Thursday, December 13, 2012

'Wedding' Day

Goddard opens his eyes when he hears the soft murmur of druhir. Standing above him are two druchii slaves, talking about preparing him for the wedding.

Ugh no...

They gesture for him to hurry and stand up. 


"What's going on," he asks sleepily. 

"We need to get you ready for the ceremony tonight."

"If it's tonight, why bother me now?" 

"We must do as Hellebron tells us."


  1. Aara wakes to the harsh sound of druhir. Opening her eyes, she sees Goddard stand and stretch, talking to what looks to be two slaves.

    The wedding. They must be here to get him ready.

    With a groan, she rolls over into the warm vacant spot he leaves on the giant pillow and tries to go back to sleep.

  2. ((druhir))

    "We have to go up all those stairs?" he groans.

    "Of course! That is where everything we need is."

    "Ok fine..." he trudges up the stairs following the two slaves.

    They are very confused when they reach the door and cannot open it, despite the outer lock not being done.

    " lord?" one of them points to the door with a expectant look.

    "Oh...sorry...hold on..." He casts his spell so he can get through the door. Once the slaves realize what is going on, they quickly turn away from Goddard and look at the ground.

    "It's magic," they whisper to each other.

    Once the door is open, they quickly move into the hall and gather up the armor, cloak, Goddard's two swords, and clothing Goddard can only assume will go underneath the armor.

    "Hey! What are you doing?" Goddard asks as they start to undress him.

    "We are getting you ready. Stop squirming."

  3. After a few minutes, she sighs. Will I never get to sleep late? Everyone else does. Getting up, she builds the fire back up, watching as Rayya starts ushering men and women alike to work cleaning.

    "Top to bottom, and I mean it!" Rayya barks. Approaching Aara, she stands with her hands on her hips. "And you, you're supposed to be a pleasure slave, and you look like common rabble. The witch I can't do anything about, but you I can."

    Aara groans as she's dragged into the women's quarters.

  4. ((druhir))

    "Oh this feels nice...what's it made of?" he asks touching the lining of the mail that is placed over the robes.


    "Like a moose or something?"


    "Oh..." Goddard cringes, pulling his hand away as they put the chest plate on.

  5. "It's a good thing you still have this, and that it's in good condition," Rayya tells her, shaking the wrinkles out of Aara's dress. "You should wear it more often, you're Walking Death, not some simple bodyguard."

    Aara sighs as her hair is braided and arranged in an elaborate display. "Rayya, this isn't necessary," she insists. "No one has thought twice about what I look like or wearing. None of the druchii have cared what his pleasure slaves look like."

    The only response she gets is a withering glance.

  6. ((druhir))

    Goddard takes a step back from the slaves. "Do I really need to wear the helmet? How am I supposed to eat or anything? Come on...have a heart?"

    They look at each other confused and finally say, "As you wish. We will put it on later. Until then, we must stay in preparation for when you must wear it."

    "Phew! Fine. As long as I don't have to wear that thing right this second."

    The two women leave through the door and wait on the landing while Goddard bolts the door up from the inside.

    "Arha...stay up here. Please..."

    Yes Master.

    As soon as they stop hearing the clanking of bolts, they quickly turn away, expecting Goddard to do the same magic as before.

  7. ((arabyan))

    Rayya stands back, surverying her work. "It would be better if we had some jewelry and one of the gowns from the harem," she muses. "But this will have to do."

    Aara stares at herself in one of the giant mirrors Rayya stole from the wash room. Rayya had cut away some of the fabric for her gown, turning her modest neckline into a daring one, enhanced by the corset she insisted Aara wear. Rayya had also removed the flesh hooks from Aara's corset and some of the clothing Koroush took from the Autarii tower, fashioning a vicious-looking necklace. Combined with the already alluring design of the Walking Death dress, Aara looked like decadent plaything.

    "Rayya, this is too much," she stammers behind her veil. Her green eyes are heavily lined with khol, and her breath makes the beads on the veil shiver, giving the skull's grin a too-real look.

    "Nonsense," Rayya says, waving away her concerns. "If you can play the role of a pleasure slave, you can look like one, too."

  8. Goddard makes his way down the stairs in the armor of a druchii lord.

    He grumbles the whole way down as he tries to maneuver Vampire's Bane, now properly on his hip, around the curves of the staircase.

    He finally reaches the bottom floor, the two slaves close behind him, holding the final three pieces of his armor.

  9. Aara pouts and crosses her arms. "I look ridiculous, malika," she argues. "I won't go out there like this."

    Rayya ignores her pouting and starts towards the door. "You don't, and you will. Trust me, little shadow, if anyone knows what a creature of pleasure should look like, it's me. Now come have breakfast."

    Aara watches her leave, waiting a few minutes before standing before the mirror once more. "I'm not keeping my hair like this," she mutters, letting it down. It's a petty victory, unbraiding her hair and letting it curl down her back, but she feels better when she does leave the room.

  10. ((druhir))

    "Could you stop following me?"

    "But we need to be here for when you must wear your helmet."

    "That's hours from now. Here," he takes the three pieces to the helmet away from the two women. "I'll hold onto this and you go...I don't That's what I plan on doing."

    "Eat? We can eat?"

    "Ummm...yeah? Go! Shoo!"

  11. Aara sneaks up behind him and gently pokes him in the ribs. "Point," she says.

  12. "Are you sure that counts? I can't feel anything in this get up. And it's not even done. I have to put this on my head later."

    "Oh wow why did you get all dressed up?" he grins.

  13. She frowns. "Rayya made me. She said I didn't look the part of a pleasure slave." Her eyes light up and she flutters her eyelashes at him. "But if you spill something on me, I'll have to get out of it."

  14. "Would I get to watch," he whispers. "Because if not and I have to wear this...then you have to wear that," he chuckles.

  15. She grins and lays herself against his chest. "I'll let you undo all the laces," she murmurs. "Just give me an excuse to get out of this dress and into some armor."

  16. "I lied when you said you didn't know what you were doing...get me some wine..."

  17. Aara stretches onto her toes and kisses his cheek. "You're my hero."

    She runs, hair and silk streaming behind her, to the kitchen for the biggest goblet of wine she can find.

  18. Goddard flexes his hand and examines how all the metal is placed and moves so fluidly.

    "Meh...I guess this is neat," he knocks on the chest plate. "It'd take a lot to get through this."

  19. Aara returns quickly with a massive goblet filled to the brim. "My lord," she giggles, bowing dramatically.

  20. "You really want that off don't you?" he chuckles. He takes the goblet from Aara with a nod and then walks away, taking a sip.

  21. Aara throws a curse at him, considering throwing a dagger at his head as she follows. "You're no help."

  22. "Stay still," he whispers and keeps walking, looking at tapestries and food and whatever else he can occupy himself with.

  23. "Just don't get the corset, I have to wear this later," she whispers. "All the tunics are too big without it."

  24. Goddard wanders around the room for a moment, sipping his wine and grabbing bits of food to eat. Just when Aara is about to hit the peak of annoyance, Goddard bumps into her and spills the wine all over her skirt.

    "Lecai! I'm sorry..."

  25. "Goddard!" she gasps. "Rayya spent all this time getting me dressed! Now I have to go change and get this washed!"

  26. " where you're standing or something?" he smirks.

  27. "I adore you," she whispers before stalking off to the washing room.

  28. Goddard smiles and goes off to re-fill the wine and eat some more.

  29. Aara quickly changes into her leather leggings, corset, and tunic. Over all that she pulls on the chain maille she got from the Tower and her sword belt over it. "That's better," she mutters, pulling her boots on. I don't trust all these dark elves in one place, and I don't want to get caught in a dress with no armor. That's for times when there's little or no threat, and this isn't one of those times.

    As she leaves the room, she adjusts the way her scimitars and daggers sit. Just the familiar weight of them is a comfort. Rejoining Goddard, she starts picking at her breakfast.

  30. "Do you feel better?" he asks before he stuffs some bread topped with shredded meat into his mouth. "This is sooooo good!'

  31. "Yes. I don't like feeling so exposed." She nibbles at some bread covered in a savory gravy. "I'd like to be prepared should I find the opportunity to cut her tongue out," chuckles.

  32. "Lets try and not take anyone's tongue," he laughs. "But I do see how you could feel exposed. I sort of feel the same way despite what I look like. All this metal will get in the way of casting spells and you know how wonderful I am with this sword..."

  33. "You're not bad with the sword. I'm just uncommonly good. And it wasn't the lack of armor," she adds, blushing. "It was how low she cut the neckline."

  34. "Really? That's what you were worried about," he smirks. "Didn't Koroush's mom dress you up? She has good taste."

  35. She snorts. "Yes, she did. And I looked ridiculous."

  36. "No you didn't. You looked amazing," he smiles. "Now this," he points to himself. "This is ridiculous...No matter how awesome I look in it..."

  37. "Don't tease me. Dressing me up like that is as useful as putting a dress on the skaven." She smirks. "And you do look a little ridiculous."

  38. "Can we put a dress on the skaven? Maybe make it dance? OH! Or put a dress on the witch," he snickers.

  39. Aara laughs. "If you can get Katarina in a dress, I'll put mine back on."

  40. "But that involves talking to her," he pouts. "You know how that always goes," he grumbles.

  41. "Then it looks like I'm staying in this. So, did they tell you why you had to put all that on so early?"

  42. "No. They just said Hellebron told them to do it. I'm assuming it's because it take forever to put the thing on...No matter how awesome it looks on me..."

  43. She grins. "You do look pretty dashing in it. But I have one question..."

  44. He starts to fidget with the metal around his neck. "Ask away."

  45. She stands up to look into the armor, her breath warm on his neck and the scent of jasmine lingering in her hair. "It's just so fascinating...I don't understand how they did it..."

  46. She slips a hand between his neck and the metal, brushing his skin, examining the armor so closely her lips brush against his ear seemingly unnoticed. When she feels him shudder, she bites her lip on a grin and looks up at him.

    "How did they fit your ego in there too?"

  47. Goddard was holding a piece of bread he was going to eat and then he crushes it in his armored hand.

    " are nose thing was nothing in comparison to this."

  48. Aara sits back down and takes a drink of water. "And I didn't even do anything."

  49. He narrows his eyes and just points at her before he snatches up another piece of bread and gnaws on it.

  50. "Don't like it so much when it's you doing the shivering, do you?" she teases.

  51. "So...what...should I stop doing those things to you?" he raises a brow. "If you didn't like it all you had to say was stop."

  52. "I didn't say I wanted you to stop, I'm just showing you what it's like." She smiles. "While you're trapped in that and can't ravish me."

  53. "Like you'd even want to be ravished..."

    He adjusts the helmet under his arm then takes a sip of wine.

  54. She gives him a wicked look. "Maybe a ravishing is exactly what I want."

  55. "Why now," he whines. "When I'm packed up like this. I lost track of how many layers were put on me."

  56. She laughs and pats his armored hand. "It's alright, nuur'eni, my ravishing can wait."

  57. He turns his hand up and gently holds her hand. "Whenever you want," he says softly. "I actually won't push the issue...I'm backwards huh?" he chuckles a bit embarrassed.

  58. She looks down at their hands, blushing a little. "A little," she answers quietly. "But I appreciate the fact that you didn't pull me into the nearest empty room when you found out I'm free. It- it meant a lot to me."

  59. "You mean a lot more to me than just that," he smiles. "And didn;t expect that to happen did you?" he laughs. "Give me a bit more credit."

  60. "I know I do," she says, biting her lip. "And yes, a little."

  61. "Awww," he laughs and puts his fist over his heart, shaking his head. "I can be just as knightly or whatever as Khaladh before he was bitten...when I want to be...and I try really hard."

  62. "Knightly or not, it was what I expected," she says, laughing a little. "You have no idea how stressful it was trying to figure out how to tell you, and then it just slipped out."

  63. "Well, I'm sorry I disappointed you," he grins and kisses her hand.

  64. Surprised, she laughs. "You didn't disappoint me," she explains. "I was a little relieved that you seemed as unsettled by the news as I was."

  65. "Of course. It was so...random. I wasn't expecting to hear that."

  66. "I certainly wasn't expecting it to happen." She looks up at him, smirking. "Now you have to wait until we're far away from your wife," she teases. "She might cut my tongue out otherwise."

  67. "You know what will surprise me? If she even steps one foot into this tower while I'm here. But I'd still want to be far away from this place. It's not fun if you are worried about getting killed and worried about the lives of hundreds of people."

  68. "I hope she doesn't." She watches Rayya walk across the room to fuss at someone scrubbing the fireplace. "For everyone's sake."

  69. "Hopefully she'll be too busy dealing with her "real" husband than wanting to deal with her "fake" one. I rarely saw my mother."

    He thinks for a moment. "Rarely saw my father as well."

  70. "That reminds me. You were singing a song yesterday that kept mentioning Khaine. What was it about?"

  71. He sings a bit of the song for Aara. "That one? It's about war. Fighting and such. Khaine is the god of battle. Well for other elves."

    "My kin went a bit overboard I think," he whispers.

  72. "A bit," she agrees. Suddenly her whole face lights up. "I forgot to tell you! I read the whole recipe last night after you went to sleep!"

  73. "You did? That's great! But I fell asleep in the middle of it? I'm sorry. I don't even remember falling asleep."

  74. She laughed. "I didn't mind. You were exhausted, and there was the wine, the heat from the fire, and that cushion working against you."

  75. "That all sounds wonderful right now," he groans and adjust the vambracer. "These things should come with sticks to poke in here when you have an itch!"

  76. "I can help with that. Wait here."

    When she returns from the kitchen, she has a thin curved bone in her hand. "I asked Rayya to save it from one of the birds last night," she explained. "It's not very long, but it should help a little."

  77. He lays the pieces of his helmet down on the table and takes the bone from Aara. "Thank you!" First he scratches the arm he was complaint about, then the other arm, then around his neck.

    "Why did you want to save this bone?"

  78. "For that. When we talked about it yesterday you asked what would happen if you had an itch."

  79. He smiles. "Thank you. Out of all the bones I've carried around with me, this is my favorite."

  80. When he is finished poking the bone around between the armor, he looks around at his belt and frowns. "I don't have anywhere to carry this. I feel naked without all that stuff around me. And being naked usually isn't that bad of a feeling."

  81. Aara smiles and takes the bone from him. Turning his hand palm up, she slides the bone up his "sleeve." "There, now it's in easy reach."

  82. "What would I do without you?" he grins. "I'd probably be looking for a porcupine to use."

    Goddard sighs and sits down in a nearby chair. "I feel so much better now. You may not have to suffer hearing me complain so much."

  83. "I haven't seen this porcupine, but from what you tell me, I wouldn't want it dropped down into my armor," she laughs. She stands behind him and slides her hands into his armor, massaging the base of his neck. "Did you ever think you'd come back and claim what's yours?"

  84. "I didn't even know I had anything to claim. I thought my parents would be around for a lot longer and I had no intentions of ever coming back here anyway. Most of me wanted to reclaim all of this so I had a safe way of passage for us to leave Naggaroth."

    He chuckles. "I know...a druchii ship being a safe way to get around sounds insane but it's better than being underground!"

    "And then another part of me wanted to reclaim everything because it's mine and I may not be here to 'rule' over it, but my name is Soulshatter and I will not have that mean nothing."

  85. "It makes sense," she says. "Both reasons. I can't thank you enough for getting everyone out of this and back to Araby."

  86. "It would be cruel of me to not help all these people if I had the ability to."

    He tilts his head to the side so Aara can better reach his neck.

  87. She's quiet a moment. "You don't have the same responsibility for them Koroush and I do. You don't have to help them. But you do, anyway." She drops a kiss on the top of his head. "And that only earns you more thanks."

  88. "There are some things you just have to do. Especially for people who were forced into such a situation and don't deserve it. And what kind of friend would I be to you and Koroush if I could help and I didn't?"

  89. "Have I told you recently that you're perfection?" she laughs.

  90. "It's been a while," he grins. "And perfection attracts perfection so you must be pretty perfect yourself."

  91. "Oh no, I just want to bask in the glow that radiates off you, my lord."

  92. "I glow? Did I get the vampire rabies from Tannin? Oh wait he was shiny before he was bitten..."

  93. She tugs his ear gently. "You glow with evil," she laughs.

  94. "Really? Good! I always hope I keep my soft center hidden."

  95. Aara makes a very unladylike snort. "Sure, cuddle bug. No one knows you have a soft gooey center."

  96. "Shhh! It's supposed to be a secret! Don't tell everyone!"

  97. She laughs. "No one would believe me if I told them."

  98. "Good! Then my secret is safe."

    Master I don...

    "Shut up Arha!" he chuckles.

  99. She giggles, moving her hands into his hair to massage his scalp. "I'm sure it is. After all, I'm the only one who can stand you, no one else is going to work their way past your charms and advances."

  100. "I don't understand why...I'm the most charming, likable asur I know. I think everyone should be lining up to be my friend!"

  101. "Compared to your kin, you are the most charming and likable. But compared to the rest of us..." She trails off.

  102. "Lecai!" He gasps. "After all I've done to you? I mean for you?"

  103. "Oh shut up. You know I lo-like you. Very much," she adds with a nervous laugh.

  104. Goddard sighs. "It ok...I knew what you were going to say..."

    "You loathe me!" He covers his face with his hands and starts laughing. "It's so hard to not laugh around you."

  105. She tugs a fistful of hair. "I just knew I was going to have to hurt you today."

  106. "Ow ow," he laughs. "I don't think I quite deserved that...yet anyway."

  107. "It's punishment in advance of whatever stupid thing you'll do today."

  108. "I'll remember that...and I'll remind you when it looks like you want to hurt me again later."

  109. She snickers. "That would be a good idea if you didn't like it."

  110. He crosses his arms and slumps. "You know too many of my weaknesses..."

  111. "Hmm, it seems I do. Whatever would you do if I decided to use them against you?"

  112. "Would looking at you like this work?"

    He looks up at Aara with the saddest most pathetic puppy dog eyes she has ever seen.

    "If you can bat your lashes and have me give you the world, surely I can use my eyes to save myself."

  113. Aara's heart melts a little, and it shows on her face. "If you want me to stop using them against you, I will..."

  114. "Use them. I have just now figured out how to escape if I need to," he grins and pokes the tip of her nose softly.

  115. "I'll use my eyes just like you use yours."

  116. Aara thumps a nose he doesn't have, giggling when her finger passes through the illusion. "The difference is that I'm used to you using your looks against me," she giggles.

  117. "You can't be used to the sad sad eyes I just gave you. I can tell."

    "And are you laughing at my lack of nose? It hurts that I can't wear stuff in my nose the way you do."

  118. Aara reaches up and touches the stud. "I forget it's there, I guess because I'm always wearing the veil and never look in mirrors."

  119. "I had to take off all my rings," he sighs. "And I couldn't wear my cowl. All my amethysts, just sitting up there."

  120. "Do you want me to hold them for you? I know you don't like leaving those things lying around."

  121. "It's all locked up and Arha is there. And I'll turn anyone who even tries to mess with any of my stuff into dust."

  122. She laughs softly. "Vicious nuur'eni."

  123. "I have to be. Or stupid people will end up doing stupid things...and being turned into dust is better than messing with those books. And I just like my amethysts. I'm attached. So I'll dust someone for that too," he laughs.

  124. She raises a brow, doing a bad job of hiding her amusement. "So the amethysts get a person dusted, but messing with an intoxicated lecai in a tavern just gets a knockout? I see..."

  125. "Well...I...the gems are helpless! You can stab someone?"

  126. "Mmhmm. I see. The gems are irreplaceable."

  127. " are you shouldn't think too much into this!"

  128. She grins and pats his shoulder. "I'm only teasing you, nurr'eni. Don't take everything so seriously."

  129. "The day I take something you say as a joke, is the day I get your daggers in my side," he laughs.

  130. "Goddard, I would never stab you," she says, all sincerity. "I promised you I wouldn't let any harm come to you."
