Saturday, December 15, 2012


Goddard heads back to Zhane after his walk into the desert with Koroush. 

"Hey buddy," he says softly, petting the horse's forehead. "Did you forget me?"
Zhane bumps Goddard in the chin with his nose and Goddard chuckles. "How could you forget about me huh? You missed one heck of an adventure...and you have a lot of stuff to help me carry. Lots of metal." 


  1. ((Arabyan))

    Aara walks along the edge of their tent colony, Ibben on her shoulder. She catches more than a few stares dressed in her Walking Death dress, veil, and the headscarf covering her hair. "So, little friend, I've found my way back home at last. This could be the end of my journey, if I wish. Rayya has offered me a home, to live as her daughter. Or..."

    She looks out over the desert, the familiar land curving and rising in an endless sea of sand. "Or I can continue on. Koroush asked that I take up his cause for vengeance. See more countries, learn more about the world." She smiles, knowing the answer. Ibben chatters on her shoulder, seemingly joining in the conversation.

    "Is that so?" she asks the monkey. "Well, Altdorf it is, then."

  2. Goddard holds up saddle baskets as if he were showing them to Zhane.
    "I got these so you won't have to carry the chest I found," he smiles.
    Zhane turns around to he isn't facing Goddard.

    "What? You don't like them? Still have an attitude I see."

  3. ((Arabyan))

    Aara walks up to where the horses have been settled. Koroush had insisted she choose one of their horses to keep, along with whatever else she might need. The horses he'd provided were staked at the far end of the area, away from Goddard, Katarina, and Tannin's animals. She walks up to a beautiful, chestnut with black markings on his legs and face and blows in her nose.

    "Kasida," she coos, the horse whinnying in response to its name. "Yes, I remember you, you beauty. We've already spent some time together, I think you will do just fine." The horse blows a big breath out, making Aara laugh as her scarf flutters away.

  4. "Well...I won't load you up until we're ready to go. So don't worry."

    Zhane glances back at Goddard and stares at him for a moment before turning away again and eating some hay.

    "Ok fine," he chuckles. "I'll let you eat. You are much easier to deal with than that huge lizard."

  5. After retrieving her scarf, Aara has someone move the horse and tack down the line to be staked with the others leaving Araby. She walks on, enjoying the sun and the wind of a place she may not see again for some time.

  6. Master! You should have made those dwarfs recog...

    "No Arha. I just wanted to help some people out."

    "It would have been nice if I got a thank you from them. But it doesn't matter," he sighs.

    And should practice magic a little more.

    "I...I know Arha. I didn't say much about what happened at that ceremony, but I've thought it about it a lot. That could have been the end of me."

    I tried to help Master...

    "I know...Thank you."

  7. Lost in her thoughts, Aara walks right by Goddard and Ahra talking.

    I should go see Ali. I don't know when I'll have the chance next, and he'll need to know what's happened. And the temple of Uzzaya- I have to make sure the acolyte is returned and make an offering. And the Bone Priests, to make an offering. And Rayya may need some help before we leave. So much to do...

  8. Look at that Master. She walks right on by!

    "Shut up Arha," Goddard whispers angrily. "She's been away from home and having to deal with the stress of just being in Naggaroth."

    You were stressed too Master.

    "Yeah...I was. But being here feels like a huge weight has been lifted. All that is left to do is to get the humans back to the empire. And then we can keep looking for the rest of these books."

  9. Ibben sees Goddard and screeches, the piercing sound right in Aara's ear. The sound jolts her out of her thoughts and she has a dagger half drawn before she sees Goddard.

    "Nuur'eni!" she says, replacing her dagger. "I'm sorry, I didn't even see you." Ibben, still agitated and chattering, crawls under her hair to hide. "Ibben, stop that nonsense," she snaps.

  10. Goddard has a split second of shock and then laughs. "It's ok lecai. But what did I ever do to you fur ball?"

  11. "I'm not sure, do you think he can see your horns?" Setting Ibben on the ground, she walks over and wraps her arms around Goddard. "Thank you, nuur'eni, for everything you've done. Please don't ever think we're ungrateful."

  12. Goddard hugs Aara tight. "I only think the dwarfs are ungrateful," he smirks. "I know how grateful everyone else is. Especially your people and the asur."

  13. She smiles and steps back, reaching for his hand. "I was thinking of going to the bazaar, would you like to come?"

  14. "Sure. I finally don't have to baby sit anyone or worry about getting stabbed in the back. So peaceful...Whatever will I do."

  15. She laughs, gathering up Ibben. "Enjoy yourself. Would you like to officially meet my brother today?"

  16. " I can give him a piece of my mind for not telling me he was your brother," he laughs.

  17. She giggles. "It's safest that way. What if I were to have killed someone, and their family goes after mine for revenge? It wouldn't do to advertise that his sister is one of the rare female Walking Death. Besides," she continues, glancing up at him, "would knowing have made a difference?"

  18. "Yes...I wouldn't have asked him know," he grumbles.

  19. "And would have stumbled your way into more trouble than you found. He is a man, Goddard. Ali was amused."

  20. Goddard chuckles. "That's good. I try to be amusing when I'm not saving the world."

  21. "You do a good job of both. Sometimes at the same time." She's quiet for a long moment as they leave the camp. "Koroush has decided to stay, did he tell you?"

  22. "No. He didn't. I'm not really surprised though. He has all these people who need him."

    "What are you going to do lecai?" he asks softly. "You're back home. Again. And you have some family."

  23. She watches her feet as she walks. "Rayya has told me I can stay, and live as her daughter if I like. She said she will find me a husband and buy us a house here. And Ali would like nothing better than for me to stay. But," she takes a deep breath, "I have no desire for fat little babies in a house by the inn." Her hands flutter as she makes several mudras in quick succession. After a moment, she looks up at him uncertainly. "I love my home, but I don't think I want to stay."

  24. "A free house? And a free husband?" he chuckles. "You sure you want to pass that up? I'm sure he won't be quite as frightening as my wife."

  25. "No, he wouldn't, and we would never want for anything. But life would be incredibly boring," she tells him. "Adventure and laughter, remember? That's what I said when you asked what I wanted."

  26. "I can cover that laughing part. Right? You can always laugh at me tripping over things."

  27. "Do you want me to go with you?" she asks quietly.

    Please say yes...Just for once, give me a straight answer.

  28. "I..."

    Don't make her feel like she has to do anything.

    "You can do anything you want lecai," he smiles. "And you're welcome to come with me."

  29. She sighs. He's an idiot.

    "Well you did promise to introduce me to Otto, and to let me get drunk in a tavern," she says lightly. "And yes, I want to go with you."

  30. Goddard takes Aara's hand. "I'd miss you and be lonely if you didn't come with me. I think you're the only one who can stand me."

  31. "I'd miss you, too. And you're right," she says, "it's me and Ahra. Even Ibben will have to learn to deal with you."

  32. "I guess my cousin likes me enough?" he chuckles. "And maybe Blasti. But they aren't my lecai."

  33. She smiles, keeping his hand in hers as they enter the bazaar. "Would you mind stopping at the temple of Uzzaya? I need to make sure the acolyte found her way here. I owe her a great debt."

  34. "I wouldn't mind at all. I have all day with nothing to do but relax."

  35. They make a short visit to temple to check on the acolyte and make an offering, then return to the colorful bazaar. Wandering around, Aara makes a few purchases of tea, spices, and khol before leading Goddard to the safehouse.

  36. Goddard stocks up on treats. Dried fruits, chocolate, and a bunch of other foods he's missed. "Are you sure you don't want anything else? That giant lizard fetched me a pretty penny," he says as they walk away from the bazaar.

    "Or we can always just go back later," he smiles.

  37. "We can go back later," she says. When she enters the safehouse, one of the serving girls gasps and drops a bowl, breaking it.


    "Anissa! When we heard about the city, we thought you were dead!"

    Aara smiles and shakes her head. "Alive and well. Is Ali available?"

    The girl nods. "For you, Anissa, he is!" she says before running out.

    Turning back to Goddard, she sighs. "It seems when word came about the palace, everyone assumed I was dead, also."

  38. Goddard frowns. "Hearing someone has passed wrecks ones spirit. But lucky for those that know you, all that pain can at least be wiped away."

    He then smiles. "I'm glad I could help bring you and Koroush back."

  39. Before she can respond, they are ushered into a private room filled with ledgers, papers, and a tearful man a few years older than Aara.

    "Afya," he whispers, crushing her to him. "I thought I had lost you."

    Aara pulls away and draws Goddard close. "You would have, if not for him. Goddard, this is Ali, my older brother."

    Ali studies him a minute before laughing. "I remember you. You asked for a woman."

  40. Goddard laughs a bit nervously. "Yeah I did. It's nice to officially meet you."

  41. He pulls Goddard into the same bone crushing embrace. "Whatever you did, thank you for bringing her back safe." Releasing him, he turned back to Aara. "Is there anything I can do for you, get you?"

    Aara grins. "Yes, but we can talk about that later."

    "Goddard? Is there aught you require or want?" he asks.

  42. I have never been hugged so much!

    Goddard shakes his head. "I just want to relax. And not be cold," he chuckles. "And so far so good."

  43. "Please, make yourself at home. There are the baths, I have wine and food fit for a sultan, all the comforts of a palace. Should you need anything, all you have to do is ask."

    Aara assures him they will, and leaves him to his work with a promise they will talk more. Settling Goddard on a comfortable couch with wine, she and the serving girl conspire together.

  44. Goddard doesn't think much of Aara and the serving girl talking. He sinks into the comfortable seating and takes a sip of wine with a sigh.

    I wonder what they are talking about...maybe Aara is telling her about what happened...aahhh don't think too much...

  45. It isn't long before Aara joins him, curling up beside him contentedly with a cup of wine and a plate filled with sweet treats and fruit.

    "Relaxed, nuur'eni?"

  46. "Very relaxed."

    He smiles and snuggles up by Aara, closing his eyes after he chooses one of the fruits and eats it.

    "I needed this...we needed this. Just a moment to turn off my mind and relax."

  47. "I agree. It's nice to be safe and calm after so long worrying about so many." She nibbles a piece of chocolate and sighs happily. "If you like, later we can visit the library," she offers.

  48. "Do you have any books that are in a language I can read? I can't understand your pretty squiggley language," he jokes, looking at her hands.

  49. "I'm sure there are. Perhaps not magic, but the library is extensive. I know Koroush's palace has an entire floor devoted to books and scrolls in reikspeil. I can't imagine the library will be lacking."

  50. He quietly thinks for a moment then finally says, "Sure. I'd like to give this library a look."

    Master! You should be reading your magic!

    "Arha, I can do that later," Goddard grumbles. "I won't be zapping myself anytime soon anyway."

  51. "I'll take you later. Like you said, there's all day." She sips her wine slowly and closes her eyes, leaning her head against his shoulder.

  52. "We can go," he says quickly. "Arha is just...being annoying or something."

  53. She stands, gathering her purchases. They don't return to the bazaar when they leave, but head deeper into the city. The buildings are bigger and of better quality, the streets are quieter. She leads him to a large building with many open windows and a hushed atmosphere.

    "This, nuur'eni, is our version of a college," she says as they enter. Inside it's cool and dry, the whispers of sandals the only sound louder than the turning of pages.

  54. "Wow," Goddard whispers when they enter. His eyes sort of light up as he sees all the books. He carries books on his belt and has the tomes in the chest, but it's been a while since he's seen so many books in one place.

    He walks up to a shelf and randomly grabs a book and flips through it. "No idea what this says but I like it," he grins and speaks softly to Aara.

  55. Aara looks over his shoulder at the Arabyan print. "That's a book about crops."

  56. "I'm good at cooking plants. Not so much growing them. What about this book?" He grabs another he doesn't understand.

    "I think I'd rather you tell me about the books I don't understand, than reading anything I can. Unless I find something especially interesting."

  57. She points to a word engraved in the shelf at the top. "They are sorted by topic. This is agriculture, so they will all deal with crops, plants, and livestock. Is there anything you would like to see particularly?"

  58. "You have them organized? Smart...what do all the other shelves have?"

  59. "Everything." She trails her fingers along the spines. "Music. Art. Agriculture. Engineering. Stonework. Business. Caravans. Medicine." She approaches a very small shelf in a dark corner. Selecting one at random, she opens it and hands it to him. "The arts of the bedroom."

  60. "The arts of the what now?" He looks curiously at the shelf. "They write books for that?"

  61. "They're from all over the world, it seems." She chooses one in Arabyan and opens it. "Oh my," she whispers, eyes wide.

  62. "What?" He goes behind Aara and looks over her shoulder. "I don't know what any of that is," he whines softly.

  63. She turns a page, gasping softly at the very detailed ink drawing there. "Does that clear things up?" she whispers.

  64. "Um...yes...well only partially...I've never done it that way before," he stares at the drawing and now understands why they make books for it.

  65. She turns another page, blushing at a more graphic drawing. "Is that even possible?"

  66. Goddard tilts his head thoughtfully. "Apparently. I guess I could see how you might be able to do that but...I think your legs might go numb..."

  67. She turns another page. This time her blush deepens, she gasps, and slams the book closed.

  68. "Hey. I missed that one," he takes the book from her and flips through it, turning the book around so it's side ways, or upside down, as if that would help him understand the images better.

    "Interesting," he mumbles.

  69. "He had his head down -" She makes a nervous
    gesture below her waist before turning away in embarrassment.

  70. "Hmmm? Oh oh yeah that...that's fine," he says not even looking up from the book to see Aara's gesture.

  71. "That's fine?" she hisses. "Are you sure you wouldn't like to look at the other books?"

  72. "What other books?" He asks absentmindedly still examining the images.

  73. Goddard looks at one last image before he closes the book and puts it back on the shelf.

    "Why leave me to fend for myself in front of that book case," he chuckles.

  74. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. (((Kislevarian)))

      Katarina smiles brushing Anya and grooming her, the second time since arriving back in Araby. Her horse had been the first thing she went in search of once they were cleared. Finding Anya safe and well taken care of was the most important thing, seeing that her gear from her camel was also waiting for her was a bonus.

      Feeding the horse an apple, she sings, her heart happy and light. The song is an old one Dimitri had sang to her and she smiles at the love song's lyrics.

      "Hey, my carrier box is full to the brim,
      there's calico, print, and brocade.
      Have mercy, my dear,
      with my young shoulders!

      I'll go to the field, where the rye grows high,
      and wait there till it's dark.
      When I'll see the girl with the dark eyes,
      I will display all my goods.

      Katya uses to bargain with care,
      she's always afraid to pay too much.
      The young man kisses the girl
      and asks her to add a bit to the price.

      I had to pay high prices myself.
      So don't bargain, don't be stingy!
      Bid me your red lips
      and sit a bit closer to this good boy!"

      Still humming the tune to the song, she smooths out the saddle blanket and triple checks for no wrinkles before strapping on the saddle. Securing the veil of her tagelmust, Katarina leads Anya from the stable and to the nearest city gate. Hopping on the small horse, she pats her neck. "Now my beautiful swift Anya, bring me the wind!"

      Nudging the horse's flanks with her heels, Katarina holds on tight as the small horse releases a month's worth of pent up energy. As the warm wind whips around her, she gives one last thought before surrendering to the freedom of near flight.

      I must pay Ali a visit at Aara's safe house once Anya's excercise is done. Surely he will know of a person whom I can speak to about this bow and the goddess Asaph.

  75. Aara already has her nose in a book about medicine and surgery, very quietly sounding out words. "Fend for yourself?" she giggles. "You didn't seem to need any defense."

  76. "I think my mind may have burst if I kept looking through those books," he snickers. "Looking up herbs might be more useful."

  77. "I'm looking at stitching wounds. A poultice won't do much good if you have a gaping hole in your arm. But the words are too big," she sighs, putting it away. "Maybe when I'm better."

  78. "I know of something the bright wizards do. They seal wounds up with fire," he chuckles. "Maybe I should look into that."

    "Soon you'll be reading every book here," he smiles. "Or you will have the ability to. You still need to get drunk first."

  79. "They can do that with magic? I've used a hot blade to do that." When he mentions getting drunk, she smiles. "Maybe later, I have plans for tonight."

  80. "Magic can do all sorts of things...when it's not trying to kill the caster..."

    "Plans? And I'm not invited? Well I guess I had better find something to do with myself. Reading is always good."

  81. "My plans include you," she informs him. "So no reading tonight."

  82. "Oh? Why was I not informed of these plans? What if I had other plans?"

  83. "You don't," she says simply. "And I'm informing you now. But if you don't want your surprise, I guess I could leave you at camp..."

  84. "Well...I might have other plans..." he crosses his arms and is quiet for a few moments.

    "Ok ok fine...I'm incredibly boring and have no plans," he laughs. "I like surprises! Nice ones anyway..."

  85. She covers his mouth, giggling. "Shh, we can't be loud. And yes, this is a nice surprise. So don't do anything stupid to ruin it," she teases.

  86. "When have I done anything stupid?" he whispers and rolls his eyes.

  87. She answers him with a raised eyebrow. "It has been awhile...which means the stupid is building up."

  88. "Lecai! How could you say such things about me." Aara can tell he's really hard to not laugh and be disruptive.

  89. She buries her face in his chest, trying to muffle her laughter and getting dirty looks from the library's attendants.

    "Because it's true," she whispers. "It builds up like water behind a dam and then you break."

  90. "Will I be able to let all this stupid I accumulate free with this surprise?"

  91. She tilts her head, thinking. "Hmmm. Within reason."

  92. "Then I will try and hold in my stupid till then," he begins to laugh then covers his mouth with his hand. "I should probably go before we both get kicked out."

  93. Aara bites her lip against laughter as they leave the library. "It's just as well that I'm going to Altdorf," she says. "They might not let me back inside."

  94. "I have all kinds of book back at the college and I think everyone there actually likes to hear noise. It's so quiet you can hear the bats snore. So after you get drunk, we can loudly read those books."

  95. "That sounds fun, doesn't it, Ibben?" She produces a treat for him out of a pocket. "So what would you like to do now? We can go back to the bazaar, the safehouse, or the camp if you just want to relax. Or we can go for a ride."

  96. "All of those sound wonderful. Maybe a ride? I feel bad that I left Zhane alone and I don't know how often he was taken out."

  97. "A ride it is. Ali assured me the horses would be exercised, but he does have an inn to run and a family to keep."

    They start making their way back to the camp, stopping now and then in the bazaar.

  98. Goddard buys more interesting food, herbs, and plants that he didn't notice the first time around. "You never know what you might need this," he tells Aara whenever she gives him a strange look.

    Once they return to the horses, Goddard pats Zhane and goes about getting the animal ready to go for a ride. Zhane paws at the ground. "You really want to go huh?"

  99. Aara saddles her horse, talking softly in Arabyan to her. Swinging into the saddle, she removes her veil and scarf. "Ready?"

  100. Goddard hops up on Zhane and gets him beside Aara and her horse. "Lead on. I feel like my first dumb thing would be to get us lost," he smirks.

  101. She grins and puts heels to her horse. She shoots away, heading for the open desert.

  102. Zhane walks slowly after Aara's speeding horse.

    "Hey! Get moving you over sized slug!" Goddard gives Zhane a few soft nudges before the horse finally picks up the pace and runs after Aara.

  103. Katarina sighs contentedly as Anya trots back into the city. The wind, the rush of speed, and feeling of freedom bring much needed peace to her mind.

    Turning the horse through the streets, she comes to the safe house they had stayed at a month earlier. Tying Anya out front she enters in and removes her veil.

    Seeing the servant girl, Katarina gets her attention and asks to speak to Ali. When the friendly man appears, she smiles.

    "Ali, its good to see you well and prosperous. I need your aid in seeking knowledge. I came across an item in my travels, this bow on my back in fact. My own studies have shown that it is connected to a goddess of these regions named Asaph. Is there anyone in town that could tell me more about her and this weapon of hers? Any scholars, mages, or priestesses?"

  104. Aara laughs, looking over her shoulder as Goddard and Zhane begin to catch up. She has a bit of an advantage since her horse is accustomed to running on sand. "Go faster," she whispers, leaning forward over the mare's neck.

  105. Goddard leans forward and tries to get the horse to go faster. "Come on Zhane! Get her! Pretend you have some kind of animal instincts! I'd run faster than you if I was running after Aara." he snickers.

    The horse isn't used to running let alone running on sand but Zhane happily pushes forward, seemingly glad to be able to run as fast as he can.

  106. Aara gallops until she sees the shoreline. Slowing down, she walks her horse toward the water. Goddard is far enough behind that she has a moment to watch the waves a moment.

    Is that to be home, then? I can't stay here and keep my freedom.

  107. "Ahh look she can catch up now...No no don't slow down now! You lazy lump!" Goddard sighs. "Fine whatever..."

  108. Aara looks over her shoulder when he finally makes it over to where she is. "Zhane has a disadvantage," she laughs, "Kasida is bred for speed and trained to run on sand."

  109. "He's also lazy! Lazy lazy horse! Zhane was bred to look good. He's a master at that and that only."

    Zhane lifts his head up and almost hits Goddard in the chin.

    "That was a compliment buddy!"

  110. Aara slides off her horse and takes her boots and stockings. After sticking them in a saddlebag, she starts walking along the shore, skirts in one hand and reins in the other.

    "He is beautiful."

  111. Goddard stays on Zhane and looks at the water suspiciously. "You sure you want to be sticking your feet in the ocean? It'll eat you if it gets the chance..."

  112. "It's not going to sweep me off my feet and swallow me whole," she laughs. "Besides, I'm a good swimmer. Come down, Goddard."

  113. "Are you sure?" Goddard hops off Zhane but keeps the horse close and between him and the ocean. "And it's a good thing you can swim...because...lecai, I'm sorry but if it takes're on your own."

  114. Aara smiles, fully enjoying the water rushing in and covering her feet and ankles. "I would never ask you to come save me in the water. But maybe I could teach you to swim sometime? In a pool or pond, without a current."

  115. "I don't know...I trust you. But I don't trust the water."

  116. "When you're ready then." She lets Ibben down off her shoulder so he can play in the water. "We're a strange little group, aren't we?" she laughs. "A dark elf, a human, a shadow bat and a monkey. Not to mention these two," she pats Kasida on the neck.

  117. "My contribution is the strange part. Elf and shadow bat," he chuckles. He starts to walk a little further away from Zhane, contemplating taking off his boots and stepping into the water.

  118. "You're only strange in some parts of the world. In others, it will be me." Aara digs in her saddle bag, coming up with a heavy iron stake. After looping the reins around it a few times, she walks Kasida higher up the shore and stakes her down.

    Knotting her skirts so that they drape just above her knees, she moves deeper into the water. "Sure you don't want to get your feet wet?"

  119. Goddard walks Zhane up by Kasida and simply drops the reigns, patting the horse's forehead. "You aren't going anywhere are you? You slug."

    He hops around on one foot as he pulls off a boot and then hops around on the other. Goddard has to follow the slowly wandering Zhane around for a minute until his boots are secure on the saddle.

    Once that's finally done, he walks over by Aara and steps in the water. He looks down at his feet and then at Aara. "I can't feel anything," he laughs.

  120. "You're still numb? I'd completely forgotten about that," she laughs.

  121. "Yeah and I have no idea when or if it's going to wear off. But the thing that was on it's back was worth bathing in that slime I think."

  122. Well isn't that interesting...Should I reconsider?

    "That ball thing?"

  123. He nods. "I still don't know what it is exactly other than magic. I think it shows you the future? At least I hope that's what I saw."

  124. "The future...What did you see?"

  125. He takes a few more steps into the water and looks out to the sea.
    "I had a plan to get us a new ship. So we could sail anywhere. If that thing is to be believed, I'll actually get it right."

    "Because I am the most powerful wizard!" he laughs.

  126. Aara watches him a moment. I've seen mostly parlor tricks out of him...but when the inevitable happens and something wants to kill us, he performs some very powerful magic. It's was frightening at first.

    "Seeing the future can be a tricky thing," she reminds him. "Anything can change it."

  127. "I know. But can I just keep telling myself that this will work exactly how I want it to?" he grins. "Instead of me hurting myself or something else crazy."

  128. She reaches for his hand and smiles back. "If you think that'll help, I'll believe it, too."

  129. "Believe it from a distance," he smirks. "I don't want any of you around when I try it. Ya case it explodes or something."

  130. "After getting covered in a mist of blood at the temple, you can be sure I will. I do more laundry than anyone," she laughs.

  131. He laughs embarrassed. "That really wasn't supposed to happen that way. Really...that was all kinds of wrong. I don't even know what happened."

  132. "I'm just glad you're alright. The whole ordeal seemed to take a lot out of you, and I couldn't get to you to help."

  133. "I was upset that I couldn't help you. I felt so useless up there. Apparently my wife wasn't too impressed with me either. She said she never wanted to see me in Naggaroth again."

  134. "Well you said you never wanted to go back, so that can't be all that bad. And I'd rather you be useless than dead," she adds. "I'm the muscle, you're the brains, remember?" she giggles.

  135. Goddard crouches down and puts his hand in the water. "What will you be when I have my own muscles?"

  136. "What?!" he laughs and looks up at her. "You're so mean."

  137. "Me? I'm not mean," she says with a smirk. "I'm lecai, and lecai could never be mean. Cruel when you ask for it, but never mean."

  138. "If you aren't mean, then I'm stronger than Khaladh."

  139. "I could never be truly mean to you, nuur'eni. Tease and annoy you, yes, but never mean. You're far too important to squander time being mean."

  140. He smiles and then looks down at the water again, touching the sand and rocks. "I know," Goddard says softly.

  141. She nudges him with her hip, setting him off balance. "So stop calling me mean," she tells him. "Torture, I'll take, because I like to think it's true."

  142. She catches him by surprise and he falls over onto his side. "You were saying?" He tries to spit the taste of the salt water out but it's nearly impossible so he licks the wrappings he has around his upper arm that didn't get wet and then lays on his back, putting his hands behind his head.

    "This shouldn't be enough to pull me in."

  143. "What if a sea monster comes up to shore and snatches you away?" she asks, wading into deeper water and hiking her skirts as high as mid-thigh.

  144. "I'll turn it to dust before it gets that chance," he moves a hand from behind his head long enough to snap his fingers. "Or something like that."

  145. She looks over her shoulder at him. "What if it comes after me? All my weapons are on the beach."

  146. "Um...don't go too far away and I'll turn it to dust?" He sits up momentarily just to see how far out she did go and instantly falls back down once he notices how high up she has her skirt.

    "Ow...I hit my head hard enough that I felt that..."

  147. "Are you alright?" she calls, turning to look at him. She smiles at the sight of an amethyst wizard lying fully clothed, letting the waves tug at him. Maybe we can visit now and then, she thinks. He seems so happy here.

  148. "Not really," he laughs. "But I'll live."

  149. "What did you hit your head on? It's all sand," she laughs. "Or have you managed to find a rock or shell with your skull?"

  150. "I don't feel like moving to check," he sighs happily. "It only hurt for a moment anyway."

  151. She starts wading closer. "I'm glad you like it here. It will make tempting you to return for a holiday much easier," she says.

  152. "Say jump and I'll jump," he chuckles. "Except right now...because I'm comfortable."

  153. She kicks some water at him, laughing. "And you say you're afraid of water. You don't look like it to me."

  154. He shuts his eyes tight then opens his right eye when he's sure he won't get any water splashed in them. "It's because I have you around," he smiles. "And the water is more shallow than a bowl of soup."

  155. Aara sits on him, letting her skirts fall around her and float in the water. "You can drown in a bowl of soup, did you know that?"

  156. "Yeah..." he says quietly and opens his other eye.

  157. "So never fall asleep at dinner."

  158. He quickly shakes his head and just stares at her for a moment before he puts his hand over his eyes.

  159. When he starts staring at her, she leans forward and puts an elbow on his chest. Resting her chin on her fist, she stares back. "Why do you look at me like that?" she asks.

  160. Goddard peeks between his fingers and rests his hand back on the sand.
    " else am I supposed to look at a gorgeous woman, sitting on top of me?" he whispers.

  161. I wish he wouldn't tease me like that. I'm not gorgeous.

    "You stare at me like I'm a piece of chocolate, and you're starving," she laughs.

  162. "I'm sorry?" he smiles and runs his fingers through her hair.

  163. She turns her head just enough to kiss his palm. "I like it. I think," she says with a nervous giggle. "You make me nervous."

  164. "How? I'm not some wild animal," he growls softly through a grin.

  165. "I don't know how, only that you do."

  166. "It's my good looks huh?" Goddard sighs with a chuckle and closes his eyes.

  167. "Among other things." She puts her elbow down across his chest. "You're also sweet, and interesting, and you cut a fine figure in armor."

  168. "I've never heard any of that said about me before. You're gorgeous and kind and you make me laugh."

  169. This comment has been removed by the author.

  170. Aara scowls at him. "I'm not gorgeous, Goddard. You shouldn't tease me when I'm telling you the truth."

  171. "I'm not teasing. I'm telling the truth."

  172. She rolls her eyes at him. "If I were gorgeous, wouldn't I know it? Katarina knows it, my sisters knew it."

  173. "I didn't know I was sweet or interesting," he smiles. "You would think I'd know that too...wouldn't I?"

  174. "With an ego like yours, you think enough of yourself. Sweet and interesting can't fit in the same head as everything else."

  175. "What ego," she chuckles. "You're impossible, nuur'eni."

  176. "Impossibly wonderful? Handsome? Charming?" he grins.

  177. "See? How can you know you're sweet and interesting if you're too busy being modest?"

  178. "Enough about me," he mumbles laughing. "Let's go back to how beautiful you are," he brushes her cheek with the back of his hand and tucks her hair behind her ear.

  179. "I almost believe you when you say it like that," she laughs softly.

  180. "Anything I could do to make you just believe me always?"

  181. She shrugs, smiling. "Keep looking at me like that and I might have to."

  182. Goddard smiles back at her.

    Zhane ruins the moment by walking over and bumping his nose into Goddard's head and snorting. "I should have tied you up instead of being nice," Goddard grumbles.

  183. Aara laughs. "We should probably get back to camp. I'd like to spend some time with Koroush and Rayya before stealing away for your surprise." She gets off Goddard, offering him a hand up.

  184. Goddard takes her hand and once he's back up on his feet, tries to brush the sand off. "This stuff isn't going anywhere. I can go back and get one of those fancy baths right?" He hops onto Zhane and wait for Aara to get her horse.

  185. Aara mounts. "Yes, you'll want one before I take you anywhere," she laughs. "Your clothes will start to dry on the ride back, so it'll start to brush off then, too."

  186. "Again, lead the way, lecai. I'll try and get this slow poke to keep up."

  187. Since Zhaine isn't used to sand, Aara walks them towards camp. "It's so strange to be leaving Koroush behind," she says after a while. "I always thought he would leave me."

  188. "You're sure you want to go? Or feel ready to go? Is there anything I can do to help?" He asks softly. "I need you to be ok. Whether you come with me or not..."

  189. She looks over at Goddard and smiles. "I'm sure, nuur'eni. I'll be ok. It's just..." She looks out over the sand. "I never thought freedom could be frightening. And I'll miss him. But not as much as I would miss you."

  190. "Anything new can be scary. I understand that."

    "And I'm like a rare commodity," he grins. "It's not everyday you find an elf like me. I'd miss myself too."

  191. Aara rolls her eyes and laughs at him. "There you go being modest again."
