Monday, December 10, 2012

Castle Soulshatter

"Interesting...there are too many things in this world that make you act in uncontrollable ways though for my liking," he chuckles. "I personally should avoid such things..."

"And you said something about dreams, lecai. Could you make anything of those?"


  1. She thinks a moment, trying to gather her thoughts. "Not really. Lots of blood and killing people I don't remember seeing. And I didn't always 'feel' like me. Like I was in somebody else's mind." She shakes her head. "There's no way that was all one night."

  2. "I think the biggest clue is that mark. The Mark of Khaine. Being in Naggaroth, there should be no shortage of books I could read on Khaine...I hope at least one book in this tower has something in it about him. I really don't want to have to go looking around for anything..."

  3. "I hope so. It didn't burn, like when that skull appeared on your back. It's just...there. It doesn't even feel tender like a new tattoo."

  4. "Hmmm...Maybe we are attracting 'unwanted' attention...if that's a Mark of Khaine...I can only assume what I got was a Mark of Nagash. What any of that exactly means...I don't know."

    "Hopefully it just makes us look cool," he smirks.

  5. She offers him a small smile. "I hope that's all it is. I'm not sure I like catching a god's attention." She takes another drink from her wine. "About earlier...I'm sorry."

  6. "Sorry for what? I can't think of a single thing you've done that you should apologize for," he grins before he takes another drink of the wine.

  7. "I reacted to your news as if I had some kind of claim on you," she answers quietly.

  8. Goddard chuckles and takes another drink.

    I expected as much from you and was nervous to tell you...

    "No need to apologize, lecai."

  9. "All the same, I'm sorry. And I'll try to stay out of her way since I'll probably spend a good portion of my days wanting to cut out her tongue," she adds.

  10. "Hopefully she just stays in the temple and doesn't bother me," he grumbles. "I especially don't like having to pretend that I'm...druchii," he smirks. "I especially don't want to act cruel to any of your people."

    "If this trip hasn't proven that I am different, I don't know what will."

    "Too many stairs," he groans. "And speaking if your people...I hope they don't see me and assume I am the same as my kin."

  11. "I've spoken to Rayya, she'll continue to explain the situation. They know the lord of the tower is playing a part as surely as the rest of us." She stops climbing stairs and looks behind her. "How many stairs are there?"

  12. "Entirely too many," he sighs. "Last I was at the top, I sort of cheated and floated through all of it. Luckily it has everything up there that the first story has."

  13. "Each floor is independent? That's clever." They climb in silence a little longer.

  14. "Yep...imagine how annoying it would be to have to walk up and down all these stairs just to go to the bathroom," he laughs. "You'd never make it..."

  15. "No you wouldn't," she says, laughing with him. "And all the food and water would be cold before it got you."

  16. "Cold moose? That doesn't good at all!"

    After a bit if walking in silence, Goddard asks, "So how are all your people doing? Are they well? Or...well enough. I can't wait to get the ship and get everyone out of here..."

  17. "Better than I expected. All the women have had a chance to bathe and wash their clothing. Koroush and Rayya are making sure the men do the same. Most injuries were from beatings- bruises, cuts, and the like- and they were all underfed in the camp. Rest, clean water and decent food will help."

  18. "I'm glad they are doing so well especially considering the situation...and I'm happy Koroush's mother is safe and well."

  19. "Me too. She's always treated me as one of her own children." She chuckles softly and swirls her wine. "She also still calls me Afya. She'll be a great help to Koroush when he takes back his own home."

  20. "I've noticed you being called quite a few different least I think they are referring to you," he chuckles. "What do all of them mean?"

  21. "I was named Afya when I was born; it means Shadow. When Koroush took me home with him, Rayya called me her little shadow because of my size and how I always tried to stay out of the way. Even when I turned sixteen and Koroush named me Aara, she ignored it," she laughs. "I've always been her little shadow, and I doubt that will ever change.

    "Walking Death, you know about. That's just a reputation. Anissa is just a respectful way of referring to an unmarried woman."

  22. "What might they call me? Or would it be best I don't know," he laughs. "I like lecai."

  23. "So far they've called you the Sheik, which just means 'lord.' Although I'm sure Rayya will find something adorable to call you," she laughs. "I like lecai, too."

  24. "Now I'm curious," he chuckles. "I don't think I've ever been called anything...'adorable'."

  25. "I call you nuur'eni, isn't that adorable?" she teases.

  26. "It's a lot more to me than just adorable."

  27. Aara glances up at him for a moment before looking back to the stairs. "She'll probably call you something like habib," she says, choosing not to respond to what he said. "It's what we call little children, and everyone's a little child to her."

  28. "Until you tell her I'm 70," Goddard chuckles.

  29. "She probably won't care. Even Koroush is still her little baby. She was only able to bear the one child, so she just adopts people into her heart and treats them like her own." She laughs. "It's strange sometimes."

  30. "Oh...71 soon here," he mumbles tapping his chin.

    "She sounds like such a sweet person."

  31. "She is. She's the only way we could have gotten breakfast together so well. She's practically taken the whole household to task."

    Aara looks over at him. "Your birthday is soon?"

  32. "Yeah. A week after Death Night. I bet that's part of why my mother wanted to kill me...I bet I ruined that night for her..."

  33. Aara shivers, remembering how intoxicating the air was. "Somehow I get the feeling you didn't."

  34. Goddard grits his teeth. "I'm sorry, lecai...I say the dumbest things sometimes huh?"

  35. She reaches for his hand and squeezes it. "Sometimes you don't think your words through before they come out of your mouth. But you don't have to apologize. I could have said no and found another way, but I didn't."

  36. "I try to think...sometimes...ok...not very often," he laughs.

  37. "No, not very often," she agrees. They round a final curve in the tower and find themselves approaching a landing. "It seems we've finally reached the top," she says with relief.

  38. "Finally," he sighs and quickly gets to the door. Goddard pushes the door. It doesn't budge.


    He pulls on the door. Still wont budge. Goddard stands there for a moment, confused and then he snaps his fingers.

    "There I go...not thinking again," he laughs. "I locked it from the inside."

  39. Aara laughs at him. "Those notes on your arm, maybe you should use that space for things like 'I locked that door.'"

  40. "Lecai...if I did that...I would be covered in ink!"

    Goddard whispers a few words and Aara can suddenly see through him.

    Goddard grins and says, "Oh wait...who am I?"

    He stands next to Aara and then takes a step into her, and then a step back out and then a step back in, all the while saying, "Master! Blah blah blah me! Master! Blah blah blah I'm wonderful! Master..."

  41. Aara laughs, for once the sound not tinged by horror or sadness. "Your little creature was a great help to me," she defends weakly. "And- stop that," she laughs, "it's unnerving."

  42. "I'm sorry," he chuckles. "And Arha is my most favorite bat in the world...but don't tell the mind reading little monster I said that," he whispers, grinning as he disappears through the door.

    Aara can hear a surprising amount of bolts being undone on the other side of the door and finally it opens.

  43. Aara gasps when she enters. Like the first level, the door opens into a great hall with corridors branching off it, but this is above and beyond that hall in its finery. The green light from the lamps and fireplace give the hall an other-worldly appearance as it sparkles along gold, silver, and other items in view. Beautiful furniture is scattered about casually, as if the elaborate designs were commonplace. Above the enormous fireplace hangs a pair of swords, the razor edges glittering. "This I believe is a lord's tower," she says, boots clicking softly on the polished stone floor.

  44. Goddard re-bolts the door and walks in behind Aara. "It's a lot of stuff I need to sort through. I don't know what's what and I don't know if any of this is magic or dangerous."

    "Arha tried to help but there is only so much he can do. I also want to learn what the potions I found do. Sixteen days seems like enough time."

  45. Aara nods. "It does look a little overwhelming for one person to attempt. You'll be busy." She stops before a tapestry of a beautiful elf dressed as a bride of Khaine. The scene depicts her swinging a dagger at figure dressed in rags, her hair streaming behind her and cruel joy on her face. "Your mother?" she asks.

  46. Goddard looks carefully at it and tilts his head.

    Have I forgotten what they looked like? No...that is her.

    "Yes." He turns around and points at another tapestry that shows a male in dark armor with and a huge sword, shaped strangely at the end. He holds his helmet under his arm and his long dark hair seems to be flowing in the wind.

    "That's my father. first one anyway."

  47. Aara studies them closely. "I see where you get your good looks," she tells him. "They were both lovely to look at."

  48. "I don't know," he knocks on his jaw. "None of them look quite like this."

    Goddard laughs a bit and browses the books on a near by shelf.

  49. "Do you think we'll have time for more reading lessons?" she asks.

  50. "Of course we will. If I can make time to practice, I have time to teach you how to read."

    He frowns as he pulls books off the shelf, flips through a few pages, and places it back down.

    "Nothing good. Just a bunch of ledgers and boring history about different houses and lines and...oh?"

    Goddard flips through this newest book slowly, reading a full page or two. "This is very useful. Recipes for potions."

  51. Aara wanders about the hall, not touching anything in case it's enchanted. "Once we get some kind of order, we'll get back to work on that."

  52. "After tomorrow," he continues to flip through books. "Then this will all be mine and I won't have to worry about anyone walking in without permission or anything.

    "Ahhh...this book might help me figure out's going on with you, lecai. It's a book on Khaine. So. All of these books and only two good ones. I guess it could be worse? I could have found no useful books."

    "And why didn't I just do this..." Goddard rubs his eyes and seems to be staring at nothing, making "S" shapes in the air and mumbling softly to himself.

  53. Tomorrow. Can I stand by and watch that?

    She finds a comfortable looking chair and curls up in it, watching him mutter and gesture.

    Never mind tomorrow, she thinks, toying with the goblet of wine in her hand, still half full. You still have to do battle against yourself. Focus on that.

  54. "Ok! We are good," he says finally. "The winds are only swirling around the things I brought with me so everything else is safe."

  55. Aara nods and holds up the mushroom, staring at it. "Do you want to look through your book first?" she asks. "Before we try this?"

  56. "That's goblin 'magic'. These books wouldn't say anything on it. All we have to go off of is what Blasti said."

  57. "I mean about finding a way to fix me without this." She laughs nervously. "I'm not sure I want to battle my other self. She might be better than me." Laying her head back, she yawns.

  58. "Oh..." he laughs. "Give me a minute.

    Goddard doesn't move from where he was standing. He simply sits down on the floor and skims the book. He passes his finger over the words and whispers to himself.

    After a few moments his ears droop and he frowns. "Nothing...nothing except that the mark says you are now favored by Khaine. Stupid books."

  59. "Well, it was worth a try." She moves from the chair to sit next to Goddard. "What if she is better than me?"

  60. "She won't be," he smiles. "I have faith in my lecai. Strongest woman I know."

  61. She smiles and leans her head on his shoulder. "I guess now is as good a time as any."

    Taking a deep breath of anticipation, Aara eats the mushroom. It has an earthy, nutty flavor like any other mushroom, but there's an underlying flavor she can't identify. Sitting back on her heels, she looks around the room while she waits for it to take affect. "Sing for me?" she whispers nervously.

  62. Goddard begins to sing softly for Aara. An elven song. He closes his eyes for a moment and then opens them quickly.

    "The winds...what is going on...oh no...I should kill that" He grits his teeth. "No magic is safe...and if this helps..."

    Goddard carefully lays Aara down and stands up, kicking things out of the way to make a clear space around her. He pulls out a piece of chalk and somehow makes two perfect circles, one inside the other, around Aara. In the space around the edge, he draws in various symbols while whispering to himself.

  63. When the mushroom takes effect, it's instantaneous. Murmuring his name, her vision goes dark, and she can feel her limbs go leaden as she falls into darkness.

    When she opens her eyes, she finds herself crouching in the street, wearing her elaborate Walking Death dress and holding the daggers Eglanor gave her. The bells in her skirt chime softly and her sheer silk veil lifts in the breeze. Looking around, she meets a familiar pair of green eyes ringed in khol. Mirroring her stance she sees another version of herself, dressed as a bride of Khaine and covered in blood. Blasti-bitz said I would have to defeat my "other self." She looks formidable.

    "I didn't expect this so soon," her other self croons, her voice a shade deeper than Aara's own. "I thought you might try to fight it a little longer."

    "What are you?"

    A smile as keen as a blade slides across her face. "I'm you, Aara. The better version of you. Born in blood and death in the name of Khaine." She shifts on the balls of her feet. Fast as lightning, she attacks. Aara manages to block, but barely. The bride laughs and begins dancing, her daggers whirling as she pushes Aara back.

    She's me, she knows how I fight, she can anticipate my every move.

    "You cannot beat me!" The bride cackles, swiping at Aara again.

    Again, Aara parries, but turns in a circle, not allowing the bride to corner her against a building. She takes a blow to her shoulder, grunting in pain even as she makes a shallow cut across the bride's ribs. Frantic, Aara continues defending herself, trying to think of some way to throw off her mirror image.

    The bride blocks Aara's next attack and leans close. "Your dear Koroush," she whispers, her breath cool on Aara's face, "will be mine. He'll beg me for death before I'm finished with him, and I'll dance over his body before the season is out."

    Aara kicks her, throwing her off balance for just a moment before they attack one another again. They trade injuries, one wounding the other until they are both covered in blood. Aara remains silent as the bride laughs and jeers at her.

    "That pretty ice witch? She wants you dead as much as I do. The skaven see you as their next meal, and the vampire considers you a fine wine, to be drunk and tossed aside."

    Aara does her best to block out her own voice as she fights. They battle for what seems hours, but the light never changes and the bride doesn't seem to tire as Aara does. She's also more sure-footed in the blood-covered street than Aara.

    The bride laughs, batting Aara around like a cat with a mouse. "You can't beat me, little shadow. Give up now, Afya, and I'll take good care of your sweet nuur'eni."

    At the mention of Goddard, Aara hears a tune on the wind. I know that song! Goddard sings it when we spar! A fierce grin spreads across Aara's face, and she begins pushing the bride back. Lead the dance, just like I told him. Sparks begin to fly as their daggers meet again and again, flashing in the weak sunlight. Aara starts dancing herself, but not to the beat of her heart, but to the tune on the wind.

    Slowly, so slowly, Aara begins to sway the tide. Her movements go from defense to attack, and she can see something of uncertainty in the bride's eyes. Suddenly, the bride makes a wild lunge, her dagger poised for Aara's heart. In a flash, Aara remembers when Goddard made a wild swing to cleave her in two, and puts all her weight on her most unstable foot, letting it shoot forward in a desperate attempt.

    When they hit the ground, Aara screams in pain. But her gambit worked. The bride's dagger is plunged into her shoulder, a full hand-span above her heart. The bride's triumphant smile is frozen on her face for a moment before turning into disbelief. Looking between them, Aara gapes.

    The dagger from Eglanor is buried to the hilt in the bride's chest.

  64. Master...what did you do?

    "Shut up Arha," Goddard hisses as he sits on the floor, outside of the circle he made, helplessly watching Aara.

    "If anything happens to her, I'll really turn that creature into blasted bits..."

    Good one Master. All is well so far down here. Take care. I like her.

    I do too...

  65. Aara pushes the dying bride off, nerveless fingers releasing the dagger in Aara's shoulder. Gritting her teeth, Aara wraps her hand around the handle and removes the blade. Cursing, she presses a hand to the wound and stands. Putting a foot in the bride's stomach, she yanks the dagger out of the dying bride. "Bitch." She sheaths her weapons, gasping from the pain in her shoulder. Not sure what else to do, she stumbles forward, trying to figure out where she is. She makes it about thirty steps before sinking to her knees, tears burning her eyes.

    Covered in sweat, Aara jerks awake, grabbing her shoulder and gasping for breath.

  66. Goddard anxiously watches Aara for what feels like forever. "Why won't you wake up lecai...what's going on..."

    He switches between watching Aara and watching the disturbance in the aetyr. "I hope I don't have to fight anything," he grumbles and then smirks. "Chaos porcupine...oh Aara...wake up soon."

    As soon as Aara jolts awake, Goddard practically dives over to her. "Are you ok?"

  67. After a few breaths, Aara realizes her shoulder isn't wounded at all. Pale and shaking, she smiles weakly at Goddard. "I won," she whispers.

  68. "I knew you would," he hugs her tight. "Was that as scary for you as it was for me? I was waiting for some chaos beast to jump out at me...maybe a porcupine."

    He sits up next to Aara and dusts the chalk from his tabard.

  69. She laughs, letting him sit her up. Crossing her legs, she puts her elbows on her knees and props her head on her hands. "It was pretty scary on my end, too. Why all the chalk?"

  70. "It's a protective circle. The aethyr was going crazy and the winds were being disrupted. Like I said...I was worried I was going to have to fight off some daemon."

  71. Aara winces and moans as her head suddenly starts pounding. It hits so hard and fast she's dizzy, and she's grateful she didn't eat.

  72. Goddard gets to his feet and lifts Aara up. "Come shouldn't be sitting on a cold floor."

    He carries her over to the large bed in an another room. She sees the familiar chest, the swords and the scythe. He puts her down on the bed then goes over to the chest and tries to find a spot to fit his two new books.

  73. Tannin walks around the bottom floor, an annoyed look on his face. He carries The Kynth'kathain in his hand, annoyed at the fact that he has no scabbard for it. Annoyingly, the Cattle walk around starting to almost look like they have some sort of happyness to them. He can BARELY see outside, a fact that annoys him. And, he has yet to find his room in this place...Annoying.

    Tannin makes multiple laps around the first floor, looking for some room or something he had to have missed where everyone was supposed to sleep, and finding nothing, he sighs

  74. Aara closes her eyes against the light, her head splitting. When he lays her on the bed, she opens one eye carefully. It's darker in here, and she recognizes Goddard's gear.

    This bed could be made of stone and I'd be grateful, she thinks, sinking into the mattress. Curling up, she relaxes, despite the pain.

  75. "Hmmm..." Goddard picks up the helmet off the pillow and looks at it.

    He stares at it a bit before he puts it on his head. "It fits fine...despite the horns."

  76. "You have to wear that thing?" she murmurs, snuggling into the pillow.

  77. "Oh...this is just part of the fun," he grumbles.

    He takes the helmet off and disappears through another door. After some clattering and quiet cursing from Goddard, he reappears, dragging a bunch of metal and some fabric. He drops it onto the floor and puts the helmet on top of the pile.

    "I have to wear all of this!"

  78. The noise makes her flinch, but she tries to hide it. Her vision blurs, and she blinks quickly to clear it. "I don't envy you," she yawns.

  79. "It's going to be soooooo uncomfortable," he groans.

    "Oh...I bet you don't want to hear me whine," he says softly, finally looking over at Aara and not at the pile of metal that will some how be attached to him tomorrow.

  80. This comment has been removed by the author.

  81. "It doesn't bother me as much." She's quiet for a while, trying to will her headache away. "Nuur'eni, I'm afraid to sleep. What if I start walking around again?"

  82. ((Druchii)
    "Just KILL one already, Khaladh " Kynth'kathain whispers in Tannins ear, her voice sharp like a blade in the night

    ((Broken Reikspiel))
    You need to feed, Tannin rasps Darvedan

    We ALL need to feed adds Brusque, Her sing-song voice echoing thoughout Tannins head

    "SHUT UP" Growls Tannin, Slamming his fist into the stone wall. The "Slaves" around him drop what they are carrying, startled by this out burst of fury

  83. Katarina sits bolt up right out of her sleep and looks around as the winds of magic blow torrentially through the tower.

    Pulling on her boots, she dashes to the stairs and heads for the main floor. Something like this cannot be good. Ulric give me the courage to stand against any foul thing that comes forth. Ancient Widow, lend me your pure magic to destroy it.

    Arriving at the bottom, she's astonished to see everything peaceful among the people milling about. Puzzled, she looks around and sees the winds suddenly go calm before resuming normal patterns. There's nothing?! What could have... Goddard. He probably found some toy to play with elsewhere in the tower. As long as some chaos creature doesn't appear, I guess its safe to assume he has things under control. she thinks with a sigh.

    As she turns to head up stairs, several of the women she had helped earlier approach. They take her by the shoulders and lead her to a nearby table. As they walk, the women gently pull her hair out of her braid. They seem to make a fuss about her eyes, the palor of her cheeks, and even thinness of her waist.

    Sitting her down, they place a bowl of some stew in front of her. They gesture for her to eat and give small little bows like Aara had shown her. Katarina tentatively spoons some into her mouth and the women nod at her. As she takes another bite, they begin to comb out her blonde hair, whispering to themselves as they work.

    They stop and gasp as growl comes from across the room.

  84. "If you start walking around, I'll know. I'll be here watching you and I'm pretty sure you won't get through that door fast enough to get away if you do manage to walk off without me noticing."

  85. Aara nods, pulling the blanket over her and burying herself among the pillows. "Thank you, nuur'eni," she says, the sound muffled by the pillows. She sighs, feeling safe.

    For the first time since she woke the day before, she sleeps deeply, undisturbed by dreams of blood and murder.

  86. Crow comes from the bathing room, still very damp. He seems to be wrapped in what looks to be strips of flesh. At the joints his chain can be seen underneath. As Crow moves though the dinning hall the Runners give a good yard in between them. He walks over to Tannin after he hits the wall, "Dead-thing, why yell-yell at no one. Dead-thing going mad like female man-thing," Crow says with a strange grin growing across his face.

  87. Kynth'kathain Twitches in his hand This on Khaladh. Kill this one. She hisses.

    Tannins check and nose twitch on the right side of his face a few times.

    "Lets see you die and come back to life without going a bit crazy. It seems Kynth'kathain wants you dead" Tannin says, looking down at the black sword. " Has your sword talked to you yet?"

  88. Crows grin grows, "Dead-thing, sword no talk-talk. Dead-thing mad like Neska." He starts snickering at the idea. "Sword talk-talk." Crow looks at the Runners and says something in Queekish and two of them almost fall over in laughter. "NO-no dead-thing. Sword no talk-talk to me. What it say-say?" The grin still there.

  89. The women look at her and say something. Sahir... Katarina nods. Okay that't the name Aara said they would call me. What else are they saying?

    She watches them more than listening, but she hears a familiar word and then they all spit and point across the room.

    Nodding, Katarina stands up and begins to walk over in that direction. Sure enough, she hears Tannin yelling at someone. Wait! Did he just say someone wants someone dead?!

    Hurrying, she sees the knight and the Skaven. To her shock, Crow speaks.

  90. He mocks you Khaladh. Kill him. Kill all of his kin. Kill him. Kill him. Killhim. Killhim. KillhimKillhimKillhimKillhimKillhimKillhimKillhim

    Tannin takes a deep breath, closing his eyes. His face begins to grow gaunt, his fangs growing in his mouth. The muscles in his sword arm visably twitch as if he is actually fighting to keep the sword from swinging at Crow.

    "She does NOT like you Crow." Tannin says

  91. "Who dose not like-like Crow. Sword-Sword? Dose not look strong like Crow." He says sort of poking the flat of the blade. "If sword want Crow dead-dead. Sword try-try."

  92. "Both of you, stop! Not here. If you want to prove who has the bigger... sword, then go to one of the other floors. Aara said there were about 15 laid out like this one." Katarina says to them.

    "We can't have you scaring these people. They've been through enough as it is."

  93. "Is not Crow-Crow. Is dead-things sword-sword. Crow dose not scar-scar man-things. He has no weapon out to." Crow says looking at Kat.

  94. Tannin begins to talk, in a mixture of Druchii, Breton, and Reikspeil all jumbled together, seemingly arguing with 3 entities at once.

    After a few second of arguing, there is a blinding flash of speed as Kynth'kathain comes moves to decapitate Crow. With a grunt, Tannin is able to reign in the sword, a mean inch from Crows throat.

    Tannin quickly spins the sword back around and down equally as fast, the blade going up the backside of the length of his arm.

    You DEFY me Kadladh!? Kynth'kathain whispers, her voice fading as the blade goes quite.

    "Sorry. Seems she finally will behave herself." Tannin says with Fanged grin.

    "Its good your finally talking. We were all worried that you lacked the ability"

  95. "We have no quarrel, Katarina. My sword just dosnt like him." Tannin says, turning to kat

  96. "Then IT can not like him somewhere else in case it goes well beyond not liking.

    "These people have reason to see Crow with suspicion. They don't need to see you in that light either." she replies

    "I don't care whom doesn't like whom. This is not the place to settle any of it."

  97. Tannin gives crow a look, and then turns back to kataraina.

    "I believe if crow wishes to settle anything, he will regardless of your wishes or these people" Tannin says

  98. "Crow told elf-thing before. Lesser-things talk-talk to much. Can not get voice-voice out of head." Crow says not even seeing the blade at his neck.

    He takes a sniff of the air, "Man-things stink-stink like fear," he grabs and holds his nose, "Hurt-hurt nose." The grin as started to fade, but comes right back when he looks at Tannin. "Dead-dead-thing. Going crazy-insane like Neska. Is good-good for now." He then starts to move out toward the stairs to go up.

  99. Tannin hears a voice in his head and it's not the swords "talking".

    Ehh hem...the Master says 'Sigmar's sausage Tannin! What the heck are you doing! You and that rat had better cut that out! You can kill each other later!'

    Also...the witch hasn't been around this tower as I have. There are only three floors, none of which you can fight on.

    I would suggest you wait until we return to the Old World before you go ripping into skaven.

  100. GRR! Maybe we should have killed him...he's starting to drive me nuts. I get how being unnatural can make life difficult but COME ON! I'm at least...a million times more lovable...

    Goddard paces a bit and then stops, sighing.

    I should do something productive...

    There is an apothecary across the room. Goddard looks it over a bit and realizes the one he has in his trunk has a bit more to it than this one. While Aara sleeps, he drags the chest over to the table and carefully pushes what is already set up on the table to the side.

    He then starts to set up with the glass vials, flasks and other equipment from his chest and he pulls out the potions and sets them on the table as well.

    "Hmmm...with this newest book and some of the other books, I should be able to get some kind of idea as to what these are for."

    I wish Arha was here...he'd sit right on that glass bottle...

    Once he starts testing the potions, he finds out almost immediately that they are all spoiled. "Well...good thing no one decided they were thirsty! Who knows what could have happened!"

  101. The sounds of glass rattling against itself wakes Aara gently. Before opening her eyes, she starts flexing her muscles, starting from her toes and going up to her neck. Her headache is still there, but it's not as bad as it was. She uncurls slowly, groaning internally as her sore body protests.

    Why am I so sore? I didn't come back with any other injuries. Well, I did just have one hell of an internal debate, she thinks with a small smile.

    She swings her legs over the side of the bed, waiting a moment for the dizziness to pass. I feel so drained and empty. How long have I been asleep?

    When Goddard speaks, she chuckles softly. "Speaking of thirsty, got any water up here?" she asks, her voice rougher than normal.

  102. Glass tinks together as Goddard jumps a bit while he was trying to pour the contents of a vial into a flask. "You're awake," he turns in the chair and smiles at her. "There should be everything you could ever want in the kitchen...except maybe fruit...and vegetables...ok I guess not really everything."

  103. She smiles and walks over to where he sits. "I'm sure I can make do. Those are the potions we found in the chest, aren't they?"

  104. "Yes. And they are spoiled so I may not even be able to learn much from them but I'll still give it a try. I know I'll learn something."

    He takes two small pieces of paper and looks over what was written on them. "Did that mushroom Blasti gave you help? I need to know if I should wring his neck or simply ask him to go shopping for me."

  105. "He didn't lie about my head hurting." She thinks back to the effects. "But I suppose so. It," she pauses. "It sounds silly, but it seemed to transport me somewhere to fight against myself. Some street, maybe here in the city. All I know is I ate the mushroom, blinked, and was staring at myself dressed as a bride of Khaine."

  106. "If I had to take a guess, from what I saw on my end, you were in a place between the aethyr and the real world."

    "As long as everything went back to normal, which it did from what I can tell, and you feel ok, besides the side effects, I guess I can't really kill him," Goddard smirks.

  107. She puts a hand on his shoulder, smiling. "No, I don't think you should kill him. I'm tired and sore, but I don't feel..." She shrugs. "I don't know how to say it. But I do feel better."

  108. "That's good. Will you eat something now? I have to let a lot of this sit and separate so I can make you something."

  109. She nods. "I'm starving," she laughs. And I should eat before seeing the acolyte. "I'll help, too."

  110. "What do you want to eat?"

    He looks over at the large pot wearily. "We probably shouldn't use that...I don't want a goblin in my soup..."

  111. Aara helps herself to some water before poking around. "Something light. Maybe some bread and cheese?"

  112. "We have plenty of that. And lots of different bread and cheese too," he gets a mix on a large plate. "Have enough of a spread?" Goddard grins.

  113. She sits on the counter and nibbles on a piece of cheese. "Remind me to thank Blasti next time I see him. This is the first thing that tastes like it should," she laughs.

  114. "I'm sure he'll bring it up to be sure he gets credit for it."

    He pokes at some cheese he doesn't remember ever eating then finally eats it. "Oh yuck...I remember this stuff now. Still tastes horrible."

  115. Aara reaches over and takes a piece to sample it. She chews thoughtfully for a moment. "It's not so bad," she decides.

  116. "More for you then."

    "Do you want to read a bit after you eat? I might be able to clear out a space for me to practice in later but I'm not too worried about that."

  117. Aara looks away. "I actually need to go find the priestess Rayya told me about. Now that I'm clear headed, I shouldn't put it off. But I can come back up here and do it after," she offers lightly.

  118. "A priestess? And we don't have to come back up here. I'll bring the book to you."

    "I wish I could carry you around like how I could carry all my equipment. It would be so much simpler."

  119. "She's an acolyte, but she'll do. It won't be long." She smirks when he talks about carrying her around like his equipment. "You already scoop me up whenever it pleases you," she laughs. "I can't imagine I weigh less than all that." She gestures to the things he has hanging off him.

  120. Goddard laughs. "You are much easier to carry than all of that but I mean with that spell I cast. I can't affect others with it too."

  121. "You mean when you walked through the door? That would be convenient, wouldn't it?" She thinks a minute, biting her knuckle. "What does that feel like, anyway?"

  122. "It feels strange...I actually don't feel anything which is a strange feeling," he laughs. "It's hard to describe."

    " did feel a little warm when I walked through you. Did you feel anything?"

  123. "Cold, maybe? I'm not sure, I'm always a little cold here," she says with a laugh.

  124. "Must be all the snow," he whispers with a smirk.

  125. "Really?" she asks, her eyes wide as her jaw drops. "Numbing days and miserable, freezing nights and more snow than a human can imagine will make one cold? Oh nuur'eni, you are wise!"

  126. "I know," he smiles smugly. "I just can't help myself. It's like my good looks...just happens."

  127. Aara reaches out and raps on his jaw the same way he did earlier. "Yes, it all just happens," she smirks. "You're wise and graceful and have rugged good looks and the kiss of a god." She rolls her eyes.

  128. Katarina shakes her head at Tannin. "Please Tannin. We have to keep ourselves together for these people. They all of our strengths right now. Once we get them home, then I know I will find a quiet empty place to let all of what is in me out. And I'm sure you can find an Ork horde to obliterate somewhere."

    She leans in close to him. "But until then, we have to keep things locked up. If I can do it, I know you can."

  129. Goddard begins to chuckle and then stops.

    "Heeeeeey," he raises a brow and leans back, crossing his arms. "Are you trying to tell me something?"

  130. Aara hides her smile behind her cup. "Oh no, nuur'eni, I'd never try to tell one as wise and worldly as you anything."

  131. Goddard sticks his tongue out at Aara. "I don't know if I believe that."

  132. Aara gasps melodramatically. "Would I lie to you?" she questions, putting a hand to her heart and looking thoroughly dejected.

  133. "Maaaaaybe," he grins and pokes her in her side, hoping she's ticklish.

  134. Aara squeals and tries to scoot away, upsetting the plate of cheese and sending it flying.

  135. "Awww look what you did lecai...throwing food all over the place for no reason."

  136. "Me? You caused it," she sniffed, lifting her chin and looking down at him haughtily.

  137. "I'm not the one who has no control over my limbs..."

  138. "Hey...I've gotten much better at that and you know it. Soon you won't be able to touch me."

  139. She smirks and raises an eyebrow. "I doubt it. I've been holding back on you."

  140. He playfully growls. "Give me a bit, I'll clear out a spot and we'll see about that."

  141. Aara flutters her eyes and fans herself with her hand, leaning back on the counter. "Oh Goddard, I do love it when you growl," she teases.

  142. "Are you trying to distract me?" He stops at the door way of the kitchen. "You don't want me to wipe the floor with you?"

  143. She jumps off the counter and walks over to him. "Not at all," she croons, walking two fingers up his chest. "But I'd hate for you to get your tail handed to you by a girl who has hardly slept or eaten in two days." She pouts, barely hiding her grin. "I am, after all, so small and weak."

  144. "You aren't weak. But I'll still win." He walks over to his sword and picks it up. Dragging it around, he finds a room that has the least mess and furniture in it and starts to clear everything out.

  145. Aara watches him a moment before going closer. "As much as I'd like to prove you wrong- and I will, mind you- I've business to see to downstairs," she reminds him, pulling the scourge she took from the temple of Uzzaya from her bag. "I'd ask you to do it, but I fear you'd make it more pleasure than punishment," she adds with a wink. "And you can't absolve me. Also, Tannin didn't feed last night, I imagine he's not comfortable."

  146. "I probably would," he chuckles softly.

    "Tell him to come up here then," Goddard grumbles. "I'll be his...dinner and I'll just lock myself in here. I don't want to be a menace anyway."

  147. "Yes, you would." Aara wraps her arms around him in a tight hug. "Do you want me to come back for you later?" she asks.

  148. "Only if you don't mind the stairs. Maybe Tannin can be some kind of transport," he grins and hugs her back.

  149. Aara leans back just enough to look up at him. "Thank you," she says. "For the circle of protection. One day I'll tell you what happened."

    She steps away from him and gathers her gear. With a final wave, she begins the long trek down the stairs to the main floor.

  150. Goddard closes the door behind her and wanders back over to the potions on the table. "Still not done."

    He walks back over to the space he cleared and draws the sword. "May as well get started on this. I need to keep a feather up in the air...I am far from being able to do that."

  151. When Aara reaches the ground level, she easily spots Tannin. The vampire paces around the great hall like a lion pacing a cage. Approaching him, she softly lays a hand on his arm.

    "Tannin, you seem unsettled."

  152. "I FINALLY got Kynth'kathain to shut up. I didnt know this sword would talk to me. I even put it in a corner and walked away and I could still hear her. Its maddening." Tannin says, faceing Aara and looking at his black sword

  153. She frowns and studies his weapon. "Your sword talks to you? That's...unusual."

  154. Tannin simply shrugs. "All things considered, I guess it was to be expected. Its really the only thing I havnt experienced yet"

    Tannin gives his head a thoughtful scratch. "Did you need somthing?"

  155. "I came to tell you that Goddard is waiting for you. I'm sorry your need slipped my mind last night. Just go all the way up the stairs and knock."

  156. "Yeah I figured you would need all your strength for murder night. Thanks" Tannin says.

    Tannin turns and starts marching up the massivly long staircase, and after some time he knocks on the door

  157. Aara seeks out Katarina, finding her surrounded by women all trying to talk to her at once. "Kasha, how many bowls of soup have they tried to feed you?" she laughs.

  158. "That must be Tannin," he sheathes the sword and tosses it onto the bed before he unbolts the door.

    Opening it a crack he peeks out. "You've come for dinner? I figured you'd just get it over with and I'll just lock myself away so I don't do something stupid with ya know...a few hundred women around me..." He sticks his arm out through the slightly opened door.

  159. Katarina looks up at Aara and laughs as well. "I think there was only one left, so I got that one. Though I'm thinking there's been about five offers to make something else. I don't know the words, but I know what was said. 'Too skinny. Eat. Eat.' My Babushka, Grandmother, was very much the same."

  160. "Well I dont normally dine and dash, but..." Tannin says, grabbing Goddards arm. He bites down and beings to feed

  161. Goddard closes his eyes tight and concentrates on not falling over.

    "I will never get used to this will I?" he sighs and leans against the door jamb.

  162. Finishing, Tannin lets some of the blood that drips off his chin fall onto the blade of Kynth'kathain.

    "I doubt you ever will, but its not like its a bad feeling, right? Enjoy!" Tannin says, releasing the arm.

  163. "It's the best," Godddard chuckles as he slowly closes the door and sinks to the floor.

    "Ok...maybe not the best but...the best..."

  164. Aara laughs. "Too skinny and too pale. How will you ever get a husband like this?" She mimics a thick accent. "They've said the same thing to me for years."

  165. Katarina looks down at the bare skin on her hands and then laughs. "I only come in two shades. Pale and sunburned."

  166. Aara shrugs. "I'm not sure they care," she laughs. "Have you had any trouble while I was gone?"

  167. "None at all. The sleep of the exhausted and things are better. Tannin threatened Crow, said the sword didn't like him. I guess the stress can still get to him now. Other than that, everything has been fine."

    "The Lady Rayya seems to have everything running like a machine here now, so there's very little to do. She is definitely regal in all aspects, truly a blessing to her people."

  168. Aara nodded. "She will be a great help when Koroush takes his first wife. She's always treated me like a daughter."

  169. "Ah, so that was a family name she called you then, when you were reunited.

    "First wife... that still sounds odd to me. Though I must admit, I first saw your people as treating the women unfairly. And while its not my home and ways, it works for your people. Its good you have shown me how wrong I was."

  170. She shakes her head. "She calls me Afya, the name I was born with. Koroush is the one who named me Aara. I was sixteen, and had just completed my training." She smiles, remembering. "Rayya refused to acknowledge that her little shadow was growing up."

  171. Katarina tilts her head to the side, a little puzzled. "So Koroush renamed you? So I'm guessing that its has more to do with..." she taps her hand "than a rite of passage then."

    She gives Aara a wistful smile. "Parents can be like that. I don't know who was sadder that Solstice, me or my father. I'm still this tiny girl of six or seven to him as of the last time I saw him.

    "So how many wives did the late sultan have? I assume Koroush had many more brothers and sisters than both us together."

  172. "It was a bit of both. I think he wanted me to be able to leave the past behind me. Also, when one has gone through the training as a royal bodyguard, it's customary to choose a new name." She thinks a moment. "There were 17 wives, I believe, the last time I know of. And only the one son. Most of his sisters have been placed with allies and family."

  173. "Only one? Out of how many?

    "I know how my brother Aleksadnr was spoiled being the only son for eleven years. I can only imagine the brat he might have been if Valatyn and Nicolai had not come along.

    "So I'm guessing it works for Koroush the way it will be for me and would have worked for Tannin. A suitable nice person is found and a business deal is transacted before they get to meet each other?

  174. "The first match is usually a love match. Nobility believe politics are for the rest." She nods to Rayya across the room, fussing over her son. "Rayya will have it no other way. She and the sultan were deeply in love."

  175. Katarina leans in interested. "Really? That is completely opposite of my people. Among nobles, love seems to be quite rare. My own parents, they care about each other; but there's no love. It was a contract set up between my grandparents and the Sisterhood. Tannin told me his parents had a wife lined up for him since he was old enough to ride.

    "Then again, our people only take one wife. So it makes sense to find some love and happiness first, if you are going to take more than one.

    "So what will happen once we get back and Koroush claims his place as Sultan?"

  176. Aara shrugs. "I'm not sure what he'll decide. We haven't discussed it."

  177. "He's got to be in a really rough place with this choice. He's got his family back and his people, but I could see it in his eyes at that cave. He wants revenge too, against that bastard vampire.

    "To claim vengeance for your people and your father or to rebuild your people's life. That's a choice I would not wish on anyone.

    "If he chooses to stay, I think I will also for a time. I think I would like to learn your language a bit more so that I can take the evidence to the Sisterhood and show them that this creature has tried to lay claim to Kislev."

  178. "I'm sure you'd be welcome. I'm not sure Koroush himself has thought about it yet. But with sixteen days to wait here he'll have plenty of time."

  179. Katarina shudders a little. "Sixteen days is far too long to stay here.

    "Consider yourself lucky to not be affected by use of magic, there's something here in the land. Dark and twisted, like the hatred of the elves has seeped into the land. I feared it might mark me or burrow into my spirit when we spoke on the tower that day. It is a danger of using magic, it can mark you and change you in unpleasant ways.

    "It took me a while, but I had to find Kislev's voice and the peace it brings. This land, she speaks, but she is not pure and welcoming as Kislev. It was her voice that whispered to me. Cruel, spiteful, and vengeful.

    "If we could all leave tonight for Araby, I would be quite joyous."

  180. Aara thinks of the mark on her shoulder and what she experienced upstairs. "I fear I may already have been affected by magic here," she says. She sees Rayya making her way across the room, a woman in tow.

    "Please, excuse me, Kasha. That's a priestess with Rayya, I should go speak with her."

    Aara draws both women out of the great hall and into an empty room she discovered earlier. No bigger than a cupboard, it would have to do.

  181. Katarina's eyes grow wide "What? Aara." She sighs as the young woman disappears with Rayya and the priestess.

    Shaking her head sadly, she sighs again. Now I wonder how much more this land can scar us before we leave. I have a gnawing feeling in my stomach that this will only get worse.

    Looking up, she sees her friends from before returning with several new women. At least three of them have plates of cheese and some meats. "Oh dear.." she says softly. "I forgot how to ask how to say 'No thank you'."
