Thursday, December 20, 2012

20 years Ago in Altdorf

((For Mike and Liz to RP Reiker and Goddard 20 years ago in Altdorf.))

"Why are we going to Morrwies again?" Goddard complains. He kicks at a stone on the road and crosses his arms.

"Why do you always ask 'why' when you know why?" Otto says flatly and softly bats Goddard in the back of the head.

Goddard shoots Otto a dirty look. The high elf just smiles and keeps walking. "It's always good to be curious and ask why."

"Then why hit me?!" Goddard exclaims.

"You know why..."

Goddard growls in frustration and tucks his arms into the sleeves of his robes. Otto chuckles and playfully messes up Goddard's hair.


  1. The two elves walk side by side along the River Reik, through the Old Town, University, and Dockside Districts before they get to a bridge to cross over the Talabec River.

    Goddard stops right before the bridge would go over the water.

    "Want me to hold your hand?" Otto chuckles and walks out onto the bridge.

    "No!" Goddard quickly catches up to Otto again and keeps close.

    "How ever do you make your way around the city when you go and wander off without me?"

    "Slowly," Goddard grumbles.

  2. People move from the path of the Amethyst wizards, afraid to get too close or get in their way.

    They finally make their way across the bridge and walk through the streets of the the Lower Class District before finally reaching Morrwies.

    Goddard pulls his cowl up in preparation for walking by the College of the Bright Wizards. He's learned if he forgets to pull it up, he ends up having a coughing fit.

  3. Otto frowns a bit as he watches Goddard adjust the cowl.

    "What?" Goddard grumbles.

    Otto just pats him softly on the jaw and continues walking. Goddard walks by Otto and listens to the high elf's little lecture in Eltharin he always gives him, occasionally nodding and replying softly in the same language.

  4. Riker Simply shakes his head, muttering a small prayer to Sigmar as he leaves the Temple of Morr. He tucks a ledger back into his robes, the names of todays dead apprentices upon it.

    He walks down the lonely quite road back to the Bright College. The brazier atop his staff burns brightly despite the bright midday sun. In his other hand he holds a spell book, studying for tonight's practical exam.

    Getting Closer, he spots the 2 Elves from the Amethyst College, and promptly trips over a rock and falls flat on his face a few paces away from them.

  5. Goddard and Otto look at each other and quietly walk over to the fallen Bright Wizard.

    "Good thing you didn't detonate," Goddard snickers.

    Otto promptly hits Goddard in the back of the head and reaches down to help the human back to his feet.

    Goddard grits his teeth but keeps his mouth shut.

  6. "Many thanks" Riker says, dusting himself off and retrieving his things

    "Your right" Riker says with a smile, Turning to Goddard. "We Bright Wizards do tend to explode randomly"

    Riker offers his hand to Goddard. "Names Riker. Bright Wizard Journeymen."

  7. Goddard gives Otto the 'I told you so look' before he chuckles and shies away from Otto before he gets another slap. Otto tucks his arms into the sleeves of his robes and gives Goddard the 'I'll get you later' look.

    "Still...sorry about that. I'm Goddard," he takes Reiker's hand.

  8. "Oh no worries." RIker says offering his hand to Otto as well.

    "What brings two Amethyst Mages out to the Bright College?"

  9. "Otto," the high elf says with a nod and takes Reiker's hand. "We aren't necessarily here for the Bright College. We visit the graveyard and sometimes are needed at the crematorium. But today, just a walk through the graveyard."

    "It's best to study death magic around dead things," Goddard adds, wondering what kind of silly question that was.

    Otta turns to Goddard. "I can say stupid and rude things about you and that one woman who..."

    "Father!" Goddard practically jumps at Otto who just laughs at him. "Watch what you say. Your mouth will get you in the most trouble. Advice for the both of you."

  10. "Good advice indeed, Master Otto. I dont pretend to understand the Amethyst wind, but it makes logical sense." Riker says with a slight bow.

    "I dont mean to be rude, but the pair of you are quite unique. Father and son elves that study at the colleges? Ive seen a few Elves around, but never like that in your situation. The Amethyst college must benefit greatly from your wisdom."

  11. Otto laughs. "This one doesn't have much if any wisdom to give," he slaps Goddard on the back. "He has to hoard all the wisdom he can get."

    "Would you cut that out," Goddard hisses as he almost falls over.

  12. Riker gives a hearty laugh at the two.

    "Please, if you have pressing business at the cemetery, dont let me keep you."

  13. "It's not really's not like the people there are going anywhere," Goddard mumbles.

    Otto looks over at him and Goddard flinches.

    "Ok! I'm sorry! Don't hit me again...sheesh..."

    Otto gives Reiker a bow and continues toward the cemetery with Goddard mumbling behind him.

  14. "Goodday then!" Riker says, making sure he has everything, and heads off to his test

  15. -----------------------------------------------------------------

    Goddard stands at the bridge to cross the Talabec River and groans to himself.

    Why did there need to be a TWO rivers.

    He takes a deep breath and makes his way across. He's heading to Morrwies to get a clipping of ivy from a priests grave for Otto.

    Why can't he get his own plants? Why do I need to get them...and just for a plant?!

    When he gets closer to the Bright college, he sighs and pulls his cowl up.

    Damn awful wonder the apprentices drop like flies...

  16. Riker stops on the street corner, starring at his grimiore, a complex spell on its pages.

    "...Now that just dosnt make any sense" He mumbles to himself

    Shaking his head, he closes the book and tucks it under his arm. As he looks up, he sees a familiar face.

    "Out to study death magics in the graveyard again?" Riker calls to Goddard

  17. Goddard turns around and quickly spots the bright wizard. "Ahh it's you...Reiker? Right?"

    "I'm picking flowers," he says with feigned excitement. "Actually, it's not even that exciting. It's just ivy."

  18. "Yeah, Riker" He says, approaching Goddard

    "For a spell component? I WISH I could get simple spell components like that. This spell Im trying to understand here" Riker says, fliping open his book to the page he was just at "this one needs a dragons scale. How the bloody hell am I supposed to find that?"

  19. "Yes. For a spell that father is doing. I don;t see why he couldn't pick his own plants," he grumbles.

    He slows his pace so he can see what spell Riker is talking about. "I think I'd rather go after a dragon for a scale than walk all the way over here for ivy. At least there would be some sort of excitement to the whole thing."

  20. "I could go with you if you want. No amount of looking at this book it going to make me figure out how this spell is supposed to work" Riker offers

  21. Goddard shrugs. "Sure. But it's going to be painfully boring," he chuckles.

    "And fast. Which is fine by me. After I play gardener, I'm free for the day. At least that's what I was promised."

  22. "After you then" Riker says, tossing his Grimiore into his pack.

    "So how long have you been at the Amethyst College?"

  23. Goddard pretends to count on his fingers then says, "Forty years or so. I lost track. But then again, I wasn't really paying attention."

    He pushes through the gate to the graveyard and examines any headstones that might have ivy growing on them. Riker sees many stones that have ivy growing on them, yet Goddard never picks any of it.

  24. "You know, I dont think Ive ever taken the time to walk around here. Its alot more peaceful then the Bright College" Riker says

  25. "You're college makes no sense. How do you not suffocate? Or cook yourselves?"

    "Sigmar's sausage! Why can't I find a priest's grave!" Goddard suddenly blurts out.

  26. "We cook our selves all the time. Thats why were there are so many apprentices and so few masters. its also why our robes mostly dont have sleeves" Riker says, gesturing at his lack of sleeves

  27. Goddard chuckles. "I see. That makes sense."

    A white pseudo-dragon quietly lands on a headstone and tilts it's head, looking at Goddard.

    Goddard crosses his arms and growls at the small dragon. "What do you want?"

    The dragon tilts its head the other way and closes it's eyes, and Riker feels like it could be smiling.

    "What!?" Goddard snarls and tries to grab the dragon as it quickly darts into the air. "You've got to be kidding me!"

    It lands again and makes a sort of purring sound before flying off.

  28. "Well thats an odd sight. Im guessing Ottos familure? " Riker says, puzzled

  29. "Yes," Goddard grumbles. "He tells me that he doesn't need the ivy anymore. That he found some and that there isn't even a priest's grave over here that he can recall. On the bright side, I'm 'free' for the day."

  30. "Damn he made you walk all the way out here? Poor you. Im not going to figure out this spell anytime soon, so if you want to go hit up a tavern I'm basically free also"

  31. "He does stuff like this often. I'd like to think one day it'll be useful to me. But I think he just thinks it's funny. And yes...a tavern is a fantastic place to go."

  32. "What do you think? The Smoking Dragon? Three Flagons? "

  33. "Three Flagons...I don't want anymore dealings with dragons." Goddard leads the way and gets them there quickly, as if he had the way mapped out already.

    He gives a lazy wave to the bartender who nods when he sees Goddard. He sits at a table that's out of the way and in a corner, with a good view of the tavern. Goddard looks around the room, his eyes settling on a girl at another table and slumps. "Not drunk enough," he smirks.

  34. "Afraid she will shoot you down?" Riker says with a smirk?

  35. "Something like that," he grumbles and puts his head down on the table. "So..." he starts. "Yeah I'm not good at this," Goddard chuckles. "What else do you do besides set things on fire?"

  36. "I dont usually end up with alot of free time. I like to watch the Steam tanks over at the College of Engineers on Occasion. Apparently they just cant make them anymore. I also like wasting long nights away in fine establishments like this with women whos names I wont remember"

  37. "That last part...I do that a lot. And a lot of cooking and cleaning. Occasionally drawing. Merciful Morr I'm boring," he laughs.

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. "We are Magi. Anytime some one says we are boring we can manifest the winds and make them pee themselves. As for the last part, well youre an elf. Im surprised you dont carry around a baseball bat to beat the women off you"

  40. "Father taught me the opposite. To use the winds only when necessary. I have my reasons for taking him very seriously."

    He looks at Riker with a confused stare. "Why ever would I want to beat women off me? It's not like you could ever have too many at once," he grins. "Being from the Amethyst college puts you in a special category of outcast."

  41. "The Red wind is...tricky to manipulate. We get encouraged to use it. Explains these" Riker says, looking at his bare arms. The Red inked tattoos that cover all of his arms seem to flicker and shift like a candle flame.

    "Also explains why so many of our apprentices melt"

  42. "Well that looks neat." Goddard sits up and looks at the strange tattoos. "I just sort of take boring notes," he flicks his wrist so the long sleeve moves out of the way and Riker can see the eltharin simply written on the back of Goddard's scared pale hand.

    "I don't know if it's better to melt or to be around such depressed old men all day," he snickers.

  43. "A mix, I think. Usually the depressed old men know how to not melt, and if you can learn their trick youre good to go."

  44. Goddard laughs. "You think your teachers are depressed? I take it you've never been in the Old Town District? It's one hell of a walk. Not worth it though."

  45. "I think my teachers are plenty glad to blow things up. But the constant loss of those they try and teach has to take a toll. I dont think Ive ever had the pleasure, so glad you dissuaded me." Riker says the last part with a bit of a laugh

  46. Goddard begins to say something and then stops. "Excuse me," he gets up out of the chair. "I have to see where this goes...drunk or not..."

    He walks up to a woman that just sat down at the bar.

    Riker can't hear anything but he sees Goddard lean in close, with a sly smile on his face. After Goddard says a few things, and she looks him up and down, she tosses her freshly poured drink in his face.

    His only reaction is to close his eyes and stay motionless. The bartender laughs and gives Goddard a playful shove, then pours the girl another drink.

    Goddard passes his sleeve across his face before heading back to the table and plopping down into the seat.

  47. "Impressive." Riker simply says with a smile. "Im guessing we both thought that was going to end differently"

  48. "I knew that was going to happen. I don't even flinch at that anymore," he signs under a chuckle. "What did you think was going happen?"

  49. "I figured you were going to walk away with her, Id walk away with the blond over in the corner, and we would meet back in a few hours and compare notes "

  50. "I've tried my you try yours," he motions toward the blond. "She seems to still have her wits about her."

  51. "Lets see what happens" he says.

    Riker walks over to the cute blond in the corner and sits down next to her. They exchange a few words, and Riker is promptly slapped across the face. Embarrassed, he plops back down next to Goddard.

  52. Goddard snickers behind his cowl. "I think that was worse than what happened to me. Good job."
