Saturday, December 22, 2012

In Altdorf

"Wake up lecai," Goddard whispers. He's kneeling by her bed, resting his head on her pillow. "The earlier we go, the less people we'll have to deal with...we don't want it to be like that camel wrestling."


  1. Aara opens one eye and scoots over. "I'm cold," she murmurs, "come closer."

  2. Goddard sits up on the bed. "Come on. You can warm up with a bath and warm clothes," he says excitedly.

  3. She frowns and puts her head in his lap, cuddling close. "But nuur'eni..." she whines.

  4. "You don't want a surprise? We're finally in Altdorf and you want to sleep?"

  5. "We can not sleep," she suggests with a grin. "That would get me warm."

  6. Goddard thinks for a second, then dives under the blankets with Aara and snuggles close. "We could spend a whole day here," he snickers. "Are you sure you want to risk missing an entire day of Altdorf?"

  7. "We can spend a little time," she giggles, hands wandering. "Then you can show me your surprise."

  8. "Well I guess you can have this other surprise," he grins and tosses the covers over them.

  9. Over an hour later, Aara stretches blissfully before curling back up against him. "So I like Altdorf," she sighs.

  10. "I love Altdorf," he says a bit out of breath. "And I love being able to feel."

  11. She laughs and swings her feet off the bed. "So a quick bath and off to my surprise?" she asks. "Will you blindfold me too?"

  12. "No blindfold. I also want to bring Eglanor. You guys are going to love this!" He grins and hops out of the bed to get dressed.

    "I don't know what else will be there but I have to show you one thing in particular that I know will be there."

  13. The zoo. He's been waiting to show me this for weeks. Not wanting to ruin his surprise, she washes up quickly and gets dressed.

    While she doesn't carry her scimitars, she does put daggers in her boots, on her arms, and in her belt, buttoning her fluttering vest over them. With her long, slightly flared sleeves covering the sheaths on her arms, the vest covering those at her waist, and those in her boots, she looks completely unarmed. She hesitates for a moment, contemplating wearing a veil.

    You don't have to do that anymore, she reminds herself. Smiling at Goddard, she reaches for his hand. "Alright, let's find Eglanor and go. I'm excited."

  14. "He's waiting for us outside," Goddard smiles and leads Aara and Eglanor through the crowded streets of Altdorf and to the zoo.

    There are so many different kinds of animals that Aara has never seen before and Goddard seems to rush right past them. "We can see those later," he tells Aara every time she seems to get distracted by some other animal.

    Goddard takes them into a tent in the zoo. There are goats, and sheep and other fairly calm looking animals in little stalls with low fences that are open for people to touch the animals through.

    Goddard practically drags Aara and Eglanor to a very strange looking animal. It's short but long and covered in spines. "Here it is!" he says as if he has found the grandest treasure. "A porcupine!" Goddard kneels down and puts his hand between the fence, careful to pet the porcupine in one direction.

    "The people of the Empire are more depraved than I thought," Eglanor states.

  15. Aara tries to pull him to a stop before some of the animals, but he practically drags her along. "But Goddard!" After a while she stops trying to stop him.

    When he shows her the porcupine, she just stares at it. "Hayati, don't touch-!" she starts when he reaches inside. The creature seems fairly docile, but when she reaches inside the fence to touch it, she hesitates. "A creature of chaos inside a petting zoo? Do they all want to die?"

  16. Goddard sighs and shakes his head. "It's not some creature of chaos. It's a porcupine!"

    Eglanor stares at it for a few moments before he speaks. "Now that I have seen your chaos beast, I must go."

    Goddard looks up at Eglanor confused,knowing that he doesn't just mean leave the zoo. He stands in font of the wood elf. "Why?"

    "We are very close to my home now and I must make sure the corruption there does not spread."

    "I...I understand," Goddard's ears droop and he suddenly hugs Eglanor. "Come back cousin. And be safe."

    "Fair winds and light laughter," Eglanor says, taking a step back. "This is not goodbye. We live for such a long time that it is inevitable that we shall meet again."

  17. Aara hugs Eglanor as well. "My life span isn't as long," she jokes, stepping back. "Safe travels, Eglanor, and thank you for everything."

  18. Eglanor nods and walks off.

    Goddard sighs and sadly looks down at the porcupine. He perks his ears up again and kneels back down beside the lazy animal. "Touch him," Goddard smiles. "And then we can go look at every other creature."

    "He won't hurt you," he pets it again. "I promise. long you pet him this way."

  19. Aara turns, not watching him walk away. "I'm sorry he's leaving, nuur'eni," is all she says as she kneels next to him. Her mind isn't entirely focused on petting the porcupine, and she almost shrieks when one of the animal's quills stabs her.

    "Ow! Ow ow ow ow!"

  20. "Lecai!" Goddard laughs and takes her hand. "You weren't supposed to go that way." He pulls the quill out and kisses her hand.

    "He'll come back," Goddard says hopefully. "Or we can go find him later. Either way, we'll meet again."

  21. She hisses, biting on her knuckle as he pulls out the quill. "I wasn't paying attention, I guess," she says.

  22. "You'll live," he chuckles. "Come on. Let's go see the other animals," he smiles.

  23. She grins and kisses his cheek. "My hero." Standing up, it's her turn to drag him around, exclaiming in delight over the animals she hasn't seen before, and admiring again the ones she has.

  24. The two turn a corner and standing in their path is a peacock. It sort of looks at them for a moment before opening it's tail and calling out to other peacocks.

    Goddard laughs. "I think he likes you."

  25. She laughs. "Maybe it's you he likes. One confident peacock to another."

  26. "I don't have anything nearly as amazing as his tail," Goddard snorts. "He's just showing off. He knows he's got me beat."

  27. She grins. "He makes me think of your friend Riker."

  28. Goddard tilts his head and laughs. "I can see the similarities. Can you imagine that bird prancing around with fire feathers?"

  29. "I was thinking attractive and flashy," she says thoughtfully.

  30. Goddard makes a face. " think Reiker is attractive? I see...I'm too old for you?"

  31. "Don't be stupid," she laughs. "You're all I have eyes for."

  32. "I mean...It's fine if you think he's attractive," Goddard mumbles.

  33. "Stop it, you know I love you. He's nothing compared to your good looks."

  34. Goddard chuckles. "I love you too lecai."

  35. She nudges him with her shoulder. "Stupid elf," she mutters, holding back a grin.

  36. "So what do you want to do now? Did we get to see everything here?"

  37. "I think so...but I don't know what's here. This is your Araby, hayati. Entertain me as you will."

  38. "Let's find something to eat," he suggests. "We haven't had anything to eat yet." He grins. "Let's get some turkey."

  39. "Some what? That big bird we saw with the red thing hanging off its beak? You eat those?" She follows him to a stand selling giant legs of bird and mugs of frothy beer.

    Sitting on a bench with a turkey leg in one hand and beer in the other, she just stares at it. "It's so big, how am I supposed to eat all this?"

  40. "Yes. We eat a lot of turkeys. Lots of meat and easy to raise. And delicious!"

    He chuckles at Aara's confusion. "Like this." Goddard bites right into the turkey leg, tearing off a large piece. He gulps down some beer to help wash it down. "Ahh I missed this."

  41. "I hadn't just seen that, I would think you're joking with me." She takes a bite, sinking her teeth into the wonderfully juicy and flavorful meat. "Omhmhy," she mumbles, an appreciative sound following. "Mhat ish mwonerful."

  42. Goddard grins and stands up. "Come on. We'll walk around. That's the whole point of having food like this. We don't have to just sit down." He takes another bite.

  43. She follows, sipping on the beer and occasionally making a face. "Where do you and Otto live?"

  44. Goddard laughs at Aara. "What? You don't like the beer? Have you ever had mead? We'll get some Morr's mead later."

    He takes a sip of beer. "You want to go to the Amethyst college?"

  45. "It's...I'm not sure it's for me," she says diplomatically. "And yes. I'm dying to see the dust and books and bats."

  46. Goddard nods and leads her through twists and turns. The crowd of people thins out until there are almost no people around. The noise of the crowds sound distant.

    The buildings aren't ruined but they look a little more run down in this part of the city.

    "There," Goddard points at a huge cathedral in the distance. The spires reach high up into the sky and the windows look dark. The front door is open but no one is around. Across from the building is a rather large cemetery.

    There is this eerie quietness that grows as they get closer to the College.

  47. "It feels like the tombs," she whispers as they get closer. It's almost odd how much of a connection she feels with the college, but given that they both deal in death, she shouldn't be surprised.

    "Why is no one here?"

  48. "Oh there's people here. They are just inside. Maybe there are a few in the cemetery but they are probably pretty far out there."

    "Other people are just too afraid to walk around here."

  49. She looks around, awed by the building. It was nothing like Araby's clean and curving lines, instead harsher and sharp to the eye. Aara falls in love with it instantly.

    "It's beautiful," she whispers. "They let just anyone come in?"

  50. Goddard nods and walks through the front door. "Anyone can walk in. But no one wants to and anyone who does, usually runs out screaming about ghosts."

    The inside is dark with a layer of dust on everything. The only dim light comes from a few small candles. It's even more quiet inside and the air is still and musty.

  51. "I know all about your 'ghost,'" she giggles. The first thing she notices is the smell. It's a familiar scent, slightly stale and dusty, evoking memories of days and nights spent hiding in the tombs in Araby as a child.

    "I don't understand, why come here if you aren't prepared for ghosts and such? It seems silly."

  52. "Curious idiots," Goddard chuckles as he heads up a staircase. "Or people coming in on a bet. Or drunk."

    Aara can hear soft sounds above her. Scratching and fluttering but when she looks up, all she sees is blackness.

  53. I wonder what that makes me, then.

    A sound keeps drawing her eyes up, but she doesn't see anything but darkness. "Your dreaded bats?" she asks softly, not willing to disturb them. She follows him closely, fascinated by what surely must be a frightening place, but only makes her fondly think of home.

  54. "Yes," he whispers. "When the sun starts to set, we can go outside and you can see them all fly out from the towers. It's an amazing sight. It makes me shudder but it's still quite a sight."

    They walk up a few more flights and Goddard finally walks through a door that opens into a hallway with a tall ceiling and large dark stained glass windows. At the end of the hallway is another door.

    "Almost there."

  55. She pauses for a moment, studying the glass and trying to see an image in the pattern, but fails. When he speaks, she catches back up.

  56. The door creaks open and Aara walks into a large room. Almost every wall is covered in books. There is almost no table space. Books and various vials, bottles, herbs and things that Aara has never seen cover almost every surface. There are two beds tucked away in a corner. On the far side of the room is a fireplace and pots and pans that suggest a kitchen area.

    "My dusty dark home," he chuckles.

  57. "You did say you had a lot of books," she laughs, stepping forward. "But I thought you cleaned?"

  58. "I do clean! Well...I did clean. But I guess no one has really been around to take care of it and I never touched the tables he worked on."

    He looks around the room and laughs. "He obviously worked on every table."

    "Do you see how crazy I am? I'd rather have this than that fancy tower in Naggaroth." He runs his finger over a dusty table and smiles.

  59. Aara grins and picks up a bottle, examining the contents floating in an amber-colored substance. "I think it's perfect," she tells him. "It reminds me of the tomb I showed you."

  60. Goddard cringes when she picks up the bottle, expecting to get yelled at or something else bad to happen.

    He sighs when the room remains quiet then chuckles. "I guess he's not..."


    Goddard jumps forward, yelping and quickly spins around.

    A tall pale elf with long almost white blond hair, purple eyes and long black robes stands behind Goddard laughing.

    Goddard runs at the elf and grabs him in a hug. "I've missed you," Goddard says softly.

    "Aww that didn't get the desired effect," Otto chuckles as he pets Goddard's head.

  61. He gets his desired reaction from Aara. She's staring so intensely at the bottle that when Otto shouts "boo" she screams, nearly dropping the bottle.

    Carefully setting the bottle down, she puts a hand to her chest and catches her breath while Goddard greets his father.

  62. "Who is this exotic flower?" Otto asks, pointing to Aara. "Did you finally find someone who could deal with you without being comptely drunk? Very pretty for a human."

    Goddard growls a bit, backing away from Otto.

    "This is Aara. And Aara, this is Otto."

    Otto walks up to Aara and takes her hand, bowing deeping and kissing her hand. "Oh. I see you have my ring?"

    "Shut up! That was my ring!"

  63. Aara watches the exchange between them. "Hello," she says softly.

  64. "So quiet...," Otto whispers. He turns to Goddard. "What did you do to her?" He asks accusingly. "Did you traumatized her?"

    "No!" Goddard says. "Well...a little bit at first but you're the one who's scaring her now I'm sure."

  65. She laughs. "I'm the scary one," she tells Otto, "not him."

  66. "I guess you're right," Otto walks over to Goddard and ruffles his hair. "This one is about as scary as a butterfly."

    Goddard rolls his eyes. "You know...some people are terrified of butterflies."

    "Yes," Otto says thoughtfully. "Crazy people and children."

  67. Aara laughs. "Nuur'eni you never said Otto was so funny. Only crazy."

  68. "I don't think he's funny at all," Goddard grumbles, trying to hide a smile.

    "You talk badly about me? You tell people I'm crazy? Tsk tsk kiddo." Otto shakes his head. "And nuur'eni? What's that mean."

  69. Aara fidgets with the ring on her finger, almost wishing she had just called him by name. "He says you're crazy and cruel," she explains, moving closer to Goddard. "But only in all the right ways."

  70. "It's obvious you two love each other," Otto crosses his arms and smirks. "I can only assume that's some mushy pet name," he laughs.

    "And cruel? How so?"

    "With Arha for one...Why a bat?!" Goddard asks.

    "There you go...asking why when you know the answer," Otto smirks. "So what is it that you like about this one?" Otto asks, placing himself between Aara and Goddard. "I don't get it," he snickers.

  71. "You're assumption would be right," she answers, laughing. "It means 'light of my life.'"

    When he places himself between them, she thinks a long moment before answering. "Sometimes I don't either," she says honestly. "But I suppose it boils down to understanding death in a way most people can't. It's what drew me to him in the first place."

  72. Otto leans toward Goddard, who is gritting his teeth and turning pink. "I like her, cynath," he nudges Goddard with his elbow. "Don't make her mad by going off with someone else..."

    "Shut up!" Goddard shoves Otto. "Why can't you just...I don't nice to me?"

    Otto raises a brow. "You mean I haven't been being nice to you for the last few decades?"

    Goddard's ears droop. "Auyl," he whispers.

    Otto nods and walks toward the kitchen area. "Would you like something to drink? All I have is wine. I could cook something too if you want." He rummages around for glasses.

    "! How did you two meet? What have you been up to? Where have you been, cynath?"

  73. Aara puts a hand on Goddard's shoulder. "Peace, nuur'eni, he isn't so bad," she whispers.

    She accepts the wine he offers, hoping it will wash the beer taste away. "He was holding an ice witch upside down in a sewer," she tells him.

  74. "I said I was sorry," Goddard whispers to Aara. "That's what auyl means..."

    Otto laughs and sits on a table after he shoves a huge book out of the way. "That doesn't surprise me."

    "It wasn't like that," Goddard grumbles. "You didn't get my messages?"

    "Nope!" Otto takes a sip of wine.

    Goddard grits his teeth. "Well...I have no idea where to even start..."

  75. "Stop gritting your teeth. They're going to grind down to nothing." She walks over and leans against the table Otto sits on. "I suppose we should start with the beginning of the whole thing, when Koroush and I were hired to transport a box..."

    She begins telling Otto about their journey, handing the story off to Goddard when their paths converged.

  76. Otto doesn't say a thing the whole time Aara and Goddard retell the story. He'll occasionally nod or smile, but he's silent.

    "You did a good thing," Otto says when the story ends. "Helping all those slaves." He stands up and hugs Goddard tight before sitting on the floor. Otto gestures for Goddard to sit in front of him.

    "Do not trust the other spell casters, cynath. Dimwitted humans and evil skaven do not understand what you carry."

    "I'm already ahead of you on that," Goddard sighs. "But don't insult humans as a..."

    "Oh hush! You know what I mean!" Otto snaps.

  77. Aara bites her lip on a laugh. In comparison to these two, we are dimwitted.

  78. "Yes..." Goddard mumbles.

    "They wouldn't be able to comprehend that power, and if they ever did, you know how corrupt humans and those rats are." Otto says.

    "There was something I forgot to mention," Goddard says quietly. "I have this...this mark." Goddard shifts and turns so Otto can see the mark on his back.

    Otto's demeanor changes and he is quiet for a long time. Goddard fidgets with his rings.

    "My poor doomed son," Otto finally says softly. "Do not trust anyone with those relics. Learn everything you can and maybe...hopefully..." Otto trails off.

  79. "What do you mean, doomed?" Aara asked, alarm colorurher voice. "What does it mean?"

  80. Goddard's ears droop and he lowers his head. "I kind of thought that was the case." He looks up at Aara with a weak smile.

    "Cynath is good at hiding how he feels," Otto says, not answering Aara. "Except with me. This isn't news to him."

    Otto stands up and paces.

  81. She stands in his path. "What does it mean?" She demands. "I can't protect him if I don't know."

  82. Otto stares right into Aara's eyes. She tries to stare back but she looks away. She doesn't know if the purple color is unnerving or if it's something else.

    "We can't protect him," he says. "Goddard has to figure that out for himself if possible."

    Goddard sighs, still sitting on the floor.

    "I have faith in you."

    "Bel’la dos," Goddard whispers.

  83. "Can I help?" She asks quietly, feeling like a child who's been chastised for speaking out of turn.

  84. "No," Otto says simply. "Unless you consider just being there for him as being helpful."

    "It is," Goddard whispers.

    "Well there you go! And you know that I am also here for you?"


  85. I've never been helpless before...bandits, assassins, even a vampire, those things I can fight...

    Without answering, she simply sits next to Goddard.

  86. "I'll be fine," Goddard leans over and kisses her cheek.

    "I can't help you with your necromancer problems, but I found something that may be able to...fix us," Otto grabs Goddard by a horn before sitting down in front of him again.

    Goddard looks at Otto confused. "What? Really?"

    Otto nods. "It's a book in the old battlefields of Prague. It used to belong to a sorcerer of terrible power under the influence of..." he pauses and looks around before continuing. "The Changer of Ways."

    "Not surprised," Goddard sighs.

    "As with all servants of Chaos, they have enemies from without and within. The sorcerer's demise was from within. The book is currently in the possession of a roving band of Khornite berserkers. The leader is called The Brass Skull."

  87. Now this I might be able to help with.

    Aara sits straighter, hands on her knees, listening carefully.

  88. "I could help you and my cousin," Goddard says.

    "And yourself..." Otto crosses his arms. "Unless you're ok with all of that now?"

    "Yes...I mean no...I..."

    "You know where it is if you want it. But you have to make some kinf of decision. Chances are, they aren't trying to use the book but instead are trying to destroy it."

  89. My feelings wouldn't change...but would his?

    Aara sips her wine, fighting the urge to bite her knuckle. "If that's what you want, we'll go after it," she tells him quietly.

  90. "He doesn't know what he wants," Otto says standing. "He'll figure it out. I, however know exactly what I"

  91. In spite of the heavy moment, Aara finds herself laughing. "If I didn't know before, I would definitely know you for his father."

  92. Otto smiles and offers a hand to Aara and helps her up before helping Goddard up.

    "Come on," Otto tells Goddard. "Laugh. Smile. Do something other than being miserable, cynath."

    Goddard can't help but chuckle.

    "We'll get a feast. For lunch. To celebrate you coming back. My treat," Otta says as he leads the way out of the room. A small white dragon lands on Otto's shoulder before he heads out the door.

    "You mean the college's treat," Goddard says, following him.

  93. "I like him," she tells Goddard as they follow Otto, not bothering to whisper. "He answers questions like Koroush."

  94. "Vague riddles?" Goddard asks. "How did you manage? Share your secrets."

    "Ahh at least someone likes me," Otto grins, slowing down so he is walking next to Goddard.

  95. She snickers. "I started less Death and more Walking. It took weeks for some of the bruises to fade."

  96. "That doesn't help me," Goddard chuckles.

    They finally get outside and Otto looks up at the sky. "I can never keep track of's not lunch it's dinner."

    "Look, lecai," Goddard points up at the spires of the college. When Aara looks up, she sees nothing for a few seconds and then suddenly, a black cloud flies up into the sky.

    "Your friends," Otto laughs, putting an arm around Goddard. "They've missed you."

  97. "It didn't really help me, either. I just learned to accept it. And not kill him in frustration."

    Aara gasps at the sheer number of bats. "That's amazing..." She looks over at Goddard. "And you think Araby is comparable."

  98. "That's not amazing," Goddard grumbles. "That's scary."

  99. "You and I can be both, why not the bats?"

  100. "Because...they're bats!" Goddard says as if this were a well known fact.

    "I used to make paper bats and hang them over his bed," Otto says with a snicker. "I didn't help much with his fear of bats."

  101. "Now I see how you're cruel," she laughs.

  102. "And you didn't believe me," Goddard chuckles.

    "Has he said anything good about me?" Otto sighs, leading them back into the populated parts of Altdorf. The people that are still out and about avoid looking at the trio and give them more space to walk through than what is necessary.

  103. She smiles her prettiest smile for Otto. "Only that you're brilliant, charming, good looking, and he loves you."

  104. Otto stares at her as if she were speaking in another language and Goddard laughs.

    "You are a liar," Otto whispers shaking his head. "I don't know if I can believe anything that comes out of your mouth."

  105. "He left out charming and good looking," she laughs, "but it's clear where he picked it all up."

  106. "Cynath only wishes he picked up his good looks from me," Otto grins.

  107. "Cynath, you've called him that several times, what does it mean?"

  108. "Loneliness," Goddard says softly.

  109. She weaves her fingers with his and smiles. "Otto, you might have to find something new to call him for a few years."

  110. "Cynath still works," Otto says.

    "It has multiple meanings, but father always meant that I was lonely. It also means death and silence," Goddard smiles at Aara.

  111. She laughs. "I'm glad Koroush didn't know your tongue then. He'd have renamed me Cynath out of spite," she says, remembering the day he'd punished her with a day of silence.

  112. Otto finally ushers them into a building. The volume of everyone's voice drops when they enter but then picks up again once they are seated.

    After a moment, a woman walks over to the table. Before she can say anything, Otto gestures toward Goddard and says, "My son has come back. I'd like to celebrate with a feast. Put it on the Amethyst College's tab."

    She bows and hurries away.

    "This is also to celebrate your multiple marriages," Otto smirks. "Neither of which I was invited to."

    "What marriages?" Goddard narrows his eyes. "That wasn't a real marriage in Naggaroth and I just gave Aara a trinket."

  113. Another person might be unnerved by the reception the elves receive, but Aara is used to a hushed silence around her. When Otto says something about marriages, she laughs.

    "I've only just been given freedom, why would I want to give it away so soon?" she asks. "I've no desire to become someone's property again."

  114. "Marriage doesn't mean you belong to anyone," Otto says. "Ask Goddard and all the married women he's..."

    "Father!" Goddard's face flushes pink. "Could you shut up?"

    "What kind of company would I be if I didn't have conversation?" Otto smiles. "I don't want to be rude."

    "You'd be much better company..."

  115. "In my experience, it does," she says with a shrug. "And for someone who's never belonged to no one but herself, it sounds like a prison."

  116. The woman comes back with wine for their table and sets it in the center.

    "Your Araby sounds like a strange place," Otto says sipping the wine. "You need new experiences. What have you experienced different so far? Take notes Goddard so you can think of different things."

    "You know don't have to answer his questions..." Goddard grumbles.

  117. "Why shouldn't I answer them?" she asks. "I like him."

    "My earliest experiences are nothing to bother with. I was born, I grew up. Compared to the rest of the world, Araby is a strange place. Koroush and I traveled around it before leaving for the empire. We had barely begun our tour before being hired about the box."

  118. Goddard quickly drinks down his wine and puts his head down on the table. Otto fills the glass back up.

    Otto chuckles and smiles at Aara. "Thank you...Lecai...I see why he calls you that."

  119. This comment has been removed by the author.

  120. She blushes slightly. "We- um, I guess I should say I now. I've only been out of the empire about two and a half years. Most of that was spent standing in palaces behind Koroush being uncomfortable." She brightens up a little. "But today we went to zoo, and Goddard showed me a porcupine!"

  121. "Porcupine? Why a porcupine? There are so many better animals there," Otto says thoughtfully.

    All at once, a bunch of food is brought to the table. Meats, fruits, vegetables, cheeses, breads. A multitude of foods and not a single plate or bowl to put any of it into.

    Goddard quits being mopey, grabs a turkey leg and bites into it.

    "And what if I wanted that particular leg?" Otto asks.

    Goddard rolls his eyes and offers the leg to Otto.

    "Well I don't want it now! You bit it..."

  122. "Nuur'eni told me about it in Naggaroth. He wanted to prove to me it wasn't a creature of chaos." Looking down at the palm of her hand, she scowls. "I'm still not sure."

  123. "A creature of chaos?" Otto asks confused, ripping off a large piece of meat and a chunk of bread.

    "My dear cousin put that idea into her head," Goddard chuckles. "I'm sad you couldn't meet him. You two would get along extremely well..."

    "So how do you like Altdorf?" Otto asks Aara.

  124. Aara watches them eat without dishes. With my hands? Without dishes? How barbaric. And they say Araby is strange.

    She delicately gets a large piece of bread and balances a few vegetables on it, careful not to let her sleeves trail in the food. "Aside from the inn, I've only seen the zoo and the college, but I like it so far."

  125. Otto and Goddard both quietly watch Aara as she carefully maneuvers around the food. The elves look at each other and laugh a bit.

  126. She raises an eyebrow and levels a withering look at them. "You don't have to laugh at me, I'm aware it looks odd."

  127. "It's cute," Otto says and Goddard nods in agreement.

    "And why would you stay at an inn? Come home Goddard. She can come too if she wants."

  128. Aara nibbles on a piece of turkey and watches them interact.

  129. "Ok," Goddard says without hesitation. "I'll have to get Zhane and all my stuff though."

    "Will I get to see you in this armor you told me about?" Otto chuckles. "I'll bet you look completely maybe you may actually be intimidating."

  130. "He does look pretty dashing," Aara tells him. "And yes," she adds, looking at Goddard. "He will put it on, because he has to train in it."

  131. Goddard groans. "Really? Do I have to? And where would we train? People around here know what that armor is."

    "What do you want to do lecai? You can stay at the inn if you want or you can come with. Just remember...there are bats in that room too."

  132. She smiles. "I think I'd like to stay with you, I don't mind the bats. And yes. If nothing else we'll find room to dance, but if you're going to fight in it, you have to learn how. Three hours a day, remember?"

  133. "I can find a nice big empty space for you to practice in in the college where no one can bother," Otto beams.

    "What? No can't do that," Goddard says. "What if someone needs that space and we're in it?"

    Otto stops eating and stares at Goddard, unamused. "You don't honestly believe that do you?"

    "No," Goddard mumbles.

  134. She beams at Otto. "Thank you. He's made remarkable progress with his sword. He's almost a challenge."

  135. "Oh?" Otto raises a brow. "Cynath can fight? This I'll have to see. Maybe even try out for myself."

    Goddard laughs. "You with a sword? Funny."

    "I may be a bit rusty but I'm not bad," Otto says.

    "Rusty at your age is an understatement," Goddard smirks.

  136. She laughs, pulling her legs up and resting her chin on her knees. "Eglanor started it, and we've been sparring every day. He even gave me a small scar."

  137. "I'm only four hundred years old you brat," Otto grumbles. "And I bet his hit was a fluke," Otto says looking Goddard over.

  138. Aara shakes her head. "No, it was a legitimate strike. Got me right here," she pulls at the shoulder of her tunic and vest, displaying a scar still purple with healing. "He broke through my daggers."

  139. Otto throws a grape at Goddard and hits him square in the forehead. "You don't go attacking pretty ladies like that...I thought I raised you better."

    "We were sparring," Goddard sighs.

  140. "To be fair, Otto, I was attacking him," she laughs. "But you do fight dirty," she says to Goddard. "Especially with all that nose nonsense."

  141. "That makes more sense," Otto says thoughtfully sipping wine.

    "That was completely fair," Goddard smirks.

    "What nose?" Otto laughs.

  142. "It was not fair," she argued, throwing a piece of bread at him. "That swing would have taken off his handsome little head," she tells Otto. "And when I pulled back at the last minute, he starts shouting about his nose being cut off."

  143. "Ohhh," Otto shakes a finger at Goddard. "That's mean. That's very unfair."

    Goddard innocently nibbles on a piece of cheese.

  144. Aara smiles reaches for a piece of fruit. He's happier here than he was in Araby. I'm glad, I like seeing him this way. Without realizing it, she lapses into silence.

  145. Otto smiles at Goddard then looks at Aara. "Are you ok?"

  146. She starts, his question jostling her out of her thoughts. "Hmm? Oh. Yes, I'm fine."

  147. Goddard looks at her expectantly. "Are you sure? Do you not like the food? Drink? Father can get you something else?"

    "Is it the company? I can make father go away," Goddard snickers.

  148. "Everything's fine," she assures him. "The food is wonderful and the company excellent. I was just thinking, nuur'eni, that's all."

  149. "About what?" Goddard asks.

    "Stop bothering her," Otto says.

    "You were the one who told me to always be curious and ask questions."

    Otto shrugs. "This is true."

  150. "Araby. Them," she says, making a vague gesture to the people in the room. "It's nice knowing I'm not the one being stared at for once."

  151. "People stare," Goddard smiles. "But it's different. Its because you're beautiful."

    Otto nods in agreement. "But they mostly stare at cynath and I because they are afraid."

  152. She smirks. "Don't tease me, nuur'eni. They stared because I frightened them. It's just nice to not be the most frightening person at the table is all."

  153. "You can thank father for that. He's terrifying," Goddard chuckles.

  154. Her smirk turns into a grin. "Even more reason to like you, Otto. Your mere presence makes me normal."

  155. "You can be around me as often as you want," Otto smiles slyly at Aara.

    Goddard stares at Otto in disbelief.

  156. Aara nods and continues picking at food, occasionally sipping wine and completely oblivious to the stare Goddard gives Otto.

  157. After a few more bites of food, Otto stands up. "I will go ahead and find a place for us to spar. You gather all your things and meet me back at the college." He bows before walking off.

  158. "He isn't nearly as bad as you painted the picture."

  159. "No," Goddard grumbles. "He's much better than the picture I've painted. But don't tell him that," he smiles.

  160. She laughs. "I won't. It's obvious how much he loves you, even if he teases you relentlessly. And he's missed you."

  161. Goddard leans back in his chair and sighs happily. "I never thought I'd be so happy to be back in Altdorf. I almost don't want to leave...almost. I'm kind of stuck having to go look for books now."

  162. She wraps her arms around her knees. "I understand. It's home." She waits for just a moment, swirling the wine in her cup. "What aren't you telling me about that mark, and why didn't you tell me before?"

  163. "I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to worry," he whispers. "No reason to worry over something that can't be helped."

  164. "I've been worried about it. Goddard, I'm going to worry about you regardless," she answers. "Not telling me something won't stop me."

  165. "Now you know?" He forces a smile. "And I hope you don't worry. It'll be ok. I'm me. It has to be ok," he laughs.

  166. "Yes," she whispers, taking his hand and kissing the knuckles, "you do have to be ok."

  167. "I did promise to take care of you. So I have to at least be ok until you no longer need me," he leans forward and kisses her forehead.

    A few women at another table gasp softly and whisper to each other.

  168. Aara raises an eyebrow when she hears them. Grinning mischievously, she grabs Goddard by the ears and tugs his face down for a long, proper kiss.

  169. "She's under that wizard's spell...poor thing," one of the women says a little more loudly.

    When Aara finally let's Goddard go, he walks over to the women at the table. They sort of huddle close together and look up at him, wide eyed.

    "Wrong ladies," he chuckles. "I'm the one under her spell." Goddard turns back to Aara, smiling. "I'm ready to go if you are. I'm stuffed."

  170. With a big smile, she gets to her feet and wraps her arm around his waist. "I'm ready. Do you think any of the shops are still open?" As they walk away, she looks back and winks at the women.

  171. The women look at each other and whisper some more.

    Goddard laughs. "There should still be shops open."

  172. She giggles. "They'll have plenty to gossip about."

    "Good. Now that I'm a little better at reading I want to get some ink and paper and start writing in reikspeil."

  173. "They'll be talking about this for days," he chuckles.

    "We don't have to go to a shop for that. The college has more than enough. And father has some really pretty quils. I'm sure he doesn't need nearly as many as he has."

  174. She shrugs. "If you say so. I promised Siba I'd write."

  175. "You can have mine. The well and quil I used to write with. I never brought it with me. I didn't really have time to pack it," he chuckles.

  176. "I imagine you were too busy packing the kitchen," she laughs. "And thank you."

  177. "Me packing up the kitchen has proven to be far more useful to you than me packing up an old ink well," he chuckles.


    The pair walks through the darkening streets as the huge candles are being lit to help people see. Aara notices men following her with their eyes despite the fact that many people had averted their gaze earlier.

  178. "Goddard, we're attracting some attention," she murmurs, wishing they had another language in common. "Trouble?"

  179. "Hopefully not," he grumbles. "Otto doesn't look like much but people know he's at least a magister. It also doesn't help that its dark, I'm a twig, and you're so damn pretty..."

  180. She grabs him and pushes him against the wall, nuzzling his neck. "There are two daggers under my vest," she whispers, looking for all the world to be a love struck couple. "Unbutton it at the bottom and take one," she says right before she kisses him. "Hurry, just in case."

  181. This comment has been removed by the author.

  182. "Unbutton what?" He says almost a bit dazed. "And take you? Here? In public?...."

  183. She laughs softly. "Stupid elf," she murmurs in his ear. "Another time. Stay very still."

    He feels her hands move between them before a warm blade slide into his hand. "Hide it against your arm."

  184. "You sure you don't want to keep it? I don't need it. I have magic hands," he snickers.

  185. "Oh I agree wholeheartedly," she tells him. But hang onto it till we get to the inn."

  186. Goddard nods and takes the dagger. "If anything happens...if it can be helped...avoid killing anyone?"

    Whenever Aara looks back, a few of the men she had seen standing around previously are no longer there.

  187. "I won't kill any of them," she promises. When she notices that some of them are missing, she scowls. "That doesn't make me feel better. Let's hurry."

  188. They walk for a bit before Goddard gets shoved to the side, alsmots landing in a barrel, and three men surround Aara.

    "We'll save you from that nasty elf, gorgeous," one of the men says, practically in her ear.

  189. She grins viciously and draws both daggers from her sleeves. "But who will save you from me?" she whispers back, elbowing him hard. When he doubles over, she hits him on the temple with the handle if her dagger.

    He doesn't get up.

    Crossing her daggers, she smiles sweetly. "Who's next?"
