Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Dramatic Boat

Goddard quickly re-gathers the fabric and scrambles out of the cabin, practically diving back into his own cabin. He shuts the door behind him.

Master you're back!

"You didn't follow me? That's a surprise," he pants.

Oh Master even I know to respect the privacy of a man and a woman.

"UGH! I didn't do anything! Won't anyone believe me?"

But Mas...

"Ok ok I know why no one will believe me but...I don't always lie..."


"I DON'T!" 


  1. Goddard quickly gets dressed and throws over a heavier cloak and hood. "There now I should stay dry and have no reason to get undressed again..."

    He pauses. "I can't believe I just said that..."

    You are not well Master.

    "Sheesh I know! We need to get to this harem quickly...just...just don't tell anyone I said that..."

    You know your secrets are safe with me Master.


  2. Koroush watches Goddard retreat with suspicion. If he has harmed her, I will feed his tongue to the scorpions and decorate my palace with his entrails.

    He's surprised to find Aara sleeping, the pet she so longed for snuggled up against her. He has been so busy with detailing the trade agreement with the ship captain that he has left her to her own devices. This could be my own failure. "Aara, come awake," he commands, seating himself in the only chair.

    Aara wakes slowly, thinking Goddard is calling to her. When she rolls over and sees Koroush, she yelps. "Master!"

    Koroush holds up a hand to silence her. "I encountered our friend Goddard leaving your cabin in an advanced state of undress. Please, Aara, enlighten me as to why he was alone with you in your room."

    Aara sits up, careful not to upset Ibben. "Master, Goddard and I have found ourselves in a situation, and-"

    He holds up his hand again. "Choose your words carefully, Aara. I will kill him if need be."

    Aara's eyes go wide, and she pales slightly. "No Master, nothing like that. But I have found myself feeling a great affection for him."

    Koroush is quiet a long moment. I should have kept her with me, and not let her run about on her own. "And has he expressed the same affections?"

    Aara smiles softly and looks down at her hands. "He has said he cares for me. We don't quite know how to untangle the situation."

    Koroush nods and rises. "This is very unorthodox, Aara. But I will say that I expect Goddard to come to me to speak of this. I will not allow you to come to harm or ruination for a flight of fancy. You tell him this."

    Aara nods. "Yes, Master."

    Koroush moves to the door and opens it. "Today, Aara," he says as he leaves.

  3. Goddard is almost to the end of the hallway when he hears the sound of a door being opened. He rushes out onto the deck and heads quickly down the stairs to the cargo area.

    He brushes past Katarina without a word and sits under Zhane as he has done so many times before.

  4. Aara bites a knuckle, thinking. Do I go to him and tell him? How can I ask him to talk to Koroush about his feelings when I'm unsure about my own? But if he doesn't go, Master will know him for a coward, and no matter how we feel it would be forbidden. Uzzaya, save me.

    Ibben has woken, and is drinking water from her wash basin. "Ibben, what do you think?"

    Ibben looks at her, chattering incoherently.

    "Thank you," she answers sarcastically. "You always know what to say."

  5. "Is it safe," Goddard pats Zhane's belly.

    I do not know Master. Should I look?

    "I'm not talkin to you!" he hisses.

    Master, horses do not underst...

    "Zhane understands you floating annoyance."

    If you say so Master.

    Goddard climbs out from under the horse and looks around. He sighs and begins to feed and take care of Zhane.

  6. Goddard grumbles as he brushes Zhane, forgetting Katarina is there.

    "What ever happened to just khyrkan? Why do people want saroir...that doesn't exist anyway...Kyndul!"

    Zhane flicks his tail and hits Goddard in the face.

    "Are you agreeing with me or disagreeing? No're a horse..."

  7. Aara continues to bit her knuckle, not noticing when she breaks skin. I have to tell him. But what if I'm wrong? Or he isn't sincere? Koroush is only doing what is right.

    She grimaces at her bleeding finger. "Damn," she mutters.

    Master won't be cruel. I can promise he will come to no harm. But will he believe me? It doesn't matter, I have to go to him.

    Rising, she holds an arm out to Ibben. "Come, dearest, it is time to settle this and test the mettle of nuur'eni." Settling Ibben on her shoulder, she wraps her veil carefully and goes in search of Goddard.

  8. Goddard stops using any words Katarina can understand as he continues to grumble while brushing the horse.

  9. Aara searches the galley, where a sailor tried to persuade her to join him at the table and went so far as to grab her arm. He saw her tattoos clearly when she held a dagger to his throat. "I decline your invitation and insist you release me before I add a new name to my hands," she'd growled.

    After that, she decids to try the cargo hold. He and Katarina like to spend time tend their horses. Slipping in as silently as her dripping clothing would allow, she spots him, nervously grooming Zhane and talking to himself.

    She pauses, biting down on her already town knuckle. No time for cowardice now, Aara.

  10. Goddard starts to brush Zhane faster when he spots Aara from the corner of his eye.

    I'm dead...I'm dead...Katarina please protect'm dead...

    Zhane disapproves of this sort of grooming and bumps Goddard with his hip, knocking Goddard off balance and into a pile of straw. He remains on his back and folds his hands on his stomach, waiting for whatever might happen.

  11. Aara takes a moment to don a pair of white gloves. I doubt he'll know what it means, but it's worth a try.

    She approaches slowly, hands up in the air. I really do need to stop that, she thinks when she sees her knuckle bleed through the fabric.

    "I am nothing to fear, nuur'eni, you know that," she says when he lies on the floor. His face wears the look of a man waiting his death sentence.

  12. He looks toward her confused.

    "What's with the gloves, lecai?"

  13. Katarina puts down the brush and stops singing. "I'll let you two talk alone." she says and exits the door.

    Muttering to herself as she walks, the others can hear. "And she's wearing white gloves now, this is too eeriely similar. Still, you haven't had to strangle someone with his socks... so things may be different."

  14. Lecai. That must be a good sign. She exhales with relief. Before she can answer, Aara watches Katarina excuse herself and walks out quickly. How strange that she should be so affected by something like this. Perhaps I should talk with her about this. She seems better informed than I. "They're to cover my tattoos. It is a sign of peace and a promise against harm. In short, I won't bloody my hands," she explains, raising one hand. Her knuckle has bled clean through, making an obvious red stain. "Well, not with anyone else's blood. But you get the idea."

    She strokes Zhane's neck, not looking at Goddard. "I spoke with Koroush," she begins.

  15. "Oh thank Sigmar," he sighs.

    He cringes when Aara mentions Koroush. "I figured as told him I didn't do anything right?," he asks nervously. "That my lack of clothing was a result of my complete and utter clumsiness?"

  16. "Yes, I told him. And yes," she adds, "he believes me. He's not angry, just concerned." She finally looks down at him. "He says he wants to speak with you tonight."

  17. Goddard whimpers and rolls over onto his stomach. He covers his head with his hands and the sleeves of the robe.

    "Do I have to? Or will my kuyl make things worse?"

    He thinks for a second. "Cowardice..." he mumbles.

  18. Aara sits next to him, pulling her veil down. "He wants to see if you're sincere." She relates the conversation to Goddard, running her hand over his shoulders. "So you see, if you don't, we won't get the chance to examine all this. He'll simply forbid me to speak to you." She pauses. "But as his sword, I can promise that no harm will come to you, no matter what you decide. I'd never hurt you, or allow him to hurt you."

  19. Goddard mumbles a bunch of words that Aara can take to be swears in his elven language.

    "Can I just go now? Before my back bone decides to run off? Or my senses return?"

  20. Aara laughs softly. "I'm glad you aren't eager to see me hide my face from you forever." She stands, brushing hay from her clothing and secures her veil. "I'll come with you, that should make you feel safe enough, yes?"

  21. "If we are going to be traveling for any extended period of time, I'd like to feel relaxed and enjoy the adventure...ya know...when we aren't being attacked my undead and stuff..."

    Goddard stands up and brushes the hay off his clothing. "Lead me to my elu, sweet lecai..." he says dramatically, holding his hand out for her to lead the way.

  22. Koroush is waiting patiently when he hears the polite knock. "Enter."

    He raises an eyebrow when Aara enters with the elf. His ward is wearing the strange medallion of Morr she recieved from the gypsy woman outside her shirt, and holding the elf's hand. Her own small hands are covered in white gloves. Allay have mercy, she's sworn protection for him. Who would have thought- a lady of Uzzaya and a follower of the Amethyst Winds? Walking Death indeed. Allay, guide me.

    "I have done as you commanded, Master Koroush," Aara says, releasing Goddard's hand to propel him forward a step or two. Once the elf is standing before him, Aara kneels in the corner.

    "So, you have expressed an affection for my ward," Koroush begins. "Is this true?"

  23. Alright Goddard...don't say too many words...too many words could be bad for your health...

    He makes an attempt to look Koroush in the eyes when he answers and then quickly looks down at the floor.

    GAH! I can't...I'd rather look Morr in the least I know what's coming with him...

    "Yes..." he stammers.

  24. This one is not the coward he thinks he is. That is good, because my Aara can be fearless. And reckless.

    Korush waves his hand to the empty chair across from him, making it clear that Goddard is to sit whether he likes it or not. "I see. And what does an experienced man like you expect from an innocent such as my bodyguard?"

  25. Goddard quickly plops himself into the chair.

    Scheiße! Why is he asking such a hard question to answer with a single word...

    He inhales deeply and exhales slowly. "OK...I care about much so that I actually don't want to do anything with her because I don't want to hurt her or myself..."

    He's quiet for a moment. "OR you," he adds quickly. "Definitely don't wanna hurt you Sir..."

  26. What kind of answer is THAT? Aara has to control herself from jumping to her feet and dragging him out of the room by his hair, demanding answers. Has he made of a fool of me?

  27. "'s complicated..." he looks down at his hands that are now full of tiny scratches. He's been nervously wringing his hands.

    Ohhh anyone who says women don't shoot fire from their eyes is a liar...

  28. Koroush nods, not missing the flash of anger in Aara's eyes. "So complicated that you cannot share it with your nuur'eni?" He gestures to her. "She was not named Aara by her parents. When I found her, she was Afya. It means Shadowed in our tongue. They named her such because she did not have the beauty of her sisters. She is plain, and knows it. I taught her to weild a weapon and protect herself, and gave her the name Aara, The Sword. She has since earned the title of Walking Death. It is a prestigious distinction among my people.

    "And my plain, sweet Aara has donned the gloves that swear protection for you and brought you to me now. I know she is sincere, and I believe you to be as well. I'm not quite sure what your relationship is or the blockades in its path, but you have my permission to discover it yourself without my interference." He stands. "On the exception that should you desire more than mere companionship from her, you return to me on the matter. I will not always be able to protect her, and you must swear to do so now."

  29. "If...if I shared the complexities with her, I would no longer be nuur'eni," he sighs and covers his face with his hands.

    He puts his hands on his lap. "I'm protecting her now...and I'll protect her as long as she remains around me."

  30. Koroush nods, accepting that answer. "You would be surprised what such a creature can accept. Now, I have business to attend to. Aara, I will be dining with the captain again. And do not think I have not heard of the incident in the galley. We will discuss that later." Without another word, he leaves the cabin.

  31. Goddard slumps into the chair and slowly turns his head toward Aara.

    Ok you went from having him not kill you to her most likely wanting to kill you...was this the better outcome? Probably not...

  32. Aara releases the breath she's held for ages. "Well, that went better than I expected." She stands and walks over to where Goddard sits. Seeing his hands covered in scratches, she kneels, pulling off her gloves and dabbing at the scratches with them. "You've hurt yourself, worrying so needlessly."

  33. "Soooo...we're ok?" he asks surprised she didn't knock him over the head. "We get to live?"

  34. Aara doesn't raise her eyes to his. "You always were. I promised that no harm would come to you, didn't I?" That went much better than I anticipated. As for Goddard and I...well, that was already a mess. "Now me, on the other hand...I'll have to answer to my actions in the galley, but that won't be drastic."

  35. "What did you do?" Goddard asks as he takes her hand with the injured thumb. "In the galley and with this...and can I come with you as you came here with me, lecai?"

  36. Aara laughed. "It's an old habit from childhood. I bite my knuckle when I'm thinking or distressed." She looked up at him, smiling sweetly. "A crewmen attempted to forcibly persuade me to take a seat in his lap. When he grabbed me, I dislocated his arm and put my dagger point beneath his chin. We had a nice chat after that."

  37. "Haha...good...job," he says, simultaneously proud and frightened.

  38. She stands and tucks her gloves into her belt. "You can come if you'd like. Master and the captain will discuss beforehand if I've actually done anything wrong. Then I'll be called in to speak for myself. Most likely I'll be told to meditate on my actions on deck all night without dinner. 'Your hunger will remind you of the pain you needlessly caused,'" she says, lowering her voice to mimic Koroush.

  39. Goddard chuckles. "Sounds about right...but needless pain? Sounds like he needs more pain."

    "But...I hope you don't have to sit on the deck, starving..."

  40. Aara shrugs. "It won't be the first time. I tend to be reckless and react without thinking sometimes. I'll just keep an eye out for the stars and be ravenous for breakfast," she laughs.

  41. "Do you have to sit out there alone?"

  42. She tilts her head, considering it as they leave the cabin. She left Ibben in the cargo hold, so she'd need to collect him. "I don't know. I don't see why I'd have to be alone." She stops in the middle of the corridor. "But that doesn't mean you have to sit with me. No need for both of us to brave the storm."

  43. Goddard shrugs. "Shouldn't be too bad, especially if I'm with my lecai," he smiles.

  44. Aara is quiet, staring at him a long moment. He wants to stand my punishment with me? "Your father is right," she says, smiling. "You are a mess, nuur'eni."

  45. "I guess when you're as old and crazy as he is, you know some stuff," he laughs.

  46. When they reach the deck, Aara is glad to see the rain has abated for the moment. "Well, this is nice," she says. "Perhaps we won't have to huddle under our cloaks after all."

    Ibben comes running at her, leaping onto her arm and up to her shoulder. "Hello, Ibben, did you miss me?" The monkey chatters, ignoring her and searching her veil for treats.

    Aara hears a sound and sees that Tannin is back at the rail. "Oh dear...he doesn't travel well, does he?"

  47. "He'd better get back over to this side...his metal behind is a tempting target," he laughs.

  48. Aara laughs as she is approached by a cabin boy. He hands her a folded slip of paper, tooks a good look at the two of them, and runs. Aara reads it, then grimaces. "It seems my punishment has already been decided. I'm to formally apologize and spend the night meditating on deck." She sighs. "I'd rather hoped the first part wouldn't happen. I'm not good at apologizing."

  49. "It's just words," Goddard smirks. "Just spit em out and then we can sit on the deck and you can point out some more angry animal stars."

  50. "That sounds nice." Aara checks the height of the sun. "Sunset isn't for a while yet. I can put it off a while." She plucks at her veil, the damp weather irritating her. "I'd rather go below deck where I don't have to smother in this veil for now." She recieves several looks from the crew, some appreciative, some respectful, others slightly darker. They won't touch me now, but they don't have to like me much, either. "And stay out of trouble," she adds.

  51. Goddard also gives the crew some looks. "Some of you had better look at something else, before I get a bigger collection of eye balls," he pulls a jar from his belt that does indeed have eyes in some kind of preserving liquid and tosses it into the air. He catches it and then hooks it back onto his belt.

  52. Aara looks at him in amazement. "Are those real eyes?" she whisperes?

  53. "Errr...yes..." he taps the jar with a nail. "I know it's gross...and morbid...well not to me anyway, but all of this is real."

  54. Aara arches a brow, forgetting she's veiled and he can't see it. "I have the names of dead people inked on my hands. I'd say we're pretty balanced on morbidity." They walk on. "I can't believe he told you all that about my name. What a waste of breath for some useless history."

  55. "I was personally more confused as to how he could say you were plain," he snorts. "I mean," he stands in front of her, looks thoughtful, and makes an hour glass shape around her with his hands.

    "And believe me...I know a thing or two about the shape of hour glasses..."

  56. Aara laughs. "Well, I know a few things about fence posts," she retorts, making a straight up and down gesture.

  57. "Ouch," he puts his hands to his heart and forces his smile into a frown. "But I have so many other things to make up for the fact that I'm a twig..."

  58. "Like what?" she asks, moving closer and fluttering her lashes at him. "Because I find you're all talk."

  59. Goddard gulps. "That's...that's a big part of personality...and uh...I...Eyes...your eyes are so pretty..." he trails off.

  60. "Why, thank you, nuur'eni. Yours are pretty nice, too." Taking his hand, she pulls him gently toward the cargo hold. "I don't think anyone's mucked out the hold in days. We should probably see to it."

  61. Goddard's ears droop. "Wha? Doesn't the crew deal with that?" He continues to follow her despite how confused he is by her suggestion.

  62. "Not always. I've taken care of it a few times, when everyone is sleeping. It's not that bad. Plus it gets me off deck so I can take off my veil."

  63. "Oooooh! I see..." he perks up and happily follows her lead.

    Master! Should I give you two privacy again.

    Just ignore it...maybe it will go away...

    Master! Master!.....MASTERMASTERMASTER!

  64. When they reach the hold, Aara removes her veil completely, freeing her hair. As she survery the area where the horses stand, she reaches back and ties her hair into a simple knot to keep it off her neck. "Someone got to it earlier, but we should still freshen up the hay and such." She grabs a bucket and a shovel and gets to work.

  65. "Shut up! Just shut up! Hang out in a corner or something I don't care!" he hisses between clenched teeth while Aara is off getting the needed equipment.

    Yes Master!

    Goddard takes off the cloak and hood and places it on a box so it doesn't get messy.

    You've never cleaned anything with a beautiful woman around...this shouldn't be so bad...

    Goddard grabs a shovel and bucket as well and gets to work.

  66. A few minutes later, Aara is leaning over, scooping up horse manure, when she feels something brush against her. Glancing behind her, she sees nothing. Hmmm...maybe a horse flicked his tail and brushed against me. Going back to her work, she's aware of Goddard being an arm's legnth away at least. And then she feels an undeniable pressure on her backside. What the- "Goddard, are you doing that?"

  67. "Doing what?" he asks confused as he shovels away, both of his hands on the shovel. "Am I getting in your way somehow?" He looks behind and around him.

  68. Aara shakes her head. "No, you're not in the way. I think Katarina's ghost is playing a joke on me." Aara, use your eyes. He's shoveling horseshit. He doesn't have any extra hands to sneak a touch.

  69. "Oh...that," Goddard says, continuing to shovel. "Do I need to yell at you again?" he scolds.

    Aara feels a quick but soft "slap" to her backside.

  70. "Hey! Goddard, it has to be you! I just don't know how your doing it." She brandishes the bucket full of manure. "Be a dear and toss this overboard? I can't go up without my veil?"

  71. Goddard shakes his head and turns around to grab the bucket but it seems to float off on its own.

    "Hey!" Goddard points at the air. "Would you stop! Hand that over!" He holds his open hand palm up and the bucket handle floats to where he can grab it.

    "Good! Now behave!" He heads out to dump the bucket.

  72. Aara's eyes are wide, her mouth hanging slightly open. " speak to the dead...kindly tell it to stop touching me before I cut off whatever apendages it has left."

  73. Goddard gives her a thumbs up as he heads out.

    He returns with the bucket a few minutes later. "Anything happen?" he asks. The hay behind him flies up into the air as if a wind has blown over it. "I don't think it likes me..."

  74. "No, not while you were gone," Aara answers, arms crossed and smirking. "Which makes me certain it's you." She walks up to him, snuggling against his chest and looking up at him beneath her lashes. "You would never try to scare me, nuur'eni, would you?"

    Strange...I watched the women in the harem do this before, and men would fall before them. I never thought it would be this easy.

  75. "Me? Scare you? No no no," he says in a sort of dazed voice. He wraps his arms around her. "Ghosts scare you?" he asks. "You seem like a fire ball. They should be afraid of you."

  76. Aara laughs against his chest. "No, they don't scare me. Nothing really scares me," she says. At least nothing yet. "I was born a Shadow and now I'm Walking Death. I'm scary," she laughs.

  77. "Oh, don't I know it," he laughs. "Nothing scares you?" he whispers then coughs. "Um....should we finish? Are we finished?" He relaxes his arms and his hands slide down her back from her shoulders and stop in the small of her back. If she did indeed wants to keep cleaning, she could easily move away.

    You're doing dumb stuff again! Stop it!

  78. Oh...well....I have no idea what comes next! The women never told me. "I don't hear the horses complaining, so we must be," she murmurs.

  79. His hands slide a little lower.

    You know you went too far down when she slaps you...wait for it...don't move to fast...if you're going to be an idiot be smart about it...

  80. "Ahhh...Goddard, dearest, that's not yours."

  81. "Heh...I uhhh...yeah..." he puts his hands on her shoulders and smiles. "Maybe I should put the buckets and shovels away?" He moves away from her and gathers them up.

    She's doing this on purpose! Stop being dumb!

  82. Aara watches him walk away, feeling like she both won and lost whatever game they were playing. Catching her lower lip between her teeth, she sits on a box. Just what am I supposed to do now?

  83. Goddard sits on a box below the one Aara is sitting on and leans his head forward.

    She's not gonna touch your scalp again after last time you idiot.

  84. Aara reaches forward, catching him at the shoulders and leaning him back. She starts kneading the muscles on his shoulders, humming a soft tune. He doesn't like it when you touch the front part of his scalp. Don't forget that.

  85. "Ow..." he sighs. "I think I needed this..." He chuckles a bit in between the pained sounds.

  86. Aara smiles, humming as her hands move. "What has you so tense nuur'eni?" she asks before going back to her song.

  87. "The world," he grumbles. He puts a hand on her ankle and makes little circles with his fingers.

    Is there some disconnect between your brain and your body? CONTROL YOURSELF!

  88. She leans forward to whisper in his ear. "You aren't fighting the world. Not right now."

    Ooohh, that is delicious. Don't stop.

    As he begins to relax, she starts singing the Arabyan words to the tune she'd been humming.

  89. There is a fight going on alright! You just have no idea!

    "You're right," he sighs and closes his eyes. He starts to make little circles on her calf.

    She's going to rip a bald spot out on your head! Do you want that?! A bald spot?

  90. She moves her hands up to his neck slowly. "You have a long life ahead of you, nuur'eni. There's plenty of time to battle the world."

  91. "It feels like it's too long a life sometimes. You know we can live for thousands of years? That is...if you didn't blow yourself up trying to learn magic or get sliced in half because some ork or demon or something was in your way..."

    His hand moves up to her knee. "What do you do when you live that long? I'm only 70 and I get bored...a lot..."

  92. Aara laughs, but it comes out as a sigh. "Seduce naive young women?" she jokes, fingers moving into his hair. Not the front of his scalp, Aara. Don't forget.

  93. "Yeah," he says lazily as she puts her fingers through his hair. "I mean no! I...well...the ones in Altdorf...uh...never mind..."

    Way to go buddy...

    He moves his hand to make small circles under her knee.

    And still you persist....

  94. She laughs. "And here I thought I was seducing you. You don't have to be so nervous, Goddard." She stretches her leg out unconsciously for him.

  95. "You are...and you're very good at it...and I have amazing self control right now..." he says as he makes a fist with the wandering hand and lowers it.

    "I usually have none at times like this," he groans.

    Yay! You do listen to your brain!

  96. "I am?" she laughs. "Well that's good to know." She looks toward the door, realizing how close it was to sunset. "I guess I should go apologize," she mutters.

  97. "I'll uh...I think I'll stay won't be long right?" He leans his head back on the box.

  98. "I shouldn't, but you should get some dinner. It's going to be a long night." She plants a little kiss on the tip of one ear before wrapping herself in her veil. "I'll wait for you on deck."

  99. Once he feels safe that Aara cannot see him, Goddard bangs his head on the box a few times.

    Master! You are going to hurt yourself!

  100. Aara finds the injured sailor in the galley, drunk. It's humiliating, apologizing to such garbage, but she has forced another man to do the work of two. No one tries to touch her, though, and they all eye her hands with suspension.

    It takes the better part of fifteen minutes to choke out her apology, and the sun is setting when she makes it back to the deck. Maybe I missed him in the galley? He really should eat if he plans to stay here with me all night.

  101. Goddard walks out of his cabin and onto the deck to find Aara already there. He has on the heavy black hood and cloak from earlier.

    "How'd it go?"

  102. "Awful. He was drunk and wanted to lord over me that I was the one in the wrong because I was apologizing. I tried to explain that i was apologizing because someone else had to pick up his slack, but it was hopeless."

    Aara settles on the deck, leaning against the wall of the ship and calling to Ibben. "Have you ever meditated?" she asks Goddard.

  103. "That's why I ate some food from my cabin," Goddard growls. "My lack of self control also applies to violence toward certain people..."

    He gets comfy next to Aara. "No...though I feel like I should probably learn..."

  104. She chuckles. "It will help with your control issue." She crosses her legs beneath her and sits incredibly straight. "It's all about breathing at first. This is called the Breath of Oceans Rolling. You breathe in through your nose, feeling the air fill your lungs all the way down to the bottom. It will make your stomach poke out like this." She demonstrates, breathing in through her nose and out her mouth.

    "Once you get this down, you let your thoughts go. It's hard, but can be done. With an empty mind, you can hear the thoughts of your heart and soul." She smiles, her eyes making the expression for her. "And that's it."

  105. Goddard takes a deep breath and starts to cough. "This is bad...I'm bad at this breathing part. You're gonna sit here the whole time doing that?"

  106. "Unless you have a better idea," she says, opening one eye to look at him. "Start slow, let your lungs expand. Here, like this." She takes his hand and puts it where her diaphragm is. "Feel that rise? And here." She moves his hand lower to her stomach. "Your stomach will make a rolling motion. Breathing is the easiest part."

  107. "This was supposed to help clear my mind? Because it's starting to get full of probably bad ideas..."

  108. She laughs. "I was showing you how to breathe. I already know you aren't conducive to meditation. Maybe it's my turn to be the distraction for you."

  109. "So you don't need to sit here and quietly just breath?" he raises an eye brow.

  110. "Just what are you suggesting?"

  111. "Wait...what were you suggesting? I'm only hearing half of what you say to be honest and my head is already full of the best bad maybe I shouldn't be suggesting anything anyway..."

    He sits up very straight and tries to breath like she did earlier.

  112. "I'm just saying that you would make clearing my mind difficult if you weren't with me. That's all." She watches him a minute before closing her eyes and breathing.

    Uzzaya, you lead and I follow, but I need a clearer path. He has secrets, and he fears discovery. Help me be an open book, and show him that his secrets are safe with me. Uzzaya, goddess...did it have to be someone who will still be young and beautiful when I'm old and gray?

    The gods have a sense of irony...

  113. Goddard opens one eye, sees that hers are closed, and slumps. He sits still for a moment before he starts to fidget with the frayed ends of his long sleeves.

  114. Aara tries to meditate. She really does. But after about twenty minutes, she gives up. And she's still so tired from the night before. In one swift, seamless motion, she's curled up beside him, head in his lap. Ignoring his startled look, she snuggles in and gets comfortable.

    "Tell me a story," she demands softly. "A good one."

  115. He laughs. "A good story? What makes you think I know any of those...hmmmm...maybe the time I got my first real feather duster?...HA!"

  116. "You've been alive 70 years. You have to know one," she says, climbing into his lap for comfort. "A good long story."

  117. Katarina comes up from below deck. She's wearing the blue starry pattern winter coat she donned in Kislev, cinched tight with a belt of matching material. Her ash blonde hair is undone and billowing in the wind. Her usually pale cheeks are flushed and rosy. Tinges of frost cling to her eyebrows.

    She doesn't seem to notice Aara and Goddard as she looks out over the sea. Standing there, her lips move as if repeating something. She then touches the railing with a finger and quickly withdraws the hand. Spray from the sea comes over the railing and catches the wind in a most peculiar way.

    Aara sees a familiar sailor hurriedly come up from below decks and stalk toward Katarina. He is soaked, head to toe. As he gets close to Katarina he grins and licks his lips. "No ghostie gonna come to you this time girl. By the dead eyes of Gabriel Hans, why is it so damn cold?"

  118. Aara slips out of Goddard's arms, drawing one of her daggers from her boot. Sticking to the shadows, she creeps up behind the sailor. Striking out with her boot, she sweeps the sailor off his feet, coming down with him and setting the tip of her dagger at his throat.

    "That, my friend, would not be a good idea." She looks up at Katarina, who doesn't seem to have noticed anything. "She is under my masters protection, and I will feed your manhood to scorpions and dance in your entrails should you lay a hand on her." Her voice is low and her face is perfectly impassive. "Now be gone with you and trouble her no more."

  119. Katarina and Aara can hear Goddard laughing as he watches the crewman topple over. He couldn't actually see what happened, but he had a pretty good idea.

    You laugh...but that could be you over there...remember that...

  120. The sailor's eyes were wide. "I-I-I-"

    Aara smiled coldly, adding just a bit of pressure to her blade. "I suggest you go down to the galley, have another ale, and then take yourself to bed. You'll want to be fresh and rested for your watch."


    Her voice turns sweet. "I thought you'd see it my way."

    Standing, she sheaths her dagger and walks back over to Goddard. "Now, I'm ready for my story nuur'eni."

  121. Goddard chuckles and gets all snuggly and comfy.

    And she wonders why you get so nervous...

    "So...I have realized that I have lived a very boring 70 years and have no stories of myself to tell you and any other stories I know were told to me by an insane old elf and I would not consider them to be any good."

    He thinks for a moment. "Do you know anything about the history of elves? Of how they split into the high elves and the dark elves...and there are wood elves but don't worry about those."

  122. Settling back in, she leans her head and his chest. "Nothing, really. But I like history."

  123. As Aara walks off, Katarina slowly turns around and looks down on the stunned man. A blast of mist becomes snow in the freezing space around her. It spins around her before being taken by the wind.

    "Your persistence is outmatched by your stupidity. And it will cost you. No one... NO ONE dares to lay hand on a daughter of Kislev without learning of their wrath." she hisses

    Drawing her dagger, she then turns the blade low and slices through the cloth holding the sailor's breeches on. With a kick of toe of her boot the man lies exposed.

    The man begins to move, but is soon held fast by Katarina's boot on his neck. "You wanted to show this to me, yes? I'm afraid your crude boasts have exaggerated everything. Pitiful! You will learn your lesson from the Widow's kiss. I was warned about the dangers of the sun's stroke... see now the fear of my kin, frost's bite."

    Watching the man squirm brings a feral smile to Katarina's lips. "Ah, even now... the wind's chill helps it. You feel the thousand tiny pin pricks stabbing deeply, don't you. Fear not, for soon it will pass and you will feel NOTHING."

    Turning to the crew that are staring at the scene. She points the dagger in their direction. "Anyone so much as looks on him in pity will suffer much worse! While I am under the protection of her master, know that my I protect myself and my friends. See my anger now, that you know how best to avoid it.

    "Aara, Goddard. Could you please go fetch me some rope, Koroush, and the Captain?"

  124. Goddard looks terrified at Katarina.

    Wow! She must REALLY like you! She didn't do ANY of that to you...yet...of course you won't listen to your brain...and will keep pushing until you one day end up like that guy.

    He then smiles. "Kar...I think you taught him and the others, a lesson just fine...not to mention I think the captain favors his crew over us. Aara had to apologize for something dumb earlier...hopefully they don't make you do the same..."

  125. "Goddard is right. Best to let him go on. I imagine I'll be spending another night on deck without dinner just for what I've done."

  126. Goddard pats Aara's head softly. "Next time, let me take care of them, lecai. Then you won't have to go hungry."

    "Anyway this is pretty interesting as far as histories go...

    "A long time ago, elves were all one under the Phoenix King, Aenarion the Defender. He was a great warrior who defeated the first invasion by Chaos. He was married to Astariele the Everqueen and they had two bouncy baby elves, Yvraine and Morelion.

  127. Katarina's eyes lose none of their hardness, but the straightens up as if listening to another part of the conversation. Pulling the pouch from around her neck, she tosses it into the sea.

    "My friends want me to spare you, so I shall. This I swear, it ends between us all."

    She removes her foot from the sailor's neck and walks toward Aara and Goddard. "However, someone else wishes to continue a previous discussion."

    As she sheathes the dagger and with in clear view of all on deck that she is taking no actions. The sailor pitches forward and his face slams into the railing. This is repeated twice until blood flows on the deck from the man's ruined face.

    "I find I'm starting to like ghosts, Katarina says to Goddard with a grim smile."

  128. Goddard looks up and quickly shakes his head.

    "Yeah wow...seems like you have a guardian of sorts...maybe..." he chuckles nervously.

    He then looks at Katarina. "Kar...I am telling lecai a story. Or attempting to tell her a story. You can join us if you wish," he pats the deck next to him and continues his story.

    "Chaos...being chaotic and such, attacked again, killing the Everqueen and, at least so Aenarion thought, their two children. "

  129. Aara giggles, grabbing the edges of Goddard's cloak and pulling it over her. "Oh no..." she whispered. "How awful for him."

  130. Goddard smiles and adjusts his arms so that she could get at more of the cloak if she need it.

    "In a rage, he drew the Sword of Khaine, Kaela Mensha Khaine being our god of battle, and raged a war of revenge on Chaos. At some point during this attack, he rescues an elven seeress from a Slaanesh warband, Slaanesh being the Chaos god of pleasure. Her name was Morathi and she was too beautiful for words...almost like you lecai."

  131. Aara blushes and blows him a kiss.

  132. Goddard grins a bit and chuckles. "Is this counting as a good story so far?"

  133. "Oh yes, nuur'eni, you're making my punishment very enjoyable."

  134. "Heh...enjoyable punishment?" Goddard asks. "I wonder...we may want to reconsider what you said about not wanting to harm me..." he laughs.

    "Ok ok back to the story before I lose my train of thought..."

    "Aenarion falls deeply in love with Morathi and she ends up having his son, Malekith.

    After Aenarion's death, Malekith does not become the next Phoenix King, as per his birthright. Yvraine appears and is made Everqueen. She marries Bel Shanaar of Tiranoc and he becomes the Phoenix King.

  135. "So what happens to this Malekith?"

  136. "Ooohhh, this is a good story!"

  137. "Yvraine said she could not marry her own half brother, which...yeah...ok that is kinda weird...and that Aenarion's drawing the Sword of Khaine, tainted Malekith's bloodline. He was made High General of the armies instead."

  138. Katarina leans against the railing casually watching the sailors drag off her assailant.

    "But I take it that things are going to end very happily for the royal family?"

  139. "Most stories with dark elves in them don't end too well," he says looking up at Katarina.

    "Malekith was initially ok with this but eventually he craved the throne he felt was his. He accused Bel of worshiping Slaanesh and soon after that, Bel died of poisoning.

    The Council of Princes said Malekith killed Bel Shanaar and the elves who supported Malekith said Bel committed suicide. I think Malekith killed Bel Shanaar honestly...The argument got violent and many of the princes were killed. Druchii, or dark elves, say Malekith did it in the name of saving Ulthuan, where the elves live, high elves say it was to destroy all opposition to Malekith claiming the throne."

  140. "Dark elves? So what's the difference between dark elves and your kind?"

  141. Goddard shrugs. "I guess druchii are more angry and violent and cruel? It's more of a mindset. We come from the same blood. Most people can't tell the difference from a dark elf and a high elf, which is why the dwarfs don't get along with elves. Dark elves attacked them and the dwarfs went after the high elves thinking it was them."

  142. "With all opposition out of the way, Malekith just had to walk through the Sacred Fire of Asuryan, king of the Elven gods. A rightful king will pass through, no problems, hence Phoenix King. But Malekith was horribly burned by the fire when he stepped through.

    His followers carried him away to Nagarythe and to one of his mother's temples where he was physically healed but probably not so much mentally. I'm pretty sure godly fires messes up your brain. He had decided to lead his followers into battle against the high elves.

    Morathi, knowing her son couldn't lead a fish to water being the burnt crust he was, commissioned a suit of armor for him. It was placed on him, still hot from the forge and fused to his body. He became known as the Witch King from that point on.

  143. "Yeah...he is still to this day sitting on his throne in Naggaroth with his mother Morathi, still trying to take "his" throne from the current Phoenix King, Finubar."

  144. Aara is so wrapped up in the story that she forgets Katarina is there. "Shh!"

  145. While this was going on, the high elves organised themselves under the new Phoenix King, Caledor the First. A civil war between the high elves and the followers of Malekith broke out.

    Eventually, the Witch King and Caledor fought each other, with their mightiest armies behind them. Caledor and his armies eventually won, pushing the Witch King and his forces back.

    Malekith decided he was going to be a gambling elf and perform a dark ritual. This backfired and caused a huge tidal wave which drowned thousands and submerged huge parts of land.

    Malekith and those remaining loyal to him sailed to new land where he formed a new kingdom and named it Naggaroth. And so Malekith and his followers became Druchii.

    And the elves were split apart.

    And this is what you do when you live for thousands of years...hold grudges and fight..."

  146. "How awful to be a broken family. One could say life is too short for fights and grudges, but in your case..." She trails off with a giggle.

  147. Goddard chuckles and passes his fingers through Aara's hair. "Father taught me not to hate my own kind. All asur. I don't have to like 'em but I should not hate them. So yes...I need to find other things to do for 2500 years."

  148. "I'm glad. Hate is heavy on the heart," she murmurs distantly. "There is never enough time for hate."

  149. "Yes... time for hate." Katarina says absentmindedly watching a deck hand mop up partially frozen blood and toss several teeth overboard. She chuckles a little at the sight.

  150. "So, that's it for my good story. I hope you enjoyed it lecai."
    "And how about you kar? What did you think," he asks Katarina, nudging her leg with his elbow.

  151. "Kar?" the girl asks startled back to the people next to her.

  152. " fits you means numbing cold," he snickers.

  153. Unamused, she rolls her eyes. "Such cleverness. How can I bear it? I am no match for such an ostolop."

  154. "A what? Ocelot?" he asks twitching an ear.

  155. "Os-TOE-lope. Means... head of sheep meat."

  156. Goddard looks thoughtful for a few seconds before he says, "Sheep tastes pretty good sooooo...thank you! Is that why secretly you want to put your lips on me again?"

    He cringes, laughing, waiting to get slapped.

  157. Aara laughs. "Is your ear not functioning correctly, nuur'eni? I'll help," she adds, bowing on it gently.

  158. "I think its more what's between his ears that is not functioning correctly." Katarina says making an unimpressed face at Goddard's humor.

  159. "My brain works just fine," Goddard says playfully. "Along with a few other body parts..." he smiles slyly at Katarina.

  160. "I thought you were spoken for?" Katarina says arching an eyebrow

  161. "I have no interest in what belongs to another woman."

  162. "You don't have to worry about that happening, woman would have me as you are thinking..." he sort of trails off and looks down at the floor.

  163. Aara presses her face into Goddard's neck. "Don't speak so, nuur'eni," she whispers. "You are precious to me." She starts to fidget, a well placed elbow pressing into his gut. "When you aren't flirt with other women," she smiles.

  164. Goddard smiles at first and then groans. "That's not a good kind of pain," he tries not to move too much. He leans in toward her ear and whispers, "This is," and gives her ear a nip.

  165. Aara gasps, going very still. "Yes, that is a good pain..."

  166. Katarina averts her eyes from the young couple and looks out to sea. She squints at something in the distance.

  167. "Or something like this," he looks around for a moment before grinning at the turned around Katarina. He gives her a quick slap on her behind.

  168. Despite the thickness of her coat, Katarina feels the impact. She spins around and points a finger in Goddard's face. "nikogda bez moyego razresheniya!" she snarls.

    "Never again. Or you will not like consequences. You have already seen one man hurt for similar actions."

  169. Aara looks on, shocked. "Goddard! It is one thing to toy with me, you have permission, but another to trifle with Kadha! Apologize!"

  170. "But...I...come on now...I'm sitting on the floor and it's right there..." he whines.

  171. She gives him another soft jab with his elbow. "Would you dishonor us both?" she asks, looking down at her clasped hands.

  172. "No..." he grumbles. "I'm's ok if i get permission right? Soooooo...may I slap your arsch?" he smiles.

  173. "Niet, No! Why would you think I would say otherwise?"

  174. "If I don't ask, I will never know..." he chuckles.

  175. "Fair enough, then. Might I have your permission to shock you whenever you can't seem to ask permission?" Katarina says, her anger fading to something colder.

  176. Goddard seems intrigued. "Shocked? I'm afraid to ask but...what do you mean?"

  177. "You cannot have mine," Aara laughs. "I find myself always close to him."

  178. "Only if you are not around then, Aara." she says with a sweet smile.

    Looking at Goddard, the smile becomes like ice and between the finger of her right hand, small arcs of electricity leap quickly.

  179. "Um...that won't kill me will it?" he asks curiously.

  180. "Only if you have a weak heart. Mostly you'll just lay on the ground, drooling for for the better part of a minute." she replies shaking the her hand as the tiny lightning disappears.

  181. "Ooohhh, nuur'eni that doesn't sound pleasant. I wouldn't suggest giving her permission for that." She leans up and whispers in his ear. "Especially when there are more pleasurable pursuits to try," she laughs.

  182. "I've gotta see what this is like before I agree to her terms," he gets up and stands in front of Katarina. "I'm sure I'll be ok lecai...kar won't kill me....right? You don't want to make Aara sad..."

    He holds out his hands before Katarina.

  183. She smirks saying a few words in Kislevarian, and grabs Goddard's hand. Electricity arcs into the elf.

  184. Aara stands, hands knotted. "I won't watch," she says. "I'll be in the hold."

    Head down and blantantly ignoring that she isn't supposed to leave the deck, she goes below, Ibben with her.

  185. When Katarina let's his hand go, Goddard drops to a knee and then to his hands and knees. He stares down at the deck as he tries to catch his breath, and chuckles a bit.

    With much effort he manages to say, "In addition to asking for permission...may...may I ask for that? You might not appreciate getting pleasure from pain but you sure know how to give it..."

  186. "Nikogda bez moyego razresheniya!" Katarina replies wiping her hand on her trousers.

    "What is wrong with you? Is pleasure the only thing you care about? Why Goddard, and don't give me that line again about 'enjoying life'. Because for a creature that says he can live for thousands of years, you seem to lack the foresight to see there is more to life than that."

  187. "If you were as miserable as I am, you'd understand..." he coughs and finally sits up. "Or if you were an elf...we feel things differently than humans do."

  188. Katarina grabs Goddard tightly by the cheeks, causing him to purse his lips.

    "Miserable? Miserable? You have no idea who you are talking to, if you are trying to drop that line! Now you pay attention to me and listen well. No flirts, no jollies, not food euphemisms for any of my body parts...

    "There is a wide-eyed girl that just went down to the hold that is crazy over you. And guess what, she isn't an elf! For elves being so different, you are quite remarkably human! So I know exactly what is tearing her up inside. I have seen this little dance you two are doing before and this is either going to be love or end in a few dead bodies.

    "Aara cares about you. Really cares. She sees past the shield of this 'charm' and flirtation you keep throwing up. She sees something that draws her in. And unless you are completely putting her and her master on, there's something that cares deeply about her in you too.

    "So why, when you have a chance for real love, do you do these... things to push her away? Do you only want conquest of mindless tavern wenches or do you want to really experience something that you will hold onto for the rest of your days?"

    Letting go of Goddard's face, Katarina paces a few steps then turns back to the elf. "So what is it? Are you buttering her up for conquest or can you admit there is something there?"

  189. By the time she reaches the hold, Aara remembers that she was supposed to be punished and meditating. "Because listening to my soul has done so much good for me the last few days," she mutters in Arabyan. "Ibben, did I make a mistake?" she asks, continuing in Arabyan.

    Ibben tilts his head and chatters at her, playing with his toy.

    Throwing herself on a box, she pulls out her dagger and begins using it to doodle in the soft wood.

    غودارد When she sees what she's done, she curses loudly in her own tongue.

    Damn me to seven hells. I was a fool. I should have just told Koroush it was a passing fancy and been done with it. I was wrong...and must accept it.

    Taking up the correct meditative position, she closes her eyes and does her best to silent all the thoughts racing through her head.

    Maybe Master will assume I've rebelled and have me keel hull through the water...

  190. Goddard angrily slams a fist onto the deck.

    "Shut up with that word!" he shouts. "Love...that will never exist for me and don't you dare tell me it will. You have no idea human and you never will. Your mind could not handle it."

    He finally stands up, holding the hand he slammed into the deck with the other.

    "Do not compare me with you."

    He takes a few steps away from Katarina.
    "I care so much for lecai. It pains me that I cannot be with her. I cannot be with her. It's a struggle to not hurt matter what I do I will hurt her and it's too late to change that..."

  191. Katarina's blood begins to boil. "You arrogant bastard! You could have stopped it before it ever got started! But no, you pretty much waved a damn flag saying that you were broken and alone. Her heart went out to that instantly as you're exactly the same, kindred spirits in the cold darkness of the world.

    "And what's this 'cannot BE'? That girl is no more looking to bed you now than Tannin's horse is. If that comes from a relationship, it will. I don't know all that has gone on in her life, but serving as some princeling's slave killer does not allow a girl to become a woman that can express her emotions for another person. For her, just being with you; holding hands, the massages, the loving eyes... that's all she needs right now. Can you only fathom pleasure when it comes to being with someone? If so, you make me sick." Katarina spits on the deck to mark her words.

    She looks Goddard up and down and sneers at him. "You want to challenge me on love? Try me, elf. Why can't love exist? Is it the death magic? Is it some reasoning that she'll grow old and die in the blink of an eye for you? Love unrequited from some woman who never loved you back?"

    Her face changes and cold hardness settles in around her eyes. "Or is it that you watched your still beating heart ripped from your chest and burned on a pyre with the one you cared for?

    "Try me Goddard. Try me and let's see what I understand. Either you are a fool, a coward, or a monster."

  192. "You think I'm an idiot? I've lived much longer than you and will live many of your lifetimes," he smirks. His eyes look cruel. Something Katarina has never seen in his eyes.

    "You think I don't know of other ways to be with someone? That is what I'm talking about. If it were just sex and pleasure, this wouldn't be so complicated! It started before I knew it began."

    He steps back from the spit on the ground.

    "It's none of your mundane, simple human feelings and ideas. You are not asur. You are not me. Do not attempt to understand or you may go mad."

    He lowers his head. "Iam Kheirsainth. Iam kuron."

  193. Katarina steps forward and stares directly into Goddard's cruel eyes. Her eyes match the thunderclouds coming over the ship, but colder and more dangerous.

    "Yes, yes I do think you are an idiot! Because for all your talk about how 'I'm an elf and its different. My ways of love are much higher than you you petty humans'.' You act just like a mundane human in every manner possible.

    "And believe me, there is NOTHING simple about our ideas, our passions, and our feelings. We may not have some legendary mystical hoop-a-joo Elves are supposed to have about EVERYTHING, but if you doubt that you are either the most ignorant fool or an even bigger idiot than I thought.

    "Love is complication. Love is pain. Love is letting go and surrender. But then again, this is just mundane Human love. But then again, an elf could NEVER fully comprehend why we fight, love, and cling to what we hold dear. And you never will either...

    "I don't have to understand every magical detail about your race to understand the pathetic mongrel in front of me. I'm pretty sure every race and nation has member of your ilk. Even the greenskins..." she snorts derisively "I'm pretty sure the goblins would count for that.

    "I understand you, Goddard. It does not induce madness to understand the pile of horse shit you are. You are nothing more than a selfish coward willing to wreck lives then run away. Well, feel free to throw yourself into the sea as that is the only way you will be able to flee this time.

    "Your talk of higher ways, complicated eleven emotions, and understanding at the peril of madness... its meaningless when that girl's master has to pick-up the shards you make out of her. And that's if she doesn't carve your name on her hand on her own initiative..."

  194. He stares back. Not flinching.

    "Asur feel deeper. We crave feelings, get addicted, require more, become obsessed..."

    All she can see are his eyes under his hood. He violently grabs her by the fabric around her collar. "Sarath!" His grey eye changes again. It's pitch black and empty. The pupil in his white eye become a slit. He lets her go and rushes off to his cabin, slamming the door behind him and locking it.

  195. Unnoticed, Aara stands at the top of the stairs, watching Goddard go. "Kasha, I appreciate your words, and the sentiment behind them. But my problems and feelings with and for Goddard are my own. I sought permission from my Emir, as one sworn to a blood oath should, for the oppertunity to uncover the path laid before me. If you care for me in any way, you too would allow me what time I have been given to do so." She raises her chin, pride wounded. "I have fought my own battles and will continue to do so, until my flesh can hold no more names and my hands can no longer grip my weapon. Such is the life of the Shadowed Sword of Walking Death. Even so, he is my nuur'eni, and I have sworn protection over him." She steps closer, her eyes flat and dead. "That is a vow stronger than friendship. But as your friend-" Her eyes slowly take on life again. "-I am asking that you give me the same chance my master has: to make my own choice. My heart is well guarded, my friend, and I will only place it in hands I trust to hold it."

    Without waiting for an answer, she walks away. Unable to bring herself to knock on his door, Aara slides to the floor, leaning against the wall. I will wait until he's ready.

  196. Goddard slams both his fists on the door of his cabin and throws the only chair in the room into a wall. It breaks.

    "Why...why did you let me live Morr? Why did you not let the sea take me...why have him find I supposed to do something? Be something?" he sobs.

    Master...Goddard...I am here...

    "Bel’la dos..."

  197. "Aara, wait!"" she calls after the girl.

    Katarina pushes herself off the deck. Widow's icy teats! What was that in his eyes?! He... Ulrik protect, he didn't feel normal when I grabbed his face either! Those words, remember the words Kasha...

    The young witch pushes her way past the crew standing dumbfounded around her and down below decks. Not seeing Aara, she runs to her cabin and quickly pulls out a leather journal and thin piece of charcoal. She tries to sound out the elven words in writing.

    Aara made mention that there were mages in her homeland. Perhaps they might know some what this is...

    Her legs nearly collapse out from under her and she barely is able to sit on the bed. I feel like I just walked off a battle field after staring down some monster or Ulrik help me... a daemon.

  198. Laying on his bed, Tannin groans at the sudden noise.

    "Keep it down over there!" He shouts like a grumpy old man.

    Perhaps later he will venture out of his cabin and try to hold down some food

  199. Aara flinches when she hears wood splintering. "I'm here, nuur'eni," she whispers almost too softly to hear. "And I'm not going anywhere."
