Saturday, November 10, 2012

On a BIG boat

The party gets on board yet another watercraft for travel. Except this time, it's much bigger and luxurious compared to the barge. Despite the stormy weather, the ship will head out to Araby where they will search of a vampire.

After Goddard gets Zhane settled and gets the "ghost bat" to do some non-sense task, he walks over to Katarina.

"You seemed to get upset when I mentioned something about my father. Dunno what I said but I'm sorry."

He rubs the back of his head and says while looking down , "I don't mean to make you're too pretty for a sad face," he looks back up at her, smiling.


  1. Finally getting the barding off of his new Charger, Tannin takes a second to look her over.
    Sirocco, the salesmen called you. Quite fitting. And almost poetic considering where we are going.

    Completing his once over, he scratches the massive horse between the ears. "Sorry I didnt get to run you more before cooping you up on this ship." Tannin says, sadly. "I'll make it up to you, I promise."

    Sirocco almost seems to nod her head in understanding, and then slowly sits herself down on the deck of the ship.

    Tannin fetches a brush, and sets to brushing and cleaning the horses silky white fur. That man I purchased you from...what was his name again? Ancell? He took remarkable care of you. I hope I can do you justice Tannin thinks, kneeling beside Sirocco

  2. Katarina looks up at Goddard from the piece of cloth she is sewing. She had made a quick rush to the market the night before the boat set sail. She'd returned with some thread and buttons apparently for the current project in her hands, some linen cloth that was obviously taken from Aara's trunk.

    "Talk of your father didn't upset me. In fact, it made me very appreciative that my father is very kind, loving and and nurturing for me, my brothers, and my sisters

    "It's more his similarities with my tetya, Aunt... though she was never teasingly cruel like with your... animal. But its almost a disapproving nature.

  3. Goddard looks around as if expecting to be ambushed by some terrible force and then sits down next to Kataria. "What could she possibly disapprove of," Goddard asks looking her up and down. "Father never approved or disapproved of anything. He just let it be."

  4. "Quite a bit, actually."

    Katarina puts down her sewing and rolls her eyes up. She drops the pitch of her voice to imitate the woman. "Ice is the blood of Kislev and the Sisterhood. Once it enters your blood, you are forever changed. While you have shown adaptation, strength, power, and control that many your age do not have... you are fundamentally flawed as the ice does not run in your veins. There is some... fire, in you, that will not die. Until you quench that fire with ice, you will be unable to find the understanding of the Ancient Widow."

    Katarina picks up her sewing and continues it, not glancing back up at Goddard. "Its the complimentary insults. Such as, giving you something you desperately want but in a form you absolutely hate. Is that letting it be? Or is it more towards what I was saying."

  5. "Well...he pretty much let me do whatever I wanted," Goddard chuckled as he remembers the past. "You don't wanna hear the loaves story..."

    "If I messed something up, he would tell me flat out. Like the first time I cooked anything. I made soup. I was what...hmm in terms of humans...8 years old. I was so proud and he told me it was horrible. But then he told me what was good about it. That I cooked everything right but my seasoning was off and that most people burn things when they first cook. And then he ate all of it...despite the fact that it was horrible."

    "She should have been more helpful and encouraging no matter what. Did she raise you?" Goddard asks watching her sew. He looks around again for his 'ambush'.

  6. "No. She is my teacher though. In the Sisterhood, mothers are not allowed to train daughters except in certain circumstances. We are passed to grandmothers or aunts for training. If that is not possible we are sent to another member of the Sisterhood.

    "Its is her way, but she is an excellent teacher. The coldness is a part of the package, the same as my mother."

    She looks up at Goddard, his words catching hold. "What is it with you people and your food euphemisms?"

  7. He shrugs. "In the Empire, we like our food and our body parts?" and then he laughs. "I wouldn't deal well with someone like that," he leans against her arm. "I require love and warmth and kindness and other such things..."

  8. Katarina gives him a warning look. "Ahem..."

  9. "Oh I'm sorry," he says,obviously not really meaning it. "I'm just...tired yeah...tired...lets got with that."

    He sits straight up again and then grabs at his own hair.

    "Morr...take me now..."

    MASTER MASTER! The horse loved my singing AGAIN! My task is complete! I mean...of course he liked it. My voice is lovely. Have you done anything heroic yet? Huh huh did ya did ya did ya!? I wanna hear stories! Why did you change your clothes? We matched! But you look amazing! As amazing as I look!

    Katarina can hear it as well. It's not just in her head.

  10. "Where is that squeaky voice coming from?" Katarina asks wincing.

  11. "Must you ask," Goddard points to his neck. The bat shaped shadow is wrapped around him.

    Goddard is quiet for a second and then yells, "HEY! You say NICE things about her you rotten little bugger!"

  12. "I guess when it wants everyone to hear it's beautiful voice," Goddard says angrily grinding his teeth. The grinding sounds louder than it should.

    AWWWW master! The shadow moves away from Goddard and does a flip in the air before snuggling again.

    Katarina hears in head. See! My voice...he likes mine...

  13. "What may I ask is speaking in my head and torturing Goddard so? Does it have name? Can you seal it in one of those empty rum casks?"

  14. HA! Silly can't trap me... It flies straight into her face, back out, and then flies into Goddard's chest.

    Goddard watches Katarina carefully with wide eyes.
    I'm doomed...all chances I had with her are gone if this thing keeps up...

  15. Katarina eyes the spot on Goddard's chest. "That can't be healthy for you to have it go inside you like that..."

    There is a little bit of dismay and horror on hr face.

  16. "Yeah...I should probably go...over here...," he gets up and walks away when he sees the look on her face.

    He swats at his arms and groans as he goes to read the new books he's acquired in his cabin.

  17. "Could you stop crawling on my face! People are going to think I'm insane."

    OH OH! Master I know you are the smartest being I know but may I make a teeny tiny suggestion? Hmmm hmm can I can I? Stop swatting at me! And then we both win!

    It happily flies around the room then flies into Goddard's chest and peeks it's head out.

    But...what if someone else wins? We can't have that happen...or else WE LOSE! Oh no no no no...

    "GRRRRRRR...Imma read a book ok?! Could you shut up for a bit."

    OH! Of course master! Anything for you!

    It sits at the top of Goddard's book so he can see it and it can see him.

    "What are you doing?"

    Being quiet! Just like you said! OOPS!

  18. "Goddard... wait... well, good luck to you then." she says.

    Katarina sighs. "Great. How many days is this going to be? I'm trapped in a ship where I can't trust the crew and the elf is being attacked by some small ghost! To make things better, I'm going to a land hot enough to cook people AND my guides have assured me that as long as I do as said... the people won't kill me with rocks. Ugh!"

  19. Aara creeps down to the cargo hold, Ibben on her shoulder. He chatters softly when she removes a small ball from her pocket. From her view, there is no one there but the horses.

    "Ibben, my friend, do you like it?" she asks in Arabyan.

    The monkey chatters and reaches for it. Pulling it out of his reach, Aara tosses it and watches him expectantly.

    "Ibben, go get it."

    The animal stares at her,as if to ask why she threw it. Aara retrieves the ball and hands it to him, sitting on a box and watching him throw and retrieve the ball himself.

    Thinking herself alone, Aara removes the coverings on her face and hair and tosses them aside. "Ibben, come here," she commands in Arabyan.

  20. Sirocco stands and snorts at Tannin, looking at him expectantly. After a few seconds, she leaves Tannin standing there and trots over to Aara, nudging aara softly with her noise.

  21. Katarina, finished with her project, adjusts the the tagelmust around her head and pulls the veil up. Looking at her reflection in the small pitcher of water in her cabin, she adjusts things to better fit.

    I look like a common bandit, but at least my face is tightly hidden. Still, a proper looking glass of some sort could help. I think Tannin had one for shaving. I'll ask to use it. I think he was with that giant new horse of his in the hold.

    Slipping from her cabin, she makes her way to the hold as quickly, quietly, and unobtrusively as possible.

  22. "Hello you great beauty," Aara says, the Arabyan words rolling off her tongue. She pets the horse's nose gently, whispering to her. Ibben chatters and jumps up, climbing up Aara's body to sit on her shoulder.

    The horse makes a loud snuffing sound, blowing Aara's hair back and making her laugh as the monkey shrieks.

  23. "My apologies, Lady Aara!" Tannin says at the sight of his horse. "Sirocco is...spirited. Shes quick for her size!"

  24. Aara laughs and continues to scratch Siroccos nose. "I don't mind. I rather like horses. Master Koroush has a great stable of good Arabyan stock." She takes a deep breath, admiring the smell of horseflesh. "Sirocco? That's appropriate for such a fine beast. Although hira-....hirocane winds, did I say that correctly? They are not terribly common. More common in our lands is a haboob." It is a giant storm of wind and dust that can cover an entire city and suffocate the people. But," she said, kissing the animal's nose, "Sirocco is a fine name."

  25. "Well, it certainly is an impressive name for a creature of impressive size." Katarina remarks entering the hold.

    "Certainly does dwarf the horses of my country. Anya can practically stand under Sirocco."

    She maneuvers over to the others and rubs the horse's neck. "But I guess you have to be this big to carry riders in as much armor as Tannin.

    "How have the both of you fared this first day out?"

  26. "Im bearly keeping my stomach on the inside. This storm is aweful. Sirocco seems to be handling the constant swaying well. What of you? I trust the crew and storm arnt giving you any trouble?" Tannin says, petting Sirocco's flank

  27. Aara shows them the back of her hands. "The crew know not to trouble me. I can command enough respect for that at least. Also, there is a tea that can ease your stomach. I will ask Master if he has any for you. You aren't troubled, are you Katarina?"

  28. "I am greatful for your teas, Aara. You seem to have one for everything, and they are all delicious. I hope to bring some back from our journey for my family." Tannin says, clutching his stomach.

    "I dont mean to be rude, but what exactly do the marks on your hands mean? Ive never seen one such as yourself with those marks. "

  29. "I've kept one meal down so far, today. I hope tomorrow sees a better day. I have seen many a ship set out on the Sea of Claws heading into storms and wondered what it was like... I now wish I didn't." she replies her weak smile hidden behind cloth.

    "As for the crew, nothing yet and hopefully never. Though this is the first time leaving my cabin for any extended period. With my new headpiece, the Araby clothing, and a little care I should have no issues. I am taking Koroush's warning seriously. I'll let you know if someone needs a thrashing. Thank you, Tannin."

    "I would be very grateful for any aide you or Koroush can offer for this sea sickness. Thank you." Katarina says turning Aara. "I'm beginning to wonder if people were meant to travel like this."

  30. Aara smiles, grateful for once to be without her veil. "It is a bitter brew, but it will help." Turning to Tannin, she rolls up her sleeves. "They are the names of those I have killed. My people believe that when you take a life, you have a certain responsibility to honor their spirit. Thus, we ink ourselves with their names so that we never forget. Although," she grins wickedly, "it is also a means of bragging. Men see all the names here and know I am not to be trifled with. This one," she points to a large name outlined in gold, "is the name of our goddes, Uzzaya. She is the veiled lady I told you about."

  31. Do you need anything Master?

    "I need for you to shut up...aren't you supposed to be helpful or something?"

    Yes! I will do ANYTHING for you!....Except go away...

    "Oh darn..." Goddard says sarcastically.

    Oh Master! I know you feel blessed by my presence! As I feel blessed by yours!

    Goddard shuts his eyes tight. Is that what I sound tryin to tell me something Otto...

    "I think I need to get out on the deck before I puke..."

    Oh no Master! Here let me rub your stomach!
    The shadow disappreas into Goddard's stomach.

    "Ugh you're insane..."

    Goddard walks out onto the deck and shivers.

    ON NO! Bad weather...You should get back inside! I don't know what I would do if anything happened to you!

    "I'd throw a party if you..." Goddard starts to grumble.

    It interrupts Goddard.

    A party for me Master! Oh you shouldn't...actually yes! You should! YAY! I do deserve a party!

    "Shhhh! You hear that?" Goddard suddenly says.

    Oh what is it Master!

    "Just be quiet...and listen...and I'll tell you when I hear it again..." Goddard says cupping his hand to his ear.

    Yes Master!

    Goddard seems to be pacing around the deck. Avoiding crew as best he can.

  32. "...Impressive" Tannin says thoughtfully. " My arms would look awkward if I had ork names om my arms. Ive only had the pleasure of slaying greenskins, save what you all have seen me kill."

    patting Sirocco again, he says "And I hope to slay many more foes with your help"

  33. "This reminds me, Tannin," Aara says seriously. "You must be very careful. Women in Araby do not have the same social standing as they do in your country. Though it will chafe at your vows, you must not seek to defend a woman. It is a..." She searches for the word in Reikspeil. "...Religous issue. You should not see a woman being mistreated as Master Koroush's father is unyeilding on cruelty." She brightened suddenly. "We will spend much time in Master's home. He will feast you for days, as is our custom."

  34. " 'Unyielding on cruelty?' An odd phrase. Can you elaborate on that Aara?" Katarina asks, puzzled.

  35. Did you hear it yet Master?

    "Oh see what you did?! You talked JUST as the sound happened again!" Goddard scolds.

    ...Master...I am so sorry. I will listen...I do have amazing hearing ya know!

    "Really?" he says sarcastically. "I never would have guessed you could hear anything..."

    Of course Master! I am a bat after all! An amazing bat! The BEST bat!

    Some of the crew look at Goddard confused and slightly frightened as he "talks to himself."

    "Yeah...keep on staring!" he points at one that is walking by.

    They walk more quickly and try to avoid eye contact with the crazy elf.

  36. "The Sultan is a modern man. He does not believe that women should even be mistreated and shamed in public- except, of course, prostitutes and women of ill repute. I have seen many public executions because a man chose to beat the women under his name in public." Aara looks down and turns her right hand to show the underside of her wrist. "Some heads I have severed myself. They are shamed by being executed by the very sex they have harmed."

  37. A feral smile forms on Katarina's lips beneath her veil. "This sultan seems very just then. I am curious as to what will be expected of me during my time in your land? You've already given me beneficial counsel on not looking like a hrlot. Though I wonder at other expectations that might be placed on me or any of the others."

  38. Aara reaches into her pocket for a treat for Ibben. "It should not be difficult. You will all be under the protection of Master Koroush. An Emir's name can go a long way, but it is best to simply obey Koroush's orders until we are alone. Even I find it difficult to simply turn a blind eye to some things, but we mustn't issue or accept a challenge. Koroush's honor and future rule is represented by us all. Once we are deeper into Arabya, it will not be so difficult."

  39. Tannin takes a second to consider his options, and then says "I am an unwelcome outsider due to the over zealous nature of my people some time ago. I am an infidel. I am a guest of Koroush. I will stay my blade, and tongue, in order to Honor my people and Koroush.

  40. Aara performs a formal bow to him. "Thank you, Tannin. You are truly worthy of the title of knight."

  41. "Issue or accept challenges? Like what happened in Nuln? Or would these be much worse?" Katarina asks giving a sideways glance at Tannin and giving a thought to Goddard.

  42. "Anything that could become violent. The incident in Nuln would be a large mess to clean up. But your incidents with Goddard could lead to disastrous ends as well."

  43. Goddard slowly walks down the stairs into the cargo area.

    "Ahh there you all are...Are...are you talking about me?" he asks hopeful that his name was mentioned in a good way.

  44. "I will do as Koroush does. Im sure he would do the same in my lands, though I fear he would be welcomed more."

    In a pet voice with a laugh, he turns to Sirocco "I just hope you can behave. Theres clearly a norse berzerker under there!"

  45. "Hmm... I'll reign in my temper and be on my best behavior. I promise that."

  46. "Master Koroush has a...long memory. Many have forgotten why they dislike Brettonians, perhaps you can change their minds," she added hopefully. "You have certainly changed mine."

  47. See Master...they talk about you then ignore you when you say things...only I care about you...all you need is me...they are tricksy... It speaks only to Goddard.

    "Yeah I know right?" Goddard seemingly says to no one.

  48. Aara turns and smiles at Goddard. "Hello, Goddard! I didn't hear you arrive." She makes a slightly concerned face. "Is your creature still vexing you?"

  49. "You honor me, Lady Aara" Tannin says with a bow.

    Turning toward the entrance to the cargohold, Tannin waves to Goddard.
    "Always in a good way, my wise wizard friend! Please, come join us, and meet Sirocco!"

  50. Goddard looks up at Aara and Tannin. And then stares at Aara. He holds a hand out and points to his palm with the other.

    "Over here minion!"

    The creature quickly appears in Goddard's palm.

    Yes Master!

    "I have a mission for could cost me my life if you fail..." he says with a fake urgency.

    I will not fail you Master!

    "I need you to watch this doorway and tell me if anyone else with fancy robes and silks appears..."

    Yes MAster! You can trust me! Not only are my ears amazing for hearing, but my eyes are amazing for seeing and my mouth is amazing for warning!

    "Yes yes your annoying little mouth...Now go!"

    It flies up to the doorway and hangs upside down.

    All anyone heard was what Goddard had said.

    Goddard waves half heartedly at Tannin, as he sits down next to Aara. "It's like the most beautiful piece of jewelry has been taken from it's box," he says with a smile.

  51. Aara blushes deeply. "You are too kind. But I thank you."

  52. Goddard quickly looks toward the door then back at Aara. "And your hair puts even the finest silks to shame..." he says as he holds his hand up as if he wants to touch her hair but isn't worthy enough.

  53. "Goddard, you mustn't fear to see, speak, or touch me. Master Koroush would never farm one dear to me. Sir Tannin has no such fears, and you and I know one another better."

  54. Laughing, Tannin says "exepcting another witch hunter to come into the cargo bay? You seem nervous"

    as if to drive the point home, Sirocco turns to Goddard and snorts

  55. Goddard's ears lean back like those of an angry cat when the huge horse snorts at him and when Tannin talks.

    "You're steamin my hair, horse...and not in a good way...And I thought it was much worse..."

    His ears perk up as he talks to Aara again. "Buuuuut apparently not," he smiles, goes forward with touching her hair by her face and tucking it behind her ear, and scoots closer to her.

  56. Ibben chatters as he triumphantly shows off the ball he has been playing with. "Yes, Ibben, a ball," Aara sighs. "But you do not fetch it when I throw it." She tosses the ball once more and curses under her breath in Arabyan.

  57. Goddard leans away when the chattering creature appears. "Ok I missed when this happened...what's with the interrupting animals lately?"

  58. "He simply will not fetch," she explains, leaning closer to Goddard. "But i will work with him more. It will be a pleasure to be at hone and not need to wear that wretched veil all the time," she sighs.

  59. Goddard forces his brain to ignore Ibben and he looks dreamily at Aara. "You mean you won't have to wear that thing at all while we are in Ararby?"

    He then shakes his head as if shaking off some hypnotizing spell. " rest of the women there...are there other Koroushes? I need to watch out for my hands...and various other body parts..."

  60. "Im sorry Goddard!" Tannin says, refering to the horse

    "Dont do that. Its rude!" he says to Sirocco.

    Sirocco lowers her ears and bows her head

  61. "By not wearing a veil I am saying that I do not foresee a threat and will not take a life. Do no, not always. But you must look at their hands. Rarely will a woman have marks such as mine, but you must not makes advances to other women. The men in control of them are jealous and can be as cruel as they like at home."

  62. "Manners...learn Zhane...take notes!"
    Zhane shifts his weight, flicks his tail and remains still.

    "So...marks are a definite no ok? Or should I just wait to get to your lovely sounding home? What is the opinion of elves over in Araby..."

  63. "Elves are few. No marks means you should not attempt her, but some mean you can at least try. But most women like myself are hard and angry, so be forewarned: they may try to take your eyes."

  64. " eyes?" Goddard gulps.

    Who is trying to take your eyes Master!? I'll protect them while you show them who's boss!

    The black shadow suddenly and quietly covers Goddard's eyes like a smokey bat mask.

    He frowns and continues speaking. "I should probably keep my hands and mouth to myself, you and Katarina then right?"

  65. Aara laughs and flutters her lashes at him. "At least we offer plenty to see."

  66. Tannin snickers and puts his head in his hands.
    Katarina is as likely to shove an icecycle up Goddards arse then let him keep his hands and mouth on her

  67. Goddard smiles, the shadow still on his face. "That you do...but...sometimes you need all the senses and not just sight...But I must ask does the world look more beautiful when seen through eyes as wonderful as yours?"

  68. Aara sighs dreamily. "When you have seen the sun set in Araby you will see all the beauty in creation."

    Seeing Sir Tannins head in his hands, she hesitantly reaches out. "Infidel, are you ill? Should I brew some tea for the sickness now?"

  69. Goddard sighs dreamily as well.
    Cannot wait to get to this's going to be great...

    He then lays his hand on the shadow. "You can move now...why don't you liver...yes...go use your special eyes and make sure my liver stays safe."

    Of course Master! A liver is very important...I know these things...I am very smart too!

  70. The shadow moves off Goddard's face.

  71. "oh no no. I just had the funniest thought about Katarina, an ice cycle, and Goddard"

    after hearing Goddard speaking to himself, Tannin says "Are you ill, Goddard? I thought you were Goddard the wise, not Goddard the mad!"

  72. "Oh, really, Ser Jester. You'll have to tell me that joke one day." Katarina teases as she returns from the far side of the hold. The veil part of her tagelmust is lowered and the others can see a friendly smile.

    "Even if Tannin does not take your offer, I definitely am, Aara. That's now no meals I have managed to keep down. A bitter tea is much more preferable to this.

    "Oh, hello Goddard. You're reading time was satisfactory I take it?"

  73. Aara moves to Koroush's saddlebag for a waterskin and the correct tea mixture. Opening the skin, she takes a snuff and cries out.

    "Master has such forethought!" Retrieving two cups, she pours the already prepared tea and brings it to them. "The bitterness will stay with you a while, but you should not be sick until tomorrow." Taking another sniff, she makes a horrible face. "I suggest you drink quickly."

  74. Katarina sniffs the mixture. "So a cup a day keeps my tummy at bay, then? To our health!"

    Quickly downing the cupful of tea, she grimaces at the taste. "Ugh! You weren't kidding about that. That's worse than the Kumis that some of my people drink."

    After a minute of horrible faces trying to clear her palete, she speaks again kind of giggling. "Oddly enough the taste reminds me of when my brother dared me to taste some of the klvas mash when I was 6. I was sick for 3 days and he got the strap for it."

  75. "It's awful," she agrees. "Worse when hot." Aara settles back on the box next to Goddard and holds her arms out for Ibben. "But what is...lavas mash? Your language is hard for the tongue."

  76. "I'll be Goddard the cruel if you keep talkin," he says under his breath.

    He moves toward Katarina and leans his head on her shoulder. It's pretty silly looking since he is taller than she is.

    "My reading was ok until I got sick, but you know what helps...standing on the deck. Especially with someone wonderful...we're both pretty wonderful so this will work well. It doesn't sound like it would work but it does. I've spent a good bit of time on ships to know this."

    Goddard gets a whiff of the tea and backs away on his own.

    "I also smell better..."

  77. Aara catches another glimpse of Goddard's marks on his hands. I remember he has terrible scars along his back...would it be rude to ask about them? Perhaps when we have a moment alone.

    "Fresh air is good, but a bobbing horizon isn't. Perhaps some tea would do you good as well." As if in protest of her moving, Ibben leaps into her arms and nuzzles his head into her neck. "Aye, love," she murmurs in Arabyan, nuzzling him back. "You are safe with me."

  78. "Klvas was the clear stuff in my flask that Tannin and I were drinking. I recall you saying something about not drinking alcohol though. The mash is pulped plant stuff the alcohol is made from, when they pull it out for a new batch its this nasty looking glop that smells worse than that carriage we left behind. Its very amusing that the product of that is a clear liquid with no real smell." Katarina explains to Aara.

    "Now Kumis on the other hand... there are somethings that should just not be."

    Turning to Goddard she smiles gives a teasing smile to the elf.

    "I'll give you credit there, you do smell better than bad smelling stuff, Goddard. However, I will look into your suggestion at some point though.

    "I suppose I love riding and the land too much to adjust to sailing like this. I suppose if the gods had wanted me to travel by water, they'd have made me one of those women with a fish tail. In the same way we don't have wings to fly like some humanish creatures from paintings I have seen."

  79. Aara shrugs. "Koroush and I have been away from home four years. Much of that has been on the water. It will be a comfort to feel true desert sand beneath my feet."

  80. "So its like the sand on a beach, but everywhere? What about grass, and trees, and bushes?"

  81. Aara thinks for a moment, trying to describe it to herself. "It is...finer sand than that. It covers the land much like your snow. Vegetation is cultivated in gardens. We eat much of it raw. There are small areas called an 'oasis' where there is water, trees and grass. Master knows the best travel routes that passes by the best ones."

  82. "I don't know if I should take that as a compliment or not," Goddard thinks for a moment. "But right now I will take it as a compliment." He smiles back at Katarina and listens to the conversation.

  83. "Very interesting, we live almost in complete opposites. Maybe the next time you are in Kislev, you can see more of it than the brief ride to the capital. I'll also see to it you have suitable clothes as well.

    "You'll have to pardon me though, but I've never enjoyed sand. Its coarse, rough, irritating, and it gets everywhere." Katarina shudders a little and rubs at her arms as feeling skin irritation.

    "You don't smell bad Goddard, but I will confess that it might just be different to us. You smell much like my dedushka's study. A musty smell of old books and scrolls, but with out the pleasing aroma of his pipe smoke." she says comfortingly.

    "Everyone of us has a unique pleasing scent, excepts the rats. They both smell like bad breath wrapped in rotted garbage."

  84. "That is why I gave you the talc powder. It will keep the sand from sticking to you and working it's way into your clothes."

    With a sly glance and a grin at Goddard, Aara whispers something to Ibben in Arabyan.

  85. Goddard rubs her arms with her and then stops.

    "So...I smell like an old musty book...when you put words to it, it doesn't sound as nice...And and hey! When have you been close enough to Sir Dragon to smell him?"

  86. Aara laughs. "I have. He smells of leather and horseflesh. And something else...something almost pleasant."

  87. "I didn't mean it as a bad thing, Goddard. In fact its kind of comforting in a way, something that reminds me of home.

    "As for Ser Tannin, we sat and talked alone for a few good hours on the boat to Sylvania, but you don't want to know my thoughts on personal fragrances, surely." Katarina replies.

  88. Goddard crosses his arms, annoyed by the fact that Sir Tannin's good smells are being discussed and that Katarina sat with Tannin and not with Goddard when he suggested such a thing.

    He then smiles, knowing that he comforts Katarina.

    "I care about your thoughts not pertaining to Sir Dragon..."

  89. Aara twirls a piece of hair around her finger. "The infidel is still much of a mystery to me, but he does smell nice. And he is honorable. I think I like him."

  90. Katarina casts a glance at Tannin. "He does have something about him. But it is something that pains my heart to see again so soon."

  91. Aara wrinkles her brow. "I'm afraid I don't understand what you mean. How can the infidel cause you such pain when you have only known him a short time?"

  92. Goddard's ears droop. "I smell...nice...ok well...I'm honor...ok wait...but but...but what about me?" he pouts.

    "And and...I have multiple somethings about me...and don;t cause pain..."

  93. "He reminds me of... " Katarina pauses and bites her bottom lip. "Someone very special to me, but who is no longer here."

  94. "Oh, I think I understand now." Aara looks up at Katarina, her eyes sad. "I am sorry you have lost them."

  95. "What? He looked like him? No wonder you hate me," he covers his face with his hands.

  96. Aara lays a hand on Goddard's arm. "It is not simple, I know. I think sometimes I remind Master Koroush of home so badly it hurts to look at me." She pulls her hand away and knots them in her lap, ignoring the chattering monkey on her shoulder. "It is one reason I stay veiled even when I do not have to be."

  97. "Thank you Aara. Goddrd has offered to assist me in making sure that those potentially responsible might also feel... sorry as well.

    "No Goddard. Actually, he looked very little like Tannin. It's just something in his manner, his bearing, and scent... that's what reminds me of Dimitri."

  98. Goddard sits down next to Aara. "At least you two will be home soon," he says, sensing the mood in the room changing.

    "And I'm sorry I couldn't do so when we so close Katarina...we will just need to go back there later."

  99. Aara leans her head against Goddard's shoulder. "Maybe it will ease the longing for home, at least until we can return for good." Aara tosses the ball to Ibben, watching it roll across the floor. "I am just unsure of my place once we do." She looks around at the others. "What will you all do when this is over?"

  100. Goddard puts his arm around Aara and holds back a smile. He shouldn't be smiling with this kind of conversation.

    "Hmmm...I guess it depends on where the journey takes me. And I don't just mean geographically. If this adventure were to end right now, I'd go back to Altdorf and continue doing what I was doing I guess..."

  101. "I am just as unsure as you. Though if I am considered to have passed my trials, I will take the 'Widow's Vow' and travel to gain better understanding of my Sisterhood, our magic, and Kislev herself." Katarina says

  102. "Perhaps Master Koroush will allow you to stay in Araby and study with the magic school there. I am unfamiliar with it, but I have seen...priests, that many people fear."

  103. "How can you take widow's vows if you aren't a widow?" Goddard pats the space by him so Katarina can sit too.

    "I would LOVE that Aara...but as annoying as he is, I am my father's student and actually like his company. Maybe he would come with me...hehe"

  104. Katarina sits down next to Goddard. "Its complicated, but I have told you what that vow entails. Much to your disapproval."

  105. "I would like that very much, Goddard," Aara says. "Maybe it will be easier to convince him if you are already settled and just send for him." Aara mutters at the monkey in Arabyan again. "Katarina, those are the vows of...celebacy, I think, are they not?"

  106. Goddard makes a pained sound when the word celebacy is mentioned.

  107. "Correct. That's right, you were there when I discussed this with Goddard earlier. During that time, I cannot take a husband nor shall I engage in intercourse with any man." she replies

  108. "During that time...does that mean there is an end to the vow?" Aara blushes deeply, green eyes watching the floor. "I do not know much of these things...women do not speak of them."

  109. Goddard puts his other arm around Katarina. "That's so confusing," he mutters.

  110. Seeing Aara's embarrassment, Katarina also blushes. "Women in Kislev are much more frank in our speech. I apologize, my friend. But the potential is there that if one does not achieve understanding, then she is kept under those vows until death takes her."

  111. "If I had been given into marriage, my husband would have gone to his home directly after the ceremony, and the women of my village would instruct me in my duties while we followed." It seems Koroush did not see to all my education. He is under no such vow. "But I am eager to learn more of-" she breaks off and covers her mouth, realizing how her words would sound.

  112. Goddard looks over at Aara. "You've never..."

    Katarina feels something softly brush her leg. She could assume it was Goddard, but he has one arm around Aara and one arm around her, his hand up by Katarina's shoulder. It is felt on her leg farthest away from Goddard.

  113. Aara sits up, her face dark red. "I- er- I-" she nervously pulls her hair over her shoulder and toys with it. "No," she whispers.

  114. Katarina looks down at her leg, dreading what she might find.

  115. Ok Goddard...don't say OH I CAN SHOW YOU like an matter how right of a statement that may be...

    "Um...well...whoever has you first will be very lucky..." he finally manages to say.

    Katarina sees nothing on her leg but still feels like she is being touched softly. The fabric covering her legs looks like it is being touched. She should be able to see something but does not.

  116. Katarina stares at the spot on her pants, then nudges Goddard in the ribs. "Could you stop with whatever it is your are doing to my leg?"

  117. Aara looks over at him and gives him a small smile. "I hope you're right. Master says it is nothing to worry about, but I am only a woman, and it seems so much of it weighs heavily on us."

  118. "It should be half and half," Goddard says smiling.


    Goddard looks over at Katarina and then down where she was looking. "I'm not doing's probably a ghost..."

    He clears his throat. "AHEM! Shoo...Stop bothering her." It suddenly stops and she hears a swish behind them as if something moved away.

  119. "Wait, what?! You said you could only talk to the dead, not that they follow you around?!"

  120. "I don't control where they go...they just go where they please. Wherever anyone has died, there is probably a ghost or two. There are spirits everywhere. Death is everywhere."

    He gives Katarina's shoulder a squeeze. "Don't worry though. It seemed harmless enough and I'm here. I'll keep you safe." He smiles.

  121. There is a whinney from the horses, and Ibben flys through the air, screaching at the animals as he lands on the box behind Aara. Shaking his tiny fist at them, he proceeds to settle on her shoulder, noticing Goddard's ears for the first time.

    Aara laughs when Ibben grabs Goddard's ear and looks inside.

  122. "So the ghost of some dead sea dog starts caressing my leg and you say it's harmless enough?! Can you see it?! Is it still here?!" Katarina starts looking around the hold.

  123. Goddard cringes when Ibben grabs his ear.

    " curious little monster you...that's my ear..."

    The small shadow bat pops it face out from Goddard's ear and tries to scare Ibben away.

    It's after your liver! I'll save you Master!

  124. "Well some ghosts can hurt you," Goddard says, hoping he doesn't lose an ear.

    "It's gone it's gone...I said I'll keep you safe!"

  125. "I'd have more confidence in that if you could control that thing of yours. It is scaring Ibben."

  126. Ibben screams and dives into Aara's hair, chattering insanely. "Ibben, my love," she croons in Arabyan, "you mustn't do such things." Turning her attention to Goddard, she strokes his ear gently. "I am sorry, dearest," she continues in her language.

  127. "Ugh...ok...HEY! It's a distraction better go back to my liver! It's left unguarded..."

    OH no Master! You are right! As always!

    "There see? See?"

  128. Goddard smiles and closes his eyes when Aara touches his ear. He understand why things like cats and dogs fall asleep when you do this to them.

  129. Aara giggles and continues to murmur to him in Arabyan.

  130. "Just out of curiosity, does your 'minion' have a name. It seems awkward and is potentially confusing to keep referring to it as 'your thing'?" Katarina asks

  131. "Oh I don't know...nor do I care..." he softly mumbles. "Could...could you get the other ear?" he asks Katarina.

    I am Nacht. Katarina hears the creature speak in her head.

  132. "No, thank you." she replies to Goddard.

    Hearing the voice in her head, "Not?"

  133. Nact! Nacht! Say it right human! Butchering my name! How disrespectful!

    "Awww," Goddard says, seemingly not disappointed at all in Katarina;s refusal.

  134. "I am reapeating what you just said. 'Not! Not!"

  135. Aara rises to sit on the box Goddard is leaning up against, putting her legs on either side of him. Singing under her breath, she begins to massage Goddard's scalp, starting from the base of his neck and working to his ears, temples, and so on.

  136. You horrible creature! You are doing this on purpose! Your tricks will not work on me!

    "Hmmmmmm." Goddard's body relaxes and he closes his eyes. He's never had a scalp massage. Or any kind of massage.

    Once Aara gets to the top of his head, close to his hairline, her hand bumps into something cold and hard. Goddard instantly opens his eyes and slides off the box, onto the floor and out of her reach.

    "Heh...I think I uh..." he points to the stairs leading out of the cargo area. "Air...yeah..." he slowly goes up the stairs and then quickly leaves through the door.

    What am I thinking...

  137. "Oh, Goddard..." He's gone before she can apologize. What was that? I didn't see anything on his scalp, but I know I felt something...Oh! I hope I didn't hurt him!

    Jumping to her feet, she calls to Ibben and hastily fixes her veil in place to make sure he's in no pain.

  138. Goddard is carefully looking over the edge of the boat. The fabric of his hood, over his head. Aara can easily spot his as soon as she reaches the top of the stairs.

  139. Aara approaches him slowly, stopping several feet away from him. "Goddard?" she asks softly. "Did I do something wrong?" She moves forward a step and reaches out, but stops short and draws her hand back. "I'm sorry."

  140. Goddard turns around to face her but he's looking down. "You did nothing wrong. In fact what you did was one of the nicest things anyone has done. It's's something wrong with're perfect..."

    He looks up at her and smiles. "Ok?"

  141. "O...Ok." Aara glances around quickly to see if anyone is watching, then throws herself into his arms for a hug. She holds tight for just a moment, breathing in his bookish scent, then pulls away quickly.

    Staring at their feet, she twists her fingers together into what should be a soothing mudra. "Can I do anything to help fix you?"


  142. Goddard raises his arms up as if to hug her back but doesn't.

    You can't get too know this...

    He smiles and chuckles. "I guess I could "get fixed" but as hard as living with it is, I thinking trying to fix it would make things worse."

  143. Aara scratched Ibben's head and stared at him. "Would it be alright if I asked what it was?"

  144. "I...I can't tell you...I can't tell anyone. You wouldn't believe me anyway and you'd hate me if I showed you," he says softly.

    "Just know that I'm fine and you did nothing to me except make me happy."

  145. Aara leans on the rail, looking out toward the horizon. "Alright. If that changes, and you want to talk about it," she glanced over her shoulder at him, "I'll help if I can." She hops up on the railing, balancing precariously on it's edge. She jumps in the air, turning a flip before landing perfectly on one foot.

  146. "If I were to tell would probably be you first," he says looking out at the water.

    When Aara jumps up on the rail, he readies himself to grab her. He looks a bit scared and breaths a sigh of relief when she hops down safely.

    "You trying to give me a heart attack?" he coughs.

  147. Laughing, she lowers herself to the rail, only to turn the movement into a handstand. "I am not," she says, laughing again. Her veil falls over her eyes, revealing her upside down smile. "It's easy. Just takes balance. Although," she tosses her head a bit, "all this hair does get in the way sometimes."

  148. Still down in the hold, the argument continues...

    "How am I a horrible creature? I repeat the words you think. While you may think in that weird accent, I'm still repeating the word I am 'hearing'."

  149. The shadow creature says something in a language Katarina does not understand and then says.

    HA! Take that! I need to go back with Master now. The creature flies out from her chest and up the stairs.

    "You can be the balanced one," Goddard says peering over at the water. "I'll be here to hopefully grab you if you fall...and if I here to throw something or someone in to get you..."

  150. Aara lowers herself to the deck, concern etched over her face. "Goddard, do you hear that?" Her face scrunches up. "Is that...vomitting?"

  151. "Yes I do...and yes I think it is...that is why, despite how much I hate being out on the deck, I stay on the deck. If I can see that we are moving, I don't feel so sick."

    Goddard turns around to face the rest of the ship.

  152. Aara looks around and sees Sir Tannin hanging halfway over the rail on the other side of the ship. "Oh, poor infidel. I suppose the tea wasn't strong enough for him." She slides a look over to Goddard. "You aren't feeling sick, are you?"

  153. A stream of Kislevarian curses echo in the hold as the bat flies away. "No! YOU take THAT! Stupid thing, thinks it will get the last word. HA!" Katarina smirks defiantly.

    As she stands there, she feels a light pressure and squeeze on her rear end. The woman becomes very quiet and reaches back with her hand. Her hopes of touching a horse or Skaven are soon dashed.

    Swallowing the lump in her throat, Katarina takes a few steps forward toward the door. The pressure returns along with the cloying scent of rum near her face. Biting her lip, she takes a few more steps before breaking into a dead sprint yelling. "Goddard! They won't leave me alone!"

  154. "No I'm fine. Don't think I've ever gotten sick to that point," he makes a face looking at Tannin.

    "Who won't leave you alone?" Goddard turns toward Katarina, genuinely worried some of the crew is bothering her.

  155. A little out of breath from running and screaming, she answers.

    "The thing down there! The... ghost. Not... and I were arguing, he flew off, something grabbed me, and then I smelled... old rum next to my face. It might have followed me, but it didn't shoo for too long. Make it go away!"

  156. Aara slides a look from Katarina to Goddard. "Katarina...have you had too much drink? Are you feeling well? There's nothing down there but the animals and boxes."

  157. "A real gho..." Goddard looks surprised. "I mean oh yes yes...THAT," he suddenly looks deep in thought.

    "Hmmmm, let's see," Goddard rummages around in the pouches and bottles he carries around his waist. He pushes skulls and bones around and vials clink.

    He grabs a tiny pouch and flips it over to make sure it's empty. He then starts to say something in elven as he works. A prayer.

    He then takes some very coarse salt and puts it in the pouch along with dried mint. He then pulls one of the beads from the multiple strings that are also on his belt and puts it in the pouch. He ties it up tight, shakes it a bit, and hands it to Katarina.

    "That should do it."

  158. "And? What do I do with this?" she asks impatiently

  159. "You just carry you not make charms and such?" he asks.

  160. "No... Some of the people use charm and the 'wise women', but I... we do not." she replies skeptically looking at the pouch.

    "Wait, you seemed surprised when I told you. Don't lie to me, did you do something to the first time as a some type play on me?"

  161. "No no!" Goddard says holding his hands up. "I was just...surprised that...that it came back... persistent guy huh?" he laughs.

  162. "So I just keep this and they'll stay away?"

  163. "Yes," he puts his hands back down.

  164. "Well then. I'm going to retire to my cabin. If the ghost follows me there despite this." she shakes the pouch. "Then I'm just going to have to arrange a face to face meeting for you two.

    "Good night Goddard, you too Ser Tannin. I'll come looking for more of that tea tomorrow morning, Aara. My stomach feels much better now, despite its taste. Have a good night and rest well."

    Katarina leans over and gives a friendly hug to Aara before turning and walking back below decks.

  165. Aara accepts the hug with enthusiasm. "Sleep well! I'll make sure I prepare more in the morning."

  166. "But...I want a hug too," he pouts.

    "Oh hey wait!" Goddard runs after Katarina. "Wait outside for a sec."

    Goddard walks into Katarina's cabin before she does and walks around it saying all kinds of things in elven and waving around his hand.

    He backs out and puts a line of salt across her door on the floor. "Ok there," he motions for her to walk in. "Good night," he puts his arms out for a hug, not actually expecting one.

  167. Katarina sighs and rolls her eyes. "You're shameless, you know this?"

    She leans in a gives Goddard a side hug. "Thank you Goddard. I appreciate your efforts."

    With that, she enters her room and closes the door. Goddard can hear the sound of something drug in front of the door to act as a stop.

  168. He grins but doesn't touch her. That may ruin his chance for future hugs.

    Goddard then leans up against the door and calls out, "That's not necessary...I won't go into your room unless you...ya know...invite me in...but you can always wander into my cabin!"

    He walks back over to Aara. "I don't know why she just won't tell me her true feelings," he laughs.
