Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Goddard fumbles with all the bolts on the door. He puts his hands on hips to examine his work and smiles.

" no one can kill me," he chuckles and stumbles down the hall. He stops in between the two images of his parents and looks up at each of them.

"You hear that," Goddard points at them. "No one is going to kill me," he laughs. ""

"Disappointed huh? Oooooh I'm sorry," he pretends to wipe tears from his eyes. "Want to do it now?" He leans his head forward toward the image of his father and brushes the hair away from the back of his neck. After waiting a couple of seconds, he quickly lifts his head up, points and laughs. "Oh can't! HA!"


  1. "And you," he turns to the image of his mother. "If you didn't talk so damn much, I wouldn't have heard your plan. But...but let me tell you...I drowned. You almost had your wish."

    He laughs. "And...and then...guys what saved me...go ahead...guess...don't want to talk to me now?" Goddard smirks. "I'll give you a hint...a high elf!" he bursts out laughing.

  2. "And...and he was so mean that he did't kill me and look...I'm 70! And...and..." he chuckles. "You aren't invited to my wedding."

    "That' right! My wedding...I'm going to get married and you're dead...or as the rats say...dead dead!"

  3. Aara stands before Rayya and the acolyte. "I'm sorry, malika," she says. "There was no way I could stop it. Koroush stayed my hand."

    She watched Rayya accept the news of what they'd found in the palace. The older woman nodded. "Do not apologize, little shadow. We were not all lost."

    Turning to the acolyte, Aara studied her before speaking. She looked slightly older than Aara, her dark hair tinged with red. Just start talking.

  4. "But I guess it's not really a marriage. You know how that is," he gestures toward his father. "I kinda feel sorry for y...ok ok not really. I know you wanted to hack my widdle head off."

    "And look! It got better," he stops and scratches the back of his head. "Worse? I don't know...I have a tail! And I can cast spells. Bet you never saw that coming huh?"

    "I wanted to come back and kill you myself," he sighs. "To show you the wonderful druchii I've become...but you had to go and get yourselves killed without me."

  5. The acolyte hears Aara out, her face calm even when Aara tells her about Death Night and what had happened with the mushroom. When she's finished, the woman smiles and puts a hand on her shoulder. "Be at peace," she says. "Uzzaya knows your heart, Aara."

    Aara kneels before them. You lead, and I follow.

  6. Goddard is quiet for a moment as if waiting for the tapestries to respond to all that he has said.

    "Speechless?" he laughs and stumbles into his father's tapestry, pulling it off the wall and down onto his head.

    "Ah! No! You're dead! You can't attack me!" Goddard claws at the 'fabric', trying to get it off of his head. Finally he falls onto the floor, tangled in the tapestry, and pokes his head out. "I win!"

  7. He tries to get loose but quickly gives up and lays on the ground.

    "'s this going to work? Is she going to stay in the temple all day and leave me the hell alone? Cuz...I kinda like someone else and I don't want my wife to be annoying and stuff...I told lecai I wouldn't let..." he suddenly laughs.

    "I don't even know her name...I don't care but I don't know her name and I've certainly never met her...I at least hope she's not some gross hag like Hellebron."

    Goddard bites down on the tapestry since he can't get his hand to his mouth to cover it. "Shhhhh! SHHHHH! Don't tell her I said that....SHHHH! I'm serious!"

  8. "Can you at least let me get to bed?" he gives one more weak attempt at getting free from the fallen cloth. "I'm really sleepy," he yawns.

  9. "Ok fine...I'll just sleep here..."

  10. Rayya helps Aara lace herself back into her corset. She puts a hand on Aara's cheek and smiles. "Now those pretty green eyes are clear again," she says softly. "Don't ever forget that the goddess loves her servants, Afya."

    Aara nods. "Thank you, Rayya."

    Rayya kisses her cheek and squeezes her shoulder. "Now, go find this magnoon elf Koroush has told me about. I should like to meet him soon."

  11. "No one cares about your...what is that? Potato stamps? You could be dissecting something and you're making potato stamps?"

    "I worked really hard on them!"

    "No one cares! Go kill something!"

    "But I don't want to," Goddard mumbles in his sleep.

  12. Goddard sleeps quietly for a while before he jolts awake.
    "Phew...not drowning...oh my head hurts...why am I stuck in this..."

    "Arha...what happened?"

    Tannin fed, Master. You had an extensive conversation with your parents.

    "I what? Well...I guess it was a good thing I was locked up here alone," he chuckles and heads into the kitchen to have a snack.

  13. As Aara walks through the great hall, she's stopped by several people. There are so many that she's yet to speak to everyone, and there's always someone different who she thought was dead or thought her to be.

    She takes their embraces with gritted teeth. They don't know I was just scourged.

    Before she even reaches the stairs, Koroush finds her. "Aara, a moment," he says, leading her off a few steps. "I wanted to thank you for finding my mother. She tells me you've been quite busy making sure the injured and sick are cared for, as well as organizing meal and working shifts."

    Aara nods. "Rayya has done all the work. I just got it started."

    He leans forward and kisses her forehead. "You never take credit where you've earned it." He frowns. "You seemed unwell earlier, how are you now?"

    "Much better, thank you. Rest has done wonders for me. And I've spoke with an acolyte of Adahara."

    He smiles brightly. "Excellent. I know that you are close to Uzzaya, and it warms my heart to know the order of her priestesses embrace you." He pushes her towards the stairs. "I know you're busy, I won't keep you."

    With a backward glance, Aara shoulders her bag and starts heading up the stairs.

  14. Master...when are you going to come back? I'm bored...

    "Hmmm I don't know," he gnaws on some bread. "Do I need to come down for anything? I mean...if it's boring nothing must be happening."

    Very smart Master...But if something happens, would you be able to get here in time?

    "You doubt me Arha?"

    No! No Master!

    Goddard laughs. "I'm teasing you Arha. Relax. Just give me a little more time here. It's so quiet and I have nothing to worry about."

  15. The corset presses against the welts on Aara's back, but she doesn't mind. She feels free of whatever happened the night before, her "other self" is gone, and she's been absolved of guilt by a woman of her faith. Finally.

    When she makes it to the top, she's in a better mood than she was when she started climbing the stairs. Humming to herself, she knocks.

  16. Goddard was experimenting with the potions when he hears the knock.

    I wonder who that is...

    He looks at the door and chuckles. I only managed to do one bolt.

    Aara hears the click of the bolt and the door opens. "Oh lecai. It's you," he smiles.

  17. "Who did you expect, your blushing bride?" Aara giggles. "I told you I'd come back."

  18. "Merciful Morr...don't remind me of that," he grumbles as he lets Aara in. "I sort of lost track of time and everything after Tannin came up."

  19. "He's acting strangely. Kept talking about his weapon talking to him. But all in all, things seem to be going well. They've already started dinner, you can smell it halfway up the stairs. I'll beat you quickly so we can get down there before it's cold."

    She tosses her gear down near the fireplace. She seems to be her old self again, her green eyes clear of the horror that had been haunting her since last night.

  20. "Has he been hanging around the witch for too long? Her crazy must be rubbing off on him..." he chuckles.

    "And what makes you think you can win so fast?"

  21. "That's very true. She mentioned wanting to stay in Araby earlier. I'm not sure she'll be able to handle the heat," she laughs. Pulling out her scimitars, she takes a defensive stance.

    "And I can beat you because you're easily distracted."

  22. Goddard grabs his sword and gives it a few swings before facing Aara.

    "She's going even more crazy huh? And I will not be distracted...I'm as focused as the witch is crazy," he laughs.

  23. Aara giggles. "She specifically mentioned Koroush when she said that, and she was asking about how marriages are arranged for nobles before that." She raises both swords over her head as she stretches. "Think she might have designs on him?"

  24. "I wouldn't be surprised," he laughs. "I am obviously not her type. And Koroush opposite. She obviously doesn't like the skinny, clean cut, super tall ones."

    He nods at Aara while raising the sword above his head.

  25. She makes her first attack, moving quickly. "So she likes tall, dark, and devilishly handsome?" She avoids his counter attack, laughing. "I can't say I blame her."

  26. "Hey...come on...look at me," he grins as he turns with the sword and goes in for another attack.

    "The ladies should be all over me by default."

  27. Aara parries and unexpectedly turns with him. Suddenly behind him, she smacks his backside with the broad side of her sword. "Oh yes, with that face, how could they not? You only look like the keeper of the dead. I find it hard not to tear your clothes off and have you myself," she says dryly.

  28. Goddard jumps forward a bit, turns and swings hard at her. "Ow...that stings," he growls. "And I don't mean what you did with the sword."

  29. She giggles, swiping his blade away as if she were squatting a fly. "I do love it when you growl at me," she giggles, attacking.

  30. Why am I so bad at this...

    He seems surprised at how easily she batted away the attack.

    She's trying to distract you...shut up and sing!

    Goddard begins to sing softly and barely blocks her attack. His foot slips and he would have fallen if he hadn't used his tail to help him balance.

  31. "I saw that," she says in a sing-song voice. "You might make a decent swordsman yet."

    When he starts to sing, her eyes sparkle. Now he'll start to be a challenge.

  32. As Aara listens to Goddard sing, she recognizes no other word except for the occasional mention of Khaine.

    He tries to lead the dance, determined that he won't lose this time.

  33. Khaine? One day I'll have to ask about his songs.

    Aara speeds up, not willing to give up control of the fight yet. His cowl is down for the first time since he started training, and for the first time she sees more than just a glimpse of his face. He feints and her swing goes wild, forcing her to turn her back on him.

  34. She's not giving up. I've got toooooo...sing harder? I don't know!

    Aara can tell Goddard is still singing even though she can't hear it. His mouth continues to move but it's a bit unnerving when his face flashes. She only hears an occasional growl when he swings the sword his hardest, the strange sound a sharp exhale thought his mouth makes, and the ring of metal on metal.

  35. I must be getting used to seeing his face like this.

    Aara's sword continues to meet him blow for blow, not backing down. She doesn't make a sound aside from the occasional intake of breath. She uses his height and reach against him, forcing Goddard to constantly adjust.

    Challenge him now, and he'll live later.

  36. This is hard...I don't like this anymore...but I can't give up. This could be a...a...I dunno...rabid halfling...RABIES! I can't quit...

    He grins for a moment, chuckling to himself at the thought, then switches his song to something faster, still trying to get Aara to follow his lead.

  37. I haven't had this much fun in a long time.

    Aara jumps and makes a sweeping attack for his face, but realizes she's too close. Don't take off his head! She pulls back slightly, the tip of her weapon making a paper thin cut high on his cheek and across his nose.

    "Goddard! Are you alright?" she asks, hitting the floor in a crouch.

  38. Goddard puts a hand up to the middle of his face and staggers back a few steps.

    " nose!" he gasps.

  39. Stunned, she stands and takes a step forward. "Oh nuur'eni, I'm sorry, should I get-" She stops, all concern melting off her face. "You don't have a nose!"

  40. Goddard bursts out laughing.

    "I'm sorry...I just had to. You have to admit, it's funny."

  41. She sheaths one of her scimitars and gives him a solid punch in the arm. "It's not funny," she tells him sullenly. "I thought I hurt you!"

  42. "Ow...ok that kind of hurt," he rubs his arm, still chuckling.

    "You weren't this worried when you cut me before," he grins.

  43. "That was different. It wasn't on your face, you- you- stinkbrain!"

  44. "Wha...what?" he lets the sword fall to the ground and wraps his arms around his stomach. "Lecai! You're killing me!" he gasps.

  45. Aara pushes his shoulder, making him fall over. "You're awful."

  46. As soon as Goddard hits the floor, he grabs his tail and looks up at Aara terrified. "I think...I it's brok..."

    He then lays down on his side and laughs more. "I can't do it."

  47. Aara crosses her arms and stalks over to stand in front of the fire, her other sword dangling from her hand. "You're not funny anymore."

  48. "Aww I'm sorry," he says sitting up and wiping his eyes. "Don't be mad. Look...I'm picking on the fact that you are just too sweet. That's not bad. I have much worse things you can bother me about."

  49. Aara doesn't say anything, but pouts and ignores him.

  50. "Lecai," Goddard stands up and walks over to Aara.

    Standing behind her, he wraps his arms around her mid section and growls with a big smile on his face. "You want to go back to sparring? Or do you want to get dinner?"

  51. She giggles when he growls at her. "Grrr." Sighing, she leans back against him, covering his hands with hers. "Can we just stay here for a little while and pretend that none of this is happening?"

  52. Goddard nods and holds Aara tight. He sort of nuzzles the crook of her neck and sighs. "This is nice," he whispers. "And it's easier to pretend with you."

  53. Aara carefully sheaths her second weapon. "I'm glad I met you," she whispers back.

  54. "You sure about that?" he chuckles.

  55. "I'm glad I met you too," he whispers.

  56. She turns in his arms to look up at him. If I knew better, I'd walk away. The green flames give him an eerie look, and she holds his gaze a moment. She reaches up and runs a fingertip across his cheek, where her blade grazed him.

    It's a good thing I've always been a little reckless, she thinks with a smile.

  57. He closes his eyes and smiles slightly, sighing as if letting go of some weight.

  58. She wraps her arms around his waist and lays her cheek on his chest. "Nothing really changes tomorrow, does it? Not...whatever this is?"

  59. Goddard shakes his head. "Nope. Nothing changes."

  60. Aara nods. "What's the first thing you want to do when we get to Altdorf?"

  61. He thinks for a moment then smiles. "Show you whatever you want. Do whatever you want."

  62. She laughs softly. "I don't even know what there is to do. Besides, I dragged you across roofs and down buildings to talk to a bone priest the moment we were on solid land."

  63. "Hmmm...ya know...I actually don't know what to do there either. I know you don't want to see my dusty dark room in the mage college."

  64. Aara laughs. "No, I'd rather see a feather bed with silk blankets and incense and dim light and far too much wine than a dark, dusty little room full of dusty old books."

  65. "It's not a little room," he says trying to sound offended. "It's a big room! That's dark...dusty and full of dusty old books and bats."

  66. "Exactly," she laughs. "Dark, dusty, and bats."

  67. "I'm sure we can find other fun things to do besides see the college and sit in a tavern," he laughs. "Now that I think about it...Altdorf isn't terribly interesting compared to Araby. It's all the rules that make my head swim...and you know how well the rest of me can swim."

  68. Aara bites her lip a moment, remembering her new freedom. "Some of those rules don't apply to me anymore. That's going to be strange."

  69. "Well...what's the one thing you wanted to do the most that you couldn't? We can start there."

  70. Aara thinks a moment before chuckling. "Get exceedingly drunk and sing and dance till dawn."

  71. "Oh well then! I know of multiple places in Altdorf for that kind of thing," he chuckles.

  72. "People always look so deliciously tired and happy heading off to bed after nights like that. I'd watch them trickle into inns in the mornings."

  73. "It starts out all happy and usually ends up badly the next day when you wake up."

  74. "Oh, I know. But I'd like to do it at least once."

  75. "Then that's what we'll do. I'll watch you get stinking drunk and dance and sing. I won't have anything though, so I can slam heads into tables if I need to," he grins.

  76. She looks up at him, confused. "Why would you need to do that?"

  77. "Because when you have a bunch of drunk people in a tavern, singing and stuff, someone, usually a guy, has to do something stupid and disrupt everything, especially when there is a woman around."

  78. She snorts. "And bother me? Not likely."

  79. "You'd be an exotic new flower to harass. And I'll have to knock at least one drooling grabby drunken maniac out."

  80. Exotic flower. Right.

    "Pfft. Have you ever knocked anyone out? Without showing them your face?" she giggles.

  81. "When people are as drunk as I've seen then, it's pretty easy," he laughs. "But my hideous self works just fine too."

  82. "You're not hideous," she whispers. "Even when I can't see your true face."

  83. "It's pretty bad," he says with a smirk. "You fainted...the witch fainted, many other people have fainted. And I know everyone isn't fainting because they think its beautiful."

  84. "Half your face was gone the minute I slapped you. That's the bad part. Besides, I've seen it more than the rest of them. It's not so bad anymore."

  85. "You got used to it huh? Just wait till the other half melts!"

    He thinks for a minute then shudders. "Oh wow I hope the rest doesn't melt...that was not fun..."

  86. "Melt?" she asks, her voice a little higher all of a sudden.

  87. "Yeah. It melted. I was cooking and I thought I did something stupid." He talks as if melting faces were common place.

  88. Aara touches the seam where his skin ends and the bone begins. "Did it hurt?" she asks softly.

  89. Goddard nods. "I think I passed out in the middle of it happening. The tail and horns hurt too. Just not so much."

  90. "That's awful, nuur'eni." She kisses his cheek softly. "No child should ever have to suffer something like that."

  91. He smiles when she kisses his cheek. "That's the truth. And it can end up turning you into a grump," he snickers.

  92. "You're a horrible grump," she agrees. "I can only imagine how insufferable you'll be tomorrow. I might have to hurt you."

  93. "You keep reminding me," he groans. "I'm going to be in that heavy stuffy armor for who knows how long. What if I have an itch? And then I'll have to stand around for whatever this ceremony is going to be in the stuffy armor. I've never worn metal like that!"

  94. "I have to remind myself," she answers. "And the armor won't be so bad if you wait as long as possible before putting it on. If you have an itch someone will help you. Koroush used to wear it when he was younger, I was always slipping my hands inside to scratch his shoulders."

  95. "Will you be my back scratcher? he chuckles. "And Koroush in full armor...sounds scarier than the Koroush I've seen."

  96. She smiles. "Of course. He hates armor, that's why he doesn't wear it now. I think the only time he'll wear it now is for very formal occasions. Besides, Koroush isn't so scary, he just acts like he is."

  97. "Yeah I guess I know how it is to act scary. We both know I'm just a big squishy cuddle bug."

  98. "You're not scary," she chuckles. "Not even a little bit, cuddle bug."

  99. He smiles then laughs when his stomach growls loudly. "I haven't been eating well since we ended up in Naggaroth. Do you think the food is done?"

    "I think I may have won this round of sparring though," he grins. "So you didn't end up beating me as quickly as you had thought."

  100. "It should be. And you have to eat, otherwise you'll break in half." She reluctantly slips out of his arms and starts gathering her things. "And that swing would have taken your head off if I hadn't pulled back. On top of that, you cheated."

  101. " would have taken my nose off if I had one. And I didn't cheat...I thought creatively."

  102. Goddard laughs. "I thought it was a legitimate strategy but I won't do it again. I'll wait until you actually take off a body part." He walks over to the bed and grabs the cook book. "So we can get in some after dinner reading."

  103. "Do it again and I will take off a body part." She steps out onto the landing and waits for him to lock the door.

  104. Goddard locks the door and then leans against it. "I don't know if I want to go out there with you or let you back in later after that," he yells, laughing.

    A few moments later, he walks through the door and then looks at Aara thoughtfully.

    No...I won't bother her anymore. She may very well stab me.

    Returning to normal, he starts heading down the stairs.

  105. Aara laughs and reaches for his hand. Before they even make it to the great hall, Aara sees Rayya approaching.


    "Afya! There you are! I said to go find your magnoon, not hide away with him! I was about to send out a search party for you!"

    Aara laughs, putting a hand on her arm. "I wasn't hiding. I've been helping him learn to use a sword."

    Rayya slaps her hand away, trying to be annoyed with Aara. "Well, little shadow, are you going to introduce me to him?"

    "Perhaps not, now. You're being rude."

  106. Goddard stares on with a confused look on his face.

    I can't even pretend to get what's going on when they talk like that...

    Oh Master! I've missed you!

    "Yeah yeah, I actually missed you too."

    You do love me Master!

    "I didn't say that now. Don't get carried away, Arha..."

  107. ((arabyan))
    Rayya tweaks Aara's nose. "You infuriating little minx!"

    Aara gasps and covers her nose. "Malika! Rude!" Turning to Goddard, she rubs her nose. "Goddard," she says in reikspeil, "this is Koroush's mother, Rayya."

    Rayya extends her hand to him. "A...please-sure, magnoon." she says in broken reikspeil.

  108. Goddard takes Rayya's hand, covers it with his other hand, and "kisses" the top of his own hand. "The pleasure is all mine," he smiles. "But...magnoon?"

  109. Aara laughs. "It means 'crazy-boy.'" Turning back to Rayya, she asks if dinner is ready.

    "Yes," Rayya responds in arabyan. "We have been waiting for the Sheik to join us before serving."

    Aara raises an eyebrow. "Always one to follow the rules." She faces Goddard. "They've been waiting for you to show up so they could serve dinner."

  110. "Ah ok," Goddard laughs.

    "Oh one had to wait for me."

  111. Aara shrugs and continues down the last few stairs. "It's the way things are, Goddard. You're the rightful lord of the tower now, and we have seventeen days to keep appearances the way they should be. So you will act as a druchii lord, and the rest of us will bend to your will, whether or not there's someone to see."

  112. Goddard grumbles. "I guess you're right...but I still don't like it. I can't wait until I can get everyone away from here."

  113. "Neither can I, nuur'eni. But keeping up appearances is the only way to keep everyone- including you- safe."

    When they enter the great hall, there is a bustle of activity. Koroush sits at the large table surrounded by men in deep discussion, women huddle around the fire mending clothing as best they may, and people carrying large trays of food begin to flow in and out of the kitchen. A small group of men and women have even begun drumming out a tune on the floor and singing softly. "Head of the table," she whispers, nodding to his spot. "They'll serve you first, then move down the table according to who they think has the higher rank."

  114. Goddard sits at the head of the table and slumps.

    This isn't me. Too much attention on me. But...

    He sits up and tries to at least look like a lord.

    She's right.

  115. Aara watches him sit up and adjust his expression. He doesn't like it, but he at least understands that it has to be done this way. Koroush sits next to him, drawing his group with him.

    "My son has always been a diplomat," Rayya says, coming up behind her. Her voice is thick with pride and love. "He will be a good leader. Even now, he instructs your magnoon in how to be a lord."

    Aara nods as they sit several chairs down from Goddard and Koroush. "Yes, he has."

    Rayya smiles. "It is a frightening thing, isn't it? Independence." She laughs at Aara's expression. "Of course he told me, little shadow. How could he not? I'm his mother. Just know that should you decide to return home, there is a place for you."

    Aara glances over at Goddard tearing into a fowl of some kind. "Thank you, malika. But I believe I'll be spending some time Altdorf," she adds with a smile.

  116. This is so confusing...but I appreciate Koroush trying to help me...she was right about that too. He isn't as scary as I thought. I think he's happy to be around his people.

    Goddard sips from his goblet of wine and nods.

  117. Aara laughs and talks with the women around her. They all think she's too pale, too thin, and that it's time to put away her weapons and give a man some children. She sits patiently, sipping water when one of them stands behind her and begins to braid and style her hair. Some things never change, no matter what happens.

    When she and the women are finished eating, they begin to clear the table and wash the first set of dishes. Those who didn't eat during the first meal begin to fill in the empty spaces at the table, and Aara lifts a tray and begins making rounds, approaching Goddard first.

    "A second helping?" she offers, gathering his dirty dishes and piling them up.

  118. "Yes please," he smiles. "I don't know what any of this is but it's delicious!"

  119. She gives him another plate full of food. "Just what they found in the kitchen, I imagine. They don't know how to prepare moose, so they treated it like lamb." She gestures for someone carrying a pitcher of wine so he can get a refill.. "They'll keep feeding you till you tell them to stop. 'No thank you' is La`shukran," she whispers before moving on to Koroush and the others

  120. "I think I needed someone to sort of force feed me," he chuckles. "Or else I'd just sit around, hungry, reading a book."

  121. She laughs, deftly changing empty dishes for full ones. "Just stop them before you pop. Our dinners can easily last four hours."

  122. He grins. "I think I could use a four hour feast. And I think the sleep I get afterward will be amazing."

  123. She laughs again, the sound trailing behind her as she continues to serve food and gather dishes.

  124. Goddard eats thirds and when fourths are presented to him, he shakes his head.

    "Oh what was"

    The women giggle.

    "Oh! la`shukran."

  125. When a woman appeared to take Aara's tray, she happily gave it up for a cup of watered down wine and a pillow near the fire. Her back is still sore from her scourging and she's exhausted, but happy.

    I could kiss that ugly little creature, she thinks.

  126. Goddard flops down beside Aara and sighs happily. "I never thought I could feel this happy here. I guess it's just the people you surround yourself with."

  127. "I suppose it is," she says, offering him a drink from her cup.

  128. He takes a short sip then hands it back. "What is that?" he sticks his tongue out at the taste.

  129. "Watered wine," she laughs. She sits up and reaches for a cup and pitcher, pouring him his own wine. "That half cup of wine earlier was the first I've had in five years. I have to build up slowly. Here," she says, handing it to him.

  130. "Much better," he laughs after taking a sip. Goddard pulls the cook book out and hands it to Aara.

  131. She opens it and looks at the elven writing. "How to boil water," she says confidently, grinning. "Sigmar help you."

  132. "Oh miss smarty pants now...reading eltharin," he chuckles.

  133. She gives him a bright smile. "I had a good teacher." Opening the book, she begins slowly working her way through the first recipe.

  134. Through out Aara's reading, Goddard corrects her and helps her sound out larger more confusing words. After a while of this back and forth, and Goddard telling her what a good job she is doing, he suddenly becomes quiet.

    When Aara notices this and looks back at him, he's asleep.

  135. He hasn't had any sleep.

    Even after she returned from the city and changed back into her clothes, she'd wrapped herself in her cloak and napped as long as she could. But he'd stayed awake, communicating to Koroush, Katarina, and Tannin through Ahra. I doubt he slept when I did, too.

    Putting a finger to her lips, she shoos away the small audience they'd acquired while reading. Taking his cup from his hand, she tucks his cloak around him and continues to quietly sound words out.

  136. Goddard mumbles in his sleep as he usually does, about bats and how he doesn't want to clean or cook. He rolls over once and makes a pained noise then snuggles up in the cloak.

  137. He really doesn't like bats. She puts the book down and lifts his head into her lap. I'll let him sleep awhile longer before sending him up.

  138. He twitches a bit and Aara thinks maybe she may have woken him up, but he snuggles back in, with a slight smile.

  139. ((arabyan))

    "He said you were attached to each other," Rayya whispers, sitting next to Aara. "He did not mention how deep the bond goes."

    Aara looks up at her. "What do you mean?"

    Rayya smiles knowingly and pats her cheek. "I always hoped Koroush would take you as his first wife and make you my daughter in truth. I see now that won't happen." Rising, she gestures to the sleeping elf. "Take care of him, Afya."

  140. "Look lecai," he mumbles, still asleep. "A...a moose..."

  141. Aara smiles and strokes his hair. "You talk too much," she chuckles. She sips her wine and looks about her. In spite of the fear and mistreatment her people had received at the hands of the slavers, they were mending well. It almost feels like home.

    She closes her eyes, savoring the moment and her peace of mind. It'll be over all too soon.
