Monday, November 5, 2012

We're on a boat...Drunk maybe?

"It's easy to find a reason to want to kill's harder to find a reason not to," Goddard seems to be talking to his re-filled cup which is then quickly emptied again. He slowly sits on the ground with a slight wobble and holds his cup up for Tannin. "I'll stay here for a bit and maybe not drink this so fast..." He puts his other hand to his forehead. "Maybe.."


  1. "Poor Goddard, you don't feel well. Here, lay your head down." Aara gently guided Goddard's head to her lap and strokes his hair calmingly. "Sometimes the women in the harem are sick with wine, and they lay like this until they feel better."

  2. "I think Imma be sick for a long time," he says smiling and laying down with a sigh, still holding the cup.

  3. Tannin refills the cup, and slowly sips his own.

    "Ah Bretonnia. Shes covered in rolling forests, beautiful meadows, oceans to the west and north, and mountains to the south. We have none of the massive, oppressive, dirty cities like the Empire.
    Small towns and villages dot the land scape. Castles are also common, with knights training in the court yards, and peasants farming out in the land. The Fay..." Tannin says, gesturing to Goddard "make their home to the east of mine. My fathers castle is in the south, in the land known as Carcassone. Its known as Dragons Reach. To the south in the mountains is a great water fall. In the mornings when the fog rolls off of it, it looks like the breath of the great dragon rumored to live there."

  4. "Dragon?" Katarina perks up a little when she hears the word.

  5. Goddard sits up a bit and drinks half his cup then flops back down. "I'm not from your silly forest," he mumbles.

    "Silly forest...silly dragons...lizards is all...with bad breath...bleh..."

  6. "Its said he despises Greenskins as much as we do, and rescues Knights in need. He is a symbol of courage in ferocity, and I honor him and the land he watches over in my own personal heraldry" Tannin says, tapping the tabbard on his chest with his gauntlet.

    "There are of course many legends associated with the Dragon of the falls, and none know if he truly exists. I like to think he does..." Tannin says, with a sip of wine

  7. Aara comforts Goddard, toying with his hair. "I have seen dragons before, they are quite harmless."

  8. "Our Dragons must differ. There is a Massive red one that roams our lands, killing our peasants. None have been able to track down his lair or slay him yet, and I assure you he is far from harmless" Tannin replys, skeptical of a dragon that could be considered "Harmless"

  9. "We have many tales of the white dragons from the North, in my country. While one has not been seen in many years, the stories of their destructive appetites are truly frightening."

  10. "Master once told me that he killed one in the garden. He was eating the fruit trees. He brought me back a shiny gold scale this big." She holds her hands out about 8 inches apart.

  11. "Kein Scherz Herr Drachen," Goddard says when Tannin talks about his heraldry. He finishes his wine and lays back down, holding the cup up.

    "Your peasants just need to toughen up."

  12. "The red one I spoke of is atleast twice the size of the castle at Dragons reach, and its a BIG castle"

    Looking confused, Tannin then reply's to Goddard "...They are peasants. They are ment to work their trade and die in battle if needed. They arnt ment to be skilled as martial warriors. Thats the job of the knights."

  13. "Well...tell that to Altdorf peasants...those guys...those guys hurt...they'd eat a dragon," he laughs.

  14. "I hope they fight better than their nobles, at least." Katrina says with a giggle.

  15. Tannin chokes on his wine a bit, and snorts with laughter. "Im sure he was a fine swordsmen...but I fear his opponent had him outmatched. Had he used a proper blade like mine, he might still be alive"

  16. "Aara, I'm curious about something. Why did you call me an infidel when you greeted me?" Katarina asks turning to the veiled woman with the elf on her lap.

  17. Aara wasn't quite sure how to answer her at first. She knew that some people misunderstood the word and thought it to be an insult.

    " the clearest meaining of the word, an infidel is someone without faith," she began. "It is a foriegner, one who doesn't know the proper path of the gods as my people are taught." Aara's fingers knotted unconciously in Goddards hair as she became nervous. "It's not a bad thing, you see," she added shakily. "It is just as things are."

    She tried to remove her fingers from Goddards hair and accidently pulls too hard. "Oh! I'm sorry, Goddard!"

  18. Goddard's eyes are closed and he winces a bit but then smiles. "It's ok...I like my hair pulled," he says with a wink.

  19. Obviously a bit beyond tipsy, Tannin laughs quite hard at Goddards statement

  20. "Hmm... interesting. Who are your gods? I know the ones from my own land and a few, like Sigmar, from the Empire." she replies thoughtfully.

  21. Laughing uncontrollably, Aara is very grateful for her veil covering her blush.

  22. "Allay is the creator of the world and the giver of rain. Then there is Uzzaya, who is called upon for victory in battle." Aara points to a prominent tattoo on her right hand rimmed in gold. "This is her name, here. She is a protector of women. Sometimes she is called the Veiled Lady. Talib is the moon god and moves the stars across the sky at night."

    Aara waves a hand and strokes Goddard's ear. "There are many gods in Araby. It would take many years to learn them all."

  23. Goddard looks up at Aara. "You're a veiled a goddess too? I refuse to believe you aren't one..."

    "And I have many years to spend listening to you talk long as you keep doing what you are doing...hmmmmmmm..."

  24. Aara smiles. "You are sweet, Goddard. I am very like her. She also weilds a scimitar and travelled as a companion to Allay. She was his first companion, and spent her existance protecting Allay as he created the world. Uzzaya first told her people to mark themselves with the names of the slain so that they will always remember and honor the dead. It is said that she was so lovely that she had to wear a veil so that she did not blind man as he was born into the world."

    "I quite like her."

  25. "I think I would be ok if I were blinded right now," Goddard says making motions across his own face for Aara to uncover hers.

  26. "Almost a mirror to you and Koroush then. I can understand your interest with her. It is much the same with me and the Ancient Widow." Katarina nods leaning toward Aara in fascination.

    As she leans forward, Goddard gains more than a glimpse.

  27. "I suppose you could say so. I have never considered it. What is the story of your Ancient Widow?" Aara notices the sight Katarina is displaying and looks away, embarrassed.

  28. A huge toothy grin slides across Goddard's face and he grabs Katarina's arm and pulls her down to him, wrapping his arms around her in a hug.

  29. "Goddar... whaaa?!" Katarina falls forward on top of Goddard bowling over Aara and spilling all three into a pile on the deck.

    Realizing that Aara is now on the bottom of the pile, Katarina attempts to roll off, managing to take the still clinging Goddard with her back now to the deck.

    "What are you doing?!" she demands

  30. Goddard laughs and holds himself up over Katarina. "Ooooohhh I knew you couldn't resist me...but in front of everyone? Sheesh...I didn't think you'd go for that..."

  31. "What are you talking about? Are you insane?! Get off me, you lout!" Katarina says through clenched teeth.

  32. Aara scrambles to her feet. Her veil has fallen away and her black hair is loose. "Aaahhh, I- er- well..." She attempts to right both hair and veil and fails. Backing away, she thrusts her cup of water at Tanin. "I- I have to go. Master Koroush may need me. And I need to meditate." She turns and rushes to the front of the boat. "Desperately need to meditate," she mutters.

  33. Tannin Stands quickly at the sight of everyone falling over. "Are you all ok!!?!" he slurrs slightly

  34. Goddard frowns. "Now now...why go and call me such a thing...if anything you can call me the first three letters of my name." He goes back to smiling, not moving but occasionally shifting on his hands and knees and blowing hairs out of his face.

    "And...the deck is not very comfy...don't want splinters."

  35. A cold anger visibly builds in Katarina's eyes. The air starts to get colder very fast around her and Goddard.

    "You have until the count of three to get off of me. Or you will be drooling into the deck." she threatens.

  36. "You could just crawl away," he laughs. "I'm not holding you...I'm holding myself up and you choose to stay are..."

  37. " need to be rude to the lady. Get off or no more wine for you!" Tannin says disappointed

  38. "What do I need wine for now?" Goddard looks up confused at Tannin. "You've ever been with a lady? wine at this point makes a mess..."

  39. "Ive been with my sssshare, but the point issh sssshe assshked you to get off!" Tannin says, drinking deeply from the bottle

  40. "Oh really? Were they blind?" he chuckles.

  41. The air temperature seems to be near freezing now. "I am not crawling on the deck. Stand up so I can too. ONE." she warns.

  42. Tannin shoots Katarina a look, asking if she wants him to remove the elf

  43. Katarina locks eyes with the elf. "Two."

  44. "Zwei..."

    He flashes a big grin.

    "Drei..." He pushes himself up and sits off to the side.

  45. "Let's count higher next time..."

  46. Katarina sits up and open palm slaps Goddard across his face. "What under the stars possessed you to attempt a stunt like that?!"

  47. He looks down quickly and pulls up his cowl and holds it up. Katarina's hand stings a little more than it should.

    " the fact that you're prettier than the moon and the stars..." he gets up slowly and stumbles toward the horses.

  48. Katarina shivers a little in the cold as she watches Goddard stagger off. What got into the elf? Is he unstable?

    She reaches for her cup of wine, the cold metal nearly burning to the touch. She quickly drops it, a small red ice slush slides from inside.

  49. Shocked sober by the cold, Tannin shivers.

    "So is that how your ice magic works?" he asks?

  50. Goddard makes it over to the horses in one piece and sits cross legged and hunched under Zhane. He puts his hood and cloak back on and sits quietly.

  51. Pushing back and standing up, Katarina finds an edge to the cold. The warm summer night air hits her and immediately she feels her face flush with renewed blood flow.

    "Kind of. I...I...I'm not exactly sure how I did that. But that entire area is freezing, yet more of the ship is unaffected." she replies hesitantly.

  52. Tannin flicks away the bits of frost that had formed on his "dragon" scales.

    "I'll give thats craftsmen one thing, his armor sure does live up to the name "Dragon scale". Chain would have gone brittle with this sudden change in temperature, but this has held up perfectly!"

  53. "Tannin, what happened? Why did he do that? My mat' and tetya warned me that men could become animals, but I have never seen anything like that before. Just bastards like that noble in Nuln."

    Raising her voice, "What possessed you to do that that Goddard? Why did you just grab me like that? You startled me and could have hurt Aara in the process. Give me your reasoning and I may yet forgive this transgression."

  54. "Get...get over here...walk...don't make me crawl over there," he yells back.

  55. "I'm not asking you to crawl. I want answers." She yells back.

  56. "After having a front row seat to watching me bisect the son of a duke for a lesser transgression, I figured he would be more mindful of his actions. Bretonnian wine must have had an ill effect on him...."

  57. "But I don't wanna yell," he mumbles and starts to crawl toward Katarina. "'s not gonna be fun if I stand up...for me'll laugh and I would deserve it but it will still be un-fun..."

  58. Annoyed, Katarina walks over to Goddard and crosses her arms. "Okay, I'm here and we're not yelling. Explain your actions and no attempts at charm or wit. I want truth Goddard."

  59. "I think I'm all out of that for now," he says rubbing his head, looking down.

    "And didn't I tell you? For one thing, wine...I've been in a dusty dry magic college for multiple centuries and so I don't drink much if at all...usually I'm buying the drinks for the la...ok never mind...don't hurt me for that..."

    "And you not realize how attractive you are? You may not believe me, but I don't just go after anything with a pulse...that was witty wasn't it? Damn...don't hurt's the truth that matters right?"

    Goddard finally looks up at her with wide pleading eyes. "I don't know what else to tell you Katarina...or should I not call you that..."

  60. "Yet another person calling me Lady Zarakova does have a nice ring to it... however, you may continue to call me Katarina for now. I hope that without wine, you might control yourself better.

    "I have been told before that I am pleasing to the eyes of men. But understand Goddard, that has little to do with who I am, why I am here, or what lies in the future. If you cannot control yourself, then I can guarantee you will not be a part of my future... maybe anyone elses.

    "Still why did you just grab me? You were laying in the lap of lovely woman who was stroking your hair an the next you pounce on top of me like a beast. There is an old saying in my country, in Klvas there is truth. What truth did the wine find in you?"

  61. "I can control myself...usually..." he sighs and shrugs.

    "I dunno..." he rubs his head then suddenly points at Katarina.

    " leaned in! Too close...close enough and...your shirt...what the hell is wrong with that thing! Flashing your...your...LOAVES!" he gestures to his chest. Then points at her again.

    "This doesn't say much about my character," he chuckles, "but would you have expected any less from me?"

  62. Katarina clutches the top of her shirt closed at the neck. She mutters to herself, "Stupid tailors can't alter a men's shirt for me to save their sorry hides."

    Turning back to Goddard. "So you got a glimpse of my endowments and THIS happened. And... loaves? That's a new one past me, how long did it take for you to come up with that?

    "While I'll let it slide this time, if there is a problem with an ill fitting garment... attacking me should not be an option. Are we clear?"

  63. "Crystal." He bows his head down then chuckles. "Loaves...I dunno...thats what father called them. And why wear men's clothing anyway?" He pats the floor next to him for her to sit down. "Oh and I promise...I won;t touch you...unless you want me to..."

  64. Seeing that Katarina has clearly handled the situation, Tannin smiles and draws his sword, taking a seat at the table. He pulls a cloth and some oils with grail symbols on them out, and begins cleaning and oiling his sword in a methodical manner, sipping wine as he does so.

  65. "There's a reason for that... I... kinda..." she trails off muttering.

  66. He pats the floor again. "If you really liked doing that info trading crap with Sir Dragon, you'll love it with me since I am far more interesting...then you can ask me something."

  67. "Maybe tomorrow, then." She says quickly changing the subject from her clothes.

    "Goodnight Goddard. Just a friendly warning, if I wake up an find you in my bed roll uninvited, I'm going to have a new pair of earrings in the morning."

    She turns and heads towards her kit, boot heels clicking extra loudly away from the elf.

  68. Goddard dramatically grabs his ears. "But I need these!"

    He watches her walk away and then crawls back under Zhane. "You're like a house." He snuggles in his cloak while still sitting up. "Like a big furry house." He yawns again and slowly drifts off to sleep.

  69. Aara rises before the dawn and her master. Removing her veil, she looks about her. Everyone is asleep, but she still cannot jump into the river as she wishes. She grabs an empty bucket and fills it with water, then sets about rinsing her hair as best she can. With a fresh bucket she meticulously washes her face clean of all the khol around her eyes and her hands and neck.

    Dawn is just beginning to show, and with the drink passed around the night before, she doesn't believe that anyone will rise soon. There is time for her hair to dry and to reapply the khol lining before others wake.

    Aara remains barefoot and bare headed and sets about her morning routine. She begins with long, graceful stretches with poetic names such as Maiden Brushing Her Hair and Lovers Embrace. Allowing her hip length hair to hang free is nice, and it begins to dry quickly.

    Aara loses herself in the movement so much that she does not hear when the others begin to rise some time later.

  70. As Aara starts her stretching, she notices Crow standing off to the side looking around at the predawn world. He seems to be calm, as calm as a rat away from home can be any way. He then see Aara, he looks at her for a moment then simply shrugs and heads off toward the carriage.

  71. Katarina still lies sleeping. She rolls over onto her back and begins to snore quite loudly. Clutched in one arm looks to be something made of grey wool.

  72. Goddard wakes up as soon as the slightest bit of sun brightens the sky.
    "Stupid sun," he mumbles and stretches, hitting Zhane in the stomach. The horse snorts and steps forward, clipping Goddard in the head.

    "OW! Sheesh...sorry. I did not need that," he whimpers, rubbing his head. "I'd better go do this before I forget..."

    He stands up and walks toward Katarina. She's still sleeping. And snoring? He chuckles.

    "Hey," he says quietly, nudging her arm.

  73. Still asleep she grumbles. "Ukhodi, Nika . Eto slishkom rano, chtoby poyti na loshadyakh, krome teti Mishka i ya dolzhen bytʹ o nashey rabote vesʹ denʹ."

  74. "I don't know what that is," he whispers trying not to laugh. He looks up and sees Aara and then looks down quickly. That probably wasn't something he should have seen and he would like very much to keep his eyes.

    "Wake up...and what is this?" he makes an attempt to free the woolen object from her grasp.

  75. She instinctively pulls away and curls inward on the object. "Nikolay , ukhodi ty, malenʹkaya borodavka ! Ne dumayu, chto ya ne budu otshlepatʹ tebya za to, chto plokho . Teperʹ pozvolʹte mne spatʹ!"

  76. Tannin also wakes up before the dawn. Near the back of the ship, his armor is stacked in a neat pile. He kneels before his sword, praying to the lady. As the sun rises, he also glows for a second, as does his sword.

    Stripped down to just a set of black pantaloons, he begins to pratice with his birth sword. His armor has been hiding the fact that he is infact quite large and muscular. A very large dragon tattoo covers almost his entire back. His sword moves are very choreographed, and the speed and intensity of each motion makes the wind howl around him.

  77. Goddard grits his teeth. "Ok...calm down...the whole point was to apologize not antagonize," he whispers.

    He gets comfortable since he may be sitting here for a while and pokes her forehead. "Come on...I don't understand your babbling. Open your eyes and I'll go away...don't you want that? Huh? Wouldn't that just make your morning?" he says as if talking to a child.

    He notices movement from the corner of his eye and looks toward it to see a barely clothed Tannin. "Ugh...maybe I'll stare at Aara and hopefully her master will take my eyes," he mumbles.

  78. "Good morning Goddard," Aara calls out. She lays aside her scimitar and sits on the deck, pulling her hair over her shoulder and braiding it. "I hope you're not feeling ill from the wine?"

  79. Katarina mumbles more in her sleep. "Circle. Frozen cup. Ice."

  80. Goddard smiles at Aara then looks down. "I'm fine...and I'm sorry for last night," he says as he fiddles with one of the feathers on his belt.

    "I'm not very good with alcohol...and I wanted to tell sleeping beauty here the same but she sleeps like a log. So..." he brushes loose hair away from her face with his hand and leans over to Katarina's ear and whispers, "I didn't actually say these words and you deserve them...I'm sorry..."

  81. " Net, ne skazatʹ, chto Dimitriy. Nikogda ne zhalko nashu lyubovʹ. Ne boysya moikh sester , my mozhem bytʹ vmeste. YA zastavlyu ikh uvidetʹ, chto , dazhe yesli vy neblagorodno! " she mumbles in response before rolling slightly before tenderly kissing Goddard on the cheek.

    She shifts a little more, still sound asleep and dreaming peacefully.

  82. "Um..." Goddard looks a little shocked. "That's never happened...I'm sure she's confused...or something."

    He puts his hand on his cheek and stands up. "I er...have to wash up and take care of the scythe before I make breakfast so Imma just go over there," he tells Aara before walking off.

  83. Aara laughs as she wraps her braid into a knot at the base of her skull. After pinning her veil in place and covering her face once more, she draws a dagger and uses it's blade as a mirror to begin applying khol around her eyes.

  84. Goddard tries to get water from the river but the thought of falling in is making the task harder than it should be.

    "What is this...500 feet deep? I'll drown for sure...all because I want to be clean...and for what?" he grumbles to himself as he scoops up enough water.

    He takes the hood and cloak off, removes the cowl and shirt. He takes all the wraps off his arms. He's very pale and thin and has scars mostly on his upper arms, chest and back. His forearms have some scattered elven words written in black.

    "Alright...gotta be careful...I am not going to waste this and have to get more water..."

  85. Zhane turns toward Goddard and begins to chew on his hair. "Oh ew! NO! BAD! This is not helping," he pushes the horses face away. "Shoo!"

    Zhane pushes Goddard softly with his nose. "I said shoooo." The horse snorts and pushes Goddard hard enough that he falls over.

    "HEY! Quit bein rude! NO NO quit it! Awwww why!"

    Zhane drinks the water that was in the bucket and whinnys, nodding his head.

    "I hate you..." he grumbles and gets more water which he first presents to Zhane. The horse doesn't do anything. "So I can have this?"


    "Ok...good...AND DON'T EAT MY STUFF!"

  86. Aara makes a simple breakfast of flat bread smeared with a thick layer of hummus. She lays it near the fire to warm, then sets about making tea. Her heart sinks a little when she realizes that her pouch of tea holds only enough for the morning- this will be her last taste of jasamine tea for some time. Master Koroush prefers a much stronger, less flowery tea, and she will have to gulp down his bitter brew.

    "I suppose it would happen at some point," she sighs. "Mayhap we'll have the good fortune to travel through a bazaar."

    Tea brewed and bread warmed, Aara fills her hands and goes to the back of the boat where Tanin is working. "Good morning," she says, offering him a cup of tea. "Since I cannot drink your wine, perhaps you can share my tea and hummus."

  87. Sensing Aara's approach, Tannin lowers his sword and stows it with the rest of his gear. He glistens slightly in the morning sun.

    "Good morning, Lady Aara" he says with a bow, and graciously accepts the tea.

    taking a sip, he says with a smile "Allow me to change into somthing more suitable for morning breakfast, and I would be glad to join you"

  88. Aara nods and sits on the rail of the ship, balancing carefully and sitting cross-legged. Dawn is my favorite time of the day she thinks. No mistakes made yet, no honor to be won or lost. Just the majesty of light and color.

    Seeing the knight return fully clothed, she turns her attention to him. "Your homeland sounds lovely, but I'm not sure I understand some of your customs. Do women not follow the laws of modesty there?"

  89. Tannin returns wearing his black pantaloons, a simple white tunic and his boots, with his sword belt strapped around his waist.

    "Our women wear dresses of the finest materials and colors. why do you ask? " tannin says, sipping his tea, pinky extended

  90. "They are not veiled? How do you stop men from killing each other fighting over them? And how can you all manage to defend the honor of every woman born? It must be exhausting," she laughs. "There would be no time for farming or sleeping."

  91. Katarina slowly wakes up and looks around. Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, she sees Tannin and Aara talking. Goddard is busying himself with a pail, while his horse chews at his hair. She sees no signs of Koroush or the rats.

    While not hung over, last night still clings to her. And dreams of life at home and one lost to her bring sadness.

    Making sure she is not watched, Katarina gets a rope from Anya's saddle bags. Swiftly she ties the rope off to the stout horse, then spreads a blanket across the beast. Checking again, she sees no prying eyes on the deck before stripping from her clothes and tying herself off to the horse. Carefully she slides over the edge of the raft and into the cold water.

    May the water wash off the night before and rinse the longings for what cannot be from my mind she thinks as she submerges herself.

  92. "We uh...dont usually kill each other because of our women's beauty. We have more self control then that." Tannin says, a bit confused, and finishes his tea

    "And protecting our women is a full time job. We leave menial tasks like that to the pesents" Tannin says, very matter of factly

  93. Goddard notices Katarina trying to be sneaky. Sadly the horses are in the way for the most part so he doesn't see much. He goes to dump the water on his head and Zhane hits the bucket, spilling most of the water on the deck.

    "You're one of father's minions," he grumbles. "Ahh well...maybe she can help me hehe." He crawls over to the side with the bucket and waits for her to pop back up. She can't stay under for too long...

  94. Katarina surfaces, pulling her hair from her face and wiping the water from her eyes. Looking up, she yelps as Goddard looks down at her.

    "Yaah! What are you doing?! Turn around you perverted elf!

  95. "Mornin'! Would you mind filling this back up?" he taps the bucket. "Less chance of me fallin' in if you do it. Zhane is being complicated..." Half of his hair is wet and the other half is dry.

    He is laying on the deck, a bucket by his head.

  96. Katarina narrows her eyes at the elf. "I can't reach the bucket. Push it to the edge and don't look at me!"

  97. Goddard scoots forward and pushes the bucket closer, hanging his hand off the side. He puts his other hand over his eyes and smiles.

  98. Katarina takes the bucket and holds it above the water for a minute. Then she dunks it below the river's surface and puts it back into Goddard's hand.

    "There. Take your water and hand me that blanket."

  99. Goddard puts the bucket beside him, turns his back to Katarina and holds out the blanket for her.

    "So...I take it you heard what I said to you this morning and completely forgave me, right?"

  100. "What are you talking about?" she says keeping her arms and head above the water.

  101. "Well...I tried to wake you snore by the way...but that's ok...was kinda cute...and you were talking in whatever it is you speak, and when I whispered my words of sincere apology into your ear, you planted your lips right here," he points to his cheek.

    "And this one," he points to the other, "Feels a little left out..."

    "Oh and whats the fuzzy grey thing you sleep with," he quickly adds.

  102. "Yes I know I snore and... wait. What?! You, you... I was dreaming of Dimiri and you... YA sobirayusʹ ubitʹ tebya, ty elʹf ublyudok!"

    With startling speed, Katarina lunges forward and grabs Goddard by the neck, chocking him. She has forgotten all pretenses of modesty in her anger.

  103. Hearing the commotion from across the deck, tannin sets his empty cup down on the table and says "The tea was lovely, Thank you. If you'll excuse me, I have to go save an elf"

    With a slight bow, Tannin quickly walks over to where all the fuss is going on

  104. "Ty ukral samuyu pamyatʹ o moyey lyubimoy i ispolʹzovatʹ svernul yeye , chtoby zaruchitʹsya lyubovʹyu ot menya! YA ubʹyu tebya , chudovishche ! "
    The woman yells at the elf.

  105. Goddard first covers his head with the blanket and then pulls Katarina's hands apart. He turns around, pushes her down, stands up and then throws the blanket on top of her from over his head. He looks angry and terrified at the same time. Mostly terrified.

    "Don't do that again," he says between clenched teeth. He walks away and scoops up his things and quickly puts everything back on...hood cloak and all.

  106. "Everything ok?! tannin says, approaching the melee

  107. Wrapping the blanket around her, she quickly fumbles for her boot and pulls the dagger sheathed there. She pushes up and tries to tackle Goddard.

    "You stole him!" she yells "You stole his memory and impersonated him in my dream, fiend!"

  108. Goddard turns around and grabs her wrist tightly. All she can see are his eyes. His right eye is still stark white, but his usually medium grey left eye, has a completely black iris.

    "Cut it out," he says harshly and pushes her arm away. He blinks and his eye is grey again. He continues to face her but backs up a little.

  109. Brandishing the dagger in a more defensive posture, Katarina spits on the ground at Gddard's feet. "So you don't deny it, thief?! You used your magic on me to steal affection from me. I graciously pardoned your offense last night, but THIS is how you repay my kindness?! Maybe the people of Nuln were right to suspect you of dark dealings."

  110. "I did no such thing!" he says sounding a bit hurt.

    "You were sleeping, dreaming most likely, and I honestly just told you I was sorry and that I felt you deserved to hear those words and not whatever I said last night. Ask Aara...she was right next to me...I don't even know what you were dreaming were talking in whatever it is you speak."

  111. Hatred still gleams in Katarina's eyes. "What can you remember of things I might have said? And if Aara does not confirm your story? What then?"

  112. Goddard rubs his forehead. "How am I supposed to know," he says annoyed.

    "I don't speak whatever that is...maybe Dimitri? I don't know! That sounds like a name...And she will...There is no 'what then'...because I'm telling the truth."

  113. "A liar never states he is lying, only that he tells the truth!"

  114. "WHAT!" He grabs his head as if suffering from a debilitating headache. "We can talk when you make sense! Just...don't touch me..."

    He continues to face her as he makes his way to his scythe. He watches her and sits down with the weapon. Goddard grabs a pouch, not taking his eyes off her and pulls out what he needs to polish the gem and the metal.

    "Dimitri...and Nick-I dunno...if I remember more I'll tell you."

  115. Her eyes narrow in suspicion. "The last name. Think about it. What did I say?"

  116. "I dunno!" Goddard finally looks down at what he is doing. "Blah blah blah DIMITRI blah blah....Nickle...Nicko...blah blah...snore..."

  117. "Were you poking or shaking me to wake up?" she asks lowering the dagger.

  118. Goddard continues working. "Apparently not hard enough to make you wake up...I didn't want to scare you and have you...I dunno...come at me with a dagger..."

  119. Katarina plants the dagger in the deck and ties the blanket around herself.

    "Nicolay. For once that spoiled little brat did something useful, saved your life. I remember thinking that he was trying to wake me up like he always does. He would poke me a few times, then shake me a bunch. One time he went got cup of water and poured it on my head.

    "I believe you Goddard. Please accept my apology, but after last night I am going to have problems trusting you.

    "My other dream is deeply personal to me and it still pains my heart to see and hold him in my dreams; but having nothing when I wake."

    Katarina blinks back tears and quickly turns toward her stuff to get dressed.

  120. "Oh yeah! You did mention a cup...a frozen one and ice and a circle...THAT you didn't say in your crazy speak..."

    "You were supposed to accept mine from this morning," he says slumping. "You don't need to apologize to me..."

    Goddard looks up and says something softly in elven as Katarina walks away.

  121. From behind Katarina's horse, Goddard can hear the sound of muffled sobs.

  122. Goddard leans his head back. She's going to kill me but...I can't just sit here.

    He walks over to the horse Katarina is standing behind and keeps himself hidden behind it. "I don't know what you are crying about but please don't." He sighs. "I dunno who this he is...but I'm sure he cares about you...especially if you care this much about him..."

    The best ones always have someone...sheesh...

  123. "Cared." she says softly "He can't do that anymore now."

  124. "Of course he can," Goddard says confidently. "If anyone would know about this stuff, it would be me...if he cared then, he still cares now."

  125. "Maybe, where ever he is in the halls of Ulric. But that is of little comfort here and now. Its the lack of knowing and the regret." she replies sniffing.

  126. He peeks over the horse's back. "Hmmm I know of something that might help. I'll make you a promise...cuz I like you...despite the fact you tried to kill me. When I'm done this apprenticeship and figure this magic business out, we can go to Kislevor whatever and ask him whatever it is you need closure on. Kay?"

  127. "I thought you didn't deal in that stuff?"

  128. "That loon accused me of necromancy. I deal in death and dead things...not necessarily making things undead."

    "What this is is just talking...ok not talking. More like knocking. I've been around when someone asked father to do it. So you can ask yes or no questions or to count to a number."

  129. "Anything else? No blood of a virgin? No ancient relic? Only yes or no questions and counting? No answer as in, 'I was stabbed in the back by my commander'?"

  130. "I won't need anything but it helps if I have a piece of clothing he wore in life," Goddard says softly. "But you can ask 'were you stabbed in the back by my commander'. Just phrase it yes or no."

  131. Katarina nods understandingly. "Thank you. I would hug you, but... well. Wrong ideas and things."

  132. "Aww come on now...just a friendly hug...I ideas...cross my heart and hope to die."

  133. "Hand shake of friendship." she counter offers

  134. "Not this again," he laughs and offers his hand across the horse's back. Goddard kept it between them in case he made Katarina mad again. He didn't think she could quickly get over the horse.

  135. She shakes his hand before pulling on her shirt. "You're similar to the men in my country when it comes to pursuits of women, Goddard. But there is an odd difference in manner that puts me off guard around you."

    Glancing over her shoulder, "And its not your ears or your abilities. How often does your master let you on these excursions?"

  136. " in this whole leaving to go search for these books?" he asks. "This is the first time I've ever been away from Altdorf and my college alone," he says a bit embarrassed. "All of this is new to me and all of your cultures are very confusing."

  137. Seemingly from nowhere, Goddard and Katarina hear, "A confused elfthing, how fun-fun...and not at all surprising."

  138. "Don't you have some cheese to steal, rodent?" Goddard says condescendingly.

  139. "Dim-dull elfthing, as eloquent as a rat ogre's drool." A piece of wet, half-chewed piece of wood falls on Goddard's head from above.

    Neeska sits atop the carriage with a full view of the deck, clad in full cloak and hood to (mostly) hide his ratness. He begins to carve another piece of wood from the carriage roof to gnaw on.

  140. Aara returns to sit near Master Koroush's bedroll. I'm not so sure leaving home was the right choice. Or becoming employed by such a strange man.

    She looks down at Koroush. Without him, she would never have known the feel of silk on her flesh, or learned to ride, or weild a scimitar. He had saved her from the fate of plain, ugly girl. Without him, she would be covered head to toe by rough homespun linen and mothering the children of a man who didn't care a whit if she died in childbirth. No one would ever know what her smile looked like.

    But because of him, she had seen much of her homeland, and was seeing much of the world. But her heart aches for gardens filled with the music of fountains, the scent of the fruit trees, the songs and warmth of home. Eyes burning with unshed tears, she retrieves her weapon kit and sets her hands busy tending to her scimitar and daggers.

    No tears, Aara. Home will always be waiting for us...

  141. "What the..." Goddard rubs his head and looks down at the wood. "Look here fuzzball...I'm trying to have a conversation over here so shut your trap and stop eating that cart!"

  142. Katarina looks over at the Skaven. "Hey, out of curiosity, do have little humans, dwarves, and elves live in the walls of your home and steal your food the way we have little rats do the same?"

  143. "An odd-queer question ladything," he says skeptically. His gleaming eyes study Katarina for a moment from under his hood, as he tries to decide if her query was meant as an insult.

    "Yes-yes, but like little-rats manthings and elfthings are too foolish to know when they take-take what belongs to Skaven." His teeth begin to quickly chatter on the fresh hunk of wood between sentences. "The shortthings though, we taught them their place-place long ago."

    "Why do you ask-ask this, ladything? What are you scheme-plotting?"

  144. "You don't wanna know what she's plotting...her mind works in ways that would melt the teeny tiny brain you have."

  145. Katarina takes on a noble air. "It's fine, Goddard. There is My first plot is to acquire all the cheese in the world. Then once accomplished, it leads to the next and greater scheme of acquiring all the milk. As the rest fall into place, that will bring all creatures under my will one by one.

    "The knowledge of my plots is of no consequence, gray rat. We are on a path that cannot be changed and if it is not I that benefit; another will take my place and be less magnanimous than I."

  146. Goddard puts a hand to his neck. "Magnanimous huh?"

  147. "There are far worse things than that. And you know it."
