Saturday, December 1, 2012

At the Autarii Tower

The druchii leave the group to recover from their walk through the snow. They have their own private room with food and drink and they have been provided with warmer clothing.

Goddard closes the door behind the last dark elf to leave the room and he leans against it and slides down to the floor. "Phew...I was afraid you were going to do something crazy Khaldah...I'm sorry they made you do that..."


  1. "I'm not accustomed to having Dark Elves meld out of the shadows and threaten me with crossbows. Had I actually had a decent set of armor I might have done something rash...but being almost naked I wouldnt have lasted long. That... and your words of warning " Tannin says, Adjusting the odd dark elf chain armor

  2. "I'd hope even with armor, you would take what I say seriously especially in Naggaroth," he sighs.

  3. "I will, I just have bad memories of your people raiding my lands. Its...difficult to not want to tear their throats out. Considering the way they treat you they would just assume flay me alive as have me go against what you say"

    Ha, My lands. Well they will be, soon enough

  4. Aara emerges, dressed in the new clothing from the druchii. She's cut into the tunic she wears, displaying Goddard's name written on her left collarbone, just visible next to the strap from her corset. The clothing fits well, although she's had to alter the length of both tunic and breeches to be functional. The requested elven chain armor sits with her gear, along with a heavy black cloak and thick scarf.

    Toying with the flesh hooks hanging off the corset, she walks up to Goddard. "Well?" she asks. "Do I have it right?"

  5. Goddard looks Aara over and shakes his head. "Too much clothing," he grins. " look fine lecai. You're warm enough?"

  6. Aara nods. "For the first time since we landed in that pool in the caves. Nuur'eni, we are safe, aren't we?"

  7. "Yes we are. My brothers and sisters need me for something. They won't kill me or any of you and risk losing what they can gain."

    He softly bumps his head against the door. A few times. "Oribhein..." he mumbles.

  8. Aara raises a brow. "Oribhein? What does that mean?"

  9. "It means highborn..." he closes his eyes. "I had no idea...I'm excited about all the stuff I may have inherited but all the politics? I wonder how I can get around all that...?"

  10. Aara sits as close to the fire as she can manage, picking at her food. "Claiming your inheritance won't be easy, will it?"

  11. "Just have to kill a guy," he chuckles. "That's how politics work. See why I want to avoid it?"

    "Of course, it won't be as easy as it sounds."

  12. Tannin finishes dressing in a dark purple tunic, a leather vest and his elven chain mail, thick black winter trousers, and his freshly cleaned Riding boots. He also grabs some fur lined gloves and a thick dark cloak, which he fastens with his royal seal. Lastly He straps his sword belt around his waist, and re chains his Blood Grail around his hip.

    "What not easy about it? We stroll into town, murder his guards, and march our way into where ever "he" is, and then kill him. All in all, sounds like a pretty fun day"

  13. "I think I'd like to do it," Aara says lightly. "I like the way the names are written for your people, Goddard, it'd look nice on my hand."

  14. Katarina finishes adjusting her clothing and tucks the winter gloves into her belt. Before buckling her sword belt into place, she shakes her head at Tannin.

    "That's the way politics work if you have an army on your side. Otherwise there's a lot of yelling at each other, murders and betrayals during the dark of night, followed by more yelling the next morning."

  15. "Druchii are always trying to kill each other. They do their best to make it as difficult as possible for that to happen. He probably won't just be in town, plus trying to do something like that in the middle of a druchii city would result in all of us being dead."

    He chuckles at Aara. "You will have at least one new pretty name lecai, I'm sure of it."

  16. This seems to satisfy Aara, who goes on with her meal.

  17. "Assuming you dont have a Grey seer and his entourage of brick shit houses and assassins, an Ice Witch, A noble man with a hatred in his heart, a girl that would just assume slice you in half as do a dance for you, A band of Elves that pop out of the shadows and fill you full of crossbow bolts, a woodelf that sings as he slays, oh and a Vampire on your side, then yeah you might need an Army. I think Goddard is pretty well covered, Katarina"

  18. Katarina blinks a couple of times. "Did you say, brick out house? Brettonians have odd manner of conveniences."

    Walking over to the table she takes a steak and begins to bite in. "Hmm, now this tastes like moose."

  19. Aara's head jerks up. "This is moose?!" She puts her hands up around her head like antlers. "A real moose?"

  20. "Shit house, katarina, shit house. Notice the way crowe smells? He sure isnt a brick flower shop, thats for sure"

  21. Goddard grabs a glass of the hot wine and snuggles in with his extra layers. "I kind of like this," he smiles and takes a sip.

    "Yes lecai. That's your moose," he laughs.

  22. Katarina mulls over the mouthful for a minute. "Yes, definitely moose. Less marble, very tender."

    She pauses looking at Aara and can't help but smile. "Their antlers are nothing, you should really see their funny noses."

  23. Aara finishes her meal and dons her gloves. Wrapping up in her cloak, she snuggles close to Goddard. "I had no idea your home was so cold," she says.

  24. "See why I left," he smirks. "It isn't too bad if you are prepared."

    Goddard then looks thoughtful. "What kind of force could have possibly been used to get rid of my family? My parents? And then I have to go see the Witch King," he gulps.

  25. "Whos this...Witch King? Are we killing him as well? "

  26. "Is he a witch and a king or is he the king of witches?"

  27. Goddard spits his sip of wine out after Tannin's questions. "Khaladh are you crazy? No!" he uses his arm to wipe his mouth.

  28. "Look, I dont know who we are and arnt here to kill. All I know is you and that other elf started speaking in what ever elf tongue you share, and then you started talking about killing some dark elf noble something or other."

  29. "He is Malekith, sorcerer king of Naggaroth, son of Morathi, the most powerful witch," he shudders.

    "If we do this perfect, we should only be killing a single druchii...but I know it won't go perfectly because I've never had to deal with politics," he chuckles.

  30. "Well, What do you know about this guy? The one we are going to kill, that is. We just have to outplay him"

  31. "All I know is that he is from Karond Kar, the slave port, meaning he is probably very wealthy. And with that much wealth, comes a lot of power."

  32. "So we hit him where it hurts. If we raid his slave pens, he has no slaves. If he has no slaves, he gets no money."

  33. "We need to take the noble out straight away. If he finds out I'm alive, I'm as good as dead. He's in my tower, so we would have to go to Har Ganeth...after we look at this vampire cave of course."

  34. "So, here is the plan. Your Autarii are sneaky as hell. Send the sneakiest in. Kill the guards, take their place. Get a lowdown of who moves when. Then we walk in like we own the place"

  35. "I'd rather have them scout the place and see what the situation is like," he takes a sip of the wine.

    "I'd love to walk right up to him 'like I own the place'" he grins.

  36. "That part was implied. And you do own the place, we just have to remove an unwanted guest. I'll be glad to pitch him from the upper window for you. We need to get as many Autarii in the place as possible. We might consider asking Neska to get more of his rat assassins to help us. They seem like they are skilled climbers. Get them up the side of the tower and" Tannin slams a mailed fist into his open hand "We lead a combined strike, from above and below, and overwhelm them with superior numbers"

  37. Goddard laughs. "I know Khaladh. But walking straight in and sneaking about are different. And we don't know what we are up against."

    "I'm sure we'll have to pay the furballs...I'm sure I can get something they would like. But having them help too should work well. We'll need skill and surprise. We will definitely have surprise."

  38. "So we send some forward scouts in ahead of time to let us know what we are up against. Easy. See if one of them can map out the place while we are at it. Im assuming your tower thing is pretty big?" Tannin cocks his head at Goddard "And if you respond with any thing about whats in your pants Im cutting it off"

  39. "Why would I do such a thing," he laughs.

    "And you would't want to hurt your lord Goddard. My little army wouldn't be happy," he smirks, liking all of this more and more.

  40. "Oh yes, mmlord! The Dark Barron of Carcassonne Bows before you, oh Dark, Omnipotent Lord Goddard" Tannin says, barely containing his laughter

  41. "Hey!" Goddard shouts, pointing at Tannin.

    "I never said I was omnipotent," he laughs.

  42. "OH! As you wish...your....Darkness?"

  43. Aara giggles. "I do believe he has you, nuur'eni."

  44. "I'll accept that," he finishes his wine with a chuckle.

    "I think I'll have more of that and actually eat something," he says getting up and looking over the food. "Nothing but animals huh? I didn't really miss this. Fruit would be great with most of this."

  45. "Fruit would be nice, yes, but at least this is warm and hearty. Much better than foraging in those caves," she adds with a small shudder.

  46. Tannin rubs his collar bone area, and clears his throat.

    "I uhh..Think it might be about that time. Its Aara's turn tonight, right?"

  47. Goddard turns around, still chewing a piece of moose he just started to eat. He pulls his dagger from his boot and sits close to Aara. "Same rules as always, Khaladh."

  48. Tannin sits down between the pair and bares his fangs. "Whenever your ready, Aara" Tannin says

  49. Goddard snarls a bit, jealous that it's not him making Aara feel this way.

  50. Aara nods and scoots into Goddard's lap. Giving Tannin her hand, Aara turns to look at Goddard, still not completely comfortable with the look on Tannin's face. When he bites her, her eyes widen and she gasps at the pain, body tensing. Eyes fluttering closed, her entire body relaxes as the pleasure of the bite begins to wash over her, and she leans into Goddard. "Na'aam," she she whispers, trembling. A faint blush washes over her cheeks. Control slipping, Aara bites her lip and forces back a moan as ecstasy rips through her. Her free hand tangles in Goddard's clothing as she murmurs thoughtlessly in Arabyan. When Tannin releases her, she turns and pulls Goddard down for a kiss.

    "I...ah...I thought it got less...intense the more you experience it."

  51. Goddard smiles dreamily, forgetting all about his initial jealousy.

    Still not what it should be...and I get nothing...but whatever...

  52. With a flick of his tongue across his fang, Tannin seals the wound in Aara's wrist. He flops on his back, his eyes closed, enjoying the feeling of being fully sated on blood for the day.

  53. Aara drunkenly nips on his ear, biting harder than she thinks. "Mmmm," she purrs, turning in Goddard's lap till she's straddling him. She draws one of her daggers from her boot, running the razor edge from the hairline behind his ear down his neck to his shirt collar.

  54. With a bit of a shiver, Tannin sits up and turns to Goddard.

    "Care to join her?" Tannin says "I could give you just a little...jolt"

  55. Goddard grumbles a bit.

    Wonder if any of the Autarii aren't too sca...

    His mind stops thinking and a huge toothy grin slides across his face. Goddard grabs Aara's wrist. "You know what this does to me," he whispers. "And it's very difficult to just not let you keep going..."

    "Oh no Khaladh," he chuckles. "I need to be able to think or...well..." he grins again.

  56. "You deserve it, just this once oh dark one" Tannin says, scooting closer to Goddard

  57. Aara drops her dagger and wraps her arms around Goddard's waist, nuzzling his neck. "I'm sorry, nuur'eni," she whispers. "I can't seem to help myself. If this is what it's like..." She bites her lip.

  58. "I...I don't want to hurt her," he stammers. "This includes wronging Koroush. I barely have control now...I can't..." he grinds his teeth a bit.

  59. "I could give him a nice dream if you guys wanted. That way everyone could be happy" Tannin offers, a bit of blood dripping down his chin

  60. Aara goes very still, trying to reign herself in. He's's hard no matter which of us is bitten. Taking a deep breath, she crawls to the fire and curls up in a ball, still trembling.

  61. Goddard sighs and relaxes before tensing up again.

    While she's out of it...and probably won't remember...before I explode...I hope she won't remember...

    He quickly gets up. "Take care of her," he mumbles and heads out the room, closing it as softly as he can.

  62. "Oh come'll be fine..." Goddard grins at one of the druchii women.

    "But..." she looks at him with a sneer,"You are a male practicing magic..."

    "I know," he chuckles.

    She groans and shoves him away.

    "Oooohhh," he sighs.

  63. Aara tightens her ball, holding herself as still as possible as the room spins. It's just the bite, she tells herself. It's like this every time. It's alright, Aara. You'll be fine soon.

  64. Tannin gets up and walks over to Aara, and then sits down next to her. Propping up against the wall, He gently lifts Aaras head and puts it in his lap.

    "Its ok Aara... you will be back to normal soon." Tannin coos, brushing her hair. He reaches over her, and grabs a waterskin.

    "If you get thristy, here" Tannin adds, laying it next to here

  65. "She obviously doesn't like dangerous I do..." Another druchii woman sidles up by Goddard and twirls his hair in her finger.

    "It's not dangerous," he chuckles dreamily.

    "Oh?" she says sounding a bit disappointed.

    "Oh no," he says quickly, trying to recover. "It's very dangerous?"

    "That's more like it," she grins and practically drags him away.

  66. Aara sits up, curling herself against Tannin. Eyes closed, she slowly starts to relax, laughing softly. "Do you think I'll ever get used to it?" she whispers.

  67. Putting his arm around Aara, Tannin relaxes a bit more.

    "I...Well I dont actually know. You might be the first human to actually willingly feed a vampire without mind control. I guess we shall see, wont we?"

  68. Aara laughs, the sound brittle and little high pitched. "I can't imagine anyone not volunteering for this." She stands up, weaving shakily through the room. "This feels fantastic. I wish there were music, I wanna dance."

  69. "What...the..." she mumbles, running her fingers through Goddard's hair.

    "'s dangerous?" he grumbles, glad for the pitch blackness.

    She giggles.

  70. Tannin stands and takes her by the arm, bowing slightly, and then spins Aara. "Do you know how to waltz?"

  71. Aara laughs. "I don't know," she giggles.

  72. "Just follow my lead then" Tannin says, with a wicked smile

    Placing a hand on Aara's waist, Tannin begins humming a tune la dee dah, de de dah dah de da, da da da. hmm hmm hmmm... hmm hmm hmmmm hmm hmmmmm hmmmmm

  73. Aara giggles and moves closer to him than necessary. After a minute she picks up the tune and starts to sing the notes with him as they stumble through the dance.

  74. She pulls away from a kiss. "You're..." she touches his face carefully.

    "Still dangerous?" he asks hopefully.

    She laughs. "Yes!"

  75. Once Aara begins to pick up the proper note pattern, Tannin begins to sing along as they dance.

    There used to be a graying tower alone on the sea....You became the light on the dark side of me.

  76. Aara looks up at him, slightly confused. "That's pretty," is all she says before going back to humming.

  77. The two druchii roll over and Goddard hears a shink sound before feeling a cold blade on his collarbone.

    "Can I be dangerous now my lord?" she asks.

    Goddard laughs, a bit out of breath. "Please be dangerous..."

  78. Aara looks around as they dance. "Where's Goddard?" she asks. "He was here..."

  79. Love remained a drug that's the high and not the pill. But did you know, That when it snows, My eyes become large and The light that you shine can be seen. Tannin continues to sing, spinning Aara around

  80. Aara lets her head fall back as he spins her, reveling in the feel of the whole world spinning. Whenever she stumbles, he practically carries her through the turn until she finds her feet again. This is fantastic.

  81. Tannin Laughs as he guides the tiny Aara around the room, careful to avoid the sleeping Koroush. He stops singing and goes back to humming along

  82. Aara stumbles again. She curses and moves to stand on his feet, letting him dance her around the room. "You can do it again, you know," she whispers. "Bite me. That is the best feeling ever. It's better than killing somebody. I wouldn't tell Goddard or Koroush."

  83. "But I have to stop, my lord," she giggles playfully. "I don't want to draw too much blood..."

    "Stupid blood," Goddard sighs.

    She stands up, humming and throws on her cloak and gathers her things. Before he can say anything else, Goddard sees a thin slit of dim light as she slips out the door and her humming slowly fades.

    Goddard stays a while longer, alone, waiting till he can put his clothes back on without making them a bloody mess.

    Once he is dressed, he heads back to check up on Aara. Goddard carefully peeks into the room.

  84. "You ARE trying to get me in trouble, arnt you?" Tannin asks with a smile

  85. Eyes wide and innocent, she blinks at him. "No, I just like that...that feeling. When you bite me."

  86. Goddard grits his teeth but does not enter.

  87. "Alright, just a small one then" Tannin says, as he stops dancing.

    Tannin gingerly takes her wrist, and softly bites, drawing just a little blood

  88. Aara gasps, her knees buckling. "Na'aam," she moans, gripping his arm. Her whole body goes limp, and she only hopes he catches her.

  89. Tannin release the bite, and with his unnatural reflexes is able to spin around behind her to cradle her softly to the ground.

    "What that what you expected?" He asks?

  90. Aara sighs. "Mmmm, almost," she murmurs.

  91. Goddard leans against the wall by the door and claws at his left shoulder with his right hand.

    You have no right to be jealous! You surly haven't forgotten what you just did...

  92. "And just think, that was only what a little prick from me can do." Tannin says, laughing

  93. Aara looks up at him and smiles softly. "It's better when Goddard's here. Sorry, wonderboy."

  94. "Speaking of, Shouldnt he be back here by now? I dont even know where he went." Tannin says, slowly lowering her to the ground

  95. Master...if you keep grinding your teeth, you will have none!

    "Kynth arha!" Goddard hisses and bangs his head a few times on the wall.

    "Ow..." he rubs the back of his head.

  96. Aara sits up slowly, her whole body not quite reacting as quickly as she would like. "How long has he been gone?" she asks.

  97. Goddard inhales slowly and exhales sharply before he slowly opens the door and walks back into the room.

  98. Aara smiles brightly, sliding back to the floor. "Nuur'eni!"

  99. He smiles back and heads straight to the table to get more wine. "I trust Tannin took care of you?" he asks, busying himself with food and drink.

  100. "We danced! And he sang for me," she says in a sing song voice.

  101. "Tannin?" Tannin asks, eyebrow cocked

  102. "Lovely," he says between clenched teeth and a fake smile.

    "Yes...that is still your name right?" He stuffs a piece of pheasant into his mouth.

  103. "Youve just never called me that. Infact, just about all of you have taken to calling me Khaladh" Tannin says

  104. Aara rises and stumbles over to where Goddard is. "And then he bit me again," she giggles in a loud whisper. "But I like it better when you're there."

  105. " was testing it to see if I liked it any different...Tannin...nope. I like Khaladh better," he chuckles.

    "You do?" He looks surprised at her and then he turns away. " don't need me around," he starts to rip apart another pheasant.

  106. Aara frowns. "I really do," she says, putting a hand on his shoulder. "I- it's better when I pretend it's you."

  107. He sighs. "I don't know what you see in me," Goddard chuckles, as he looks down into the glass of wine.

  108. Aara laughs and drops down into a chair. "A lifetime of adventure and someone who makes me laugh," she tells him. "And smart," she says softly. "Someone who wants me to be free…and maybe share that freedom." Even in her current state, she can tell something isn't right.

  109. Goddard smiles. "That's what I want for you most. Freedom. To do whatever makes you happiest," he takes a sip from his cup.

  110. Aara gives him her brightest smile. "I want to go to Altdorf with you, nuur'eni. I want to meet Otto and learn to read your dusty old books," she giggles.

  111. Goddard chuckles. "That's no fun. Father is insane and dusty books are...well...dusty. But I could teach you to read anyway."

    "And what if I am to stay in Naggaroth?" he asks absently.

  112. Aara shrugs. "Here, there. It makes no difference to me. If- if you want me there."

  113. "Whatever makes you happy," he says, touching her cheek softly. "Though I think you may find out I will not add to your happiness compared to everything else out there," he laughs.

  114. Aara pulls him close for a tight hug. "You're better than snow and home and al sal'ooq." Looking up at him, she yawns. "Can we go to sleep now?"
