Monday, December 17, 2012


"I should head back to the safe house then and get cleaned up, lecai." He blows her a kiss before he turns Zhane around and heads back to the ship.

Master! You came back!

"Of course I did. Come on. I'm going to bring all my stuff with me so you can relax too."

Thank you Master. You are truly the kindest soul in existence!

"I know I know," he grins.

Goddard packs up everything from the chest into the new pouches and baskets he got for Zhane.  He packs the armor up and puts it on the back of the saddle. Zhane lowers his head.

"Oh come on. It's not all that bad. And I'll take it all off you soon. Now everything is just packed and prepped and I don't need this big box anymore."

Goddard rides to the safe house, get's Zhane settled and comfortable, and gets to making himself comfortable.


  1. Aara waves as they part. She rides slowly through the camp, looking for Rayya's tent. When she finds it, she laughs to see the little palace that has been constructed for her.

    "Ah, little shadow! Come in, come in," Rayya says, embracing her. "Afya, you're soaking wet!" She gestures to one of the women in the tent. "Go find her a gown to wear! Something pretty and sensual."

    Aara laughs. "Not just yet, Malika. I've things to do later tonight, and a bath before them."

    Rayya nods. "Take it with you, then. It is too lovely not to be worn."

    Aara is presented with an exquisite gown. Long and layered with purple and blue, it has a deep V in the font and is heavily beaded and embroidered. It is almost two dresses in design: a calf-length plum silk gown layered over a midnight blue skirt. The trim and beads are a mixture of black, purple, and blue, and form a celestial pattern.

    "Malika...where did you find such a gown?" Aara gasps.

    Rayya chuckles. "My son is a conquering hero, thanks to your magnoon. Anything I might desire is mine."

    Aara nods and sets the gown aside. "I'll wear it tonight," she promises. Sitting on a cushion, she looks around. "Has Koroush made any plans about what's to be done?"

    She and Rayya talk for a long while about getting the people settled into a new life. As the afternoon drifts on, the conversation changes. Rayya asks Aara about her relationship with Goddard, which elicits giggles from all the women in the tent.

    "Little shadow, I forget you have not had the instruction of an elder woman, and Koroush would not allow the harem to do so either. Have some wine, and much will be explained."

  2. Master, why put all your belongings in the same corner of the room? It's empty now. You can have the whole room!

    "Because that's my corner," Goddard chuckles.

    I see...Master.

    He digs through his bag for the silken robes that he had worn under the armor and when he pulls them out, the black orb which was wrapped in them, rolls across the floor.

    Did you ever find out exactly what that is Master?
    The shadow lands on top of the orb once it stops rolling.

    "No I haven't." Goddard picks the orb up and turns it over in his hands, examining it carefully. "And it hasn't done much of anything since it last showed me what I hope to accomplish." He places the orb in the bag and finishes gathering some clothing.

  3. Can I crawl into a hole and die, now? This is mortifying.

    Rayya has decided that Aara is to bathe and be dressed before leaving the camp. While they heat bucket after bucket of water, Aara's education continues. Rayya sends girls running for various items of finery- even all of Aara's gear.

    "Really, Rayya, this isn't necessary. He doesn't care what I look like," Aara pleads. "Don't make me look ridiculous."

    Seeing Aara's face, Rayya sends everyone away. Kneeling next to the metal tub she'd had brought in, she clasps the girls hand. "Afya, you never look ridiculous."

    "When you dress me up like a peacock I do. I'm too plain for any of that."

    Rayya laughs. "Plain? Has my son let you believe that you're plain? My dear, you were a plain child, that is true, but it gave way to a deep beauty."

    "Why does everyone tease me about it?" Aara asks angrily. "Even Goddard keeps saying I'm gorgeous. I've seen myself, I know."

    "You use those daggers of yours to apply your khol," Rayya reminds her. "They aren't a proper mirror. And your magnoon is far more wise than you are if you think yourself anything but beautiful."

    Aara doesn't say anything as she sullenly stares at the water.

    Rayya chuckles and kisses the top of her head. "Let me do this for you, and your magnoon. If you cannot see yourself through my eyes, perhaps this will help you see yourself through his."

  4. Once the bath is ready, Goddard hops in and sinks up to his chin in the water.

    "This is nonsense Arha," Goddard complains a few moments later.

    What is Master?

    "I can't feel how hot the water...ahh there we go. I guess it took a while." He pokes his hand with his claw. "I can't feel that..."

    Are you going to be ok Master? Did that lizard slime ruin you for life? Will you never be able to feel again? That vile woman, Master! She wanted to numb you forever! All for what!?

    Goddard laughs. "You're so paranoid...I'm sure I'll be ok."

  5. Although she refuses them to do more than apply jasmine oil to her hair, it seems that Aara has little other choice. Rayya and her women dress her and paint her eyes in spite of all her protests. When Koroush's voice is heard outside the tent, Aara groans.

    My humiliation is complete.

  6. Are you awake Master?

    "Of course," Goddard opens his eyes to see the shadow a few inches from his face. "If I fall asleep, I can drown."

  7. "Come in, come in," Rayya calls, fussing with Aara's dress.

    When Koroush sees her, his face goes slack. "Aara," he breathes. "You look..."

    "Ridiculous, I know," she snorts. "Blame your mother."

    He steps forward and tucks her hair behind her ear. "Not ridiculous at all. I was going to say beautiful."

    You too?

    "what do you want, my son? I'm occupied," Rayya tells him.

    Koroush laughs and turns to his mother. "I came to visit my mother, is that unacceptable?"

    Rayya sneers at him playfully. "You've left this girl uneducated. How is she to go into the world not knowing the powers of a woman?"

    "As I am a man, I thought it best to not educate her myself."

    Rayya smacks her son across the chest. "Be gone, naughty child! I will dine with you tonight after Afya leaves."

    Koroush looks back to Aara. "You're leaving? So soon?"

    Aara blushes. "Only to the inn. Ali has asked me to stay with him so we can talk."

    He nods. "I see. Please, give him my thanks for helping provide so much for us."

    Aara nods, looking everywhere except at Koroush. When he leaves, she lets out a big breath of relief. "Rayya, for my sake, don't talk like that to him," she pleads. "He was my guardian."

    Rayya chuckles as she settles an oversized heavy cloak on Aara's shoulders. "I will speak as I like, I am the Malika. Your things have been put on your horse. Go!" she says, shooing Aara out of the tent.

  8. I forgot! Sorry Master.

    "It's ok. I'll forgive you. Easy to forget when you don't need to breath." Goddard hops out of the bath and wraps himself in a towel before he gets to washing the salty clothing he had on earlier.

    For a split second I was reminded of being washed up onto the beach long ago...and that quickly melted away because she was there...and instead of causing anxiety, it was one of the most relaxing times I've had on a beach...

  9. Katarina rides up into the tent city and dismounts. Pulling the scrap of paper from her pocket she shakes her head at the directions to the library written in Arabic. Well, at least he spoke Reikspiel. I'll worry about it tomorrow, though. It's getting later in the day and I need to look into the stuff I was preparing for Koroush.

    Shoving the paper into her pocket, she leads Anya further into the makeshift town. Seeing the equivalent of a tent castle, she wearily shakes her head and smiles. They certainly celebrate their heroes here in Araby. Which reminds me, I ought to say something to Goddard. As much as that wretched land wore on all of us, he did get us through there unscathed. Her hand drifts to her side where a scar now lies from the daemon's attack on her. Well, in one piece.

    Seeing Aara, she smiles and waves before tying Anya to a tent peg. She looks incredible! I wonder why she's all dressed up?

  10. Aara grits her teeth and pulls the hood of the cloak up. If I hold it closed, maybe no one will notice.

    When Katarina waves, she musters up a smile and prays that she doesn't comment on how she looks. "Hello Kasha, you've been riding as well?"

  11. "A little. The sand is a bit difficult for Anya, but she's always loved to run. I also was seeking some information in town and got pointed to a library. After getting lost, I decided to just come here and check in on things.

    "Where are you headed off to?"

  12. "Oh, I was at the library earlier today. I'll show you tomorrow morning when it's opened again. I'm going to have a dinner with my brother and his family. They've recently had another child," she explains.

  13. Goddard hangs up his clothes to dry and gets in the silken robes from Naggaroth. These were the robes that the plate went over, and when a noble is not wearing the plate, the robes symbolized his status.

    Most of the fabric is black but transitions to dark blue and then purple at around the knees. On the bottom edge are various druhir symbols.

    "This is so much more wonderful without all that armor," he sighs. "But I should practice with it more. The armor and the sword."

  14. Katarina smiles. "Thank you, that's most generous.

    "That's wonderful news! I wish them all the best. Dinner with children can be hazardous though, I hope nothing happens to your beautiful ensemble."

  15. "It will be a pleasure. Even before I could read, I enjoyed the library. You will like it very much." Tucking her cloak tighter around her, she laughs. "Rayya would be more upset than anyone, but I won't mind all that much," she laughs. "Also, Koroush has set up several tents near the center for us. There should be someone around to point you to dinner as well."

  16. "Thank you Aara. Don't fault Rayya too much for the fancy clothes and make-up, my mother was similar. My case was a bit painful for her, though until Ilka came along. Then it was my turn to be jealous, me in my brother's hand me downs and her in these beautiful little dresses.

    "But you look lovely and rightfully so. Your true beauty is emphasized and brought to the attention of all. Don't hide it, Aarta.

    "Hope your time with family is enjoyable."

  17. Aara nods. "I won't, it just makes me uncomfortable to be painted like a doll. But I should go, enjoy your evening," she says, walking over to the man holding Kasida's reins. Pinning a matching veil across her face, she swings into the saddle and rides toward the city.

  18. Katarina waves a farewell to Aara and watches her ride from the camp. I can't fault her for not wanting to be someone's doll. Ulric take me, she is so much like Ilka.

    A breeze blows past her, bringing the faint smell of roasting meat and baking bread. Katarina's stomach rumbles, prompting a laugh. "I might not have to ask directions to dinner. I can just follow my nose."

  19. When Aara arrives at the safehouse, she hands off her horse and slips in through the kitchen, where Ali is waiting. "Is everything ready?" she whispers.

    He takes her cloak and tells her Goddard is upstairs and there's no need to whisper. Aara leans against the counter, sipping the tea he offered, watching as her brother laughs and heads into the common room.

    This is foolish. What am I doing?

  20. Goddard leans against his mobile library as he reads his books and tomes, taking notes on both his notebook and his arm. Arha sits on Goddard's shoulder looking rather comfortable and content as it looks over the book that is being read and the rest of the room.

    "I don't know Arha...I think the stronger I become at magic, the more likely bad things are going to happen."

    Maybe so Master...I'll be here to help.

  21. Ali pokes his head back into the kitchen some time later. "The girl says he's holed up in the room I stuck you all in last time, reading."

    Aara nods and sets her tea cup down. "Thank you, Ali."

    He grins, the look both brotherly and mischievous. "You look ridiculous, did you know that?"

    Tossing a familiar curse at him, she slips up the servants stairwell and goes up to the roof to watch the sun set. I think Rayya made me even more nervous, she thinks as the stars come out. Twilight sets in, a soft gloom of blue, purple, and gray, camouflaging her against the sky.

  22. Goddard yawns and closes the tome on his lap. "So many words and spells and books. I'm lucky I have plenty of time to figure them all out."

    Your brain is big enough, Master.

    "I know," he grins and goes to pat Arha.

    "Well darn...the one time I'd willing touch a bat and I forget my hand will go right through you..."

    it's the thought that counts Master.

  23. "Anissa? Everything is ready. Would you like me to fetch him to you?"

    Aara turned to see the servant girl standing at the door. She didn't seem so nervous before she found out who I was. Or perhaps it is my return from the dead. "No, but thank you. I'll stay here a while longer and collect him myself."

  24. Goddard puts the time away and gets the orb. He puts it on the floor and points to it. "Sit here Arha." He then pulls a stick of charcoal out of a pouch and opens his notebook to a clean page. "I'm going to draw you."

    Yes Master! I'm honored!

  25. You can see the camp from here. It looks like a small city on it's own, the fires glittering in the dark among a sea of tents. Koroush will be a good leader. Our travels have seen to that. She smiles softly. So long as there is always someone to lay out his bed, he doesn't need me anymore. I can leave, and know he'll be alright.

    Turning away from the sight, she gives a final look to the stars before going to the stairs.

  26. Goddard quickly scribbles down a basic shape and then adds in detail. "This is too easy," he chuckles. "Black sphere with a black shadow on top.'re whispy so that's a bit more difficult."

  27. Aara pauses at the door, listening to him talk to himself for a moment. He's talking to Ahra, not himself. She opens the door quietly and slips in, hoping the soft ring of glass beads rustling doesn't disturb him.

  28. Arha flickers for a moment and stays quiet. He knows Aara is trying to not be noticed.

    Goddard continues to quietly sketch the shadow and the orb. When he sets to an activity like this, everything else seems to disappear.

  29. Standing near the door, Aara waits until he's finished drawing. That's the object he was telling me about, the one that shows you the future. She shudders, imagining the power it must have. I don't think I'll ever be eager to look into it's depths.

  30. "Come here Arha. What so you think?"

    It's perfect Master!

    "I thought so myself." He reaches for the orb and puts it away.

    Draw another... the shadow insists, now wanting to spend more time with Goddard and not have Aara take him away. How's this pose?

    "Hmmm...try something else."

  31. Aara smiles, watching Ahra swirl about, obviously preening for his master. He never seems to be around much. I know Goddard would leave him on levels of the tower where he couldn't be, but like today...Ibben played in the water, what does a shadow bat do? Or is it that I monopolize his masters time?

  32. "Hold it!" Goddard exclaims. "That's perfect! Stay still."

    He lays on his stomach and gets to work sketching.

    Go away!
    Aara hears the bat's voice in her head. You've had him long enough!

  33. You'll have him much longer than I ever will, little friend. Will you begrudge me a few days when you will have centuries?

  34. Hmmm...I guess I can allow you time with him. Master is happy around you...and you're right...I'll be around for forever.

    Oh look Master...Lady Aara is here. It speaks so both Goddard and Aara can hear it and sounds very flat. Soon after it speaks, its disappears into the air.

    Goddard turns his head and looks over at Aara. "Lecai!" he grins. "You look beautiful!"

  35. Thank you.

    When Goddard sees her, she smiles. "Thank you, nuur'eni. You looked wonderful too."

  36. "Why thank you! I try," Goddard smiles.

    "Where are you going, all dressed up?" He stands up and puts the book and coal away, the smooths out the rob.

  37. "Come with me and find out." She pulls a scarf from her sleeve. "Although you'll have to trust me," she adds with a smile.

  38. "You're going to blind fold me?" he smiles. "I've done this before!"

    He then frowns. "But...I can't feel anything on my skin!"

  39. "I'm sure you have, but being numb isn't affecting your vision." She walks closer, a whisper of silk and beads, and ties the blindfold securely over his eyes.

    Taking his hand, she leads him down stairs, out of the safehouse, and down the street.

  40. "Oh lecai," he chuckles as he explains to her exactly what kind of blind folding he's talking about and how it pertains to the bed room.

    "I bet that book didn't have anything like that in it."

  41. "It did, actually," she tells him as they walk. "But a feather, knife, ice, and candle wax is no good if you can't feel them. This blindfold is for surprise purposes only."

    Using alleys and courtyards, she returns to the safehouse through the kitchen. "There's stairs, so be careful."

  42. "I figured as much."

    He follows her around, trusting her completely, occasionally 'apologizing' when his hand 'accidentally wanders' to her behind.

    "Oops...I can't see..." he grins.

    They reach the safe house and Goddard groans. "Don't let me fall please...I don't want to break my nose or anything..."

  43. "I won't let you fall," she assures him, slowly helping him up the servants stairs. As they walk down a hall, he hears a door open and then close when they step through. The air is scented with a slightly smoky scent, and he smells something else wonderful.

    Aara reaches up and unties the blindfold. It's a small room, lit by only a few candles. In the corner is a table full of foods and wine, sweets being prevalent. Across from the table and its chairs is a large soft bed dressed with silk sheets and piled high with pillows. It is exactly the room they discussed in the caves.

    "I thought you deserved a little luxury," she says softly.

  44. Goddard looks at Aara surprised.

    Does she...want to do this now? Is that why she's dressed up?

    "This is beyond luxury," he walks over to the table and looks at the food.

    How many of these are aphrodisiacs? Calm yourself! You don't even know what's going on...could be some Aaraby tradition of some sort that doesn't even involve that!

  45. "It's the best I could do under the circumstances," she stammers. "Koroush is the nations hero, but I couldn't let the true hero go unrewarded."

  46. "True hero?" he looks at her appreciatively and then looks down at the floor. "Thank you. And...I only did what was right. I mean...wouldn't anyone else have done the same if they could?"

  47. "No," she answers, still near the door. "If I've learned anything in my travels it's that a person will do what is best for himself, not what is best for others. You've done what was right for nearly two thousand people."

  48. "Well...this will be a story to tell anyone who thinks I'm just some violent murderous druchii," he chuckles.

    He stares down at the table and fidgets with the edges of the sleevs on the robes.

  49. "Are you nervous about something?"

    You can't be nervous! I'm nervous!

  50. He laughs nervously and stops fidgeting. "Call me an idiot...but...I don't know what to do...or what I'm supposed to do or what you want me to do and I do not want to just...go and do what I want to do...if that makes sense..." he grits his teeth and starts pulling at what Aara can only assume is the hair on his tail.

  51. "Stop gritting your teeth, they'll wear down," she tells him, walking over. She takes his hands away from his tail and wraps her arms around him. Laying her cheek against his chest, she laughs. "I don't know what to do, either," she whispers. "I was kind of hoping I'd set the scene and you would figure it out."

  52. "You sound like Arha," he whispers with a chuckle.

    "I'm fairly certain you know what I would that what you want? I...I want that to be something you pursue...when you're ready."

  53. She bites her lip. "That was my intention," she admits. "I wanted to come in here and seduce you till you were weak in the knees. I forgot you were still numb," she adds with a laugh. "Proof I don't know what I'm doing."

  54. Goddard's nervousness melts away and he grins at Aara. "That's ok. I'll seduce you till your weak in your knees or..." he scoops her up off the ground, "I'll make it so you can't walk for days..."

  55. Wrapped in a sheet, Aara pours a cup of wine and takes it back to the bed. "Are you like that all the time?" she asks, taking a sip and handing it to him. "So...passionate?"

  56. Goddard laughs and then takes a sip of the wine. "Something felt different...because it was you lecai...but yes I am."

  57. "Felt different? In a...a good way?" Rayya didn't tell me I might be bad at this! Oh gods, was it different in a bad way? Was I, I don't know - boring??

  58. "It felt different because I care about you," he chuckles. "Nothing bad."

    "I'm numb...everywhere apparently," he grumbles. "But that didn't matter."

  59. She breathes an obvious sigh of relief. "I'm sorry you're numb," she giggles. "I think I was feeling enough for the both of us, if that makes you feel better."

  60. "I must say...I'm disappointed that you were able to stand and walk enough to get that wine. But after everything we've been though, I guess I'm not surprised."

  61. "It was with great effort. I almost didn't make it."

  62. Goddard grins, handing Aara the wine back then flops down onto his back. "Good."

  63. She sets the wine aside and curls up against him. After a moment of easy quiet, she starts laughing.

  64. "What?" he turns his head to look at her.

  65. "After all the times Tannin's bitten me, I thought I'd be prepared," says, leaning on an elbow and looking down at him. "But it's like I told him in the tower: he just doesn't measure up to you."

  66. "Khaladh's bite is good...but it's still nothing in comparison," he laughs.

    "And you told him that? How would you even know?" he chuckles. "All I've ever done was tease you."

  67. She blushes a little. "His bite hasn't ever made me want to throw everything away like you did. I'd've let you have me in the kitchen that day if you'd tried."

  68. "I'd thought about. But figured no one would have any dinner if we did. Not to mention, no one may have wanted the dinner if they knew..."

  69. She laughs. "I have to admit, that was a very interesting night for all. You were so jealous."

  70. Goddard turns a bit pink. "I was can do whatever you want to do..."

  71. Aara kisses him softly. "My silly, jealous elf...can't you see that I have?" She takes a deep breath. No time for cowardice now. "I've been in love with you for some time. Some glitterbritches from Bretonnia never stood a chance."

  72. Goddard's eyes grow wide and he stares at Aara. "You what?" he whispers. "Me?"

  73. She raises an eyebrow as he stares at her. "You mean you didn't know?"

  74. He stops staring at her and looks away. "I...didn't think it was possible..."

  75. "What do you mean?"

    Oh gods...

    I can't unsay the words...

    But did I make a mistake?

  76. He smiles, still looking away. "I thought everything about me...everything...would make it so no woman would ever love me..."

    Goddard looks up Aara. "Do you remember me ever saying anything like 'U ssinssrig dos'? While not under Khaladh's spell?"

  77. She frowns, trying to remember. "Maybe? I'm not sure. What does it mean?"

  78. "I know I said it at one means...I love you..." he says softly.

  79. Aara goes very still, staring at him. This moment would have been worth a lifetime of being whipped. One day I'll thank Koroush for freeing me, just for this.

    She reaches for his hand, lacing their fingers together and smiling. "It's everything about you," she whispers, "not just certain pieces. You're more than the sum of your parts, and it's all dear to me."

  80. Goddard smiles then sits up and pulls Aara close. Brushing her hair away from her face, he whispers into her ear, "U ssinssrig dos," and kisses her cheek.

  81. "Ana uhebbuka," she whispers back. She sighs happily, resting her forehead on his shoulder.

  82. After a few moments, Goddard gets up off the bed and walks over to the table with all the food. He doesn't bother covering with a sheet as Aara had done.

    "Do you want anything?"

  83. She gets up, trailing the sheet behind her. "It all looks great, doesn't it? Ali outdid himself." She sits and starts choosing food, starting with cubed lamb in a rich gravy. After trying a bite, she sighs. "This is wonderful."

  84. "Wait...Did he help you set this all up?"

  85. "How else did it happen? I was with you most of the day, and Rayya used the rest of it to paint and dress me like a doll."

  86. Goddard stares at her for a moment before he begins to laugh.

    "I'm sorry. Usually mothers, fathers, brothers, husbands...they are the ones who chase me away with sticks and guns and stuff. It's just strange to have the opposite happen."

  87. Aara shrugs and laughs with him. "Rayya adores you, and Ali just wants me happy. I'm not certain if Ali knew what he was about...but I'm not under his protection."

  88. "Rayya has good taste," he grins and begins to eat some slices of fruit.

  89. "You've said that before," she laughs. "She practically gift wrapped me for 'my magnoon.'"

  90. "She should have used less wrapping."

  91. Aara glances at the blue, purple, and black clothing strewn around the room. "I could say the same about you. I was wearing a dress, you were wearing everything else."

  92. "Hey I was pretty much wearing a dress too," he laughs.

  93. "Then why was it harder to get you out of yours than me out mine?" she smirks. "You kept getting tangled up."

  94. "I can't feel anything and obviously it was because you had no experience with undressing anyone for these purposes," he snickers.

  95. Aara snorts and throws a piece of fruit at him. "So it's all my fault then? Maybe I just need practice."

  96. "I'd much rather practice that than practice with that sword or armor."

  97. "Thankfully there are enough hours in a day that we can do both. Are you comfortable enough with the sword to try using the armor tomorrow?"

  98. "I can give it a try. I didn't actually get to do much last time I was presented with the opportunity to try the armor and the sword at the same time."

  99. "If it's too difficult, you'll have to ask Tannin to help you. I've never worn plate, it's too heavy and doesn't fit my style."

  100. "It's not so bad once everything stops itching," he chuckles. "But I was too busy practically killing myself to move much and see how it all worked in combat."

  101. "What did happen? I couldn't see anything, I was too far ahead."

  102. "I was trying to cast and I don't know if it was the Dhar or my nerves or what but something didn't go right even after Arha tried to advise me, and all that energy just went through me as if I were a lightning rod."

  103. She nods. "So the stronger the spell or caster, the more...drastic the reversal, right?"

  104. "Yes. Magic and the powers of chaos are one in the same. The more of it you draw to yourself, the worse the consequences can be. That's why I don't use it much unless I must."

    He frowns. "I felt pretty awful needing to use it to get through that locked door in Har Ganeth. I guess I really didn't need to lock the door the way I did but my reserves of trust were running low."

  105. "Nagarroth was hard on everyone- especially you. I'm not surprised your trust was failing. Just being there affected everyone strangely."

  106. "All my trust was in you and my cousin. If I felt like I didn't have anyone, who knows what ideas my mind may have made up. I may have gone crazy."

  107. She reaches for his hand. "I wasn't of much use, I'm afraid. I just tried to distract you from your stress as best I could."

    She thinks a moment before frowning. "Do you think that's what was behind Tannin's and Katarina's voices? He told me his weapons were talking to him, and she was hearing whispers. Both voices were talking about killing someone."

  108. "Just you being there was helpful enough," he smiles.

    "Tannin has blood memories which is why I think he's starting to go crazy. Imagine many many years worth of information dumped into your head at once from many different sources. Just thinking about it makes my head hurt."

    "And the witch...I have no idea. I think she frivolously uses magic more than I do. She also channels a bit differently and that could be the cause of any crazy she has."

  109. "I wonder who he's feeding from tonight? I haven't seen him since the camp was set up.

    "I'm as confused as you are about Katarina. Her moods shift from one thing to the next. I want to trust her, and she seems to be returning to her old self, but telling me to keep you close because she's afraid she'll kill you doesn't exactly do the trick."

  110. "Should we go find him? I really don't want him going after anyone else and scaring people. I hope we don't regret the kindness we did for him by not killing him."

    "What? I guess I shouldn't be surprised but she wants to kill me? Or thinks she'll kill me...or thinks she's even capable of killing me," he snorts.

  111. Aara makes a face. "Going to find him will mean putting clothes on," she sighs. "But I suppose we should. Is it my turn tonight?

    "I think don't she wants you dead...I think her whispers were telling her she could do it. Or should do it. Either way, she hasn't, and I've been keeping an eye on both of you."

  112. Goddard chuckles. "I could just go on my own and 'feed him' and you could stay here." He walks over to the pile of clothing, makes a separate pile of Aara's clothing, and starts to get dressed.

    "Her 'whispers' may just be her covering up for some desire to just get rid of me."

  113. Aara stands and stretches, letting the sheet fall to the floor before reaching for her dress. "I'll go too. It's late, and I'd rather not have you riding around alone."

  114. "We'll have to go back to the safe house. That's where I left Zhane and..." Goddard opens the door a bit and peeks out into a rather familiar place.

    "Lecai," he closes the door and turns to Aara. "Why did you blind fold me? You didn't take me anywhere different!" he laughs.

  115. Aara has a big grin on her face. "But it made it more interesting, didn't it?"

  116. "Yes it did. I'll go get Zhane ready." He slips out through the door and heads up the stairs.


    "Hello Arha," Goddard says happily.

    You are in a good mood, Master...

    "Yep!" Goddard looks everything over, making sure nothing is missing.

    Everything is still in it's place Master.

    "Thank you Arha! Let's go," he taps his shoulder.

    Yes Master!

  117. Aara heads downstairs and out to the stables. Saddling Kasida, she talks to the horse soothingly in arabyan. When she's done, she pulls a dagger from her sleeve and checks the khol around her eyes to see if it's badly smeared.

  118. Goddard appears in the stables with his pack and gets everything comfortably on Zhane. He then studies Aara, tilting his head and smirking.

    "You look like a mess lecai." He smooths out her hair and tries to rub smeared khol from her face. "What in the world is this made of? It doesn't want to come off!"

  119. She grins. "It's khol, it's not supposed to go anywhere." She walks over to a pump and washes her face, getting it all off easily. "How's that?"

  120. "If it's not supposed to go anywhere, why is it all over the place?" he grins. "And that looks much better."

  121. "Anything is going to run when you're sweating and...doing other things." She swings up into the saddle, wincing a little. Rayya said there would be pain... "I can walk, but riding may not be all that comfortable," she laughs.

  122. He climbs up onto Zhane's saddle and moves next to Aara. "The more you do it, the less uncomfortable it'll be," he smiles slyly.

    "I'll follow you."

  123. She shifts in the saddle until she finds a somewhat comfortable position. After a few minutes of riding, the pain eases into a dull ache. When they arrive at the camp, Aara stakes her horse down and turns to Goddard.

    "I've got to collect Ibben from Rayya," she explains with a grimace. "I imagine she'll keep me a while. Do you want to go back after he bites you?"

  124. Goddard chuckles. "Sure. We can go back. If I can manage to stay on top of Zhane and not fall off.

    I've found him Master. I think he's pretty hungry.

    "Lead on Arha."

    "I'll see you soon ssinssrig," he whispers and slowly makes his way around the tents, following the shadow.

    In here Master.

    Goddard hops off Zhane and heads into the dark tent.

  125. Aara bites her lip on a smile and watches as he rides off. If I weren't Walking Death and surrounded by the people who gave me the name, I'd scream and jump like a little girl.

    When she ducks into Rayya's tent, there is a general squeal of excitement. Rayya jumps to her feet, searching Aara's face. "Why are you here? I didn't expect to see you until tomorrow. Are you hurt? Was he rough with you? He didn't turn you away, did he?"

    Aara laughs, opening her arms for Ibben to jump into. "I won't be staying," she explains with a smile. "And he was gentle."

    Rayya screams in delight. "Good! Good! The magnoon is not so foolish as we thought! Come, you must tell me everything."

    Aara lets herself be led to a pillow to sit. "I won't," she says. "You kept the knowledge from me, I'll keep this from you." Somehow I know that won't hold them back for long...

  126. Goddard stumbles out the tent moments later and leans against Zhane. "Oh buddy...maybe he should bit you one day," he chuckles. "'d fall over...oh wait...that would be bad because you're a horse!"

    Zhane exhales sharply and walks forward a few steps.

    "Hey don't walk away from me," he holds onto the horse's saddle and allows himself to be led around by Zhane.

  127. Rayya's face softens into a mess of emotion. "He told you that? I knew that boy had good taste."

    Aara laughs. "He's hardly a boy, Malika. He's seventy-one years old."

    "He is a boy. I have sandals older than him. But the important thing is you and your magnoon can stop dancing around one another's feelings." She sighs dramatically. "I only wish he could give you fat little babies."

    Aara laughs. "I have no desire for babies, fat or otherwise."

  128. "Lecai?" Goddard peeks his head into a tent and a few startled women look over at him and giggle. "Oh sorry," he laughs. "Not my lecai but you're all very pretty."

    Zhane drags Goddard off to another tent.

  129. Aara relents and starts telling them what happened.

  130. "Zhane! What are you doing? She's not in any of these tents. Sure they have had some very lovely ladies in them, but none are her," he whines and lays over the saddle. Zhane continues slowly walking through the camp. "Lecai," he mumbles as he looks at the sand.

  131. "He did what?"

    Aara nods, laughing. "It was quite interesting. We nearly fell off the bed."

    Amid gasps and giggles and questions, Aara leans back on her pillow. I never thought there was a place for me in this world. If the circumstances were different, this would be my life.

    "Here is the most important question," a woman says, raising her voice for attention. When the chatter dies down, she smiles like a cat with cream. "We all know a man will have his pleasure, but did you?"

  132. Goddard slides off the saddle and and rests on his knees. Zhane turns around and chews on Goddard's hair. "Zhane...I...she...she's this labyrinth of tents," he rubs his eyes.

  133. "Of course she did! Just look at her," Rayya laughs.

    Aara pauses, hearing a familiar voice. Is he shouting? Rising, she pokes her head out of the tent and smiles at the sight. Goddard's sitting on his knees, wailing about a labyrinth of tents while Zhane chews on his hair. With a chuckle, she goes over and kneels beside him.

    "I'm here, hayati," she says, brushing Zhane away from his hair.

  134. "Lecai!" Goddard grabs Aara and hugs her tight. "I thought you disappeared! What's a hayati?"

  135. She laughs softly, kissing his temple. "I didn't disappear. Will you remember if I tell you what hayati means?" she asks, laughing. "Are you ready to go back into town?"

  136. Goddard nods and stands up, holding onto Zhane's reigns. "I'll remember and I'm ready to go..."

  137. Aara shakes her head and asks for Kasida to be brought to her. After helping Goddard into the saddle, she mounts and turns the horses toward town.

    "Can you ride alone?" she asks. "You're wobbly in your seat."

  138. He wraps his arms around Zhane's neck and smiles. "Mmmm hmmm I'll be fine. I'll just lay here and hold on tight."

  139. "Alright hayati. Don't fall off."

  140. "Giddy-up Zhane," Goddard chuckles. The horse seems to know his rider isn't all there and walks slowly beside and a little behind Aara and her horse.

  141. Aara manages to get him to the safehouse without losing him or letting him fall off his horse. After handing the horses off to the stable boy, she shoulders his pack and helps him up the stairs to their room on the second floor.

    She laughs when she sees that the room has been made with fresh sheets, the fire built up, and candle replaced. "All right, nuur'eni, here we are."

  142. Goddard pulls Aara into the room and closes the door. "Put that down and get over here," he grins and flops down face first onto the bed.

  143. Aara puts his things down near hers and walks over to him. When she lies down next to him, he doesn't move. "Did you pass out?" she whispers, nipping his ear.

  144. He shakes his head, his face still in the blankets.

  145. She kicks off her sandals and stretches. Rolling over and raising up on her elbow, she runs her fingers through his hair. "Hayati means my life," she says softly.

  146. "You shouldn't put so too much of me," he mumbles. "What if I mess up? And you hate me?" he turns his head to face her and looks up at her sadly.

  147. "Shut up," she laughs. "You think too much."

  148. "But...but...I've been told I don't think enough! Which is it? Too much? Not enough?"

  149. "Normally you're fine. Right now you're thinking too much." She rolls away from him and sits up.

  150. "See!" he stuffs his face back into the blankets. "I've already pushed you away."

  151. Aara grins and tugs on his shoulder until he rolls over onto his back. She crawls on top of him, her hair making a curtain around them. "Khadath Goddard Soulshatter, shut up and enjoy it."

  152. Goddard grins. "What are you going to do to me?" he whispers.

  153. She gets a wicked look in her eyes. "Are you still numb?"

  154. He makes a face as if he were punched in the stomach. "Yes...yes I am..." he grumbles. "Damn that lizard!"

  155. She laughs. "Then it seems that I'll be enjoying myself and you'll just have to participate." Lowering her head, she bites him on the shoulder. "And be tortured."
