Sunday, November 25, 2012


Goddard continues to take notes on what is going on with Tannin.

Master what are you doing? He's clearly dying...end him!

"No no...he's not dying. He's...I dunno...undying..." Goddard mumbles as he keep writing.

Should we kill him Master?

"I said no! Sheesh...sit here and be quiet," he taps the top of the book with the end of the feather.

Yes Master.


  1. Aara sits alone, face in her hands and gasping for breath. She's grateful for the dark as it hides her grief from the others.

    I can't believe they're all gone...They were all the family I had left...And now they are no more...So help me, I will cut the muscle and sinew from every bone in his body until he begs for a mercy I'm not known for.

  2. Goddard can hear Aara gasping and looks around. He spots her and puts his book and kit away, walking up to Aara.

    He sits on the ground in front of her and pulls her close in a tight hug. "Lecai...I'm sorry..."

  3. Tannin clutches at the ground and wall behind him, trying to keep the world from moving. His vision blur in an out. He is thousands of places at once. Thousands of people. He kills some. He talks to others. He bows to some of these people, while others kneel before him. Untold tales stream through his mind, completely vivid and yet incomprehensible at the same time.

    The bones in his hands break. Claw like talons grown in their place, and just as quickly are replaced with his hands again. His mouth is cut in a hundred places, feels good? He shudders and moans in pain, his body transforming while he fades in and out of consciousness

  4. Aara knots her fingers in his clothing. "We couldn't even bury them," she whispers between gasps. "That bastard turned them into those...those things." She starts to tremble, recalling the sight of her loved ones lying dead on the floor. "I couldn't help them."

    She presses her face to his chest, trying to catch her breath.

  5. "Lecai that wasn't them...their souls already left. They were empty husks. It is horrible that their lives were lost but do not focus on those...things."

  6. "You're certain?" she whispers, looking up at him with hope. "They're...they're at peace?"

  7. "Yes they are. I'm positive of this." He kisses her forehead.

  8. Katarina sits huddled against a wall covered in Tannin's blood and viscera. She covers her mouth in silent horror, tears streaming down her face; but unable to sob due to fear. The monster will hear you cry and he will bite again and this time he'll kill you.

    Oh, Tannin! What have I done to you? You saved me and protected me. You were my comforter and friend.

    She sees him for the first time in Nuln, chastising Goddard as the elf held her halfway in the sewer. His defense of just an average bar wench and the fearful moments there after. The night of sharing klvas and wine on that wretched little raft, telling each other their hopes and dreams. That dinner in Sylvania, he waited forever for her to take a bite to even look at his food. Well, that's gone forever. He considers me food now.

    The days of travel. She wishes she could have shown him more of Kislev than that dingy old city. He would have loved to have ridden at full pace on the Oblast with the wind and the summer sun on his face. You took that away from him, Kasha! One of the most simple pleasures and you stole it away.

    Those two horrid boats. He was so sea sick, throwing up the least little thing. Will he still get sea sick? If so, will he vomit blood?

    He put me in his cabin and slept on the floor, barring the door. He put his body in the way of any crew member even thinking of hurting me. Then to do so again with little thought of his own safety against the Dark Elves. He stayed there, held me and watched over me in that dreadful ship. I watched those horrible sailors die, but seeing the elves torture them was worse. We had lovely conversations those few days he was my sworn protector. And that he forced himself to stay awake and alert to make sure that the Elves weren't treasonous... does he need to sleep now?

    She thinks of the safe house and sighs. He was her comfort, granted it being from the bottle he also partook in. But they had fallen asleep in each other's arms. It had been warm and comforting to her, a memory of something lost. He reached out for her after that dream and felt concern for what had been seen and her well being. Then the ride around the city, feeling Sirocco thunder across the sands. Then to return and eat that honey cake and drink the berry liquor together on the roof. It was that first night I realized I was in love with him, though I feared to say the words. But you killed him and replaced him with a monster. There will be no more warm arms, just cold dead flesh. No enjoying fine food and company together. No afternoon rides; just them the horse and the sun. You killed it all, Kasha.

    And then even hours ago, he bravely stood his ground when you could not move in fear of the undead. Nothing you tried, worked to help him; but he stood firm and emerged victorious. Now you have to be the brave one, Kasha. You sit here and look upon him. Was he laid low by the bullet or by your hand. The bitch told you to let him go, but you couldn't. Now look at him, a monster wearing his face and speaking with his voice.

    She bites her lip and tastes blood. Spitting it out quickly, she closes her eyes tight to keep from looking at his painful transformation. This is now the second man you have loved and lost, Kasha. As much as you will get vengeance for Dimitri's death, he was still long dead when they carried his body back to the estate and gave you his sword. You could only mourn and then were forced to move on. Tannin died in your arms as you poured your blood from the cup into his lips. You begged for him not to die, but what did you receive back... that thing! That mockery! You now get to have a walking talking reminder of the man you loved and killed. Maybe this is why some of your order have forsworn men altogether.

    Opening her tear filled eyes, mercifully she cannot see the man on the ground for the tears. In a dry cracked whisper, she whispers. "I'm sorry. I loved you. Please forgive me."

  9. Aara nods and lays her head down. "Thank you, that's comforting." She lets out a long shuddering breath and closes her eyes against the tears threatening.

  10. "If you have to cry...then cry. I am here for you," he says softly, looking down at her sadly.

  11. The dam breaks, and Aara chokes on a sob. Clinging to him, she cries and rambles in half-sentences about people he will never meet. When it finally abates, she lies in his arms, exhausted but somewhat comforted.

    "Why?" she whispers, remembering the night on the ship when he asked her that same question.

  12. "Greed. Power. Things that don't matter in the end. No good reason..." He holds her tightly.

  13. She nods, knowing he's right. Sighing, she looks over to Tannin. "I hope Ibben and the camels are alright."

  14. "I'm sure they are fine," he assures her. "How about you?"

  15. "I- I don't know. That was my home, and now...I can't go back. Home has always been there, waiting for us, and now it's not."

  16. "See-see?" Neeska says to his captive, trailing his blade from between the clanrat's eyes, down his muzzle, and finally resting the tip on his nose. "That wasn't hard-hard..." He just finished interrogating the lowly creature and is enjoying the fear playing across his face.

    "Have I been good-good, Seer? Can I go-go?" he pleads abjectly.

    The Skaven equivalent of a smile tugs at the corners of Neeska's mouth. "Yes-yes I think, but not without purpose. You will carry-take a message." In a swift motion, he reverses his grip on the knife, brings it down in front of the skirmisher's mouth, then drives the blade up into his gums. After a moments hesitation, the clanrat begins to scream in pain. The screams only increase as Neeska uses the blade as leverage to roughly tear out the creature's front left tooth, root and all, making him a mirror image of Neeska himself.

    Still half similing, and now with an intently focused look in his eyes, Neeska stands motionless as the Skyre rat thrashes about in pain. Neeska lets him for a few seconds before his claw shoots out and pins the lesser rat's muzzle to the stone wall. He then puts the blade back into the clanrat's chops, this time bringing it to the edge of his mouth. Almost impossibly, the skirmisher screams even louder as Neeska draws the blade through his cheek all the way to his ear.

    When he's done, Neeska leans in closer to his victim and speaks with barely contained rage into his ear. "You can go-go now, Quick-swift to your masters. Tell-tell them that Grey Seer Neeska will not suffer-abide such disrespect again."

    He stands back up to his full height and looks down on the sorry form of the skirmisher. "But I can see you need-need incentive. Very well." He snaps his fingers and a plain, brown rat emerges from the shadows of the underground. Neeska kneels by his victim again and stretches the clanrat's mouth wide open with his claws; while at the same time the summoned thrall climbs up the prone form. The Skyre rat realizes what is about to happen too late, as the smaller rat forces itself down the wretch's gullet whole.

    "Our cousin will wait-wait 3 hours," He says, lazily pointing a claw at the clanrat's stomach. "Then he will find a way out-out. I suggest you find-find a healer before then." Neeska stands once more, turns away, and walks calmly towards the group assembled around Tannin as the victim slowly begins to crawl down the tunnel. The whole ordeal takes around 20 minutes.

  17. "You can always find another home. Anywhere can be home. At least you are still capable of making a new one."

  18. "You're right, and I know you're right. It just doesn't feel that way." She pulls her cloak tight around her, even though she isn't cold, and hugs Goddard tight. "Thank you, nuur'eni."

  19. Goddard hugs Aara tight before he stands up and walks over to Tannin. He croucthes down by him again. "Hey...khaladh," he pats Tannin's cheek. "Snap out of it. Wake up."

  20. "Goddard....whats...whats happening....I'm scared" is all Tannin can manage to say

  21. "I don't know yet. But you need to stop trying to close your mouth completely. You won't have any lips left to kiss Katarina with," he chuckles.

  22. "I keep seeing images...killing people...Blood Dragon...."

  23. "I have no idea what a blood dragon is nor do I care about who you killed, you need to first relax and get your mind in the right place."

  24. "I keep hearing that over and over again... Blood Dragons...Blood Dragons....Blood Dragons..."

    Looking up and looking scared out of his mind he says "What...What am I? What happened Goddard? I...died"

  25. Goddard's ears droop for a moment and then they lay flat against his head. "Don't be scared, don't worry about what you are." He quickly grabs Tannin by the collar of his armor, jerks him forward and slams him back against the wall hard. "Look...We stick together...don't worry too much..."

  26. "But...' Tannin starts , but grabs his head before he can finish, wracked in pain.

    "Harkon...Blood Dragon...What does all this mean...Why do I keep seeing all this in my head? I dont know whats real anymore"

  27. "Was that lost on you?" he chuckles. "We'll figure it out," he sits down on the ground in front of Tannin and looks at his wrist. "I just hope whatever happened to you isn't contagious...I do not want what you have..."

  28. "Im sorry...I...Couldnt control myself."

    Looking down at the ground he softly says

    "I'm becoming a vampire, arnt I...."

  29. "I actually didn't really mind," he laughs. "I didn't die from the last one," he touches his neck. "I hope this doesn't do me in."

    "I don't know but it would seem that way from the stories...with the teeth and the biting and the blood drinking..."

  30. Tannin starts breathing slowly, eyes closed.

    He keeps having visions of Harkon and his companions killing the Massive red dragon. He can taste its blood. He can feel the power of that dragon's blood flowing though himself.

    Without warning, he lashes out, slamming his fist into the cave wall behind him. The rock fractures noticeably, and a couple scales break off his gauntlet

  31. Goddard flinches, closing his eyes tight. "Don't scare me like that," he sighs opening one eye.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. "Ugh... Get out of my HEAD. Why must this room spin so fast...And why does everyone keep talking about...




    I'm starting to understand. I think Im starting to get this blood dragon thing"

  34. Katarina curls up tighter into a ball. Her eyes grow wider in fear as she sees Goddard approach Tannin, but she cannot speak. No, Goddard! Stop! It's not him! It will kill you.

  35. Aara takes a few minutes to collect herself. I believe him if he says they're at peace. Standing, she looks over at Koroush. He hasn't let himself think of it. Not yet.

    Leaning against the wall of tunnel, she closes her eyes and relives her most treasured memories with the people who had become her family. Especially his father. "Koroush, I'm liable to make this sweet little assassin my next wife."

    With a deep breath, Aara closes her heart to the pain. "This isn't the time," she whispers to herself as she walks toward Goddard and Tannin.

  36. Eventually, Tannin stops fighting the transformation. How wise Harkon had been. How blind Tannin had been, leading a life to protect those weaker then himself. What lies he had been told about chivalry and honor; those were both things of the past. Now there were simply the worthy who he would keep alive for his own use and the unworthy, how he would simply slay because the fact that they breathed in his general area offended him.

    All the lies about vampires he had been told, the stories he heard from the pesents. Vampires are oh so much more then that... I'm so much more then that

    The fangs fit in his mouth quite perfectly, but..Whats this? I can grow and regrow them as I please. I can turn these mortal hands into vicious claws. I strength beyond measure. I feel... Alive for once

  37. Goddard sits on the ground by Tannin still, trying to figure out the new book he has acquired and reading more about the druchii sword in the book. "I see now," he whispers surprised. "Suddenly all these birds and squiggles make more sense," he traces the pictograms with his fingers. "Good thing I didn't draw that sword..."

  38. "I think I should like to use that sword some time. I wish to gain a...mastery over dark elf weapons. There is a Certain elf who I have deemed...unworthy that I should like to test my blade against"

    Standing, Tannin looks at the gaping hole in his scale armor

    "Tsk tsk...this just wont do. I doubt I can even repair this. No matter, my blades are intact. I'll simply slaughter any who get in my way before they can exploit this...weakness"

  39. "I don't think so Khaladh," Goddard says not looking up from the book. "You don't need any you can use what you currently have."

  40. Aara studies Tannin without speaking. Koroush was a fool to get us tangled up in this mess. We should have come home when.we had the chance. Now look what we have on our hands.

    Turning away, she retrieves an oil lamp from her pack, thanking Uzzaya she saw fit to grab one from the warehouse when gathering supplies.

  41. Tannin Notices Aara getting the lamp, and then notices that despite the lack of light, he can see almost perfectly

    Another blessing of Harkon, it seems

    "No matter dear Goddard. Im sure my axe will do...nicely, along with the blade of Morr. Ironic That I now wield it. No matter, I will use it to personally kill the one that alludes us"

    turning to Goddard, Tannin clearly has a puzzled look oh his face
    "I wasnt always this blood-thirsty, was I? Ugh m head is all kinds of fuzzy still"

  42. After lighting the lamp, Aara begins to backtrack through the tunnel. No sense in missing a niche in the wall and being overwhelmed from behind, she thinks, dragging a dagger along the wall as she walks. Her lamp gives her just enough light to see an arm's length away clearly before it's swallowed into the gloom.

    She's amazed by what they missed in their initial flight through the tunnel. Body-sized niches carved into the rock perfect for taking cover, the sound of water trickling, and a breeze. She takes time to fit herself into each niche, gauging the size of herself and her companions. If we had seen these, it could have saved Tannin's life.

    Aara comes across a rather large crag. Thinking it another sheild in the wall, she slips into it sideways and leans, looking for the wall with her shoulder. Instead of finding the damp, cold wall, she falls to the rocky floor. "Seven hells!" she hisses, grateful her lamp didn't go out. Lifting it higher, she sees another tunnel, smaller and less finished than the one they'd entered in. Looking over her shoulder to see if anyone's followed her, she stands and starts weaving her way through the stone.

  43. "Sorry sword of Morr either...especially since Morr abhores the undead," he chuckles still looking down at the book.

    "You were not so blood thirsty in many ways..."

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. The icy fingers of fear seize Katarina's heart and pierce it deeply as Tannin speaks of slaughter. She shuts her eyes tight again willing herself to wake up from this new nightmare.

    She finds herself standing across from her older self again. The woman looks down on her despite them being the same height.

    "So this is where I find you? The slave girl was smart enough to get my warning, but not you. You have begun to make peace with Goddard, a good first step. But then you yebetloshadʹ, kotoruyu vy yekhali v na, and couldn't leave well enough alone."

    Kasha shrinks back at the use of such language. Her older self sneers in disgust. She shakes her head an resumes in a mocking tone.

    "Oh, you couldn't stand to be me so you had to prove me wrong. You were in... loooove. You felt you couldn't help Dimitri so you weren't going to fail Tannin. Well, you did. Everything that beast does is now your fault and responsibility as much as it is the vampires' blood in that cup. That thing is effectively your bastard child! Do the world a favor and smother it with a pillow now, Mommy dearest!"

    Kasha curls into a ball on the ground weeping. "I can't! I can't!"

    "Then you need to look to your own survival, stupid girl. That thing is looking for warm blood, he will not find it in you. Do you understand? Feel the loneliness in your heart for Tannin and Dimitri. They may not have been husbands, but they came close. You know the pain of loss better than our tetya and matʹ together. Does a widow love her husband and feel the pain of the emptiness his absence leaves?" the older Katarina lectures.

    "Sometimes. If there was love and not just business of the Order." Kasha sniffs.

    "Correct. You are using your head. However, you have blinded your self to the obvious. The pain and loneliness is the doorway to knowing the Ancient Widow more deeply. You have the opportunity now to walk in her steps."

    Off to one side, a door appears glowing an ice blue. The Older Katarina walks over to it and beckons her younger self to follow. Stopping, her skin turns to her normal pale flesh, the frost covering it disappears, and the solid white hair reverts to its natural ash blonde color. She looks simply like an older version of Katarina now, most noticeably around and in the eyes.

    Kasha stands and wipes her tears away. She reaches out to grab the door handle. The cold metal burns her hand, but the door does not budge. Looking at her older self, realization dawn on her.

    The older woman nods. "Speak the words of the vows Katarina and the door will open to you. Let's repeat them together..."

    As the two begin to speak in Kislevarian, the door slowly opens. Cold blue light pours into the darkness and a chilling cold mist creeps in along the floor. The air around them drops well below freezing. Kasha sees a nod and gesture from her older self and she takes a deep breath before stepping across the threshold, still repeating her vows.

    In the darkness of the tunnel, she speaks the words.

  46. Goddard continues reading the book as he gets up and puts the Wailing Sword and Vampire's Bane by his pack full of tomes. "Oriour Khaladh," he says, nose still in the book, "as long as you can control yourself, if you are hungry, I am here. And I swear to Khaine, if I have to stab you, I will."

  47. "You willingly offer yourself for...feeding?" Tannin says, confused

  48. "Like I said...I didn't mind it," he chuckles. "It's khyrkan and at this point, I don't care what it comes from..."

  49. "YA dochʹ drevnego vdova . YA stremlyusʹ ponyatʹ i podrazhatʹ yey , tak chto ona mozhet napravitʹ menya v yeye zashchitu , kak sobstvenno dlya svoyego rebenka delatʹ.

    YA otrekayusʹ otblazhenstva lyubvi s drugoy, kak vdova v odinochku, tak ya budu takzhe. YA ne budu nakhoditʹ udovolʹstviye vobʺyatiyakh drugogo , ni ya dolzhen vzyatʹ v muzhʹya obespechitʹ dlya menya. Vdova ne imeyet muzha, chtoby obespechitʹ yeye , tolʹko yeye deti.

    Tak kak vdova ostayetsya tselomudrennoy i netronutoy nikakoy drugoy chelovek, chem yeye umershego muzha do svoyey smerti , tak budet ya, rebenkom, reamin tselomudrennyye do smerti moyego nevezhestva svoyego puti i magiyu , dazhe yesli moya fizicheskaya smertʹ nastupit ranʹshe.

    Drevniye vdovy i materi , napravlyatʹ vashego rebenka v etom stremlenii , chtoby luchshe obsluzhivatʹ , napravlyatʹ i zashchishchatʹ vashi drugiye deti. Kislev eto zemlya i zemlya Kislev . YA sluzhitʹ i zashchishchatʹ vas, Kislev, moy drevniy ovdovevshey materi. Takim obrazom, vash rebenok rugayetsya pod strakhom smerti .

    ["I am a daughter of the Ancient Widow. I seek to understand and emulate her, so that she may guide me in her defense; as proper for her child to do.

    I renounce the bliss of love with another, for as the Widow is alone; so shall I be as well. I shall not find pleasure in the arms of another nor shall I take a husband to provide for me. The Widow has no husband to provide for her, only her children.

    So as the Widow remains chaste and untouched by no other man than her dead husband until her death; so shall I, her child, reamin chaste until the death of my ignorance of her ways and magic even if my physical death comes first.

    Ancient Widow and mother, guide your child in this quest to better serve, guide, and protect your other children. Kislev is the land and the land is Kislev. I serve and protect you, Kislev, my ancient widowed mother. So swears your child upon pain of death."]

    As she finishes her vow, Katarina opens her eyes to see nothing but the ice blue light from the doorway. Quickly, it fades and coldness settles deep inside her. It is strangely comforting, as being held by a grandmother she had never met before.

    The words echo in the tunnel and for a few brief seconds an ice blue light illuminates the area she sits in. The light radiates from her eyes and withdraws into her pupils. The pupils continue to glow blue for several more seconds before fading back to black.

    Looking over her, the blood and tears on her face have frozen.

  50. "What is she blabbing on about?" Goddard asks as he finally looks away from the book at Katarina, raising a brow.

  51. The girl sits against the wall, still hugging her knees to her chest. She absently stares at the wall opposite her, blinking rapidly. A chunk of frozen blood snaps loose from her hair and shatters on the floor next to her. Katarina doesn't even seem to notice.

  52. Goddard rolls his eyes and sighs. He slowly gets up and stands a few feet from Katarina, careful to not get too close.

    "Do I need to slap you to?" he asks. "You'll be ok."

  53. Aara slips past the last rock formation in her way. Ahead of her is what she thinks is a small cavern. She hears water dripping, but the light doesn't reach far enough to see where it is. Lifting the lamp high, she walks toward the sound of water. On the walls is a moss-like covering giving off a faint green light, just enough to see it reflecting on the water in the distance.

    "It's a...pool?" She sets the lamp and her sling bag on the cave floor behind her and moves closer to the water. It doesn't smell sour. I'm sure if it's fresh Katarina would washing all that blood off her. Aara can see a structure of some kind at the back of the cavern. She glances back at the lamp and her bag, then shrugs. "Why not explore a little more? Who knows how long Tannin is going to wail like a lunatic, anyway."

    Aara takes four steps before the floor is gone and she goes rolling down an incline covered in sharp shards of rock before splashing into the pool below. Groaning, she slowly takes stock of herself, moving each limb to see if she's broken anything.

    Well that was an adventure.

  54. Tannin stands slowly, reassuring himself on the ground, and follows Goddard.

    "Whats wrong, Katarina? You don't have any reason to cry" Tannin says, looking as human as possible

  55. Not looking at Goddard, she responds slowly. "I know, Goddard. Thank you, though. I'm just cold right now."

    As she speaks, flakes of icy tears fall from her cheeks. She sniffs little, pressing back the congestion from previously crying. Her eye twitches a little.

    "I think Tannin soiled himself and me when he died..." she says to Goddard in a whisper.

  56. "That's what that smell is," Goddard chuckles."You want what I have on now? I can always change back into my regular clothes. I brought that with me. We will be underground for a while anyway so I shouldn't need this," he tugs at his desert clothing.

  57. She looks up at the elf. The eyes still seem frigidly cold. But the storm that always seemed below the surface is gone, having gone from raging blizzard to peaceful quiet snow shower.

    "Thank you, Goddard. I need to find some water though as well. I have pieces of him in my hair." she replies.

  58. Goddard fumbles around with getting the clothing off. He folds it up for Katarina and puts his usual clothes back on. "Here," he hands her the pile. "So whenever you get the chance you can change."

  59. Tannin turns and walks down to tunnel, stepping into one of the rocky coves. He disrobes from the waste down, discarding his soiled desert pants. He cleans himself off with water from his waterskin, and once he is satisfied that he no longer smells of feces, he puts his old dark trousers on, his leather leggins and his scalemail pants and boots

    this transformation is so unbefitting of a Blood Dragon

    Pausing, a set of memories comes flooding in, the first Blood Dragons reciting the oath

    "Let your blade be your only truth, let death be your only answer, and let your quest be for naught but to become more then you are" Tannin recites softly to himself.

    In his mind, he is kneeling before harkon himself, the Bloody Chalice standing between them, a dark Lady standing over the chalice and bleeding freely into it. Reality rushes back in, and Tannin bares his fangs.

    I will never be ashamed of who or what I am now. I will always be better then what I am today

  60. When she's decided that she has nothing worse than cuts and bruises, she sits up and looks for the light from her lamp. Though a long roll, she can see that the incline isn't so steep that one couldn't walk down it with care. "Uzzaya save me," she mutters, her muddy hands pushing wet hair off her forehead. She flinches when she feels a cut across her forehead. "That's kind of pathetic."

    Standing, she takes a better look around from her new vantage point. The light here is slightly better as the moss grows in a thick carpet on the stones around the pool. The structure she saw from above is a large stone dias with a table running it's length. Behind it are seven thick collumns, each with carved skeletons crawling over them. Climbing up onto it, she can make out faint carvings in the table top, the most prominent being a large skull.

    The bone priests weren't always revered, she thinks, remembering sordid stories of before they were redeemed and settled as priests of the dead. She shudders little, imagining a writing body tied to the table as a robed man with a skull mask cutting into his belly. Walking Death weren't so different in those days, either. Putting the thought out of her mind, she steps down to inspect the water.

    It's not deep, and it doesn't feel oily. Taking a small sip from her hand, she swishes it around before swallowing. "It's fresh and it's cold, that's good." She wades into the pool, discovering that at it's deepest it only reaches her chest. She does her best to rinse her hair in the dim light, hissing at the cold water seeping into the cuts. "This shirt is all but ruined," she mutters, hoping her hastily assembled bag has a clean one.

    Cold and aching, she begins the walk up the incline to collect her bag and lamp. Looking back over her shoulder, she sees what might be an enormous skull carved into the rock above the dias. Shivering, she puts her cloak's hood up and starts making her way back to the tunnel where the others are.

  61. Goddard goes back to his pile of books and sits by it, pulling the swords from their sheaths and examining them. "I need to do some reading on you Bane," he talks to the swords. "Apparently magical items are not to be trifled with...especially large ornate cups..."

  62. Katarina stands up and begins shedding her clothes. She tosses them into a pile

    Using the cleanest of the dirty clothes, she rubs the ice out of her hair and off her face. Goddard's top and breeches are too tight and too loose in all the wrong places. Rolling up the legs and the sleeves gives her a little manageability. As she bends to pick up the good clothes, she straightens quickly.

    "Goddard, could you please help? I can't bend down to pick up my clothes and sword." she asks quietly.

  63. Goddard puts the swords away and walks over to Katarina, sort of keeping an eye on her as he assists her.

    Why isn't she yelling at me and threatening me and such...shock? She'll want to stab you worries...

  64. "Thank you, you're very kind to do so. I don't want to ruin the clothes Aara got for you. Why are you looking at me so odd?"

  65. "Cuz you aren't trying to bite my head off," he says bluntly.

  66. Katarina arches an eyebrow. "I said I was putting our past disagreements away. I meant it. I take any vows seriously. The one I made to the Ancient Widow and even the one I spoke to Asaph over her bow in my keeping."

  67. "I don't see that as a vow. I see that as Katarina saying things to Goddard so he has a false sense of security till the black widow strikes him in the gut...You're icy witch vows...sure...what you say to me, not so much."

  68. Steadying himself, Tannin walks out of the alcove back towards the party. The room spins slightly less, and the memories are less vivid. The dark lady still haunts him, always right there in the corner of his eye but never there when he looks. He cant remember anything about the lake lady anymore, just darkness and blood. So much blood, dosnt disturb him for some reason.

    reaching the pair, He says "So, where did Aara head off to? I would hate for her to run into another group of those rats"

  69. "I actually have no idea," Goddard says looking around. "I have faith that she will fine though."

  70. She looks genuinely hurt by his words. "I did not know that I hurt you that badly before, to garner such cruel words. Or that you would suspect me of treachery to kill you.

    "There is much I don't understand about you, Goddard and I probably never will. But you, yourself, said that I there was nothing profitable in my actions towards you.

    "I meant what I said to you, not as a ploy or trap; but in honesty. If you did not mean your part, let me know and we will find some other means of working this out. You still deserved the rightful apology I gave you by the sultan's tomb."

  71. "Perhaps we should look for her ? " Tannin says, rolling his tongue around one of his fangs still trying to get used to them

  72. "Don't do that khaladh," Goddard says looking at Tannin. "You will hurt your tongue...a lot..."

    "And I will wait till things "cool down" so to say. I have my reasons to not trust people who have said such things to me. Maybe one day you will find out why...maybe you never will."

  73. "Fair enough, Goddard. I am capable of living with the consequences of my actions." she stops and clenches her jaw somewhat as Tannin walks up to them.

    "I'm not looking for deeper understanding. I am seeking the ability to work with you with out our previous fighting. If understanding, trust, or friendship occurs from our actions in that... so be it. Be we do need to work together to survive this."

    She gives a glance to Tannin and sighs. "Hello, Son."

  74. "Son? Ive been called MANY things. Son isnt one of them" Tannin says, confused

  75. "Some one much wiser than I pointed it out to me, that you were born of my blood and whatever residue was in that cup. Thus you have a mother and a sire in the process of your creation."

  76. Goddard blinks a few times before he starts to laugh. "You're so serious..."

  77. "I assure you, I know where my power comes from now. Your blood helped heal me through the power of the grail, but had nothing to do with my transformation. I have seen much through the blood memories of my...ancestors."

    Looking down at her wrist, Tannin says "I am sorry for biting you. In my early stages, I had no control over myself. I assure you, I will not attempt it again."

  78. "I'm emotionally spent right now, Goddard. It happens when your friend's entrails are turned into a hat for you and then you watch him die in your arms." she says with a bit of a sigh; but no hint of sadness.

  79. "And I hope you do not, son. You also attacked Aara in that as well, though she fared much better than I. We need to be able to trust you will not do so again to any of us." she replies to the other.

  80. "You really need to stop calling me son. That word implies a form of paternal dominance. I will be dominated by no man or woman." Tannin says, quite sternly

  81. "But women dominat...OH ok...different ideas here," he chuckles.

  82. They hear Aara laugh behind them. "Nuur'eni, you're incorrigible." She's drenched, her clothes sticking to her like a second skin beneath a layer of rock dust, mud, and blood. Grimacing, she tosses her bag to the ground, then sets her lamp down gently. She has a short, jagged cut on her left arm above her elbow, skinned knees showing through holes in her breeches, a noticable gash on her brow, and various other smaller scratches from the rock shards.

    "I found water."

  83. "When does a mother have dominance over a grown son? I was told they tend to watch and hope the best for their child. They beam with pride at their accomplishments and bear the shame and responsibility of their child's failures.

    "While you may not care for such talk, it is not out of seeking to control you. I think that would be pretty impossible outside of necromancy. However, I am merely serving penitence to myself for my part in your birth. I am forced to watch and wait as any mother now, hoping for good and not evil." She turns and bows her head.

    "If you are that uncomfortable with it, I can adjust.""

  84. "Lecai!" Goddard runs over to Aara. "What happened? Are you alright?"

  85. Aara smiles and lifts her arms, allowing his hands to run over her. "I hope you're checking for broken bones," she chuckles, raising an eyebrow.

  86. He stops and puts his hands behind his back. "Of course I am...what kind of person do you think I am," he smirks. "You seem ok to me. Water you say? Deep water?" he asks looking her up and down.

  87. Lowering her arms, she tugs gently on his ear. "You're the kind of person to sneak a feel when he gets the chance," she answers. "And yes, I'm fine. I took a little spill is all." She crosses her arms over her chest when he looks her up and down. "It's deep enough, and fresh."

  88. Katarina smiles at Aara. "Is it running water? I would not like to foul a fresh source with cleaning." she says gesturing at herself and holding up her soiled clothes.

    "I am anxious to get out of Goddard's clothing and back into mine."

  89. "You most certainly not the whore mother that brought me screaming into this world, and I would...prefer if you did not refer to yourself as such" Tannin says coldly

  90. Goddard rolls his eyes at Katarina, assuming it's some slight against him.

    "You know me too well Lecai," he smiles. "Where is the water?"

  91. "Fair enough, Khaladh. Your objections have been recognized." she replies just as coldly.

  92. Aara smiles back at Goddard, taking his hand. "Oh, you'll like this very much. I'll show you."

    She gets her lamp and a clean shirt, then starts walking.

  93. "We would never have been able to find you if we went looking for you," Goddard comments as they walk through the tunnels.

    "I hope you two don't kill each other," Goddard calls behind him to Katarina and Tannin.

  94. Saying a few words in Kislevarian, Katarina's sword begins to glow. She turns and follows Aara down the passage.

  95. "Probably not," she responds, weaving her way around rock formations. "I'm not quite sure how I found it." She reaches the opening, holding her lamp high until she finds the drop down to the incline.

    "Be careful," she warns.

  96. Goddard sighs. "Really? I may as well just throw myself down right now," he complains as he tries carefully get down the slope without falling.

  97. Aara grabs his hand and helps him down the pool without incident. "Look, nuur'eni," she says, pointing up to the columns. "There are stories about magic being used in places like this before the order of the bone priests was formed."

  98. Katarina gasps at the beautiful view. The moss and fungi glowing in response to the light of her sword and Aara's lamp.

    She looks around taking in everything before tossing her ball of clothing down before picking her own way down.

    Seeing the altar she shudders a little. "I wonder how long the Skaven have lived down here below your city with almost no one knowing of them? I imagine such natural beauty is lost on them, though."

  99. "This temple has to be a thousand years old," she explains. "When the order was formed, the priests left behind the old ways and took to caring for the dead." She gesture to the water. "It's not terribly deep, but it's cold."

  100. "YES!" Goddard's voice echos in the cavern.

    "I made it down and I didn't fall on my face or my arse or twist my ankle or anything!"

  101. "Aah!" Katarina yells as the slope gives way and she slides to a stop at Goddard's feet.

  102. Goddard backs up a bit at first and then moves beside Katarina, offering her a hand. "Are you ok?"

  103. Taking Goddard's hand, she pulls herself up after grabbing her clothes. "I'm fine, don't worry. I have plenty of padding back there. Only my pride is hurt." she replies with a little smile.

  104. Aara sets her lamp and her sling bag on the table. Turning the lamp to it's brightest, she sits on the table and starts looking over her injuries. Using the flat side of one of her daggers, she inspects the cut on her forehead. "Could be worse, I suppose."

  105. "That you do," he laughs and then slaps his other hand over his mouth. "Imma go over there," he inches his way around the water and then kneels down, putting a hand in to test the temperature.

    "You're going to like this horribly cold water Katarina..."

  106. Katarina shakes her head and walks over to Aara. "Here, let me look."

    After a minute, she nods. "It should be fine, though it may leave a faint scar."

    Moving down to the pool she feels the water. "This definitely reminds me of home, but usually only the foolhardy going swimming in temperatures like this. Every Winter Solstice, a group of people, usually old men shaped like barrels, with strip to their undergarments and take a brief dip in the freezing water. They say its good for your health in fighting off sickness.

    "I suppose we will wind out if that's true."

    She lays down her belt, bow and sword. Then begins tugging off her boots.

  107. "I'm not getting my undergarments soaked," Goddard says pulling his shirt off. "Naggarond was pretty cold. Wonder if this won't bother me too much."

  108. Aara shrugs. "I fell in, so I'm already soaked. It's not that cold, Goddard." Staying on the table, she pulls off her boots and stockings.

  109. Goddard strips all of his clothing off and runs into the water. "It's cold enough," he drops down till the water is up to his chin. "At least it's not too deep...I can still drown in this though..."

  110. Aara laughs. "If you drown, I'll come in and save you."

  111. "Oh no I'm drowning," he says softly and blows bubbles in the water. "Save me lecai save me..."

  112. Katarina folds Goddard's clothes neatly before sliding herself into the pool. She pinches her nose and dips her head below the surface.

  113. "Drown a little slower, nuur'eni," she responds dramatically, undressing down to just her shirt. She wades in to stand in front of him, offering a hand. "Need saving?" she asks wickedly.

  114. "Mouth to mouth?" he grins. He takes a step forward and he slips and goes under for a second before he stands up coughing, sputtering, and breathing quickly. "Sigmar's sausage! I shouldn't be joking about that!"

  115. Katarina swims beneath the surface. Seeing Goddard slip, a grin flashes across her face. She darts nearby, and squeezes his ankle with just her fingernails then swims away surfacing on the other side of the pool.

  116. Tannin Watches the group from the entrance, leaning on one side, arms crossed.

    The old Tannin would have been in there right with them, splashing about and laughing. Can I even laugh anymore?

  117. Aara reaches out a hand to steady him, pulling Goddard close. "You and water don't do well together, do you?"

  118. Goddard falls again when he feels something on his ankle. "Why do things keep biting me!" he yells when he pops up out of the water. He splashes his way to the edge and sits on the edge hugging his knees. "Kyndul menlu," he hisses at the water.

  119. Master! It was her! The frosty one!

    Goddard's ears go flat against his head as he tries to catch his breath.

  120. Katarina dives around a few more times looking at the walls of the pool. She finds two little gaps where the water comes from and its exit.

    Surfacing, she swims back to shore and retrieves her clothes. Standing there, unabashed, she unfurls them and she sees the man standing there watching them. Recognizing Khaladh in the dim light, she turns away with the clothes and dives back into the pool.

  121. Aara laughs and splashes water at him. "Come back, Goddard," she says. "I'll protect you from the big bad fishes. And do my own biting if you ask."

  122. Goddard shakes his head in response to Aara while shooting a dirty look at Katarina and rests his forehead on his knees. He shivers a bit.

  123. Aara moves over nearer Goddard. "I won't let anything happen to you," she says softly. "I promise, love."

  124. Holding her breath, Katarina uses the pool's wall right by the water's exit to wash the linens.

    Coming up for air she inspects the clothing and after several repetitions each piece is judged clean and laid out to dry. Picking up a rock she says some words and watches it glow.

    Diving below the surface again, she decides to see what is fully below the surface.

  125. "She's a liar," he whispers and then coughs, shivering a bit. Goddard looks at Aara. "Silly me huh? Afraid of water, despite everything else I've dealt with."

  126. Coming to crouch in front of him, she kisses his forehead. "It's not silly."

  127. "So...where is she at now?" he mumbles looking at the water. "There is less of a chance I can die if she isn't in there...and I kinda want to go back in."

  128. Aara looks around and shrugs. "I don't know. She's here somewhere. Come back in anyway." She backs into the water slowly. "I'll give you a kiss if you do," she taunts.

  129. Goddard pulls on his ears. "You're mean," he groans as he carefully gets back into the water with Aara.

  130. Katarina surfaces just behind them. "I am right here. Hope you're not too sore at the fish nibble, Goddard. It was meant to be a harmless joke, I apologize if it got you too worked up. You were concerned about my being too serious earlier. If you have complaint, my new friend will listen."

    She pulls a calcified skull from beneath the surface of the water and gestures to the altar. "I'm guessing the creators of that might have something to do him and his friends down below. Thought you might be able to talk to them or help them in some way."

    She swims up and hands the skull gently to Goddard. "This guy was loose on the bottom. The others seem more intact."

  131. Aara loses all playfulness as she stares. "Katarina, those are sacrifices."

  132. Goddard points at Katarina. "You! know I've drowned right!? Are you trying to give me a heart attack?!"

  133. Her eyes open wide. "Really? You said many times you were in a shipwreck. I thought that was your source of fear. I didn't think you had drowned in that."

    Katarina pauses for a moment turning pale. "Sac...sacrifices? Human sacrifices?" she turns and looks at the altar. "Those poor people. Was it the Skaven or some other group? Those people looked to have been there a long time."

  134. Aara nods. "What we call bone priests are a vague memory of what they used to be. There are stories of how, hundreds and hundreds of years ago, they gathered together to test their powers against the gods. They nearly won, but Allay overpowered them and offered redemption in caring for the dead instead of using them."

  135. "Morr was ready to take me away and stupid father took me back...tug of war..." he crosses his arms tight and goes back to the middle of the pool of water.

    Katarina feels a swish in the water and a quick flick to her behind.

    "Maybe I'll borrow these people's teeth since they aren't using them," he mumbles.

  136. "Amazing. I would like to hear more of your gods at some point, Aara. They sound a little bit more interesting than Ursun, Dazh, Tor, Ulrik, and Morr. I'm also curious to learn more of this Asaph as well.

    "Goddard, can you tell if they are at peace or help them to find their way?" Katarina asks with some concern.

  137. "They may not have souls to be at peace. Legend says the bone priests absorbed the souls of their victims to live longer." Aara shudders and steps away from Katarina.

  138. Goddard grumbles a few words in elven then sinks down into the water, just below his eyes. He stays there for a bit, then comes back up. "We have A LOT of company...I can't do much for them if they don't want to go. They seem pretty content. I don't feel like chatting with them though to find anything out."

    A skull seems to float up into Goddard's hands. "No? one is going to get mad if I take teeth? Thank you."

  139. "A lot? How many people are there around at any point in time when you say cast it in your room at home?" Katarina asks pulling herself from the water.

  140. "I don't know. I've never done this at home. It's across from a massive graveyard though so it's probably very crowded all the time."

  141. Aara watches him skeptically. I forget that he does that. Maybe I could ask- no. No. Don't think about it, Aara. Just...just forget. Forget and leave this cursed place and start over.

    Talk of death setting her on edge, she leaves the water and walks over to get fresh clothing from her bag. Ducking behind a column, she quickly changes.

  142. Goddard is moving around in the water strangely as he makes many failed attempts at the doggy paddle. "Kyndul menlu," he mutters.

  143. Changing back into her wet, but clean clothes. Katarina looks around. "Thank you for letting us be here. It may have been horrible at one point, but you now have a very beautiful resting place. Thank you for sharing it with us."

    She looks at Goddard, "I felt a thank you was in order. This place is beautiful. Even my queen will not get such a wondrous resting place."

  144. "If you folks are through with your swim, I believe we have a considerable distance to cover and a Vampire to hunt" Tannin says.

    Tannin seems almost comfortable, back to how he was, save for the gaping hole in his armor and a mouth full of fangs.

  145. "Why can't I float!" he exclaims. "Oh yeah...they are just kind of milling about. Even in the water. Looks relaxing to be dead..."

  146. Katarina pads over to the water barefoot. She reaches out, to help Goddard, leaning far out over the water.

    "That's odd. If you can't float that's really a concern. Here, let me help you out."

  147. "NO!" he stands up quickly and backs away from Katarina, his ears flat against his head.

  148. Aara stiffens when she hears Tannins voice. She grabs her things and gives him a wide berth as she walks up the incline. Don't think about it, she cautions herself.

  149. "Okay, okay! Relax, just trying to help." she says a little hurt.

    Laying down a pile of folded clothes, she steps aside. "Thank you again for the change of clothes. Linen is not stretchy enough fabric to try that again though. The pants might be a little loose around the waist now. Sorry."

    She turns and walks back to her boots. Pulling them on, she fastens her belt and secures her weapons.

  150. "Aara my dear, am I really such a pariah now that the woman who bested me in combat avoids me as if I had the plague? Does mon visage frighten you? " Tannin says, looking hurt

  151. Goddard narrows his eyes at Katarina. He gets out of the water and puts his usual clothing back on, saving the other change of clothes for later.

    He goes to meet with everyone else to head out of this cavern. "Climbing back out shouldn't be so hard..."

  152. Aara pauses and looks over her shoulder at him. "I've lost everyone who's ever loved me, and watched you cheat death. It's a bitter pill to swallow." Shouldering her bag, she continues on her way.

  153. Unnaturally fast, Tannin moves right behind Aara, furious with rage

    "You think I ASKED FOR THIS? You think It was my intention to find you family dead, and then to die myself in Katarina's arms? You think I wanted to put her through that, only to rise and become this?"

  154. Katarina bites her lip. She lost everyone... same for Koroush. It would be the same as riding up on the Tirsa and seeing the whole land burning.

    Casting her light spell again, Katarina makes sure her holy symbol is visible and follows after Aara.

  155. "Khaladh!" Goddard yells at Tannin, walking toward him with a purpose. "Do not talk to her like that."

  156. Aara turns slowly to face him, her eyes flat. "No. But I do expect a little understanding and not be accosted because of it. You're a fool if you think I blame you for any of this."

    She turns and walks away.

  157. Goddard walks up to Tannin and pokes at his shoulder. "Do not ever move toward anyone in this group like that again or talk that way to anyway! Calm your rage or I'll calm it for you!"

  158. With a feral growl, Tannin grabs Goddard around the neck, and with one arm and lifts him into the air and slams him into the rock wall behind him. He makes no attempt to hide his vampirism; He fully embraces it for the first time. He bares his sharp fangs, and his skin pulls tight to give himself a gaunt countenance

  159. Goddard's eyes flash with fear as he claws at Tannin's hands. After a moment, his eyes calm and he gasps as he tries to pry Tannin's hands off.

    "Kha...khaladh," Goddard gasps. "I...I...told you...I was on your side." He tries to smile. "You...can' can't do this..."

  160. The gaunt appearance dissipates, and Tannin slowly lowers Goddard to the ground.

    "I see" he says simply, relaxing his grip. "You could have told me, you know?"

    Tannin brushes Goddards disturbed robes flat, and says "Im sorry, Im not used to having a temper like this"

  161. "I tried....But...but you were too out of it the first time," Goddard whispers in between gasps, as he leans against the wall, a hand to his throat.

  162. Katarina stands there a hard look on her face staring at Tannin. She holds out the holy symbol of Ulrik before her.

    She edges away from Tannin toward Goddard. "I thought I heard trouble. Are you okay, Goddard?" she asks without a glance toward the elf.

  163. "It's ok," he coughs. "Leave Tannin alone," he covers the symbol in her hand with his own and pushes it down.

  164. She lets her hand be lowered. "That is not Tannin." she replies flatly.

  165. "Come now, you mistake me for some common Vampire Katarina. Try waving a sword, it will work better then your gaudy symbols" Tannin says. He moves around to the side of Goddard, inspecting him for damage.

    "Again, I apologize. I mistook that for part of my blood dream." Tannin says, brushing the dirt from the wall off Goddards shoulder

  166. Aara walks on, furious. I should have disobeyed Koroush and killed him before he woke. It would have saved us all a lot of trouble.

  167. Goddard manages a chuckle. "I thought so. I'm fine. I've been through worse...which is pretty sad. Morr doesn't want me."

  168. "If Im not Tannin, then who am I? This should be news to me" Tannin says, looking at katarina

    turning to goddard, he says "Morr wouldnt take me either, and the Lady wouldnt put my soul to rest. Now I am haunted by another..."

  169. "Morr couldn't have you even if he wanted you now..." he stands up and sighs. "We should probably get going. Maybe move a bit through the tunnels before we rest again."

  170. "Something to torment me with his face and voice as I mourn." she says pushing past the two.

    Turning back after a few steps. "Tannin was a good and brave man who died in my arms. Whoever you are, you talk of slaughter and threaten my friends. If you want to be that wild beast, go ahead and see how that works out.

    "Or maybe you take what you have been given and you emulate Tannin to the point where you perfect what he was trying to do. The world needs a man like him that cannot die. It doesn't need another leech."

    She turns and walks down the tunnel, her hands now shaking.

  171. "Did you ever consider that these were always my feelings? " Tannin says, turning to walk after her. "When one follows a code and is demanded by his goddess, he abandons the thoughts of wanton slaughter. What you see now is a man whos goddess has abandoned him and who has forever changed in a way not of his design, Katarina. I most certainly didn't ask for this, and you would do your self a discredit to yourself to treat me like I did."

  172. "Just don't talk to each other," Goddard grumbles as he clambers up the slope.

    Goddard finally returns to his backpack. He counts all his books and attaches the swords to it. When he is satisfied that everything is still in it's place, he wraps his arms with the black wrappings and hoists the pack onto his back.

    "I need a tiny horse...or a big dog," he groans. "Let's get moving and remember not to kill each other..."

  173. Aara is prepared to leave, all her weapons within easy reach. She leans against the tunnel wall, silent and arms crossed. Her eyes are closed, and her lips set in a firm line.

  174. "What is it lecai?" Goddard asks. "No smile? And no kiss from going back into the water?!"

  175. Katarina sighs seeing Aara and Goddard. She feels the pangs of jealousy much less than ever before. The numbing cold in her heart wipes away most of it.

    Grabbing the last of her gear she moves toward Koroush. Hopefully he has a plan gained off that wretched beast we captured. Even if we cannot get the Vizier or the Vampire, saving the people would be a blessing at least.

  176. Aara opens her eyes and tries to smile for him. "You can claim your kiss whenever you like, though I would prefer in private."

  177. Tannin re-secures the Blood-grail's chains, along with his other weapons. He also secures the rifle that killed him, as well as the ammo from the rat that had killed him and the one next to it. He holds his persian axe down low under the head, holding it upside down. He readies his shield in the other hand as an after thought, and prepares to move out
