Wednesday, December 26, 2012


" cheated you bitch!" one of the other men yells at her while both men take a step back.


  1. She sheaths both daggers. "Fair fight now?" She asks, moving forward. Aara's mind goes silent, and all she can hear is her own breath when he swings at her. She dodges him easily, moving under his arm and behind him to kick his knee. When he falls, she grabs him by the hair and jerks his head back.

    "You're lucky I promised not to kill you," she mutters, slamming her fist down into his throat.

  2. Goddard finally stables himself just in time to see the final man running away, screaming into the night about how "she's going to kill them all".

    "Nice job," Goddard sighs. "And you were worried..."

  3. It takes a moment to remember her promise and not plant a dagger in the man's back as he runs away. She doesn't even hear Goddard as she walks over the first man she hit. He lies on the ground, moaning.

    "He's not a nasty elf you pitiful son of a whore," she says, kicking him so hard she feels ribs give.

  4. Goddard hooks her arm in his and drags her away. "Come on you viscous thing you," he chuckles. "They won't bother you anymore."

  5. She stops him a moment to smooth her hair and button her vest correctly after taking her dagger from him. "You're ok?" She asks, glancing at him. "I don't even know where you landed."

  6. "Almost in a barrel," he grumbles. "And I'm fine."

    You can't even keep her a little bit safe...she doesn't need you...not for anything now...

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. "Good. Maybe now we can get our things and go back to the college."

    Thank Uzzaya they went for me and not him. He's far too important to be expendable.

  9. "Yeah," he mumbles.

    They get to the inn without any other incidents. Goddard is a bit quiet and remains so as they slowly ride their horses back toward the college.

  10. Aara lets him brood, knowing it will pass soon enough. I've never considered his pride when it comes to combat. Here I am, a little woman, teaching him how to fight. And always getting into fights. Usually over him.

    And teasing him about it afterward.

    "Nuur'eni," she whispers, "ana uhebbuka."

  11. "U ssinssrig dos," he whispers back.

    Why do you even try Goddard? Just accept it. If it isn't using your brain, you'll just fail horribly.

  12. She doesn't speak again as they settle the horses at the college and start for Goddard and Otto's room. Keeping her eyes down, she bites on her knuckle.

    Why do I feel like it's my fault when it isn't? This is why women in Araby wear the veils. It keeps us from feeling guilty about something we have no control over.

    Perhaps I should be wearing them again.

    Walking behind him, she slows and slips a hand into her pack and retrieves a simple veil that can't be seen through and arranges it around her head and across her face.

  13. Goddard looks behind him to make sure she's still following.

    She's been quiet too...

    "Why are you wearing that?" he asks stopping on the stairs. "You miss wearing it?"

  14. "No," she answers quietly. "But I finally understand why I had to wear it."

  15. "And the reason being?" he looks on expecting her to finish. "I never understood it really."

  16. "He told me he was going to save me, and called me gorgeous. Would they have bothered us if they hadn't seen me?" Her fingers knot around a mudra. "No, they would have left us alone, and no one would have to save anybody."

  17. Goddard laughs and continues up the stairs. "It wouldn't have mattered, lecai. You're a woman. And they are men. Human men. You could be wrapped in burlap from head to toe and they would just see you as an annoyingly wrapped gift."

  18. "How is that different than how you see me? You always say I have too much wrapping."

  19. "'s different?"

    Not really you idiot!

    " point is that it doesn't matter. You can wear it or you don't have to. So whatever you want to do is fine. It just won't change anything."

    "Are you bothering her again?" Otto asks, walking down the stairs toward them. He reaches Goddard and takes some of the stuff he is carrying.

  20. "He never bothers me, Otto," she says, unsure of where to put her gear and bag.

  21. Otto places what he took from Goddard down in a corner of the room they had been in before. "You can leave everything else here. We'll carry any armor and weapons to a different room and set up there. Goddard s right when he says people will recognize the armor."

  22. Aara sets her things next to Goddard's and removes her vest. Pulling her hair over a shoulder, she quickly braids and knots it at the base of her skull. "Whenever you're ready."

  23. Goddard gathers up the armor and Vampire's Bane.

    "I take it we can't use this one," Otto says unsheathing the Wailing blade and examining it. "Nice sword though. Dangerous but nice." Otto puts the sword away and walks over to a huge stack of books on the ground. By the books is a sword in its sheath, covered in dust.

    "I'll use this," Otto smiles. "Follow me."

    Otto takes them down a landing and walks through a quiet empty hallway. There are doors in this hallway, unlike the one that Otto and Goddard live at the end of.

    Otto opens one of the doors and motions for them to walk in. He closes the door behind them.

    The room is fairly large and almost completely empty. It's dimly lit and their shadows dance eerily on the walls. "Let's get you dressed up," Otto chuckles.

  24. Aara quietly helps with the armor and hands him the helmet. "You're better than you think," she tells him before sitting on the floor out of the way.

  25. Goddard sighs and puts the helmet on.

    "Very impressive," Otto grins. "At least you look impressive." he draws his sword.

    Goddard gets ready with his great sword and Otto instantly goes after him. Otto isn't hitting Goddard, but he's blocking and avoiding everything, moving around him faster than Goddard thought Otto was capable of moving.


    "Come on druchii," Otto taunts Goddard.

  26. Aara watches Otto with interest, but tries to focus on Goddard so she can better instruct him the next day. Once they focus on what they're doing, she realizes Otto is heckling Goddard in eltharin.

    I'll be glad when I've learned enough to be passable in eltharin, she thinks with a sigh.

  27. After this dance goes on for about a minute, Goddard stands still. "Iblith," he curses under his breath.

    "Giving up?" Otto asks annoyed. He still hasn't struck Goddard and doesn't seem a bit tired.

    Goddard rips the helmet off his head after undoing the ties and the pieces clatter to the floor. "No," he grumbles. "I can't see right."

    "Is that any bet..." Otto is interrupted by a charging Goddard.

  28. Aara wants to cheer when he charges. The armor isn't making much of a difference. Good.

    She pulls a whetstone out of her pocket and starts sharpening one of her daggers.

  29. "You can actually try," Goddard tells Otto. "I know you aren't really trying. So neither am I. I don't want to hurt you too bad."

    Otto chuckles and instantly clangs his sword into Goddard's rib area. "Better?"

    "Thalken," Goddard smirks.

    "Oh ow. Dagger to the heart. Is that payback for the paper bats?" Otto chuckles. "Are we going to pretend we're fighting over that sword?" Otto swings at Goddard who blocks the attack.

    "Hey! I was this close," he swings Vampire's Bane and almost catches Otto in the arm and continues, "Yeah that close to that sword. And it was one of the scariest sensations."

    "Worse than bats?"

    "Worse than bats."

  30. "Hayati you aren't singing," she says from the floor. "You never listen to me when I talk to you. Stop listening to him. You'll do better."

  31. Otto looks intrigued. "Singing?" He moves behind Goddard and hits him in the back with the sword.

    Goddard starts to sing and Otto quietly sings with him. A few words into the song, Goddard slices across Otto's forearm and the high elf retreats a few steps.

    "Did I get you?" Goddard asks before he goes back to singing.

    Otto nods and moves toward Goddard.

    Aara can see that Otto is more skilled than Goddard with a sword but not by much. If Goddard keeps practicing, he'll quickly be better than the high elf.

  32. Watching, she makes the mudra for extremely proud.

    He's learned so much, so quickly. It won't be long before he doesn't need me and my knives.

  33. Otto moves in and the tip of the sword scrapes across Goddard's jaw but in the process, Otto gets too close to Goddard's sword and gets a cut across his cheek.

    Goddard turns to swing and Otto quickly whispers a few words with a grin.

    "Oh you sneaky bastard!" Goddard yells as the sword slips from his hands and goes flying off into a dark corner of the room.

  34. Aara laughs and applauds them both. "Well done, nuur'eni."

  35. Otto continues to attack Goddard.

    "I can't use spells in this armor," Goddard whines as he carefully blocks the attacks from Otto with his vambracers.

    "Then you had better find your sword," Otto suggests.

  36. Instead of watching Goddard scramble for his sword, Aara closes her eyes and arranges her limbs into the familiar position for meditation.

    I've been neglecting this. My teacher would disapprove.

  37. Goddard takes a few good hits to the arms, keeping Otto from hitting anything that might be considered important. Goddard finally grabs his sword and gets back to attacking Otto.

    "Aara," Otto calls over to her. "Arm or leg? You're choice."

  38. "Nose," she answers, eyes closed. "I happen to like both his arms and his legs."

  39. Otto laughs and then begins to whisper a few words.

    Goddard knows exactly what's going to happen. "Father! That isn't fair!" His left leg gives out and he almost falls to the ground. He raises his sword up just in time to block an attack from above.

    "When was the last time an enemy has fought fairly?"

  40. "That's what you get, hayati," Aara giggles. "You and your nose nonsense."

  41. Goddard growls and limps around, defending more than attacking. Once Goddard seems to figure out how to compensate a bit for not being able to use his leg, Otto whispers again.

    "Oh come on!" Goddard tries to lift his arm up to his face but is too late.

    A bright flash lights up the area around Goddard. His swings go wild and Otto easily dodges the sword and taps his sword around Goddard's body.

  42. Opening her eyes, Aara bites her knuckle. He won't hurt him. Well, no worse than I do when we spar.

  43. Otto whispers yet again and Goddard drops hard to right knee. He seems to be having a hard time standing up.

    "Armor to heavy for you?" Otto asks with a snicker and whispers yet another spell.

    Vampire's Bane clatters to the floor and Goddard looks up weakly at Otto. Otto take the tip of his sword and puts it to Goddard's neck.

  44. Aara goes very still, watching Otto. "I'm not done with him yet, Otto," she says lightly. "Don't hurt him too badly."

  45. "You said you can't cast spells in that armor," Otto taps Goddard on the head with the sword. It makes a loud sound as it hits his horns.

    "Then don't wear it. You're weak. Stop trying to wear armor. A sword is fine to learn with, but don't rely on it," he taps Goddard's arms with the sword. "You have little string bean arms."

    Goddard stares up at Otto. He looks incredibly angry.

  46. Aara stands. "It's only the second time he's worn it." But I agree. I can protect him better than armor. His strength is in his magic, and he can't use it in armor.

  47. "Then this should be the last time he wears it. Unless he's going to some fancy party," Otto states matter-of-factly.

    "You aren't a warrior," Otto admonishes. "You're a wizard. Stop trying to be something you are not."

  48. "He's right, Goddard," she says gently. "Your strength is your magic, and the armor hinders that."

  49. " that he's incapacitated for a few minutes until the spells wear about we go get a couple of drinks?" Otto laughs.

  50. Aara shakes her head. "I'll stay until they wear off."

  51. "He could be here for a while," Otto whispers with a grin.

    "Why you..." Goddard starts.

    "Shhhh," Otto tells Goddard and whispers a few words.

    Goddard tries to speak and he can't. His face turns red as he tries to yell.

    Otto laughs.

  52. Aara follows Otto out the door. "That was extreme," she tells him in the hallway.

  53. Otto laughs as he watches Goddard try and fight the magic, trying to crawl across the floor.

    "Ok ok," Otto snaps his fingers. Goddard quickly stands up and opens his mouth to speak and nothing happens. "I think I'll leave that spell on for a bit," he smirks.

    Goddard begins to angrily remove his armor. Otto leans against the wall in the hallway. "Should we wait for him now that he can move again?"

  54. Aara raises a brow and leans against the other wall, arms acrossed over her chest. "Like your theatrics, don't you?"

  55. "It amuses me," Otto chuckles.

    Goddard is able to speak by the time he gets the armor off. He packs it up, grabs the sword and as he walks past Otto, elbows him hard in the stomach.

    Otto still manages to laugh after he coughs a few times and follows Goddard up the stairs.

    "Do you still want those drinks," Otto asks Aara.

  56. Keeping a wary eye on both elves, she nods. "That would be nice."

    She smiles at Goddard, but doesn't touch or speak to him. After all the time spent together, she knows his anger will pass before long, and in the meantime to just let it burn.

  57. Otto waits in the hallway while Goddard puts the armor in a corner of the room.

  58. "Are you ok?" she asks, walking over to Goddard.

  59. "Yes, I'm fine," he says. He doesn't seem angry at all. "I at least hope he sets the armor up so it looks nice and he doesn't just toss it in a corner. I'm not carrying it around with me anymore."

  60. "Are you two always like this? It's hard to imagine you care about each other," she laughs.

  61. Goddard laughs. "Yes we are."

    "He makes good points though. He always makes good points and I always learn something. It's why I can never truly be mad at him."

  62. "Yes, he did. I was beginning to wonder if it was even worth trying." She grins at him. "I'm prettier protection than that armor anyway."

  63. Goddard looks at the armor, looks at Aara, then looks back at the armor. "I don't know," he jokes. "That's some really pretty armor." He gets his scythe and Otto's scythe and walks back toward the door.

    "I should carry this more often. Everyone may be less likely to want to start anything if they see this."

  64. She kicks at him when he passes. "Mean," she says.

  65. Goddard almost trips but catches himself with the two scythes. "Blame him," Goddard gestures toward Otto.

    "What did I do now?" Otto asks, yanking his scythe away from Goddard.

  66. "It's not his fault," she retorts. "You're just a jerk."

    She walks over to stand beside Otto. "At least Otto's nice to me," she mockingly pouts.

  67. Otto puts his arm around Aara's waist and grins.

    "I'm a jerk? Look at what he's doing." Goddard points at Otto.

  68. "What's he doing besides being nice?" She leans her head against Otto's shoulder. "I'm prettier than his silly old armor, aren't I?" she asks him.

  69. "Oh of course! Without a doubt," Otto leads Aara away and down the stairs.

    Goddard grits his teeth and follows them down.

    "Have you ever had Morr's mead?" Otto asks Aara.

  70. Aara grins over her shoulder at Goddard and sticks her tongue out at him. "No, I haven't, but nuur'eni said it was much better than beer."

  71. "Beer is awful," Otto shakes his head.

    "What? Don't lie! You like beer and almost anything else alcoholic," Goddard grumbles as they finally step out the front door of the college. It's cold out and Goddard wraps himself up in his cloak.

    "Are you warm enough?" Otto asks Aara.

  72. Aara tucks her cloak tighter around her. "Koroush made sure I had a heavy cloak before we left Araby," she tells him. "I daresay between Koroush and nuur'eni I've never been better equipped."

  73. Otto pulls Aara closer and Goddard grits his teeth.

    Otto looks over at Goddard "Are you jealous kiddo? Come here."

    "No," Goddard snorts. "You have your scythe in that hand. And I have mine. It will end badly."

    They leave the older, deserted area around the college and walk out into a well lit area with a single building that looks occupied. It's a tavern and on the sign by the door is the image of a grim reaper holding a stein in one body hand.

  74. Aara laughs. "Are you jealous, nuur'eni? I'm only being nice to your father. You wanted us to get along, didn't you?"

  75. "Yeah but not this well," he grumbles.

    They walk into the tavern and the bartender points at Goddard. "Haven't seen you in a while," he says surprised. "The usual?"

    "Yes," Goddard says with a nod. "Three...for now anyway."

  76. With a giggle, Aara unwraps herself from Otto's arm and slinks over to Goddard. "Majdoube sihr," she breathes into his ear, catching his earlobe in her teeth. "I'm only being nice to your old, decrepit father."

  77. Goddard sort of melts and smiles as the drinks are brought to the table.

    Otto sits next to Goddard and narrows his eyes at Aara. "I heard that, little one," he grumbles, trying not to laugh.

  78. Aara bites her lip and looks as innocent as possible and bats her eyes at Otto. "Heard what?" she asks, leaning against Goddard and toying with his fingers.

  79. "Oh she's good," Otto whispers to Goddard. "You're in trouble."

    "I know," Goddard whispers back.

  80. Aara smiles sweetly at them. "You don't mind a little trouble, do you, nuur'eni?" She takes a drink of the mead and her eyes light up. "Oh! This is wonderful!"

  81. "It's basically honey wine," Goddard says taking a sip. "Just don't drink it too fast or have too much. It's called Morr's Mead for a reason," he chuckles. "I've seen some people drop pretty fast."

  82. Aara, unaccustomed to drinking more than a half cup of wine, has to watch herself. "It doesn't even taste like anything you could get drunk on," she marvels, staring into the tankard.

  83. "You could get really drunk. I can help." A man who has obviously had too much to drink leans against the table and grins at Aara.

  84. With a quick wink to Goddard and Otto, Aara's eyes go wide and she puts on her most innocent face again. "Can you? I've never been drunk before..."

  85. The man stumbles over to the bar and slaps some coins down. "More lady for the mead!" He slumps into a stool and lays his head on the bar. Goddard and Otto shake their heads. "Humans," Otto mumbles.

  86. Aara laughs. "Did he pass out already?" When the new mug arrives, she uses it to top off everyone's drink.

  87. "I'm still here," the man mumbles, raising his glass. "Let me know when you're drunk enough and then...then we can go to my house...or outside..or on the bar...I'm not picky..."

  88. "On the bar?" She stands up and puts her hands on her hips, looking for something to throw at him.

  89. "Then on the bar it is!" he laughs and almost falls out of the stool.

    "She knows not to kill anyone right? I don't want to deal with the aftermath," Otto whispers.

    "Yeah I told her," Goddard replies.

  90. "Do you think I'm that cheap and easy, kalet?" she shouts. One of her daggers appears in her hand, but when she pulls her arm back to throw it, she sees Goddard shaking his head.

    Taking a deep breath, she replaces the weapon and smooths her hair down. Grabbing up her mug, she walks over to the drunk and taps him on the shoulder. When he turns around, she throws her drink in his face and pokes him in the eye.

    Turning back to the barkeep, she asks nicely for a refill.

  91. The barkeep leans on the bar and eyes Aara up. "Pull those out one more time missy and you're out the it?" He doesn't even make a motion to refill her drink. "I can tell you aren't from around here. So I'll let this first bit slide."

  92. She nods. "I understand," she tells him. "Won't happen again."

  93. He takes her mug and refills it. "I'm expecting a nice extra tip Grim."

    Goddard takes a sip from his mug. "Yes sir," he mumbles.

  94. "Grim?" she says, returning to her chair. "It seems no one calls you by name."

  95. "I never told anyone around Altdorf my name," Goddard says. "No one ever asked. No surprise they call me Grim here with the scythe and all."

    "And you try not to call your apprentices by name," Otto adds. "They have a tendency you try and avoid getting attached. Calling them all fluffy or something makes it less painful if they melt."

  96. "I see. My ustadh did something similar at times. Only the best were called by anything more than a number."

  97. Goddard stands up and takes his mug and Otto's mug to get a re-fill.

    "What does that mean?" Otto asks. "You say an awful lot of words that I've never heard before."

  98. "It means..." She struggles for the word in reikspeil. " In reikspeil, I think it translates to 'highly esteemed teacher'."

  99. "Ahh, so me," Otto laughs.

    "What about you?" Goddard asks, placing the filled mugs on the table.

    Otto raises a brow. "None of your business? This is between the lovely lady and I."

  100. Aara laughs and takes another drink. "Yes, you would fall under that title. Though I daresay you've aged better than he did."

  101. "I'm a highly esteemed teacher," Otto says to Goddard.

    Goddard almost spills his drink laughing. Otto levels his eyes on Goddard and stares at him as if he is starting into his soul.

    Goddard gulps. "A...Auyl," he says softly.

  102. Avoiding looking at Otto, Aara keeps drinking.

  103. Goddard and Otto seem to be done at two drinks. The finish faster than Aara does and they just lean back in the seats. Otto has his eyes closed and looks fairly content. Goddard watches the people who walk in and out of the tavern as he always has.

  104. Halfway into her second mug, Aara pushes it away and starts twisting her fingers into various mudras she hasn't used recently. How strange this is.

  105. Otto opens an eye and looks at Aara. "What's that? That you're doing with your hands."

  106. "Mudra. It's...well, to put it simply, it's how I talk with my hands. In a way." She bites the knuckle of her index finger, trying to think of how to explain something that came so easily to her.

  107. Otto yawns. "What are you saying?"

  108. Her hands flutter from one shape to the next as she rattles off their meanings. "Happiness. Peace. Clarity of mind. Protection. Sadness. Anxiety."

  109. Otto nods and closes his eyes again. "Interesting."

    "Are you ok lecai? We'll go when you're ready," Goddard smiles.

  110. "I'm fine," she assures him. "Just running through them out of habit. But if you want to go, I'm ready."

  111. "He said when you're ready," Otto mumbles.

    "You look like you're ready for bed father," Goddard chuckles. "We should probably all go."

  112. Aara stands and closes her eyes a moment. "Did I drink that much?" she asks, dizzy. When it passes she wraps her cloak around herself.

  113. Otto stands up and helps Aara. "You aren't used to this are you?"

    He leads Aara out. Before Goddard walks out the door the barkeep calls to him. "You forgot something Grim. You have a little too much?"

    Otta stands outside with Aara. He leans against the building and crosses his arms. "You really should pull back," he says. "From cynath. He's going to get himself killed. He'll worry about you more than himself."

  114. Aara looks down at the ground. "I know," she says softly. "But I don't know how. He shouldn't even bother worrying about me. I'm not worth his worry."

  115. "You reeled him in, so to say. Throw him back. Find someone else to cling onto or something."

  116. Aara chews on her knuckle. "If I didn't love him so much, I could." She scowls when her knuckle starts to bleed. "Damn, again." Looking up at Otto, she nods. "I'll try, Otto."

  117. "Good," Otto whispers as Goddard walks out.

    "He's lucky I made a bunch of gold after selling that nauglir," Goddard mumbles.

    Otto chuckles and walks beside Goddard.

  118. "I'm sorry, Goddard," she tells him, walking next to Otto. "I should have paid him."

  119. "No, don't worry about it lecai. I over paid him and it hardly made a dent," Goddard laughs.

  120. Can I really do that? Can I cut myself off from him? Her hands start knotting into several mudras as they walk. Gritting her teeth, she grabs the edges of her cloak and wraps an arm around herself and sets to chewing her knuckle again.

    Lost in thought, she trips and sprawls across the cobblestones.

  121. Goddard hurries to her side. "Is the mead getting to you?" he chuckles and helps her back to her feet.

  122. "Um. Yeah, a little," she stammers, dusting herself off and looking at everything but Goddard. "It seems I need walking lessons more than dancing."

  123. Otto sighs and shakes his head.
    You expected a human to understand...

    "Hey we should add practicing dancing...actual dancing to our list of things we practice. Minus the mead."

  124. Don't shake your head at me you old bastard. You didn't expect it to happen all at once, did you? I'm only human.

    She walks a few steps behind Otto. "If that's what you want," she tells him, faking a smile.

  125. Goddard keeps pace with Aara. "Are you sure you're ok. Maybe I shouldn't have gotten you Morr's mead just yet."

  126. "I'm fine," she promises. "Your chaos porcupine must have infected me with clumsiness."

  127. Otto quietly walks ahead of them.

    Goddard grabs Aara's hand. "Guess what I heard? They opened up the rest of the zoo. I was wondering where all the other animals were. They were working on it. The barkeep told me about it."

  128. "Goddard, I don't think I can go to the zoo with you," she says quietly.

  129. "Why?" he asks surprised. "You have to see the pegasus and the...the dragon! The Emperor's dragon! You'll love it!"

  130. She stops walking and smiles sadly. "I'm sure I would. And I'd probably fall a little more in love with you. But..." Her hands make a mudra for forgiveness. "But we spend so much time together, and Tannin was right when he said I should pull back. Just like Otto is now."

  131. "Wait...what?" Goddard stands in front of her so she stops walking and looks at her confused.

  132. She closes her eyes so she doesn't have to look at him. "Otto said I should pull back. That you could get killed because you're busy worrying about me." She bites her lip against the burn of tears. "And I'm not worth that."

  133. "What?!" Goddard shouts and runs toward Otto, tackling him to the ground. Luckily they both let their scythes go and neither tries to reach for them.

  134. What? I didn't expect that reaction.

    It takes her a moment to shake off the shock before walking over to where they're rolling around. "Stop it," she demands. "You're acting like...well, like humans!"

  135. Otto finally ends up getting Goddard to lay face down. He holds one of his arms behind his back in an awkward position and keeps wrapping Goddard's tail around his hand.

    Goddard tries to wiggle free. "You have no right!"

    "Calm down you brat!" Otto puts pressure on the arm.

    "Why would you tell her that?"

    "Because I care."

    "No you don't!"

    "Typical child," Otto grumbles. "Can we talk back at the college?"


  136. Aara shakes her head and starts walking again.

  137. "I'm going to let you go...and you're going to not come after me...or I'm going to hurt you," Otto says. "And this will be the last time I ever try to talk to a human in reference to you."

    "Now...remember...I can set your insides on fire," Otto lets Goddard up and scoops up the scythes, handing the one back to Goddard.

    He snatches it from Otto and they surprisingly walk by each other, albeit quietly, back to the college.

  138. Fuming, she walks ahead of them. Stupid elves. Just as bad as vampires. Why can't anyone just leave it alone? Am I just not supposed to be happy? Is Goddard?

    I should have stayed in Araby.

  139. Once back in the room in the college, Otto takes a seat in a chair and sighs.

    "Damn kids," he grumbles. "I know how you are Goddard...and maybe I should have talked to you instead of her...if you are going to be traveling, you need to stop at any kind of romantic relationship. That distraction will get you killed, son." Otto crosses his arms.

    "Or make you do some idiotic thing in the name of love."

    "Wouldn't you do something idiotic for me?" Goddard growls.

    "Yes and no...if you think me getting myself killed to save you is stupid...then I'm stupid...but you are younger than me and will have more time to work and be able to do so many great things. Isn't that why your cousin suggested you save more elves from Naggaroth? She's a human. What is she going to do in her short life span to further the advances of the world?"

  140. "Nothing," she answers softly. "Don't you think I haven't thought about it already?"

  141. "See? least in that department. I didn't mean for you do humans say it...drop Goddard like a sack of potatoes. He needs company and a friend and someone to be there because he is the worst elf that has ever lived. A dark elf, raised by a high elf in a human city? He's a mess."

    "But what you don't need is something that will cloud your logic and make you do rash things."

  142. Aara almost laughs. If he knew how rash I already was. Just like Koroush said: reckless and always have been.

    "Of course, you're right. You're probably the kind of person who's always right and always knows what's best for someone else. But I went through hell for Goddard, watched him marry a bitch, and put my life in his hands. So right or not, I'm tired of others telling me what's best for me or him or our relationship."

  143. "I'm not married," Goddard grumbles looking at his hands and twisting one of the amethyst rings on his finger.

    "I...guess I understand what you are saying father," Goddard grits his teeth, hating that he understands anything that comes out of Otto's mouth. "But I'm not the same. I've changed. You know of how I used to be before I left. I'm not some stupid kid."

    Otto stifles a laugh.

    "Ok fine...I'll always be your stupid kid because you're as ancient as the land. But..."

    Otto nods.

  144. Aara bites her tongue and waits to see what he says next.

  145. "But...I don't know," Goddard shrugs and sighs.

    "No," Otto says standing up and walking toward Goddard who is sitting on a bed. "You know. You just don't have words."


    "You're right. You aren't the same. You grew up. You aren't stupid. You never were. I just don't want you to become stupid," Otto says, tugging one of Goddard's horns so he looks up.

    "I can only get smarter," Goddard looks up smiling. "Isn't that how that goes? The older you get, the smarter you get? And I had my seventy first birthday not too long ago. So I just got that much more smart."

    Otto laughs.

  146. When they start speaking to one another in eltharin, Aara thinks it's finished. So I'm to finish this for Koroush, and then find my own way, is that it? Perhaps Kislev isn't so cold all the time?

  147. ((eltharin))

    Otto gives Goddard a quick kiss on the top of his head.

    "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said anything like that," Otto says.

    "You could have just said 'I love you, be careful' and you would have gotten the same idea across..." Goddard laughs.

    Otto smiles and walks out the room.


    "Where are you going?" Goddard asks.

    "To get...I don't know...pillows."

    Goddard walks over to the other bed and sits down by Aara before he gives her a long tight hug and sighs.

  148. "I know I'm just a human," she says softly. "If I could, I'd have pulled back when this all began. But I can't do things by halves."

  149. "Could you just answer one thing for me..." Goddard asks, burying his face in the hair that falls around her shoulders. "Will you come to the zoo with me tomorrow?"

  150. After a moment of stunned silence, she laughs loudly. "For you, hayati, anything. On one condition." She grabs his horns and gently levels him to look at her, her face serious.

    "You have to promise to show me the moose this time."

  151. "I'll show you the moose and all kinds of other amazing animals," he laughs.

    "And I'm sorry for all of this...for Otto...for my temper..."

  152. "I know you have a temper. And I'm sure Otto meant well. Just once I'd like someone to look at us and say 'they look so happy and loving, I won't tell them the bad things they already know.'"

  153. "Didn't your family in Araby think that?" he smiles.

  154. "Kind of? They made it very.clear that I'd need to settle down and have babies for them."

    She slides into his lap and lays her forehead against his neck. "I thought you were going to tell me this...whatever it is, was finished," she whispers.

  155. "No," he whispers. "Never. And father never meant that to be the case either. He's just...really confusing. He should have just talked to me. Or maybe it wouldn't have mattered...I'd have went after him either way."

  156. She yawns. "And I thought Koroush and Rayya were exhausting."

  157. "You should get some rest," Goddard says, tossing a large fluffy blanket over Aara's head.

  158. Aara laughs and pulls the blanket down. "I'm going to need it if I'm going to stick around you two," she murmurs, curling up against him. "And go see the moose."

  159. Goddard snuggles up by Aara and closes his eyes. "The moose will be nothing in comparison but we can go find it."

  160. "I wanna see that nose..." She closes her eyes and sighs deeply. "Since you don't one have..."

  161. "Well sorry I'm noseless," he chuckles.

    Otto walks back into the room, without any pillows, and lights a candle on a cluttered table.

  162. Aara mumbles something incoherently as she falls asleep.

  163. Goddard lays with Aara a while, to make sure she's asleep. He then carefully gets up and leans on the table Otto is sitting at.

    "Busy?" Goddard asks.

    "Nope," Otto shuts the book he was reading. "I'm more interested in your books than this book anyway. Of course I can't look at them, so you'll have to tell me about them."

    " have to give humans a bit more credit," Goddard crosses his arms. "Nagash was a human. A human from the South Lands. Just like Aara."

    "I can't make any promises," Otto says raising a brow.

  164. Katarina's eyes snap open, startled. The candle on the table has burned low, a sign of how long she had dozed. Looking down at the table, she shakes her head at the parchment before her. She reads quietly the words she has written.

    "Dearest Count and Lady of Dragon's Reach,

    "I must bring you the misfortune of announcing the death of your son, Tannin; Royal Knight, Baron, and beloved friend."

    Wadding up the parchment she drops the ball onto the floor and sighs. "I'll never get this right! I need to find a quiet place to think tomorrow."

    Standing up her lower back pops loudly twice. She winces and stretches before moving to the small bed. Picking up Tannin's grail sword, she stares at it. Drawing the blade she moves into an en'garde pose. "How do I explain this? I cannot say what you became, but so many heroic deeds came after you died; all done by that monster with your face."

    Slashing the air a few times, Katarina takes a more guarded pose. "Goddard knows death stuff enough so that I have to believe him that you were still you, but the changes that happened were so drastic... you were all but dead in spirit. The horrible things said and suggested... it made sense that Tannin had died, replaced by a monster called Khaladh."

    Sighing again, she lowers the sword and sheathes it. Placing it on the table and picking up the candle, she gives the weapon one last look. "You're coming with me tomorrow. Maybe you'll help me figure out what to say. You knew him longest."

    Climbing into bed, she settles the light blanket and blows out the candle.

  165. Goddard tells Otto about the books and what each talks about. He tells him about Nagash and how he was a bone priest and how the first pharaoh of Nehekra commissioned Nagash to make him a god on earth.

    "Very interesting," Otto says. The two end up in front of the fireplace, making a little bit of soup.

    "But see how a human can mess up?"

    "You were supposed to acknowledge that they can be and o a lot more than you give them credit for."

    "I said I wouldn't promise anything."

    "You're hopeless father."

  166. "Would you at least promise to stop using human as an insult around Aara?"

    Otto sits quietly and contemplates this. For longer than Goddard thinks is reasonable. Goddard elbows Otto.

    "Ok ok fine," he finally says.

  167. This comment has been removed by the author.

  168. "He was human?"

    Aara leans against a bookshelf, barefoot and hair disheveled. She'd woken still fully dressed, a dagger hilt jabbing into her stomach. When she got up to change into one of the heavily embroidered sleep shirts Rayya had sent, she'd heard Goddard telling Otto the story of Nagash.

    Suddenly, her sleep-addled brain makes a connection. "The bone priests weren't always keepers of the dead...they committed horrible acts, too." She looks up at them. "Were the bone priests necromancers?"

  169. The elves turn to look at Aara. They both had forgotten anyone else was even here.

    "They weren't necromancers," Goddard says. "But they did discover the secret to immortality...sort of. And I think the current bone priests have strayed away from that. Because of necromancers, anyone dealing with dead get a bad reputation."

  170. "Stories say that there is an unknown catastrophe that shook the priests to the depths of their souls. It split the order, one half began to tend the dead in atonement, and the others disappeared." She looks at her hands as she sits on the floor and tucks her knees beneath her chin. We weren't so different then, either. "I don't know how true it is, they're just stories parents use to scare their children."

  171. "It may be more true than you think," Otto says stirring the soup.

    "The other group that broke off makes up the cult of Nagash," Goddard says.

    "Oh and that orb," Otto continues. "Only you can look at that cynath. Well...anyone can look at it but unless they are druchii, it will make them go insane."

    "Oh wow...I did not know that," Goddard whispers.

    "That's why I'm telling you," Otto chuckles.

  172. Aara shudders. Amazing how one who never trusted magic or it's users could find herself so tangled up in all this.

    "The future is something best left alone," she murmurs. "Katarina hasn't tried to question you about it, has she?"

  173. "I used the orb to know what was going to happen at the temple," Goddard chuckles. "I know you were wondering what the heck was going on when I said that we would go to the temple."

    "And no. I think she hates me even more than before. She doesn't even really look at me I don't think," Goddard smirks.

  174. "That nearly killed me," she laughs. "I was determined to stand there staring at him, but then you started going along with it! Do you know the attack I almost had?"

  175. Goddard laughs. "I'm sorry. I tried to tell you a little bit so you knew what to expect but I guess it wasn't enough information."

  176. "I don't know if I could have understood anything after you agreed to that. Not even Katarina's disgusting drink could calm my nerves."

  177. "You were that scared of becoming my wife? Sheesh...thanks lecai," Goddard chuckles.

  178. "I said yes, didn't I? And don't pretend to be insulted, because you're not. Neither of us want marriage and it's no secret. Well, in you're case, another marriage." She grins and tosses her hair over her shoulder. "Besides, I'm First Wife material."

  179. "If I'm married, then I'm a second husband that was told to not come back," he smirks.

  180. "Which is why it'd never work between us," she tells him, smiling. "You've been found wanting by your wife and sent away."

  181. "I think she was just embarrassed," Goddard laughs.

    "Let's go with that," Otto chuckles.

  182. Otto grabs a bowl and fills it with soup. "Would you like some?" he asks Aara. "It's nothing too fancy. I didn't have much but it's good. And warm."

  183. "No, thank you," she says, shaking her head. "I'm still stuffed from dinner." She tucks her shirt around her feet. "How is you two can eat so much?"

  184. "Brain food," Otto says handing the bowl to Goddard. "We think too much. Plus, he can use all the food he can get."

  185. She snickers. "He thinks he'll get muscles one day, can you believe that?" she asks Otto.

  186. "Oh told me you were getting smarter," Otto shakes his head.

    Goddard's ears droop. "Lecai! You're supposed to be on my side!"

  187. "I am, hayati," she tells him. "I tell you over and over: You keep getting smarter, and I'll be the muscle."

  188. "That's a good plan. I can tell you fight better than Goddard," Otto takes a sip of the soup. "Maybe we can spar?"

    "Don't do it lecai...he cheats," Goddard whispers loudly.

  189. "How can you tell?" she asks. "I haven't done anything."

    She laughs at Goddard's 'whisper.' "I know, nuur'eni, I watched him do it."

  190. Otto shrugs. "I notice subtle things. You get good at it after watching the world for a few hundred years."

    "And that was not cheating. That was perfectly fair...for a wizard to use magic in a fight."

  191. She grins. "Against another wizard, perhaps, but I have no spells or protection against magic. A word and you will best me."

  192. "Why don't you do that Goddard? You'll actually beat her?"

    "Because it isn't fair? And I'm trying to get better with the sword. If I just cast spells, I won't learn anything," Goddard takes a sip of soup and almost spits it out as he sort of ducks from some invisible thing.

    "Cynath...they are all the way up there, relax."

  193. "Goddard is a quick study. He's getting very good. Soon I'll have to start trying." She looks up into the darkness above them. "How many are there?"

  194. "Too many," Goddard whispers.

    Otto stands up and walks over to a large window. He hits a latch on the side and cracks it open. A cold wind blows though and Aara can see a stream of bats fly out the window.

    Goddard cringes and makes a whimpering sound as he stares at the window.

  195. Aara moves closer and strokes his hair, murmuring soothing words to him in arabyan.

  196. "So dramatic," Otto laughs and closes the window. Not all the bats were able to get out but Otto doesn't want it to get too cold. Aara can hear the bats soft squeaking and scrapping in the darkness.

    "It's your fault," Goddard grumbles.

    "Yes...because I told them to fly into your face," Otto says sarcastically.

  197. "Aren't you afraid of anything, Otto?"

  198. Otto walks slowly back to his seat and looks thoughtful.

    " no not that...not even that," he mumbles. "Not really. Except maybe one thing. I'm afraid of losing cynath." Otto sits down and takes a sip of the soup.
