Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Post Snack Time

After Goddard finishes eating, he looks Tannin up and down for a moment then looks around at the rocks. "Now...we are going to do this my way Khaldah. Sit here," he points at a spot on the ground and begins to take some of the wrappings off one of his arms. Once Tannin is seated, Goddard stands behind Tannin, pulls his dagger from his boot, leans down and holds it to Tannin's throat.

"I don't know what you are...allergic to exactly but from that book, I know one of the possibilities is ithilmar. That's what this dagger is made of. If you are allergic, if I cut you, you should burst into flames. If you aren't...then...I'm assuming this still won't be good for either way, it won't be pretty."

Goddard puts his free arm over Tannin's shoulder. "Here...I'm hoping you will know when to stop on your own but if not, you stop when I tell you to. We are trusting each other to not kill each other...and its just for lunch," he chuckles.


  1. Aara jumps up, not wanting to witness Tannin feeding. Instead, she returns to the food rations and gathers an assortment for Koroush.

    Kneeling in front of him, she bows her head. "Master, you have to eat," she murmurs.

  2. "I'm hopping I know when to stop also..." Tannin says, trailing off. He does as Goddard instructs, and takes his arm. Gingerly, he sinks his fangs into Goddard's arm, and begins to feed

  3. "That's not a good response," he grumbles, trying to keep the dagger to Tannin's neck and not just fall over from the pain. After a few moments, Goddard begins to laugh.

  4. Katarina turns when she hears Goddard laughing. Seeing Tannin locked onto the elf's arm makes her stomach churn. Wrapping up her rations, she quickly heads past Aara and Koroush to the another side tunnel.

    The sound of retching echoes through the tunnels.

  5. Aara spends a great deal of time with Koroush, talking in the strange language of the long acquainted. Where words and half-sentences fail them, they use their hands, gracefully forming each mudra almost without thinking.

    He does not say it, but he is disappointed in me, she thinks. But whether because I did not give my life by taking the vizier's, or because of my feelings for Goddard, I do not know. Could he be jealous of Goddard? We have been sole companions for four years, he took me into service ten years ago. And I have served and loved him for it. Koroush is all I have known till now.

    Instead of voicing these thoughts, she does her best to keep her grief locked away even while facing her master's.

  6. "Ok Khaladh," Goddard laughs despite trying not to. "I think you can stop...I'm feeling weird..."

  7. "Tannin! Cut it out!" Goddard gets a little panicked. He leans against the wall and kicks off Tannin's back, ripping his arm away.

    He falls onto the ground and slowly puts the dagger away. "I'll let that go," he tries to catch his breath. "Only because it felt amazing," he laughs some more and tries to stand up but falls down again, chuckling.

  8. Goddard finally stands up on wobbly legs and walks over to Tannin. "Sorry I had to do that," he slaps Tannin on the back. "This...this is better than any wine I've had...still not as good as a lady," he laughs and slaps Tannin again.

  9. Aara looks over at them when she hears Goddard. "You should go to him," Koroush says softly.

    Aara shakes her head. "No, Master. He is drunk on the vampire's pleasure. I'll wait until he's calmed down." She looks down when Koroush simply raises an eyebrow.

  10. He next stumbles over to Aara and Koroush. "Lecai," he lazily hugs her from behind. "Lecai...I...I love you...but...but I know you belong to him...which by the way," he points at Koroush, "You sir...are a scary...scary man...but if you love her...just marry her and throw her onto a bed and get it over with already! Sheesh! I mean...come on! Lookit...Look at her! lucky bastard!" He slaps Koroush's shoulder and laughs.

  11. Aara's eyes get so wide they appear as if they might pop out of her skull and she blushes all the way down to her toes. "Goddard! Wha- What a thing to say!" She stumbles when he lets her go. "I- you-" Her horror is even greater when Koroush laughs heartily and grasps Goddard's arm.

    "Goddard, my friend," he laughs. "I feel you're not yourself, so I won't peel the skin from your body and make myself a cloak of you," he continues on, just as cheerful. "But if you ever disgrace her by saying something like that again- even in your current condition- I will not hesitate a second time. But we will speak of such things later. Aara," he says, giving her a sharp look. "Perhaps you should help him walk it off."

  12. Why does everyone want my skin?" he laughs. "Shhhh ok ok I'm sorry...see...scary...that is so scary!" Goddard stumbles off and somehow finds Katarina.

    "I...I told you not to eat those bugs!" he points an accusing finger at her. "I knew you would be puking your guts out...But...but you don't cruel heartless two faced witch!" He almost falls forward and then stumbles backward and laughs.

    "But see...I know your secret...I know how you resist my charms and why you are cruel and horrible to like women," he chuckles. "Which is fine by me! We can share! Oh...oh wait...That's if...that's if any woman wants another woman as icy and mean as you. I've seen women together and it's not the icy winds that's pretty hot!"

  13. Goddard stumbles away from Kataraina and bumps into Eglanor. Goddard throws his arms around the elf's neck to keep from falling and grins.

    "Eggy...can I call you Eggy?" he chuckles. "Of course I can...Eggy...I like you...a lot...I think it's your eyes," he laughs.

    Eglanor turns slightly in Goddards direction and gestures at his ethereal bat.

    "You know Goddard, not unlike bats, vampires such as Tannin have rabies. Good luck with that."

    Eglanor turns and looks the other way and smiles slightly; this should be amusing.

    "Wha..WHAT!" Goddard falls back and lands onto the ground. "That..that kills people!" He begins to sob. "I'm only 70! I...I don't wanna die! You are my best friends! I never had friends but you are the best!" he covers his face with his hands.

  14. Aara walks over to him and helps him to his feet. When he sobs into her shoulder, she grabs his arms and steadies him. "Goddard, it's alright, I'm sure you don't have rabies," she croons. When he nods and wipes his face, she smiles gently at him. "Now what you do have..."

    She punches his stomach as hard as she can. "Is a lesson in keeping your damnable mouth shut!"

  15. Goddard doubles over and drops down to his knees, holding his stomach. "Why lecai! Why!" he looks up at her pathetically. "After all I've done!" he goes back to crying. "I'm so alone! You all hate me! You aren't my best friends anymore!"

  16. Aara closes her eyes tight against him, breathing deeply and forcing back her fear. "Why? Do you really need me to answer that?" she asks, her voice thick with anger. "Get yourself together."

  17. He sits up and hugs his knees. "I can't," he sobs and bumps his head against his knee. "I'm going to die and you all hate me!"

  18. She rolls her eyes. "You aren't going to die, and no one hates you- except maybe Katarina, but that isn't news. Go lie down."

  19. Goddard lays down right where he sits and covers his head with his hood and raises his cowl up high to his ears. Soon his soft sobbing stops as he goes to sleep.

  20. Aara is standing over him, seriously considering giving him a swift kick just for good measure. He lays on his back, splayed out and snoring loudly. She settles for pouring a cup of water on his face. "Wake up, you idiot."

  21. Goddard sits up quickly coughing. "I'm drowning! I'm drowning!" He looks around confused as he tries to catch his breath and then looks at Aara. "What...what happened? Ow," he winces. "I feel like I was kicked by a horse..."

  22. "You deserve a good kick- and more too!" She crosses her arms over her chest and looks down on him. "Do you have any idea what you've done, you blubbering fool?"

  23. "No..." Goddard rubs his head. "I just remember kicking Tannin off," he says looking at his arm. "I thought that was supposed to feel good...not leave me like least it felt good when she..." he stops talking and looks up Aara, expecting to get that kick she promised.

  24. She narrows her eyes to green slits. "Oh, it did feel good until I hit you. It felt so good you told me you loved me and then told Koroush to go ahead and marry me so he can throw me on a bed and 'get it over with already!' He's only half ready to kill you. Katarina is more than half."

  25. Goddard's jaw drops and he looks much more pale than usual. "I...I...di...did what!?" he stammers. "And you hit me?!" he crosses his arms over his mid section.

  26. "Yes, you did." She smirks. "And yes, I did. I daresay it was a mercy to make you shut up before you made things worse." She tilts her head and gives him her prettiest smile. "Care to explain yourself, nuur'eni?"

  27. "Don't look at me like that," he pulls his hood down over his eyes. "I don't even remember saying anything like that...

  28. "That's alright, everyone else remembers you doing it." She crouches in front of him and lifts his hood so she can look into his eyes. "Did you mean it, Goddard?" she whispers.

  29. "No! Don't take anything I can't remember saying seriously!" he pleads.

  30. Aara pouts. "What a shame you didn't mean it. I could have at least told your father you died for love when I take your head back to him. Katarina certainly wants to detach it from your shoulders." She drops his hood back over his eyes and stands, walking away.

  31. "What? Love?" he mumbles to himself under the hood confused. "Oh!" he tries to get up when he feels dizzy and falls onto his chin. It makes a cracking sound when it hits a rock. He starts to feel around his face, making sure he didn't break anything. "Phew...good...oh...wait no...BAD!" he slaps his forehead.

  32. Aara hears him fall but doesn't turn around. Instead, she continues on to her gear, picks up one of her scimitars and begins her daily routine. But instead of her right hand- the hand with Goddard's face on it- she holds the blade shakily with her left.

  33. Eglanor notices Aaras shifting of weapon hand and watches her attempt its use.

    "... I'm just going to paint his face on your other hand when you sleep..."

    He chuckles mirthlessly to himself.

  34. She gives him a dirty look over her shoulder. "You say as much, but that's not why I'm doing it this way, oh wise one. Unlike you, I can't fight with more than a dagger in my left hand. I'd like to change that."

  35. He gives Aara an interested look, as if she tickled something in him long thought gone.

    "Oh really, human? In that case, you should use weapons that are more suited to your style."

    He reaches behind the leaf-cloak and produces two thin but sharp looking knives. He hands them both to her and gestures for her to try them.

    "These weapons have protected the elves in Laurelorn forest for the last two-hundred years. Since you do not have a lifetime to perfect your skills, these will enhance what time you do have... and hasten your vengeance on those that wronged you."

    He looks over into the cavern and sighs heavily.

    "The Laughing God not only laughs at Mirth, but at Mayhem as well."

  36. "Hasten her vengeance? Cousin! Are you trying to have me killed faster," Goddard groans.

  37. Aara rests her scimitar with her gear and takes the daggers he hands her. They seem like ordinary daggers. Or as ordinary as elven daggers can be. She moves through a few stretches, admiring the way they slice through the air.

    "Oh, I like these very much," she murmurs, giving Goddard a knowing look.

  38. Goddard puts his hands together as if praying. "Please don't kill me lecai...I hate you cousin..."

  39. Aara laughs at him. "Koroush made me promise not to kill you," she says as she continues to go through the motions of swordplay. "In fact, he made Katarina go for a walk so she couldn't kill you before you had a chance to explain yourself. But since you can't remember anything..." Her eyes glitter. "I suppose I can't be held to that promise."

  40. "Do I even want to know what I said to Katarina," he winces as he finally gets to his feet. "," he mutters and places a hand on his neck. "I...I don't remember anything from that either..."

  41. Aara pauses and grins. "You told her that she was a heartless, two faced witch and that you knew her secret attraction to women. Also that you couldn't imagine a woman wanting another as icy as she." She thanks Eglanor for the daggers and fits their sheaths to her belt.

  42. "I what!?" he stops walking and slowly sits back onto the ground. "I mean...I can see why I would say that...but...why would I actually say that!?" he tugs at his hair in frustration.

  43. "Why did you say any of it?" she asks quietly. "Especially calling Koroush a lucky bastard."

  44. "I...I don't know," he says feeling lost. He flops onto his back and hits his head on a rock. "Sigmar's sausage!" he yells.

  45. Aara kneels next to him and lifts his head. "You're like to have a bump," she says softly, shifting so that his head lays in her lap. "If you truly don't remember any of it, I'll talk to Koroush. He was more upset at my being embarrassed than what you actually said to him." With a sigh, she strokes his hair. "And I'll try to talk to Katarina."

  46. "I'm so sorry," Goddard sighs. He's a bit tense, afraid to get hit for things he can't even remember saying. "I'm afraid to ask but...who else did I offend?"

  47. Aara smiles and starts massaging his scalp to soothe him. "You asked Eglanor if you could call him Eggy and said that you liked him 'a lot' because of his eyes. He responded by telling you that vampires have rabies, and you started to cry and tell everyone we were your best friends." She chuckled softly. "That's when I hit you to shut you up, and was suddenly not your best friend anymore."

  48. "Uuuugh," he groans and puts a hand over his eyes. "He is as cruel as my father..."

  49. Aara laughs. "It got you off him."

  50. "I feel like the biggest you forgive me? For everything? And I'm sorry for any future stupid I might do...I know I'm going to do something else idiotic..."

  51. Aara sighs. I wish you hadn't said you loved me. "Yes, I forgive you. Next time I'll try to reign you in before you do anything too stupid. I don't think anyone expected you to react quite the way you did."

  52. "Thank you," he smiles. "I must have missed whatever that was supposed to be while reading that book." He sits up and kisses her left hand before he pulls the book out and flips through it.

    "There has to be something about that...I did promise Tannin I'd be lunch...that way he doesn't go after anyone else..."

  53. Aara sits quietly while he reads. "You can't be every meal for him," she says softly. "I'll do it if need be."

  54. "HA!" Goddard suddenly points at a series of strange lines and circles on the page. "It's been compared to being really really drunk as well as extremely euphoric...and orgasmic," he laughs. "I figured that last part on my own," he then sighs.

  55. Aara nudges his arm. "If that's the case, I'll volunteer tonight," she laughs.

  56. Goddard's ears flatten against his head.

    Ok I wasn't expecting THAT reaction...

    " least think of me and not him," he huffs.

  57. She chuckles. "I fully expect you to be there if Tannin agrees. I mean...I'd need you to stop him if he goes too far...And I don't want to do it alone."

  58. Goddard grins and then slaps himself in the head. DON'T THINK STUFF LIKE THAT!

    "I'll always be around to protect you," he smiles.

  59. Aara nods. "How often does he need to feed?"

  60. "What am I agreeing to?" Tannin asks, approaching Goddard and Aara

  61. Aara looks up at him. "Goddard alone can't sustain you," she says evenly. "I've offered to help, if you have no argument."

  62. "I guess I wouldnt be opposed. But...why? Not but a few hours ago you avoided me like the plague, I was a vampire or something" Tannin says with a toothy grin, chuckling at the last part

    "I have reservations about you holding a blade to my throat. I know exactly how much I need now for sustenance..." At which point he turns to Goddard and says "Sorry about that, by the way, so you wont have to worry about that."

  63. "It's fine...I think I said that was ok? I can't remember," he grumbles.

  64. "I avoided you because I was bitter about losing my family, not because of what you are. Assuming you don't intend to kill me, I'm willing to give Goddard a reprieve."

  65. "I won't let him kill any of..."

    Goddard pauses.

    "I won't let him kill you lecai."

  66. "I have no intention of killing you, atleast not yet. You have potential to become one of the greatest blade masters in the lands. I would much rather see what you become, Aara, then attempt to snuff your still growing flame." Tannin says with all sincerity

  67. "Yet?" Goddard narrows his eyes at Tannin. "You had better change the way your mind works Khaldah..."

  68. Aara nods. "I'll believe you until I have a reason to feel otherwise." Yet? Just what is he planning?

  69. "When I changed, I had 10000 years of history flood into me as if I lived it. My perception of time is different then yours now. I think of Aara as a great friend now, but if the time comes down the road where our paths cross and the clash of steel is our only option, I would rather her be at her absolute prime. I don't wish such a thing, but when the path ahead is shrouded, who knows what may or may happen. Did any of you see this " Tannin says, gestureing to himself " Happening when we road into town this morning? If anything I am a shining example of how fickle our gods and goddesses are, and because of that who knows what tomorrow will bring, which is EXACTLY the reason I wont hurt Aara"

  70. Goddard stares at Tannin for a moment. "OK...I guess I understand that...sort of..."

  71. Aara grins and leans against Goddard. "One thing hasn't still use an awful lot of words."

  72. This comment has been removed by the author.

  73. "I mean it in no way a threat to your health Aara. If anything, I more concerned with keeping you alive then killing you" Tannin clarifies

  74. "I understand, and appreciate that." She makes the mudra for trust. "I trust you as I trust Koroush and Goddard."

  75. Goddard puts his arm around Aara when she leans against him and holds her tight.

  76. "I just wish everyone shared your sentiment, Aara" Tannin says

  77. "It's not easily given," she answers, "but I'm trying." She stood, dusting dirt from her clothes. "In the meantime, I suppose we should move on before settling in and making camp. We don't know how much ground we have to cover until we find the vampire, and we've tarried here long enough."

    Shouldering her gear, she walks over to Koroush to tell him of her decision.

  78. "Oh...Khaldah...since you took my blood, I feel like I can take some of yours." He grabs Tannin's hand and cuts it deep with his nail. He then pulls an empty vial from off his belt and collects enough to fill it. "Dankeschön! You'll be fine and it's not like you need it," he chuckles.

    He puts the vial away. "I was going to suggest the same thing lecai," Goddard says as he walks over to his pack. He takes inventory and stops. "Hey...where is...oh yeah...I ate that. Never-mind..."

    "We may already be too far behind," he mumbles. "Vampires can travel much faster and some have the ability to travel through things. But hopefully my dear cousin can keep us on the trail."

  79. They move on, traveling through endless caverns and tunnels. The sameness is at once frustrating and lulling, and Aara finds herself wondering at times if they've made any true progress or if they are merely going in circles. She walks with Koroush, speaking softly in Arabyan. For a mercy he does not speak of what Goddard said to him. Hours later, they stop to make camp in a small cavern connecting to the tunnel they travel in. Glowing moss and mushrooms give a dim light to the space, illuminating boulders large enough to sit two people at a time with space to spare and plenty of bare stone floor. The air is slightly damp and cool. Aara sets down her gear and stretches, glad to be rid of the weight as she bends so far backwards she puts her hands on the floor. After a moment, she propels herself into a handstand, letting her legs stretch before lowering them back to the floor. Sitting on one of the boulders, she takes a small sip from her waterskin.

  80. When Aara looks up, she sees Goddard, blankly staring at her. He quickly shakes his head and drops the pack to the ground. He does his usual lean against the pack and sticks his nose in the book, reading.

  81. Aara grins and shakes her head when she catches him staring at her. She puts away her waterskin and moves to prepare Koroush's bedroll for the night. After making sure he has his food rations for the night, she pulls out the daggers Eglanor gave her. Working through the same movements she spent ten years doing with a scimitar, she realizes what he'd been talking about. Where the scimitar's weight caused her to force the blade through the motions, the daggers simply move with her hands.

    She runs through it only once before putting them away and taking a seat next to Goddard.

  82. Goddard doesn't look up from his book as he scoots even closer to Aara and slides down so he can easily rest his head on her shoulder.

    "You're so short," he chuckles.

  83. She grins and sits as straight as she can. "Compact for easy traveling," she says.

  84. "You know our smelly little rat friends helped dispatch the author of this book a looong time ago," he whispers, turning the pages.

  85. "Is it only about vampires?" she asks, looking at the drawings but unable to make sense of any of them.

  86. "It's about Nagash and his life. He created vampires so it does have a lot about them in it." He pauses. "He also created necromancy so it talks about all sorts of other undead as well."

  87. "Oh." She shudders, remembering the way the bodies of slain women had risen in the palace.

  88. "Oh? OH!..."

    "I'm sorry," he whispers, remembering what her and Koroush had waiting for them at home just hours ago. "But remember what I said. Husks. Empty husks."

  89. "It's..." She sighs. "It's alright. I'm trying not to think about it. At least not of them as my family." She slouches against him. "Meditation is good for locking things away."

  90. "So...about your family...where are they? Unless you'd rather not talk about it," he closes the book and tucks it into his belt, sitting up and putting his arm around Aara.

  91. "My family died before we got to the palace, you're right about them being husks. But the family I was born to? When my sisters were married we lost touch. Two of my brothers are dead. My eldest brother..." She grinned. "I believe you asked him if he could get you a woman."

  92. "Wha?" he turns pink. "But...I told him not to say anything about it...though I guess it makes sense he would tell his sister about something like that..."

    "I have no siblings...that I know of anyway."

  93. She laughs softly. "It was best not to say anything," she explained. "Most innkeepers for the safe houses have someone in their family who needs it. It keeps some kind of communication alive."

    She snuggles into his arms and looks up at him. "With 3 sisters and 3 brothers, I can say you got the better end of the deal. They're troublesome at best."

  94. "Maybe it's for the best...we may have tried to kill each other," he says thinking and then he cringes. "That would be a mess...anyway...what of your parents?"

  95. She shrugged. "My father died not long after I left with Koroush. Ali says that our mother took refuge with Adahara's priestesses, but she took sick and died some time ago."

  96. "At least they weren't planning to kill you," he halfheartedly smiles.

    "My father is an executioner and my mother, a bride of Khaine...that woman on the dark elf ship? Just like that. I...shouldn't? Really be proud of any of it but for druchii, those are elite positions...and yet...I'd cut them down if we ever crossed paths...or try to..." he chuckles.

    "You're lucky you have birth family that cares about you." He then smiles. "But I guess I'm lucky I found Otto...and you," he gives her a hug. "It's hard to find people who care anymore."

  97. "It's one thing to recognize their rank and skill among the druchii, and another to embrace them for it," she says. "But if they were planning to kill you, I don't blame them for wanting to cut them down."

    She smiles up at him when he hugs her. "Koroush's family enveloped me completely; I've never known what it is to not be cared for." She gently bites the arm he has around her. "Although your kind of caring is quite new," she jokes.

  98. "I guess it's more that their rank just means good things for me later on," he smiles. "Like keeping you all safe from other're mine!" he laughs. "They won't touch you...well...most shouldn't."

    Goddard grins when she bites him. "And it will only get worse...better? Depends on your view of things."

  99. "Yours, am I?" she asks, laughing. "I suppose if that's the case, then it will get better."

  100. "Don't tell Koroush I said that," he whispers closely into her ear. "I was just starting to maybe like the idea of planning out what to do for two thousand years. I'm not ready to go just yet, especially not in rodent caves."

  101. She chuckles and moves hair away from his eyes. "Only if you promise to spend half of those years outside your basement and your books. I couldn't stand the thought of my nuur'eni molding away among words so old no one can read them."

  102. "What if those book involve cooking?" he laughs.

    "OW!" he yelps. "These caves hate me," he sits up and puts his hand on his back, below his ribs. "Ow! What happened...was it carrying all those books...and this actually hurts! In a bad way!"

  103. Aara frowns. "Let me see." She turns him, throwing his cloak over his head and raising his shirt. "Goddard..." She runs her hand over his back. "There's a...a burn?"

  104. "Owowowowow," he whines. "I don't like that the first time you try and pull my shirt off, it hurts so much," he tries to laugh. "A burn? How? We didn't start any fires..."

  105. "I'll take your shirt off you some other time and we'll pretend it's the first," she muttered, staring at the burn on his back. "Goddard, it's shaped like a skull wearing a spiky crown. What does it mean?"

  106. He grins, "When can we do this?...ow..." he grumbles. "That sounds pretty neat! But...I have no idea what that means," he frowns. "My tiny library never mentioned anything like that."

  107. Aara has him light up one of his skulls, then sketches the mark in the dust. "You've never seen this before?"

  108. Goddard looks down at her drawing and shakes his head. "Never...I've never seen anything like that before...still neat looking...I wish it didn't hurt so much...cut me somewhere else and make it feel better?" he grins.

  109. Aara rolls her eyes and draws one of the daggers out of her boot. "Where would you like?" she asks, only half interested in the answer as she blows softly on the burn.

  110. Rolling her eyes again, she puts the razor edge against the back of his neck. "Only because you ask for it," she whispers. Slowly, she draws the weapon down his back, watching as his skin opens for the blade like flower petals unfolding.

  111. Goddard makes a hissing sound as she drags the blade. He sighs and then chuckles a bit before he whispers, "Again?"

    Unless she is totally freaked out by you right freak!

  112. He wasn't lying, he really does get pleasure from this! How...fascinating.

    "This is it," she tells him, repeating the action, albiet far more slowly.

  113. YAY!

    He exhales suddenly, not able to hold his breath any longer. "I can't feel that burn anymore," he sighs blissfully, leaning forward so his elbows rest on his knees.

  114. Aara puts away the dagger and reaches for her pack. "That will have to keep you," she murmurs, fishing a linen bandage from her kit. Carefully, she dabs at the blood seeping from the cuts. Her hand trembles slightly.

  115. Goddard groans in disappointment as she puts the dagger away. "But I thought we were having a good time," he says grinning.

  116. She lowers his shirt and hugs him from behind. "Oh, we were," she whispers in his ear, "but with an audience."

  117. He snickers. "I don't mind...they can always look in some other direction."

  118. "I mind," she says. "Besides, I have no idea what you'll do if I continue. You might try to ravish me," she adds with a wicked look in her eyes.

  119. "Oh...that is a possibility...and I did say I didn't want to end up dead in the rat tunnels," he laughs. "So I'll have to control myself."

  120. She fixes his cloak and slides under his arm again. "Wouldn't you much rather die in a feather bed with silk hangings, in dim lights, incense burning, and after far too much wine?" she asks, laughing.

  121. "That sounds fantastic..." he laughs. "I'd rather just have that be my state of living for a few hundred years instead of dying though."

  122. Would that I could give you a few hundred years of it. Laughing at him, she toys with his hand. "Perhaps you'll get it when this is all over."

  123. "It won't be as much fun if the person who suggested it wasn't there," he says softly. "What...what kind of husband are you looking for? Or do you not get any choice?"

  124. Aara shrugs. "Ali would like nothing better than to see me settled with a simple man and lots of fat babies right next to the inn. If Koroush were smart he'd make a good political match for me- especially now. He has mentioned that when it's time I won't be without a say in the matter. But what I want," she sighs, "is a lifetime of adventure with someone who makes me laugh."

  125. "I'm sorry that you can't do as you wish." He makes little circles on the top of her hand with his fingers. "Do you even like babies?" he chuckles. "I'm not much for kids...they are too noisy."

  126. She makes a sour face. "Babies are too dirty, always soiling themselves and crying. As for doing as I wish, Koroush might be too busy reestablishing himself on his throne to have a care what I do or who I choose."

  127. Goddard laughs at the face Aara makes. "So true. That's why I avoid female elves. I don't really want to," he snickers. "But it's less risky."

    "If there is a chance he might be so busy later on to care what you do, then why hold you to silly rules and such?" he whispers.

  128. "I don't know where my road will take me," she answers easily. "It's safer to follow Araby's silly rules and hope for a measure of happiness than throw caution to the wind and live as an outcast among my people."

  129. "It's much better the second way. Believe me...I'd know," he chuckles.

  130. Aara shakes her head at him, grinning. "You have Otto to return home to, and you live in a place where you can do as you wish. I don't have those options." She shifts in his arms. "But there's no point in talking about what might be."

  131. He grins slyly. " helps me decide when and if I should whisk you away and...ravish you as you said earlier."

  132. She laughs. "And how do you know you wouldn't grow bored with me in a year or two?" she teases. "You said yourself that you bore easily."

  133. She laughed. "Five years, then. And then what would I do? Banish myself to the kitchen so you don't have to see me? Or attach myself to some merchant caravan and travel from Altdorf to Kislev?"

  134. He shrugs. "If I whisk you away, you could do whatever you wanted to do as long as you were happy. And I'd help you in any way I could...unless you want to own a bunch of bats. You would be on your own with that!"

  135. "No bats. I find myself not terribly fond of them." Aara looks down at their hands and laughs softly. "I might just let you whisk me away. Then we could go anywhere we liked and see things- like more snow!"

  136. "Oh yeah! I could also show you things like that...I guess I was just focused on the ravishing part," he laughs.

  137. "I suppose that is the most exciting aspect," she agrees. She looks at him from beneath her lashes. "Good thing ravishment can be done anywhere."

  138. "Stop it!" he laughs. "You're know that don't you?"

    He stares at her quietly for a moment before he laughs again. "Of course you do! You know exactly what you are doing to me. You're mean."

  139. Her eyes go wide and an almost girlish delight shines through her smile. "You mean I'm doing it right?" she asks excitedly.

  140. Goddard looks at her in disbelief. "You're joking right? So...all of that...everything...You had no idea...?"

  141. She looks down. "I guess...a lot," she admits. "I thought it would be painfully obvious." She laughs. "Nuur'eni, I don't know the first thing about seduction. The harem doors were barred to me far more often than not."

  142. "Why?! You could teach them! Unless I'm just worse off than I was not obvious to me."

  143. Aara laughs. "Maybe a bit of both."

  144. He squints his eyes as he stares at her. "I don't think I believe you," he chuckles. "I think you knew are cruel...I like it!"

  145. She shrugs, an innocent smile on her face. "Think what you will, nuur'eni." She shivers, the cold floor leaching heat from her. Still smiling, she crawls into his lap and tucks his cloak around her.

  146. "I don't produce very much heat...siting still anyway," he smiles as he bends forward and puts his arms around her. "You may want to get a blanket or something."

  147. "You're between me and the floor, and that's good enough for now." She hooks her pack with her foot and brings it closer. "What I would give for a hot, proper meal," she sighs, retrieving the days rations.

  148. "Want me to try and cook something? You can make soup out of practically anything and I brought a whole lot of anything from the market."

  149. "That sounds much better than this. We'll have to let it cook awhile so the lamb is tender." Aara produces spices, dried garlic, and some onion from her bag.

  150. "We have all day," he gestures to the tired group of people. Goddard turns to his pack and starts pulling out all manner of strange things. He'll look at something, shake his head, and shove it back into a pouch or he'll nod and place it on the floor.

  151. Aara steps into the main tunnel, gathering what dried moss she can find. When she has an armful, she returns to his side and builds a small fire.

  152. "What is this stuff," Goddard coughs. "It burns's fire," he pulls out a pot. "It won't be a whole lot of soup but it will be soup! And it will be good." Goddard pulls the dagger from his boot, wipes it on his cloak, and begins to cut various ingredients up and toss them into the pot along with some water.

  153. Aara lays out her bedroll, grateful to sit on something besides dirt and stone. When she sits, she discovers the case the artist had sent their painting in. I'd forgotten I tucked it away here, she thinks, unrolling the small canvas.

  154. Goddard softly sings in elven as he sits on the ground, preparing the soup. He switches to humming when he feels the need to taste something before he put it into the pot. He isn't really paying attention to much else, but the pot and the ingredients.

  155. After a moment of studying the portrait, she puts it away. Emotionally and physically tired, she stretches out and watches him cook. It isn't long before his song lures her into a half-sleeping state.

  156. Goddard continues to sing through his yawning as he stirs the soup and adds extra seasonings while it cooks. He gives it a taste and nods approvingly before going back to his song.

  157. The smell alone is almost enough to sate her hunger. Aara manages to set aside all her weapons before wrapping her cloak around her and dozing off.

  158. After some time, Goddard finally stops singing and speaks. "Aara I finis..." he looks over at her and his ears droop. "I slave over a tiny pot and small fire and you sleep," he grumbles softly with a smile.

  159. Katarina jerks awake from where she sits against the cave wall. The Dark Elf ship again. In time it will fade. You will see worse things before the end of this, Kasha.

    Looking at her bag, she sees the small pouch with Aara's sleeping tea inside. Thinking better of it, Katarina shakes her head. Not this time. I don't know when we will be moving again. I can't be half asleep and nodding off should we catch up to this vampire. He seems to run as if put to the whip. Surely, we will either follow his trail out of a hole somewhere or stumble headlong into a trap.

    Standing up she watches as Goddard and Aara try to light a fire with some moss under a small kettle. She shakes her head at that and the incredibly large satchel of tomes Goddard has been lugging the entire way. We go to grab essentials for a chase and he brings a kitchen and a library. Still the black rat and Khaladh look just as ridiculous draped in all those weapons.

    Moving to a side passage, she touches the stone and feels for the ley lines. It takes a few minutes, but she finds one flowing with the icy power of Kislev. Tapping into the magic, she closes her eyes and repeats the words. It takes several attempts, but eventually, Katarina manifests a blade of pure ice in her hand. The edge and point gleam dangerously. Taking a strip of linen from her bandage, she tosses it into the air and swings the iceblade at it. The blade cuts through barely stirring the cloth.

    Smiling, Katarina begins to practice.

  160. Aara's nose twitches, the smell of soup beating it's way into sleep. Her stomach cramps with hunger, and she opens her eyes to see Goddard reading, the tiny pot sitting next to him. She sits up, relieved to see the kettle is still half full. Scooping up a spoonful, she moans when she tastes it.

    "Goddard, this is amazing," she says, dipping a piece of bread into it.

  161. He looks up from his book. "Not the context in which I wanted to hear those words from you," he chuckles, "But I'll take it."

    "I'm glad you like it," he smiles.

  162. She laughs. "Always willing to take what you can get." Aara makes an appreciative sound as she eats. When she's finished, she kisses his cheek. "You are perfection, thank you."

  163. "You sure you shouldn't be kissing the soup? I am far from perfect."

    Oh Master when you have perfection become perfect.

    "Can you hear this non-sense," Goddard asks Aara, pointing to his head. "Hmmm probably not..."

  164. Aara shakes her head. "I have only ever heard your creature when he speaks directly to me." I hope Ibben's alright. I wish I had brought him with me.

  165. "That's what I thought," he laughs. "I probably look insane when I'm talking to arha...ok well...more insane."

    It's ok Master! We can be insane together!

    "That is not a good idea!" Goddard shakes his head. "Can't you go fly around and enjoy this cave like a bat?"

    A smokey shadow floats out from the top of Goddard's head and floats about the cavern.

  166. Aara's eyes follow the shadow as she laughs at him. "I just thought you'd always talked to yourself," she tells him. "You're strange, so I didn't think much of it."

  167. "I do talk to myself a lot. I can't help it! And see...unless I am perfectly strange, I can't be perfection."

    "I always thought I was pretty normal," he says sarcastically.

  168. She grins at him. "Perfectly strange, then. And you aren't anywhere near normal," she laughs.

  169. He chuckles. "I like the carriage wreck that I am. It makes me mysterious and interesting, thus making women over look my lack of muscle," he playfully strains as he flexes his arm.

  170. "And I thought it was your courtly manners and golden good looks." Aara flexes her own arm and compares her muscle to his. "I think I have you beaten in muscular prowess."

  171. "Courtly manners," he smirks. "You're funny."

    "And mean of course," he tucks his skinny arms away under his cloak.

  172. Aara chuckles and lays her head on his shoulder. "You said you like me cruel. I'm pretty fond the carriage wreck, too," she says softly. "Not that you need help being interesting."

  173. He puts his arm, along with the cloak, around Aara and rests his hand as close to her behind as their sitting positions will allow.

  174. Aara yawns, curling up against him. "If I fall asleep, don't let Eglanor paint on my face," she murmurs. "He already threatened to paint my other hand."

  175. "Hmmm now I may just have to beg him to paint on your face if you fall asleep," he laughs softly and yawns.

    "U talinth u xun ssinssrig dos," he whispers so softly she can barely hear it. He sighs sadly and leans his head back, closing his eyes.

  176. Aara sleeps long enough to feel somewhat rested when she wakes. Rested and warm, but stiff. I'd rather sleep on a bed of nails than this floor, she thinks as she untangles herself from Goddard and his cloak. After chewing on a tough piece of dried lamb, she starts stretching, trying to bring warmth and flexibility back to her cramped limbs.

  177. " bats," Goddard mumbles in his sleep. "Drowning in more bats..."

  178. Aara looks over at him. I know he doesn't like bats, but he dreams about them so often...Could there be more to the story he told me?

    Crouching in front of him, she shakes him gently. "Nuur'eni, wake up," she whispers. "There aren't any bats after you."

  179. He yawns and opens one eye. He looks around a bit before he finally sets the white eye on Aara. Goddard smiles. "You scared them away," he whispers, as he grabs her and pulls her close. "Now it's bed time again."

  180. Aara laughs softly and lets him pull her back down. Everyone will be awake and we'll be moving again all too soon... she thinks as she cuddles up to him.

  181. "Are you going to go so sleep again?" he whispers. "If we should get up and gather things, I'll let you go and I might actually help out."

  182. Aara sighs. "We probably should..." She looks over at him. "Even if I don't want to."

  183. Goddard smiles and stretches as he gets up. He walks over to the pot and turns it upside down. "Well...none of that went to waste," he somehow finds space for it in his pack full of books and various other things. As always, he takes inventory, makes sure the swords are attached securely and turns to Aara. "Anything else? Should I tie Katarina to a rock," he grins.

  184. Katarina clears her throat behind Goddard. Her face clearly shows her lack of amusement and it is obvious she has been physically exerting herself. In her hand gleams a sword of ice, vapor misting around the cold blade.

    "I think you have made enough 'suggestions' about me for at least a month. And if you have anymore, please keep them to yourself." she says calmly.

    Letting go the blade, the ice quickly turns to water as it falls to the cavern floor. Katarina shakes her head at the elf and moves to gather her gear.
