that in mind.

    "So I take it a Bazaar is a market of sorts? What have you found?"

  60. "I was running after Ibben," she lies easily. "It's not that serious- a few scapes really, but the priestesses took great care."

    Glad to draw the subject away from her hands, she spreads out her purchases. "Just a few essentials for the journey to Benham Alcazar. Teas, spices, and such. I have some other things being delivered before we set out over the sands."

  61. Goddard sits quietly listening, separating his treats into salty and sweet piles.

  62. Katarina leans over and breathes deeply the aromas. "Smells delightful. I need to find some more of this fragrance the servant girl brought me today before I leave this place. I love it. It smells like some of the pastries my babushka used to make.

    "So what do you recommend for taste, Aarta?"

  63. "You smell like a cookie," Goddard says, not looking up from his task.

  64. "I eat a lot of raw vegetables and fruits during the day, it sits lighter in the heat. After dark you'll find more meat dishes- mostly goat and lamb, but here at the coast you can get fresh fish. And I always drink hot tea during the day, it allows the body to stay cool.

    "As for sweets...Gorayba is a cookie usually served with teas or koffee, it's slightly sweet. There's a honey cake made with the bean of the scent you're wearing now, it's very sweet."

  65. "That all sounds delicious," Goddard says finally looking up. "I'd like to watch all of this being made if I get the chance. Or help. Maybe I can add more recipes to my book."

  66. Aara turns her head to Goddard. "Then come with me. You and I will make the evening meal."

    She stands, gathering up her purchases and heading to the back of the building.

  67. "Really? Wunderbar!" he hops up and follows Aara, bringing two books along.

  68. After changing into her normal clothing and a quick word with the innkeeper, who only chuckled at her request, they were left in the kitchen. Tying on an apron, Aara surverys the available ingredients as she flips through a recipe book.

    "I think we'll start with a salad. Some greens, almonds, mint, and a little lemon. Then a simple lentil soup with herbs and pomagranate. And we'll end it with roasted lamb and couscous." She's really talking to herself, occasionally biting on the knuckle of her index finger as she searches for the appropriate ingredients for each dish.

    Once she has each dish's ingredients grouped together, she turns to Goddard. "Alright, nuur'eni, are you ready to get the lamb started?"

  69. Goddard looks up from his book. He was furiously taking down notes as she was talking. Even if there are no proportions yet, he at least has combinations of flavors and ingredients down.

    "Yes. Just tell me what I've got to do."

  70. Aara takes a seat on a high stool and starts pointing out herbs like thyme, mint, and rosemary to be sprinkled on the lamb liberally while she crushes garlic and cuts onion to follow with olive oil. It all goes into a sturdy earthernware dish and into the giant oven.

    He looks happy here, like he did in the bazaar. What changed just by returning here? Was it Katarina?

    Next comes the bread, which he also takes detailed notes on. Once he has the dough mixed, she smiles. "And now we wait."

  71. Goddard looks over his notes. "That wasn't hard at all. I won't always have an oven like that," he chuckles, "But you can always bend these things to work with what you have on hand."

    "How long do we wait?"

  72. "No, but you can put it in a kettle of water and turn it into a stew. I'll show you when we're on the road to Medena. We only have to wait a little while for the bread to rise."

    She pulls him close and wraps her arms around his waist. "Are you alright, nuur'eni? You seemed...less happy once we'd arrived back here."

  73. He's a bit surprised for a moment, then rests his head on hers. "I trust you. I don't trust them."

    Goddard thinks for a moment. "Well...I trust them enough, but I don't know if they trust me and it puts me on edge. It's just how I've had to always live when I'm among others."

  74. "You also have talked about it with them. How are they to know you're different if you don't show them?"

  75. "They'd kill me Aara," he whispers, backing away. "I can't even mention it let alone show them. Especially now, after the run in with my kin."

  76. "Not that," she explains hasitly, not allowing him to back too far away from her. "About being a dark elf. That was a frightening experience for us all, and stressful for you. We have to show them that you're different." She smiles up at him. "That you're neither high nor dark, but simply asur."

  77. "They already know that. No reason to talk about it with them...And they may not listen to me anyway. The witch just has an extra reason to dislike me, Tannin's people were attacked by us for no reason many times, and the skaven...I don't know...they may hate me more or like me...we have a treaty with them. I can only hope they don't think this is a chance to get all chummy with me."

  78. "That's the only reason they have not to trust you. I hope they can put it behind them." She hugs him tightly. "I just miss the smiles you had in the bazaar." Glancing over at the dough, she nods. "Now you need to flatten it out on that round flat stone and put it in the oven also."

  79. "Something to take out my frustration on," he says cracking his knuckles before he gets to flattening the bread out.

  80. Aara laughs. "Perhaps we should do a little sparring while all this bakes?" she suggests as he pounds the dough. "I promise to go easy on you this time."

  81. "That will only help with half of my frustrations," he laughs.

  82. Her blush isn't the deep crimson it had been, but a sweep of pink across her cheeks. "Then perhaps a hot bath after will help melt the rest of them away," she suggests softly, fluttering her lashes at him playfully.

  83. Goddard keeps his eyes down on the dough, trying really hard not to look up at Aara's torturous eyes. "A bath won't help with that either," he groans.

  84. She laughs, unwinding the bandages from her hands. "I'm amazed that someone as bold you as you can't go have a simple conversation with Koroush." Sniffing at the salve on her palms, she goes to wash her hands at the window. "He won't kill you for asking, and if he were to say yes, he couldn't kill you for acting." She shrugs. "Maybe then he'll move me into his harem once it's time for him to take his throne."

  85. "If Koroush wasn't such a scary male I might be a bit more bold," he chuckles.

    "Your first time shouldn't be with me anyway...not to binding is that?"

  86. "What else would he be but male? If he were female his opinion wouldn't matter." At his question, she looks down. "If I'm not promised or married, it gets complicated. If done in secret and with approval, I can be moved into a harem at the palace. If not...I'm not sure how well I'd do in a brothel. Assuming I wasn't stoned to death." She laughs nervously and sprinkles some flour over the dough for him. "There aren't many choices for me here."

  87. "So...for this to have the happiest ending, it would have to end...begin...whatever...with marriage?"

  88. "It seems like it, doesn't it? I've never considered it before."

    You also never thought you'd live long enough to be in a situation like this.

    Looking down at the dough, she takes the dish and places it in the oven, putting some distance between them. "But most men would never dream of taking a Walking Death woman as a bride," she adds softly.

  89. Covering her mouth with a hand and biting her lip, Katarina fights to keep from speaking. She had decided to see some of what was happening in the kitchen and to pinch a little of the food there. Hearing Aara speak of her future in such grim terms, brings tears to the young witch's eyes.

    The coppery taste of blood begins to trickle from her lip and she lets out a muffled sob. Turning, she quickly heads out of the doorway and up to the roof, the heels of her boots clicking hurriedly across the floor.

  90. "If I ever take a wife, as long as she doesn't kill me, I won't care who else she's killed...or goes to kill...I'll just clean up the mess she makes," he laughs as he jots down some more notes.

  91. "You're also comfortable with a woman having some measure of independence," she answers. "Men in Araby are not, because the women have none."

    Mustering up a smile, she turns back to him. "What about women in Altdorf?"

  92. "Anything about them in particular? Everything in Altdorf regarding men and women is different from here."

  93. "Their options. What do their futures look like in terms of marriage and relationships?"

  94. "They can do whatever they want. They can accept or decline marriage proposals, marry whoever, be with whoever, whenever...with more than one at the same time," he coughs to try and hide the smile that was creeping across his face as he starts to just make random doodles on the paper since he has no more notes to take.

  95. "I don't even know how I would begin to make decisions like that. I'm not sure I would know how to live in that world. Or how to survive the charms of someone more attractive and seductive than you," she adds with a smirk.

  96. "Not many men in Altdorf are 'worse' than me," he grins. "But I guess that's because they are humans and not elves."

    "And with your skills, you could always threaten them and they will leave running, most of the time. Unless they are which case some other man may come, beat him for you, and then take the place of the last guy, except not as annoying."

  97. Leaning against the counter, she crosses her arms over her chest and grins. "That doesn't sound too bad," she wonders aloud. "Maybe when this is over I should ask Koroush to be released from my vow so I can go to Altdorf and meet some of these men."

  98. "You might like Alt...Wha..What? Why?" he looks up quickly, his brow furrowed.

  99. Still grinning, she shrugs. "You just said that in Altdorf women can do whatever they want. And if I were released from my vow, I would be free to do the same." She draws a dagger out of her sleeve and toys with it. "I'm sure there are a few men who wouldn't mind learning just how good I am with a knife."

  100. She opens her eyes wide. "But nuur'eni, you said it shouldn't be with you." Putting her dagger back in her arm sheath, she puts a hand on her forehead. "Ah, me! I'm so confused!"

  101. Aara has never seen so much pink in Goddard's pale face before. "I mean...we don't have to do that right? Is that the only thing we can't do? We can't do other stuff? can't just do things to me? And not even things pertaining to that...if anything people will just thing you tried to kill me?" he turns around and crosses his arms.

    "Hot baths and punching bread will not fix this," he laughs nervously.

    Good job freaking out like that!

  102. Aara manages to widen her eyes even more and raise an eyebrow at the same time. "I don't know," she says, advancing on him slowly. Running her hands over his shoulders, she circles around to face him. "You won't talk to Koroush about it," she says with a grin. "And your bread is burning."

  103. "Bread? What bread? OH!" Goddard spins around and pulls the burnt bread from the oven. "I have never burnt a single thing in my life," he cries dramatically then shrugs. "Oh well...Should we make another?"

  104. Aara laughs. "If you like. There's more bread over there that was made this morning," she points across the kitchen. "You know, in case you had better things to do."

  105. "Like get the coldest bath I can," he groans. "Can they do that? Ice water maybe?"

  106. "We don't have ice here," she reminds him. "And you couldn't find your way out of a bathtub without help."

  107. "Besides," she says with a playful pout. "Wouldn't you like a hot bath better? It might ease your...frustrations."

  108. "Ahh that's ice...darn...Hey! I'm not that bad!" he laughs as he tries to work on the bread again.

  109. "You're right, you aren't that bad," Aara laughs and jumps up on the counter to watch. She makes a few corrections to his process, rubbing her foot along his leg. When he tries to slap her away, she only laughs.

    "Pay attention this time," she advises.

  110. "I can't pay attention with you touchin me and stuff," he mumbles, pushing her softly.

  111. "After all that time on the water trying to get my attention, and now that you have it, you're making bread," she jokes.

  112. "But...I...It's not like...we can't..."

    He points a bundle of herbs at her. "You're mean..."

  113. She smiles prettily. "Coward," she says lovingly. She leans back on her hands. "I guess the only option is to wait until Koroush negotiates a husband for me. Maybe I can kill him and be free to travel on my own."

  114. Goddard flattens his ears against his head and brandishes the bunch of herbs at her. "If there weren't a million stipulations to this, I'd have you right here, food and sanitation be damned!"

  115. She defends herself against the herbs with a wide flat spoon. "And if you were brave enough to discuss it with Koroush, I might let you!"

  116. His ears droop and Goddard smacks himself in the face with the herbs. "Asking"

    "What should happen..." he leans against the counter and pulls her legs around him. He wraps an arm around her and pulls her close and softly breaths on her ear before he gives it a nip.

    He lets her go and turns around to check on the bread. "And then you go back to cooking..."

  117. Aara shivers in his arms, her breath catching when he nips her ear. When he turns away she bites her tongue on a whimper. I believe he could keep a woman from walking for a week. She reaches out for him, hating herself for the way her hand shakes.

    "That- I- um-" she stammers.

    Idiot. Find your words.

    "That was...nice?"

  118. "And I didn't even do anything," he chuckles, his back still to her.

  119. Uzzaya have mercy, it gets better? No wonder the harem locked their doors to me.

    "Felt like it to me," she mutters.

    So much for serving as one of Adahara's virgins. He'll either kill me or have me.

  120. "So you don't know what is allowed and what isn't?" He turns around, tapping his chin thoughtfully. "That's no fun..."

  121. "How should I know? You won't go ask, and I can't ask," she mumbles, tossing flour at him. "I've never even had an admirer before, and here you are with all these tricks and feelings and experience. It's like being caught in a duststorm and all I can do is try to make sense of it."

  122. "We can't just go outside and ask someone else? Or does everyone have their own rules..." He dusts off the flour and looks around for something to toss at her.

  123. "No, we can't ask someone else." She sighs and bites her knuckle. "Koroush will just ask if your intention is to marry me, and I don't care to hear that answer." If he says no, I'm veiled and forbidden from him forever, if he says yes- which he won't- Koroush will just make us marry now. If we act without talking to Koroush, I'll suffer the greater punishment...

    She jumps off the counter and goes to check the lamb. After adding a few dippers of water, she turns to him. "We're damned either way," she offers simply.

  124. He gets close to her again and whispers into her ear, "What if...we do other things and we are sneaky about it?"

    Goddard walks off and messes with his book again. "Ugh...Sigmar hates me..." He chuckles.

  125. Tannin hops off Sirocco at the stable. He pats her head and scratches her behind the ear. We did good today. Your a royal charger now!

    He walks into the front door the some what empty tavern, his boots clunking on the adobe floor. Home sweet home

  126. Uzzaya hates me, too.

    She follows, taking his quill and making a correction. "Corriander goes in last," she says absently. Looking up at him, she grins. "I can be sneaky..."

    It's not as though Master has had me at his beck and call the entire time...

  127. "Aaaand...what happens if we get caught?" He picks at the pages if the book.

    I don't want to risk any harm to her...this isn't worth any punishment...or death...

  128. Aara shrugs. "It might be shameful enough to be abandoned and released from his service."

    Or it might be worse. Is he worth it, Aara?


  129. "Why do I feel like you're toning this down." He sighs. "I probably should go get that bath. It may be a while before I can get another one so relaxing right?"

    Goddard takes his books and heads out of the kitchen, bumping into Tannin as he tries to put the feather away.

    "Oh excuse me Khaladh," he says surprised.

  130. Goddard is now fighting with the tiny ink well. "Dragon in...well...I don't exactly speak Eltharin," he chuckles.

  131. "Koroush would never have me killed," she mutters to no one. Aara watches him go, hating herself. Turning away, she doesn't see Tannin enter. Instead, she sets a kettle on a swinging hook over the fire, and gathers everything needed for the soup.

  132. "...Khaladh.... I like it. " Tannin says, looking incredibly proud of himself.

    Tannin's stomach lets out a mighty growl, and he immediately turns red. "Think dinner will be servered soon?" he asks, embarrassed

  133. "An hour, or so," Aara answers, tossing what looks to be random items into the kettle. "There's some bread and cheese here to hold you over. Come help yourself."

  134. Goddard looks at Tannin surprised. "Shouldn't be too long..."

    He heads off to the wash room but doesn't actually take the bath.

  135. Tannin walks past Goddard over to the hour'dovers to survey whats available. He pulls his pin off and hands it to Aara. "Check out what happened to me today" He says, grinning ear to ear

  136. After getting the bread, Aara grabs a wooden bowl and cuts a pomagranate in half. Holding it over, she begins beating her frustration out on the fruit and muttering in Arabyan.

    When he shows her the pin, she doesn't understand what it means. "'s nice?" she offers. "Very nice?"

  137. The cloak pin is a heavy thing, made of gold. its in the shape of a grail with a crown on top, with precious gems laid into it.

    "I'm a Royal knight now. First of my family. untold honor." he says, speaking softly

  138. "Oh, Tannin! That's wonderful! Congratulations!" she says. "So that's where you've been all day, is it?"

  139. Goddard decides its better he spends his time doing a little reading instead of sitting in a steamy room.

    "Not the right kind of steamy," he grumbles.

  140. "The ambassador wanted to know all about my erranty exploits. They sent all kinds of missives out announcing my appointment. All kinds of paperwork. My patentes had to be changed and royally sealed and everything. Once we reach the mainland, I'll need to report to the king to for my conformation. Apparently its no hurry and Im free to conduct my business." Tannin says proudly.

    "Everything ok? That poor fruit is getting...abused"

  141. No. "Yes. Actually," she looks up at him, "would you mind sparring with me later?"

  142. Goddard flips through the tome on Hysh. He doesn't really read anything. His mind is someplace else. He sighs and slumps but after a few seconds he pops back up.

    He goes to the innkeeper.

    " can get us anything right? How about a um...a woman? know...oh come on don't laugh at me!"


    "No? Ugh ok..."

  143. "Oh?" Tannin says with a cocked eyebrow "I would welcome the challenge from some one as skilled as yourself. Sword to sword? Full kit? Your challenge, your rules, I suppose"

    He pops a chunk of bread into his mouth, and patiently waits for the reply with a sly smile

  144. Her answering grin is almost evil. "Live steel, no armour? I promise not to hurt you too badly."

  145. "It's not that funny!" Goddard's face is red. "If anyone comes out here asking what you're laughing about you'd better not tell anyone! Promise?"

    "Ok good!"

  146. waving his finger at her, he says simply "Your on."

    "And where do we do this? The last sword fight I got into the bar ended up burning down, and I dont think our gracious host would appreciate that."

    scratching his goatee, he says "Should be a full moon tonight. Unless you have any other ideas...?"

  147. "That's fine. It's been too long since I fought on sand."

    After that, dinner came together well.

  148. Goddard sits down and tastes a bit of everything. "Oh this came out good! And this too. Perfect."

  149. Aara is not at the table. Instead she takes her meal in the kitchen, feeding Ibben from her plate and speaking in Arabyan.

    "They're both fools, aren't they Ibben? Both of them."

  150. This comment has been removed by the author.

  151. "This really did turn out well. Shes a master chef. I'm suprised more havnt joined us... Or Aara herself" Tannin says, a bit preoccupied at stuffing his face

  152. "I helped," Goddard chimes in, stuffing his face as well.

    "Yeah where is she?" he asks, finally looking around at the table.

  153. At the sound of Goddard mentioning helping, Tannin gets a helpless look on his face, and grabes his throat and starts making choking sounds. He falls over on to the ground, and then begins to laugh hysterically.

    "I jest I jest my friend. Youve done well!" Tannin says with a laugh

  154. At first his ears go flat against his head, and then they relax and he starts to laugh too.

    I guess we're ok? Maybe? Yes? Remember what Aara said...

    " aren't mad, Khaladh?"

  155. "Well..." Tannin starts, but trails off

    "I asked the lady for guidance, and what Ive concluded is that much like the chance Aara and Koroush gave me to see who I really was, you also deserve the same. So no, Im not mad." Tannin concludes, taking a long sip of his drink

  156. Goddard bows his head. "Bel’la dos...thank you."

  157. "So. Check this out. You arnt the only one with a shiny symbol of your order anymore." Tannin says, sliding his cloak pin across to Goddard.

  158. "HA! As if my shiny symbols are anything good..." He picks up the pin and looks at it. "What is it exactly?"

  159. The fragrant scent of vanilla enters the common room before Katarina.

    "Good to see you have returned Tannin. How was your excursion?"

    She smiles politely while speaking to him, but she is looking around the room and seems a little distracted.

  160. "Es ist das Plätzchen," Goddard mumbles.

  161. Aara helps the kitchen girl wash up, then goes outside. The moon is bright enough to give them plenty of light. Setting Ibben down, she draws her sword and begins warming up.

  162. "Im no longer an Errant. But Im also not quite a Knight of the Realm. Ive been Royally appointed! You could say Im now... a Royal pain in your Arse, Goddard!" Tannin says with a hearty laugh

  163. Goddard's ears droop and he looks less than amused by Tannin's joke.

    "Funny," he says sarcastically. "But I think you were that already."

  164. Muscles warm and ready, she takes the servant's stairs to their room and retrieves one of her veils and covers her head and face.

    There. That's better.

  165. "Cookie? I'm sorry, but I don't have any. Was Aara baking some. She did describe a very delicious honey pastry to me earlier."

  166. Goddard shakes his head and continues eating, handing Tannin his pin back.

  167. "Speaking of Aara, Ive got a meeting with her. If you'll excuse me, Goddard, Katarina." Tannin says, standing with a slight bow.

    He walks up to his room and takes his armor off. He leaves on the leather pants he wears under his leg armor, but stays shirt less. He tosses his sword belt with the rest of his armor, but keeps his sword.

    Stretching and holding his Bastardsword, he walks outside into the moonlight

  168. Aara smiles when he appears. "And I thought you might be scared," she laughs. She leaves her sword to the side and draws only her daggers, crossing them. "Are you ready?"

  169. Goddard stares at Tannin blankly when he says he has a meeting with Aara and then his face turns red when he sees Tannin come back down...shirtless?!

    "What the...did you...what?" Goddard starts to babble and then realizes Katarina is the only one there.

    "You don't care..." he stands up and tries to follow Tannin as stealthily as possible.

  170. "I never turn down an opportunity to hone my skills. " Tannin says with a smile. He bows, and then holds his sword in a twohanded defensive grip, allowing Aara to make the first move

  171. Goddard doesn't see what's going on. He's hiding around a corner and can only hear.

    Hone his skills? What skills? GASP! THOSE skills...why that shiny bastard...

  172. Katarina is more than a little stunned that Tannin undressed while walking out the door with his weapon.

    She quickly follows after, pitting Goddard with a look. "Shut it, elf!"

  173. She advances, jumping high and striking for his hands.

  174. Poking her head around the corner as well, she sees the two square off.

    "Pfft! They're just practicing. What did you think he was going to do? Strip half naked out the door and steal her away with his sculpted muscles, dashing good looks, and over courteous manner to all women... ok, don't answer that."

    As she says that, she fans herself a little with her hand.

  175. Tannin dodges low and right, bringing his sword around with just enough time to bounce the daggers off the swords large hilt. One the blades opens his knuckle slightly, but Tannin seems oblivious.

    He turns and strike high to low, a blow clearly ment to cut Aara in 2. It dosnt appear to an onlooker, but Tannin has complete control of the strike if Aara misses

  176. She smiles with satisfaction when the handle connects solidly with his knuckle.

    That should numb that arm a minute.

  177. Goddard looks at Katarina as if she were insane and then he looks down at himself and pats his chest and stomach. "You're a master at boosting my self esteem..."

  178. She crosses her blades and catches his sword easily. She also takes the oppertunity for a well placed kick at his hip to unbalance him.

  179. "Forgot who I was talking to for a minute there. Besides are you jealous?"

  180. "No!" he says defensively. "It's not my fault if your eyes aren't working correctly..."

  181. Tannin recoils backwards, and surprisingly for someone of his size, he expertly rolls over his shoulder backwards to put some distance between himself and Aara.

    She isnt unskilled. I actually wont have to hold back. The should be fun.

    With a grin, he THUNDERS forward. Planting his foot, he slides into her, spinning his sword around with a strike to her middle, the blade of his sword gleaming in the full moon

  182. She makes a turn as smooth as a dancer, expertly avoiding his blade and striking out with her dagger at his arm.

  183. Not looking away from the duel, Katarina fires back a retort. "My eyes are working fine, thank you, Goddard. They showed me everything about Tannin you seem to lack, string bean. But points on having pointy ears and the ability to read."

  184. Expecting the strike, Tannin rotates the other way, a back handed strike coming in from Aara's blind side

  185. He's good. Thank Uzzaya. With one hand, she pulls off her veil. "Come on, Tannin. I'm just a girl."

  186. "I see no woman here. No man either. Just 2 warriors" Tannin says circling
