Friday, November 16, 2012


Goddard's ears perk up, "Lecai?" he whispers, then lays his ears flat against his head. "Go away lecai! Go ask that horrid witch what she deserve better..."

She hears a loud thud and then Goddard saying a string of harsh elven words.


  1. Aara tilts her head toward the door, smiling softly. "I will not," she whispers. "Do not think me so easily swayed. Just know that I'm here, waiting."

  2. "Waiting for what?" She can hear wood creaking.

  3. She can hear the door unlatch. It's quiet.

  4. "May I come in?" Her whisper seems like a shout to her own ears.

  5. "Do whatever you want," he whispers sadly.

  6. Aara stands and enters the wreckage of his room. There's the remnants of a broken chair, clothing all kinds scattered, and...his scythe stuck in the ceiling. But her eye is draw to Goddard lying on the bed.

    He looks so miserable and broken.

    Aara merely sweeps away some of the debris on the floor and sits. She has spent years meditating, she can be patient.

    Uzzaya, I asked for a clear path. You gave me this one, and I am ever your grateful servant.

  7. Goddard just lays very still. One arm over his chest, the other hanging off the bed. The amethysts on the cowl over his face glisten in the dim light.

    "Why?" he asks softly, not moving.

  8. "I could tell you my path brought me here. But the truth is simple: I choose to." She wants desperately to reach for him, but doesn't. "Master has always said I'm reckless."

  9. He draws a shaky breath and slowly puts the arm that was hanging off the bed, over his eyes.

  10. Aara unwinds her veil, shaking her hair loose. Moving slowly, she sits on the edge of the bed and takes his hand from his eyes. "You would cover something i find so dear?" she whispers, lacing her fingers with his and laying a small kiss on the back of his hand.

  11. "If I didn't need them, I might have added them to my jar," he wipes his eyes with his other sleeve. He keeps the hand she holds limp.

  12. She turns his hand over, studying his palm. He feels the faintest sensation of her tracing the creases there. "I am grateful that you do need them, for no other reason than you might use them to see yourself as I see you." She laces her fingers through his. "Can I ease your suffering?"

  13. "...see yourself as I see you..."

    He shuts his eyes tightly then opens them slowly.

    He whispers, "Ease my suffering? How? End it sure...ease it...I have no idea..."

  14. Aara is amazed to feel her eyes burning with tears. Ah, Uzzaya! Not now. It takes a moment to speak past the threat of tears. But she cannot find the words. She slightly pull at his hand, raising him up so she can hold him to her. "Let me bear a piece of your burden. Whatever piece you deem safe for me to carry."

  15. "None of it is," he sighs and slumps to the point where his head can rest on her shoulder.

  16. I suspected as much. "My tall, beautiful nuur'eni." She strokes his back comfortingly. "You are no longer alone."

  17. Goddard suddenly hugs her tight and buries his face in her neck, crying.

    Instead of dwelling on the day I lose you, I will enjoy your company in this moment.

  18. Aara holds him just as tight and begins to sing softly to him. It's an ancient Arabyan song, the old words coming to her from a childhood half forgotten. As he weeps, she closes her eyes, trying to ride out the storm of his emotions.

    Whatever happens, I will always be grateful fir the blessing he is.

  19. The thin, obnoxious bit of light comes through his window and wakes Goddard up. He turns his head and sees Aara snuggled beside him.

    She stayed?

    He gets up slowly and carefully as to not wake her. As he turns around to walk out the door, he runs face first into the scythe still stuck in the ceiling.

    "Sigmar's sausage!" he hisses quietly, and sneaks out the room.

  20. Aara wakes to Ibben chattering and shakirhis fist at Goddard. "Nuur'eni?"

  21. She just catches the door closing.

    Goddard makes his way slowly to the galley.

    I actually slept pretty well last night. But I still feel ran into a scythe.

    He sits down with no real intention of eating. Maybe he'll eventually get hungry. He asks for some water from one of the cooks and they reluctantly give him a glass full.

    He sits down and throws the water on his face.

    'Hey! Don't go wasting water like that elf.'

    "You're lucky my scythe is stuck in the ceiling of my cabin or I'd go get it and introduce it to your head," he grumbles.

    'I can't wait till we get rid of you and your troublesome friends! Especially the females!'

  22. Aara rises slowly, not ready to leave the comfort and warmth of his bed. Master will be furious. I've never defied his order before. If I go to him now it might not be so bad.

    With great reluctance she leaves the room, carefully avoiding the weapon plunged into the ceiling. Back in her room, she washes her face carefully and dons her thickest, heaviest veil, wrapping it tightly.

    It's best I do this alone.

    Knowing she will be shamed for avoiding her punishment, she doesn't apply her khol liner. As ready as she can possibly be, she heads to the galley in search of breakfast.

    I may have to do this alone, but I wont do it on an empty stomach.

  23. 'I'm tired of your mouth, elf!' one of the crewman slaps his hand down on the table Goddard is sitting at. He sees Aara enter the galley and the crewman leaves into the depths of a room for food storage.

  24. "Don't mind me," she tells the man. "If you have something to say to him, be a man and do it."

    She sits across from Goddard, her bare eyes narrowing when she see he's soaked. "Are you alright?"

  25. "Yeah. I'm fine. I just felt like I needed an extra pick me up. The scythe to my forehead didn't quite wake me up enough."

    He rubs his head. "You didn't run into that too did you? I would have take it down, but I didn't want to wake you."

  26. She smiles though he can't see it through the thick wrapping. "No, I avoided it. There is quite a mess to clean up, though. For both of us," she added ruefully. "I have to report to Master Koroush."

  27. "Oh..." he looks down. "Do I need to go with you?"

  28. I wish I could say yes...

    "It's probably best that you don't nuur'eni. I don't imagine this will be pleasant." Just thinking of it made her stomach twist. "I've lost my appetite," she laughs nervously. "I'll be back later."

    She touches his hand briefly before she rises.and leaves.

  29. Katarina rubs the sleep from her eyes. The cool draftiness of the cabin is comforting given the previous day.

    Swinging her legs off the bed and sitting on the edge, she reaches for the journal and stares intently at the elven words she attempted to replicate. What do these mean? Better still, what is he? What manner of creature wears that skin and calls itself Goddard. Is he dark elf, a shape-shifter, or some daemon?

    After last night, I don't think I can count on getting any further information from him. But I need to be careful in approach as well. No, the best place to start would be this elf "father" and teacher, Otto. But every passing moment takes me farther from Altdorf on the trail of this vampire.

    Katarina puts down the book and slaps her self across the check. Focus yourself, Kasha. Remember your training and focus yourself. The vampire is going to be a major threat to us all and the farther from Kislev you are, the harder it is to pull her power to you. Focus on dealing with it, then solving this puzzle. Watch him though and collect any clues. Let Aara handle as much as she can, but be prepared to help her if she needs it. You cannot let that monster hurt her.

  30. Once Aara is gone, the crewman that was pestering Goddard appears again.

    "Awww...big bad potato peeler afraid of a pretty girl?" Goddard teases.

    Once close enough, the man shoves Goddard knocking the chair and him over onto the floor.

    'Come on don't look so tough. I could snap you in half...'

    Goddard gets up slowly and smooths out the robes. "Really? You want to pick a fight with the elf practicing death magic? I guess that's why they have you peeling potatoes and not doing something important..."

    He heads out the galley and out onto the deck.

  31. When Goddard leaves his room, He sees Tannin Standing outside already on the deck. He is still a little pale, but is atleast able to move again. He is wearing his full suit of armor with tabbard, sword strapped to his waist.

    "Morning!" Tannin says. He seems to be holding a large mug of dark liquid, that steams in the morning air. "Care for a hot cup of caffeine?"

  32. Goddard shrugs and heads over to Tannin. "Sure why not...your drinks have thus far been interesting..."

  33. Tannin Produces another mug, and pours a good measure into it from a steaming pot.

    giving a quick look about the deck, Tannin Also produces a flask and a toothy grin. "How interesting do you care for your drink to be?"

  34. "Very...lets make it very interesting. Maybe my head will stop pounding. OH speaking of obviously have more muscle than I. I could use your help with Khadath."

  35. Tannin pops the top of the flask, and pours quite a bit of the liquid inside into Goddard's mug. It smells sweet, like blackberries, and is very dark in color. As an after thought, Tannin pours some into his own mug.

    "Khadath? Whats that, exactly?" Tannin asks puzzled, handing the warm cup to Goddard

  36. Goddard takes a sip from the mug. "Now that is very interesting." He takes another sip. "Khadath is my scythe. It's...stuck..."

    Goddard leads the way to his cabin. Tannin sees the scythe stuck in the ceiling of the wrecked room.

  37. Tannin's jaw his the floor at the sight of the place. "Seems like you havnt been having a good boat ride either. What happened!?"

    Standing underneath the scythes handle, Tannin grips it tightly, and with a groan is able to dislodge it. He spins it in his hands a couple times before handing it back to Goddard.

    "When Bretonnia goes to war, our pesents carry weapons like this some time. Not nearly as fine or ornate. This is a fine weapon for sure. Khadath, you called it?"

  38. "Women happened," Goddard groans as he checks the blade on the scythe and heads back out onto the deck with it. He kicks the door shut behind him once Tannin is out. "I'll fix that later..."

    "Normally they don't make very good weapons, but this is specially made for combat. It's a symbol of the college. Other mages get sticks," he smirks. "We get scythes."

    "Khadath. It means "power over life and death." He takes a few sips from his mug.

  39. Katarina rubs her temples at the slight headache she has. I need to get some fresh air and clear my head.

    Grabbing her blue coat and tying her hair into a ponytail, she opens the door and steps outside. She sees Tannin and smiles a little. It seems like he is doing better now.

    Then she sees Goddard. Her jaw clenches and she spins right around back into her room. She slams the door behind her with a loud thud. I am not dealing with that creature this early today.

  40. "But Master-"

    Koroush holds up a hand, his face stern. "No, you will do as I say. You have shamed me."

    She hangs her head dejectedly. "Yes, Master," she answers in Arabyan.

    When she's dismissed, she secures her veil and leaves the cabin. Up on deck, she studies the scene around her. Some of the crew stare, others make a sign against evil and look away, and more still ignore her.

    What I did was right, she thinks holding her head high. Kasha never saw him coming, and Goddard needed me. I will not be ashamed.

    Her eyes burn with unshed tears, something she has been unused to until recently. Finding a barrel out of the way, she takes up her meditative position and begins breathing with eyes closed.

  41. "How...Unusual." Tannin says, nodding towards the scythe. He sips his caffine, watching the crew members work around the ship. He pulls his cloak around him tighter. The layers he wears generally keeps him warm, but the wind seems to cut through him.

  42. Goddard leans on the scythe a bit and almost falls over as it's kicked.

    He turns around and smirks. "Oh guten Morgen herr Kartoffelschäler...did you forget something?"

    The other crew gathered around the deck begin to whisper.
    'Hey...he's a wizard! Don't mess with him...he's're on your own...'

    'I don't need help teaching this twig a lesson in keeping his mouth shut!'

    "You're wasting your time buddy," Goddard sips his drink. "I'm not getting into anything with you. I'm not very good at swimming and I know you all are looking for a reason to toss me overboard...I'm not giving you one...go back to your produce."

    The crewman slaps the drink from Goddard's hand.

    "Well that was rude," he says with disappointment. "I actually really..."

    Goddard gets a fist to the eye. He stumbles back and drops the scythe's handle.

    'I bet you aren't even a wizard! Do something!' he spits at Goddard's feet.

    "What is with humans and spitting at me...It doesn't work that way...I'm not some trick monkey..." he keeps a hand up to the eye that was hit as he bends down to pick up the scythe.

    Goddard blocks the next punch thrown at him with the handle.

    "Oh what's that Khadath? It tickles? Poor thing..."

    Fuming, the crewman lunges forward and punches Goddard in the gut. Goddard uses the scythe to balance himself as slowly drops to a knee then sits on the floor. He lets the handle fall again.

    'See! Wizard?...just a twig...' he disappears back into the depths of the galley.

    'He's still crazy...yeah...that guy is totally a wizard though...'

    "I don't know if you're still there Tannin, but let that idiot'll be my head if anything happens to him...' he groans, looking at his lap.

  43. Tannin sheathes his sword, half drawn. He looks absolutely outraged, and had Goddard asked him not to would most likely have cut that crewmember to ribbons, a fact well presented by the Dragon-like fury on his face.

    He offers Goddard a hand up.

    Through gritted teeth, he says "It seems I shall have to have words with the Captian. It reflects poorly on him for his crew to mistreat the traveling companion of a Knight. Are you ok, my friend?"

  44. "I'm fine," he accepts the help from Tannin and gets back on his feet.

    "It's pretty obvious the Captain favors his crew...Aara was made to apologize for defending herself and the only person the Captain seems to have the most respect for is Koroush...we'll be off this floating hell soon enough I'm sure. Just have to deal with my new friend carefully..."

    "Just don't worry about him...but this," Goddard points to his eye. "How bad does this look?"

  45. Hearing shouts, Aara opens her eyes. Trouble again? I wonder who it is this time. But when she hears the word "wizard" shouted, she cannot stay still. Jumping down from her barrel, she walks toward the crowd now dispersing.

    She sees Tannin helping Goddard up from the deck. Nuur'eni? Oh no! He's been hurt! She rushes over, biting her lip to keep from speaking. Once he's standing, she runs her hands over his arms and chest, checking for broken bones.

    Worry clouding her eyes, she studies the swelling around his own. Oh, nuur'eni...what have they done to you?

    Damn Koroush to seven hells, forcing me to stay silent all day.

    She looks to Tannin and gives him a formal bow, trying to thank him without words.

  46. "Not brilliant, if Im honest. I dont know much about your kind, but it looks like its going to be pretty puffy." Tannin says. He offers his flask to Goddard.

    "If anything the new black eye will really match your robes. And ladies love a man with scars, right?"

  47. "Good morning, Lady Aara. I wasnt awear you were up already" Tannin says, returning the bow

  48. Aara looks down, knotting her hands for just a moment before returning them to Goddard. Let me help you...

    Taking his hand, she leads him gently to her cabin, where her medical kit is kept. Gesturing for him to sit down, she takes a good look at his eye, trying to determine the best way to treat it.

  49. "Scars huh?" he takes the flask and has a drink. "I've got more than enough of those...wha...." he holds his hands up as Aara gets touchy feely.

    "I'm fine lecai...are you ok?"

  50. He waves to Tannin as he is drug away by Aara.

    "I'll be don't have to worry about this," he assures her. "I've gotten worse...don't worry."

  51. She shoots him a look that clearly says not to argue. That sailor deserves more than any punishment you would give him. Perhaps when we dock I will teach him a thing or two about Araby and what it's women are capable of...

    Some of the worry begins to be replaced by relief as he continues to talk to her. Pressing her forehead against his, she sighs.

    Damn Koroush...I will have the women of the harem reap my revenge for me. I may not be able to speak, but he will not be able to walk. Her eyes light up as a thought occurs to her.

    He said I could not speak.

  52. Goddard looks confused at Aara. She's so quiet. When she puts her forehead to his, an idea comes to mind and then his eyes look panicked.

    He pulls her back and stares at her. "Do you still have a tongue?! Did he take your tongue?!"

  53. Her eyes crinkle as she smiles and nods. She places one hand over her mouth, and moves the other to imitate a moving jaw. She also makes a gesture imitating removing her veil and shakes her head. Pointing to the handle of a dagger sticking out of her boot, she again shakes her head.

  54. " can't talk, can't take off the veil, and can't stab people. Got it..." he nods. "That last part makes me a little sad..." he shuts up. "Never mind...I never said sorry about having sarath zap me...I...just...just never mind..."

    "Can you at least eat?"

  55. She nods, nuzzling his neck when he apologizes for the incident. This is silly, not being able to speak. she thinks.

    Holding up a finger for him to wait, she produces her stick of khol. Standing over the table, she takes a minute to think. It must be short, but truthful.

    Forgiven, forgotten she writes, taking time to make the unfamilar letters carefully.

  56. He smiles. "I feel like I may need to say sorry to you every day before I go to bed, lecai. Or say it in advance at the start of the day..."

  57. Aara pressed their foreheads together again, smiling. Just then her stomach growls loudly, and she remembers that she hasn't eaten since noon the day before. Scowling, she looks around for her rations. They're mixed with Koroush's store...

    She sighs. I'd rather not go to the galley just yet.

  58. Goddard laughs. "You want me to get you something from the galley?" he asks smiling. "I have no idea what you might want but I'll gladly carry back anything I can manage."

  59. Katarina pokes her head out of the cabin and checks the hallway. No sign of it. Good.

    Arriving on the deck, she heads toward the bow. Seeing Tannin, she moves toward him. The crew members scatter around her. Whispers of "Bloody witch!", "Ill omen of the sea.", "Death herself come to take them."

    She smiles at the monikers and lets the sailors know that their fear pleases her. Is it better to be feared or respected? Tetya Mishka said that I should strive for both, but settle for fear. Respect is earned, but fear is given. "If you must command those who have no reason to respect you yet, then make sure that they fear the repercussions of not following your orders."

    She is a cold woman, but a shrewd commander and a deadly combatant. She wants me to become a duplicate of her, but... I feel that it is not my destiny. I have much time to figure out my path, should I choose not to follow the Sisterhood's usual path. And other concerns before then...

    Reaching Tannin's side, she looks up at the Bretonian and smiles. "Its good to see you doing well for once, Ser Tannin."

  60. "The sea has not been kind to me, but I seem to be adjusting. The smell of the air dosnt sicken me anymore." Tannin says, returning the smile.

    "Im worried for your safety on this trip, Lady Katarina. The crew openly attacked Goddard earlier for his magical abilities. I fear they may try to harm you as well" Tannin says, becomming suddenly serious

  61. "That is sweet of you. This lot is more sea faring brigands than traders, I have mind to speak with Koroush and the Captain about this. Our friend paid for passage, not harassment.

    "They've made no advances toward me on my magic usage..." she turns so that Tannin cannot see her now feral smile. "Though I am much more worried about their thoughts of sullying my honour. One tried to do so to Aara and she was punished for defending herself. This Captain, laid the blame that she drove the men to force themselves on her. That slight woman bound head to toe in cloth, a seductress... I'd laugh if it wasn't so horrible and frightening."

    She turns back toward Tannin, eyes wide with a tinge of fear. "The quicker this ship gets to port, the safer we will be from this Captain and his crew."

  62. She points to his eye and shakes her head. Not alone. Motioning to both of them, she nods. Reaching for his hand, she remembers that he hit his forehead. Stepping closer, she runs her fingers over his forehead, looking for a mark. Her look asks of he's ok.

  63. "If that time comes again with you in Aara's place, It will be my sword to defend you. If it is your wish, you may sleep in my cabin. I have a bedroll which is more then comfortable that I will take, just so I may defend you day and night. These heathens will not lay a hand on you so long as I draw breath, m'lady" Tannin says with fiery determination

  64. Katarina nods. "That sounds like an excellent plan of defense and a noble offer, Ser Tannin. Do you feel well enough for some food? Most of what the cook serves is horrid, but I find the bread quite good. It could help to settle your stomach."

    In barely overheard whispers, two crew members nearby speakCan be overheard by Tannin. "So the blonde witch there threatens him and is a about to string him up when the elf and the veiled one call her off like an attack dog. She tosses some pouch overboard and then some spirit she conjured wrecked him good. He won't be able to eat for a week, now. Look at her now, bewitching that knight to do more of her evil works. Five crowns says she'll have him kill us all by second watch."

  65. "I'm fine I'm fine I really am," he smiles. "Father has always said I have a hard head. Maybe I toughened it up after all the things I've slammed into..."

    "If you come with me, you do not do anything to that crewman down there...I don't want your next punishment to be locked in a box where I can never see you or something equally insane."

  66. Aara nods and crosses her heart. Pointing to the table, she mimics carrying food from the door to the table to eat.

  67. "Let's go then," he takes her hand and leads her to the galley.

    When Goddard walks in, the cooks gasp and the "potato peeler" walks out from the food storage.

    'HA! See...told him good!'

    "Oh yeah because it's really hard to fight someone who chooses to not bust your skull in...good job."

  68. Aara lays a hand on Goddard's arm, then makes the mudra for peace. When he looks confused, she stretches her arms out, makes circles with her fingers and closes her eyes peacefully.

    Her stomach growls again.

  69. 'What is she...,'

    "Shut up Kartoffelschäler..." Goddard turns to the cooks. "We just want food and we'll go. Ok?"

    They shove two bowls of food at Goddard. "Is this good lecai? And we can eat someplace else?"

  70. She bows her head to the cook in thanks, then nodded to Goddard. She followed him to her bedroom.

  71. Once settled, Goddard eats his food, rather quickly. "I was starving...I think you being with me put me in a good enough mood to eat...or just even to get out of bed."

    "Thank you," he says softly, putting his hand to her cheek.

    He starts to carefully touch around his eye. "This is not going to be fun for a couple days," he groans.

  72. Aara takes her time eating, forced to lift her veil for every bite. When he puts his hand on her face, she leans into the touch, her eyes smiling.

    When she's finished, she stands and walks to the door without looking to see if he follows.

  73. Goddard does indeed follow Aara, curious as to what she is up to.

  74. It's not a long walk. She opens the door to his cabin slowly, assessing the damage. There are still clothing and bits of broken chair all around. She's slightly surprised to see the scythe no longer in the ceiling, and turns to Goddard, miming the action of pulling it out of the ceiling.

  75. "Oh wait!" He runs out and quickly returns with the scythe. "Tannin got it...I don't think I could have easily gotten it out. Why come here?"

  76. Instead of trying to answer, she just shows him by picks up a splinter of wood, pointing at the bed, and jabbing her arm. When he still looks confused, she sighs. Rustling through the bed linens, she comes up with a prize- a splinter. Making mock sad eyes, she turns him around and jabbed at him softly with her finger.

  77. "Um...I guess if I was going to allow anyone to stab me it would be you?" He says confused.

  78. She slaps her forehead. Uzzaya have mercy. Although...that is a thought...

    Pointing to the bed, she mimed sleep. At his nod, she brandishes the splinter, then jumps and rubs her backside.

  79. "Oh! Did you get hurt last night? I'm sorry," he rips the sheet off and shakes the splinters out.

  80. She nods. She begins gathering up his clothing, shaking the debris out before folding them and placing them on the bed.

  81. "You don't have to do any of this," he laughs trying unsuccessfully to stop her folding. "I should wreck my bedrooms more often...feels like home."

  82. She tilts her head, snatching the cloth back and folding it neatly. She gestures to the pieces of chair.

  83. Goddard nods and goes to picking up the pieces of wood. He suddenly drops what he was carrying and looks at his hand. "I hate splinters...I'll get it later." He continues to collect the bits of wood.

  84. Aara looks over her shoulder, but since she doesn't see any blood, she assumes he's fine. They make quick work of the small cabin, and it isn't long before she is remaking the bed and thinking of when he'd fallen asleep exhausted from crying.

    She'd sat up as long as she could stand it, but it wasn't long before she gave in to the temptation of snuggling in beside him. She'd slept so wonderfully.

  85. Goddard sits down in a corner of the room and picks out the splinters in his hand. He occasionally looks up at Aara, smiling.

  86. Ibben comes scampering through the open door and jumps onto the freshly made bed. Aara sits on the bed, patting the space next to her so she can help him.

  87. Goddard gets up and sits beside Aara. "When I was a kid, I climbed up a huge old ladder to dust the top. When I got up there, a whole bunch of bats flew into my face. I lost my footing but still grabbed the ladder. I slid down and had a bunch of splinters in my hands..."

  88. She studies his hand, then points to her dagger, indicating that he has to draw it for her. When he does, she uses the razor edge to deftly remove three of them in quick succession. She nudges him, and gestures to her ear with one hand, points at him, and then makes the talking gesture again.

  89. He looks at her confused. "You wanna tell me a secret? But you can't talk? And you are scary good with a knife..."

  90. A laugh escapes her, but she covers her mouth, eyes wide.
    This would be easier if he could at least see my face. How much longer till sunset?

    Pointing at him again, she makes the talking gesture, and then a signal to continue.

  91. "Ohh hehe...well father took all the splinters out. He didn't use a knife, thank Sigmar. I was being a brat though but he stayed patient as ever."

    He laughs, " I'm a very boring elf. Any stories I tell about my self will be boring and uneventful."

  92. While he's talking, she removes the rest of the splinters. Lifting her veil with one hand, she kisses his palm.

    With a wicked look in her eye, she returns the dagger to him.

  93. "Lecai...don't look at me like that when a knife is involved," he smirks as he takes it and puts it away.

    He leans back and flops onto the bed. "Thank you," he examines his hands. "I would have probably taken off one of my fingers."

  94. She gives him the most innocent look she can muster with just her eyes. It felt strange knowing he was seeing her without the khol liner. It felt strange knowing that anyone had seen her without it. It had been so long she wasn't sure what she looked like without it.

    Gesturing for her dagger again, she studies the reflection of her eyes in the surface.

  95. "Your eyes ok?" Goddard asks leaning in close.

  96. She nods, making a motion around her eye. When he didn't understand, she rubs her hands together as if she were washing them, then 'washes' her face and her eyes.

    How does one represent "odd?" she wonders. She mimics the motion of applying the khol.

  97. "You don't have that black stuff that goes around em? At least that's all I notice that's different."

  98. She nods slowly. After a moment, she points at him, lifts one finger, and then gestures to her eyes.

  99. "Um...hmmm...I have one eye? At this moment I only have one eye yes," he laughs. "This is the silliest punishment ever lecai."

  100. Under other circumstances, this is the perfect punishment. But today I agree.

    Exhasberated, she gives up and hands him the knife back. When he pulls his hand away from her boot, she sees a tattoo on his inner wrist. Grasping his hand, she stares at it a long moment before looking up at him.

  101. "That's my name," he traces the parts out. "Khadath Goddard Kheirsainth...and," he traces the smaller symbols off to the side. "Where my family is from."

  102. She motions for him to continue with one hand, while she traces it with a finger delicately.

  103. "It' about I do your name? Aara." He grabs his book and flips through the pages. It's full of intricate symbols and strange drawings. He gets to a blank page and begins writing.

    "First you get the letters...A...A...R...A," he writes each symbol down separately. "Then you put them together." He seems to be thoughtful with how he combines the symbols.

  104. The lovlieness of her name forces a gasp from her as she watches him write it out. Motioning for him to hand her the book, she carefully writes from left to right with swift little movements: غودارد

    Underneath where he has written her name, she writes: سيف

  105. "Is this my name?" He points to the first. "And is this your name? Beautiful letters," he smiles.

  106. She nods, comparing the two scripts. Where his language is sweeping and graceful, hers- while beautiful- is written in less elaborate letters. Underneath his name, she write a final word: ضوء حياتي
    Satisfied, she hands him the book back.

  107. "What's that? Oh I guess you can't tell me huh? You have to tell me later." He puts the book away.

  108. She sighs, wishing the day would pass by quickly. Flopping down on the bed, she makes a mudra for patience, followed by serenity. Looking out his window, she sees it's nearly sunset.

  109. Goddard slides off the bed and onto the floor. He drags the scythe blade to him and begins polishing the blade and the large amathyst stone. "I've been neglecting you Khadath."

  110. Aara rolls onto her side and watches. It's a rhythmic series of movement, and as she watches, she nearly laughs. I was teaching him the wrong meditation.

  111. Goddard begins to softly sing a song. It sounds happy and yet somehow harsh. He remembers Aara is in the room and switches to a different song. This one is more flowy and soft. All the words are in elven.

  112. She listens, fascinated with the two different sounds his language made. Even the first song, though a bit harsh in sound, was lovely. The light in his room fades, but it's not until it's nearly full dark before she rises to her feet.

    Reluctant to stop his song, she sits in front of him, waiting for his song to end.
