Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The Camel Wrestle

The sun peeks through the window and shines on Goddard. "Stupid sun," he yawns and blinks his eyes.

"Where am I?" He stretches as he sits up then looks over at Aara. 

OH! That's right. 

He swings his legs over the side of the bed and rubs his head before standing up. 

That bite really ruins everything once the good feeling is gone.


  1. Aara groans and rolls over into Goddard's vacant spot. Damn sun. Stretching, she blinks rapidly.

    "Are you alright?" she mumbles, hugging a pillow close.

  2. "Yes I'm fine. You know what feeding the pet vampire does to your head," he chuckles.

  3. She stands up and slips into a robe hanging near the door. "You were pretty pitiful last night in the camp," she tells him, grabbing a piece of chocolate from the table.

  4. "Isn't that always what happens to me?" he frowns. "My cousin had me in tears over rabies that one time."

  5. "You do get pretty pathetic. But I think I managed to cheer you back up."

  6. Goddard starts to get dressed in what he typically wears; his black sleeveless top, jeweled cowl, high boots, cloak, and black tabard. He carefully folds up the noble robes and packs them away before he begins to wrap his arms.

    "I remember that part," he grins. "The cheering up part."

  7. "Good thing," she says, choosing clothing from her own pack. "Otherwise I'd have to remind you."

  8. "Oh...wait...no I actually don't remember a thing?" He sits down and eats a bit of food while he watches Aara.

  9. She laughs, pulling on her leather leggings. "Too late," she says, tucking her shirt in and lacing them up. "You already said you remember. Besides, I promised to show Katarina the way to the library."

    She pulls on a long, sleeveless jacket in a bright red. The body is snug, flaring out into a skirt that flutters around as she walks.

  10. "Do I need to be around for that?" he groans. "She might stick me," he pokes Aara in the ribs.

  11. "She will not. And I was thinking of showing you something amazing and highly entertaining later, but if you don't want to go...I guess I could take Tannin and Katarina." She sits at the table to pull on her stockings and boots. Suddenly noticing how pale her hands are, she's glad she choose a sleeveless shirt.

  12. Goddard crosses his arms. "Really? You think the two of them equate to the company of me? I'm a bit offended," he jokes.

  13. "I think the two of them might enjoy spending the day with me and watching camels wrestle," she answers, crossing her arms and mimicking him.

  14. He looks at her shocked momentarily and then laughs. "The camels wrestle? Those huge silly animals?"

  15. Aara shrugs and belts her weapons around her waist. "I guess you'll never know," she sighs, sliding daggers into her boots and strapping two more around her thighs. She grabs a veil and heads for the door, brushing against him as she passes.

  16. "Why won't I know?" he quickly grabs his pack and follows her out. "I want to come too! Are you not bringing me? What did I do now?"

  17. "Are you coming?" she asks. "You indicated that you didn't want to. And think before you decide you want to carry that around all day, it's going to get very hot later. Leave it if you like, I have the only key to the room."

  18. A ray of sun peeks in through a gap in the tent, sending the beam directly onto Katarina's face. Waking slightly, she groans and rolls over. "Stupid sun." she mumbles.

  19. "I'm coming and..." he contemplates the pack. "I guess I'll leave it," he grumbles. "I carry enough on my waist I suppose," he says putting the pack back down in the room.

    "Ok," he slips out the room past her. "Lock it up and let's go."

  20. She locks the door and heads down towards the stable, grabbing a piece of fruit and a wedge of cheese from the common room as they pass through. It doesn't take long for them to ride into camp, weaving their way through to the center, where Koroush has set up a small court of sorts.

  21. Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, Katarina sets the tagelmust on her head and grabs her boots.

    Stepping outside her tent, she gives each boot an upside down shake dumping a scorpion out onto the sand. Securing the footwear, she heads to where she found food the night before.

  22. "Zhane seems like he knows exactly where he's going in this tent maze," Goddard says suspiciously.

  23. "He should, he dragged you all over it last night." She sees Katarina walking between tents. "Kasha!" she calls.

  24. The young witch's head snaps up, eyes completely open and aware. Looking for the voice, she spots Aara and Goddard. With a smile, she waves at them and points at a large camp fire near an extremely large tent before heading there herself.

  25. "I don't remember that," he scratches his head. Zhane whinnies and nods his head.

  26. "Well it happened, right before you started fell apart and started shouting that I'd disappeared." As they ride closer, she leans toward him. "I told her I was having dinner with my brother, so don't be surprised if she says something about it."

  27. Tannin walks amongst the tents. He watches koroush's 'court' from a distance

  28. "Why do I do those things? Why do you allow me to talk, lecai?"

    He grumbles to himself and then chuckles. "You liar..."

  29. "Because sometimes the stupid slips out and I get to laugh at you." She grins over her shoulder at him. "And yes, I am- can you blame me?"

    She pulls Kasida to a stop just outside the clearing and dismounts. "Good morning, Kasha," she says, staking Kasida with the iron stake from her saddlebag. "Sleep well?"

  30. Katarina is offered a small plate with some bread and honey and a cup of milk is handed down to her as well.

    Dipping the bread into the honey, she smiles at the sweet flavor mixing with the dark bread. She shews slowly at first, but as Aara approaches she swallows the bite.

    "Through the night, so it was quite good. How was dinner?" she replies.

  31. "Did...did you guys hear that?" Goddard asks Zhane and Arha. "She laughs at my stupid...she's such a sweetheart isn't she," he says sarcastically as he hops of the horse and walks behind Aara.

  32. "Wonderful." Aara accepts a cup of water and sits on the ground.

  33. Goddard quietly sits next to Aara and nibbles on the bread he was offered.

  34. Sirocco snorts angrily behind Tannin.

    "Yeah I know. I guess we can go say hi. " Tannin says over his shoulder.

    Mounting the large horse, Tannin slowly rides his way over to everyone.

  35. Katarina nods at Aara. "That's good." she starts, but pauses looking over the Arabian woman in front of her. She tilts her head and blinks a few times in rapid succession.

    "Something different..." she says slowly.

  36. "It's the color," she says, indicating the bright red she's wearing. "It emphasizes how pale I've gotten. I look strange," she laughs.

  37. "Looks like Khaladh's horse isn't too happy with him," Goddard smirks.

  38. Aara looks over her shoulder. "She didn't have a bad temperament when we left...I wonder why?"

  39. "Animals don't really like being around dead things that are still moving around."

  40. "It's not that... you look fine. It's like you have a glow about you." she says still thinking.

  41. Aara shrugs. "Relaxation and sunshine works wonders."

  42. "No, she dosnt" Tannin says. Apparently she isnt that nice to anyone anymore"

  43. "I agree lecai...it's so nice to be away from that cold place again."

    Goddard stands up and walks over to the large horse. "What's the matter girl? You don't like icky Tannin? It's ok...I didn't much care for him either," he snickers.

  44. "That's a shame. How does she respond to other horses?"

  45. Katarina laughs. "Definitely the relaxation helps all us.

    "I know, its about your dinner last night! You enjoyed spending time with that new baby."

  46. Aara makes a face. "He spits up on everything. And cried all night. He's cute, but Ali can keep him."

  47. Sirocco bites Goddard on the arm, not enough to break the skin but enough to basically say piss off.

    " Told you she didnt like anyone"

  48. Goddard pulls his arm away. Not because it hurt him but because it's a very large animal grabbing onto his arm.

    "Sheesh! You obviously haven't heard of the great deeds I have done or the fact that I can't feel anything still...big goofy horse..."

  49. Aara laughs. "It's probably a good thing you can't feel that."

  50. Katarina frowns for a second then smirks. "If you say so, Aara."

    Turning her attentions to the others "I've heard that the gossip amongst horses does run rather slow."

  51. Oh trust me, Kasha, it's not a baby that put me in this mood.

    "So," she says, addressing the group, "I've promised Katarina a trip to the library this morning, and I thought we might enjoy watching a camel wrestling match. It's extremely entertaining."

  52. "We should skip the books. I was promised the battle of the century! Or something like that.."

  53. Katarina arches and eyebrow. "A camel what?"

  54. "A camel wrestling match," she answers. "It's not something to be explained, really. It has to be seen."

  55. "Well... all I really need is to be guided to the library. I should be able to find it again if I know where it is. I can easily return there later to find the information on Asaph.

    "So, I'm curious about this spectacle you have promised now, Aarta."

  56. "It's camels wrestling! Seems simple enough. Battle of the century...until I see porcupine wrestling," he nudges Aara.

  57. "I'll show you the way from the safehouse to the library, that way you know where you'll start and end. It's not hard."

  58. Aara rolls her eyes at Goddard. "Show me this porcupine chaos creature exists, first."

  59. "I will! I saw one at the zoo in Altdorf. I'll take you," he smiles.

  60. "What does this porcupine look like?"

  61. "It's a giant creature of chaos with spears in it's back," Aara explains, rolling her eyes again.

  62. "Its a creature of pure evil. Sharp spines all over its back. Its hatred incarnate "

  63. Goddard laughs. "It's not that bad. Well...if you touch it wrong. I touched one when I was a kid. Just go in the direction of the spines."

  64. "I've not heard the name porcupine before. But if its big and spear-like, then its not the tiny little spiky things that like to live under bushes. Those are adorable." Katarina replies taking a bite of her bread

  65. "It's a wonder you're still alive, nuur'eni," Aara laughs. "Bats and porcupines and cleaning."

  66. "Hey! Bats are scary. Porcupines are ok. Cleaning...I could do without that."

  67. Aara rolls her eyes again. "Ahra isn't scary at all, and he's a bat."

  68. "He's not a real bat...so...he's ok."

  69. Aara stands. "If everyone's ready, we should go. The crowds gather early."

  70. "Sure, I'm ready." Katarina says mopping up the last bit of honey with the last bite of bread.

  71. Goddard quickly hops to his feet. "I'm ready. Come here Zhane. Get the lead out."

    The horse slowly makes it way toward Goddard and stands just a few feet away.

    "You do this on purpose..." he walks over and climbs into the saddle.

  72. Aara clenches her teeth when she swings into the saddle, but keeps her discomfort off her face. If Katarina realizes what really happened, there's no telling what she'll do or say to Goddard. Oh! They don't know I'm free...

  73. Climbing onto Anya, Katarina coaxes the small horse over to the others.

    "Point the way, O' fearless leader." she says fastening her veil in place.

  74. "I have no idea where I'm going," Goddard smirks. "We'll follow Aara."

  75. "That's who I was talking too." Katarina says with an overly sweet smile at Goddard.

  76. "It's a bit of ride," she tells them. Once they've ridden clear of the camp, Aara has to keep Kasida from speeding across the open desert.

    It looks like they're just riding into an endless desert until they see the barest hint of civilization. Tents are set up, much like the massive camp they've left, but these seem to have a more permanent look to them. There are long hitching posts and water troughs for the horses, and a crowd already swarming around a large corral. Shouts and curses can be heard, men are smoking and women laughing, but over it all is the sound of the camels bellowing and grunting.

    "Oh, it's already started!"

  77. "Well let's hurry! I can't miss any of this. It sounds...interesting to say the least."

    He climbs off the saddle and ties Zhane up. "Sorry buddy. Too much stuff going on to leave you loose."

  78. Aara follows suit. It's far too crowded at the fence to get a prime viewing spot, and she soon realizes she's too short to see over the shoulders of the other spectators.

    "Damn," she mutters, trying to squeeze past people. "Why do I have to be so short?"

  79. Katarina ties off Anya and looks around at the crowd as she follows Aara.

    "Goddard and Tannin are pretty tall, see if one of them can give you a boost." she offers seeing the shorter woman's problem.

  80. "I'm having a hard time getting a clear view too," Goddard mutters. "So many people...this must be the most entertaining thing around...and I'm missing it!"

  81. Making sure her daggers are in plain sight, Aara purposefully- and forcefully- rams into the man in front of her. When he turns around with a hand raised, her eyes go wide and she covers her mouth with her hands.

    "Oh! My apologies, sheik," she says in arabyan. "We were only trying to get a better view!"

    The a tall fat chunk of human sees the tattoos her hands and lowers his own. "My apologies, Anissa," he grumbles, stepping aside. "Please, let them pass."

    Aara bows respectfully and thanks him, then pulls Goddard behind her as she steps up to the fence. "This is better," she whispers as the others join her.

  82. "Who was that guy, Aarta?" Katarina whispers

  83. "Him? I don't know," she says, shrugging. "He was in the way."

  84. "He's lucky he put that hand down," Goddard grumbles and stands next to Aara.

  85. "Oh! You called him something, wondered if he might be important or a big shot.

    "Good work though, he was in the way." she says with a wink and conspiratorial giggle.

  86. "He wouldn't dare hit someone like me," she assures him. "I'd have killed him before he'd finished slapping me." Grinning, she raised an eyebrow. "He's a man, it made him feel important and put him off his guard."

  87. "Wow look at those things go!" Goddard points at the camels as they run into each other and make the loudest and strangest of sounds.

    "I'm going to say...that one will win! Go! Bite him!"

  88. Aara jumps up on the fence, watching. "Care to make a wager?" she asks him.

  89. "That depends...what's on the table?" he smiles slyly.

  90. "Ten gold says your pick loses," she says. Leaning forward, she whispers in his ear. "And everything, as soon as the numbness goes away."

  91. "Ive had about enough of this" Tannin says.

    With a growl, he just sort of lets Sirocco push her way past people so He can get a better view, giving those infront of him the option to move or be crushed underhoof

  92. "Deal!" he grins and goes back to cheering on his camel.

  93. Aara cheers and shouts along with him, but when her camel loses, she sighs. "Oh well, I can lose gracefully," she says. "I suppose..."

  94. Katarina shakes her head. "That was one of the most unusual things I have ever seen. I never would have thought those things could move and bend like that. And those necks..."

  95. Goddard has a huge smile on his face. "HA! I win! But you can keep your coins, lecai."

  96. She raises an eyebrow. "Oh, and what will you ask for in their place, I wonder?"

  97. Goddard shrugs. "Nothing. I was perfectly fine just picking different ones and seeing who picked right."

  98. "Then...that one," she says, pointing at a camel with red draped on its hump. "He'll win."

  99. "And I think that other one will win."

  100. They go back and forth, sometimes agreeing on the camel, but mostly at odds with one another. It grows hotter and hotter, until at noon a break is called and the tents are opened to spectators.

    "Shall we go for a cool drink?" she asks, jumping down from the fence.

  101. "Yes please," Goddard huffs. "I almost miss the snow. The sun is killing me."

    He follows Aara into a tent and looks around at all the people, wondering how they all just don't pass out from heat exhasution.

  102. "It's glorious," she tells him. Once she's in the shade of the tent, she holds her arms out, admiring the way her skin is deepening without burning. That's better. Accepting a cool fruit wine, she manages to find a large cushion with no one on it.

  103. Goddard takes some wine as well and follows Aara, sitting close to her. "I keep getting...looks...I take it they aren't used to seeing an elf? Or anyone as pale as I am?" he snickers.

  104. "It's the way you're dressed," she says. "Lots of different races pass through here, but most dress for the heat."

  105. "This is at least keeping the sun from cooking me," he shakes the hood off his head and takes a sip of wine. "I feel like even if I were naked, it would still be way too hot. At least when it's cold you can keep adding layers and warm up."

  106. Aara shrugs. "I suppose I'm just used to it. I thought I would die from cold amid all that snow and shadow."

  107. "Nothing wrong with cod and shadows. If you want to visit the Amethyst college, you'll have to deal with non-stop cold and shadows."

  108. "So long as I can go outside and get out of it now and then I'll be fine."

  109. "We'll be outside most of the time anyway."

    He looks away from Aara and stares at a tray of food begin brought in. "Oh! That looks good! I need to try that. Excuse me," he stands up and tries to make his way through the crowd. Even though he's fairly tall, Aara still loses sight of him.

    Goddard tries not to bump into anyone, especially after he saw what happened with Aara and actually makes it to the tray without incident. But that changes once he reaches over to grab something to eat.

  110. Aara lays back on the pillow, thinking of the previous night. Her whole body aches in a new, delicious way, and she can't stop smiling. Katarina's right about one thing; I am different. It just wasn't an infant who changed me.

  111. A man much wider than Goddard, shoves him out the way.

    "Hey!" Goddard snarls at the man, completely ignoring the size difference. He doesn't understand a word of what the man is saying, but from hand motions and body language, Goddard can assume he's being blamed for bumping into the man.

    "No no I don't think so buddy," he snaps back and uses similar gestures. "You bumped into me! This isn't my fault. You watch where you're going!" He pokes a thin finger into the center of the man's fat chest.

    Oh you idiot...you know what happens when you poke people...

  112. Aara snaps out of her reverie when she hears voices being raised. "Nuur'eni," she whispers, standing. Between the size of the tent and the people in the crowd she quickly realizes that she'll have to follow his voice.

  113. The infuriated man grabs Goddard by his cloak and tosses him into an empty table. The table falls over and Goddard lands on the other side of it.

    "Ow...that actually hurt," he slowly stands up and peeks over the upturned table. The man essentially points and laughs at Goddard.

    "Oh that's it buddy," Goddard narrows his eyes and steps out from behind the table. He takes about two steps before the man runs at him and knocks him down to the ground.

  114. Aara starts shoving people out of the way. When she can see Goddard hit the ground, she yells at the man to stop.

  115. Goddard lands on his back and the man puts his foot on Goddard's chest so he can't stand up.

    I don't know what this guy is saying, but I know he's making fun of me...

    Goddard angrily digs his claws into the man's foot. He steps off of the elf but quickly reaches down and lifts Goddard up by the collar. He looks at Goddard strangely for a moment. All the man can see are his eyes. He shrugs and raises his other hand in a fist.

  116. ((arabyan))

    Aara grabs his arm. "I said stop!" she shouts. He's too big for me to overpower him, if it goes further, I'll have to use my daggers.

    The man grunts and glances at her, uninterested. Opening his hand, he backhands her across the face, knocking her to the floor. She sees stars for a second and tastes blood, but gets to her feet anyway.

    "I tried to stop you," she says sweetly. She draws a dagger at the same time she hits him. He curses, covering his eye with one hand while Aara cuts across his other. He howls, but releases Goddard.

    "You whore!" he shouts, clutching his hand to his chest. "Bitch!"

    Aara sheaths her dagger, and his eyes go wide when he notices her hands. "I tried to stop you," she says again. "Consider yourself lucky today, you won't be so lucky a second time."

    She helps Goddard to his feet. "Are you alright, nuur'eni?" she asks, running her hands over him checking for wounds.

  117. "I had him," he chuckles. "Right where I wanted him...sadly I didn't have myself where I wanted me...thank you." Blood drips down Goddard's chin but he doesn't seem to notice it.

  118. Aara pulls the scarf from her hair and dabs at the blood. "You didn't have him. He had you. And almost me," she mutters, spitting blood onto the sand. She can feel the right side of her face starting to swell and throb, but she's more concerned with Goddard.

  119. "I couldn't see what happened...he hit you?" he growls. "Where did he go? I'll rip his eyes out and add them to my jar..."

  120. "You'll do no such thing," she tells him, leading him back into the sunshine. "I'm fine."

  121. Goddard touches his chin and looks at the blood on his hand. "Must have bitten my tongue...that's what hurts...what was that guy's problem? I didn't do a damn thing."

  122. "It seems you're getting feeling back. And I don't know, but he wasn't going to let you walk away when he was done with you."

  123. "I don't know if I like being able to feel," he rubs the back of his head and then he quickly turns to Aara. "I mean...I'd love to be able to feel but not when I'm getting pummeled."

  124. She laughs. "I understand. There's a vendor selling kebabs on the other side of the corall," she says, pointing him out. "Why don't we get lunch and find ourselves a place away from the tents?"

  125. "That sounds like a great idea," he follows Aara. Goddard pricks his finger with a claw and chuckles. "I think I'll be all better by tonight."

  126. "Good," she laughs. "Your only feedback last night was 'I'm pretty sure you're doing it right.'"

  127. "As long as you were happy," he grins. "I knew what it was going to be like for me. That was all for you."

  128. Aara blushes, glad Katarina is still in one of the tents. "It was wonderful, hayati," she whispers, looking down at her feet..

  129. Goddard walks close to Aara and holds her hand as they head over to the kebabs. "If this is something not acceptable over here, just let me know," he chuckles. "I don't think I'll ever fully understand what to do and what not to do in Araby."

  130. "If anyone says anything, I'll just tell them I belong to you," she says. "Although I doubt anyone will. My appearance is more scandalous than you holding my hand," she laughs.

  131. "Would they even believe that? Especially since there are so many other handsome guys around around," he snorts.

  132. "It doesn't matter if they believe it or not. And you're just as handsome," she adds.

  133. "I didn't lay the sarcasm thick enough?"

  134. "Maybe you should try harder next time."

  135. He sticks his tongue out Aara.

    "Are we done with the camels? I think I'd have more fun if it weren't so hot and crowded and I wasn't getting pushed around."

  136. "If you want. What would you like to do?"

  137. "You know the area. You find me stuff to do here, and I'll find you stuff to do in Altdorf. The first order of business will be the zoo."

  138. She thinks a moment, then brightens. "I can teach you to swim! In a proper, tiled pool that doesn't get too deep."

  139. Goddard raises a brow. "I'm intrigued by the pool...but...swimming? Do you know how to help a drowning elf? Mouth to mouth?"

    "Oh wait..." he grins mischievously.

  140. "You won't drown, so there'll be no need for mouth to mouth," she laughs. "Who knows how much time we'll be spending on the water? Won't you feel better knowing that should something happen, you at least have a fighting chance this time?"

  141. "I guess you're right. I'll still be unhappy on the water but maybe I won't drown if we end up overboard."

    He finishes his kebab. "Oh...aren't we supposed to wait some amount of time before we swim?" he asks hopefully.

  142. She chuckles. "We're out in the middle of the desert. By the time we get to the city you'll be fine."

  143. "Oh goody," he says sarcastically.

  144. Aara stops walking and kisses him quickly on the mouth. "You'll be fine, I promise. So don't sulk. Let's go get the horses."

  145. Goddard sighs happily and follows Aara back to the horses. He gives Zhane a pat and piece of some sweet fruit from a pouch. "You deserve a treat," he says as he gets up into the saddle after untying the horse.

  146. Aara tells Tannin and Katarina that they are leaving, and points them in the direction of camp. When she sees Goddard already sitting on Zhane and waiting for her, she has to stop herself from smiling too broadly. Is this what Rayya and the sultan had? Ali and his wife?

    Jumping into Kasida's saddle and settling Ibben in her lap, she eyes Zhane and Goddard. "Think Zhane can handle a run, or is he too lazy today?" she asks playfully.

  147. "He's always lazy. But we'll give a run a go. Maybe he's just fat and should lose weight," he laughs.

    Zhane paws at the sand and whinnies loudly as he sways his head. "Ok ok sorry sorry! Sheesh...you're the most handsome horse ever."

  148. Without warning, Aara lets Kasida have her head. Ibben screams and clings to her, chattering as if to curse her, but Aara only laughs and urges the horse faster.

  149. Goddard laughs at the sound Ibben makes and then has to catch himself as Zhane bolts after Kasida.

  150. When they return to the city, Aara slows down to a walk, breathless and laughing. "So he can keep up," she says, brushing back her windblown hair and straightening her veil.

  151. "I have never seen this horse move that fast," Goddard says surprised. "Good job Zhane! Didn't know you had that in you!"

  152. When they reach the safehouse, Aara slides down. "I just need a quick word with Ali," she explains. She returns quickly and gets back in the saddle. "Off we go," she says happily.

  153. "What was that about?" he asks. "Are you going to set up some surprise again and have me wander around in circles blindfolded?"

  154. "No, no more surprises," she laughs. "I just wanted to see if his wife was home."

    They ride through the city, eventually coming into a very up-scale area, even nicer than where the library is. They ride up to a large, open-air house surrounded by the scent of citrus, and are met by clean, polite stable boys.

    Aara dismounts and hands Kasida off, instructing for her to be brushed clean of sand. Looking up at Goddard, she smiles. "Ali married well."

  155. "This is their house?" he slides off the saddle and looks around. "This is beautiful."

  156. Suddenly, a small boy about five years old opens the door and runs towards them. Like Aara, he has black curly hair and green eyes, and he's stripped to the waist. "Ama!" he cries with delight.

    Aara laughs and scoops him up in her arms, kissing his forehead. "Salam, Tarik!" she shouts, twirling around with him. "I have missed you, little one!"

    The boy peers over her shoulder at Goddard with wide eyes and rambles off a question in arabyan. Shaking her head, Aara scolds him gently. "Your papa said you must practice your reikspeil, Tarik, ask me again."

    Pointing a shy finger at Goddard, he whispers in her ear.

    Smiling, Aara turns and reaches a hand out for Goddard. "Tarik, this is my good friend, Goddard."

  157. Goddard looks surprised for a second, clearly not expecting a kid to be around. "Guten Tag!" Goddard says with a grin and a wave.

  158. He buries his face in Aara's shoulder, who only laughs. "Tarik is my nephew," she explains as they walk into the house.

    "And I'm a big brother now!" he adds proudly, lifting his face. "Ama, have you come to see the baby, or to see me?"

    Aara laughs again, setting him on her hip. "I have come to see you, the baby, your mama, and to teach Goddard how to swim."

    Tarik's eyes light up. "I can swim! Mama says I swim like a fish!"

    "Where is your mama?"

    "In the courtyard, playing with the baby," he says sullenly. "Goodrad, you don't know how to swim?"

  159. "No I don't know how to swim," he chuckles embarrassed.

    Would she ever want kids? She could never have any with you. Nice for you...not nice for her if she ever wants any...

  160. Tarik wriggles out of her arms and runs ahead. "I will show you! It's easy! Mama, Ama has come to see me!" he shouts as he runs out of sight.

    Aara smiles and reaches for Goddard hand. Looking around, she admires the splendor. The floors are a polished stone, curtains of silk and linen sway in the breeze, and bowls of flowers are everywhere. "As you can see, Ali married very well," she laughs. "Siba was independently wealthy when they married."

  161. "This place is beautiful!"
    Goddard's eyes wander around as he takes in the colors and and how bright and airy everything is. It's a much welcome change from the cold of Naggaroth and completely different than the dark and dust of the college in Altdorf.

    What can you give her huh? Nothing! Nothing but dust, darkness, books, and bats. You shouldn't have said you loved her back...you should have said something else...

    "What business is she in?" he asks quietly.

  162. Aara only smiles and leads him outside. Siba is waiting for them, having laid the baby in a cradle. She is tall and slender, her black hair cut even with her jaw. She has names tattooed from her fingertip up to her elbow in a beautiful swirling pattern not so different from Aara's.

    "Aara," she says in reikspeil, floating towards them and embracing Aara. "It has been too long. And you must be Goddard," she adds, kissing him cheek and squeezing his hand. "Plese, be welcome."

  163. Goddard stiffens a bit when she kisses his cheek and studies her for some kind of reaction. He pulls his cowl up a bit.

    "You have a beautiful home," he says.

  164. She only smiles. "Thank you. Ali has told me you're responsible for bringing Aara and Koroush home safely. Thank you for that." Turning to Aara, her smile turns into an impish grin. "You cannot go swimming in that, little sister. I'll find you two something suitable."

    As she walks away, Aara looks around. "It's beautiful, and very comfortable, but too big for me. Can you imagine all the work that would go into keeping it like this?" she asks. "And with four little monsters running around?"

  165. "Actual monsters, I can deal with," he laughs. "I think I'd be a terrible father. I'm pretty skilled at cleaning though so I could keep the place clean at least. Or I can summon ghosts or something to clean for me."

  166. She makes a face. "All the children in my life will belong to someone else. I love Tarik and the others, but you know I have no desire for my own." They walk further into the courtyard toward the sound of splashing water.

    Goddard sees a large pool glittering in the sunlight. It slants just like a regular pond would, gradually getting deeper and deeper, but instead of sand and mud, this is tiled with blue and white stone. Citrus trees, heavy with fruit, line the walls of the courtyard, and Tarik is splashing about in the pool.

  167. Goddar fiddles with all rings.

    Water...beautiful water but still water. I don't belong here....I feel so out of place...

    "What is it with the water here? The beach was nice and this looks nice. You just have a different kind of water," he chuckles, still fidgeting with the rings.

  168. "Don't be nervous," she says, laying a hand on his. "I won't let anything happen. You trust me, don't you?"

  169. Aara puts an arm around his waist. "Ana uhebbuka," she whispers. "It won't be as bad as you think, I promise."

  170. He smiles and walks toward the pool, looking down at the water.

    It doesn't look so bad...and maybe they won't notice your...mass amount of scars and that skull mark or anything...

    He sighs.

    Just give it a try...for her...

  171. Siba returns with an armful of soft linen. "Here you are," she says, handing Goddard a short-sleeved tunic and a pair of trousers that might reach his knee. "Aara, you are so small I had to dig through Niya's clothing," she laughs, "now I pray it isn't too small."

    Aara thanks her and leads Goddard to a room where they can change. "Oh no," she laughs, unfolding the trousers. "Look at how short Niya has cut them! They won't even cover my knee!" Indeed, they look like they might only reach mid-thigh. "I hope the shirt is longer."

  172. Still won't cover my arms.

    Goddard gets changed and laughs. "This is what you swim in? I like it better when we can just strip everything off."

    "Um lecai...where can I put my belts. The books...I...I can't leave them where anyone can find them so I carry them with me but now...I don't know what to do with them. Part of me wants to leave them by the pool where I can stare at them if need be."

    "And another part of me wants to lock them up but then I can't watch them."

  173. "Normally we would swim nude, but this mark..." She puts a hand on her shoulder and thinks of the mark of Khaine there. "I don't want Siba to see it," she explains softly.

    "If you like, I can ask Siba for a chest to set nearby. Then you can wear the key around your neck. It will allow you to both keep an eye on them and have them locked away."

  174. "That would be wonderful," he sighs, feeling a bit of stress wash away. "That's something I won't have to worry about."

  175. "Easily done. Stop worrying so much, hayati. I know your history with water." She steps close and puts a hand on his cheek, studying him. "You've been on edge since we walked in, what is bothering you?"

  176. "I feel...like I don't belong," he finally says after a moment of quiet. "Especially after coming from Naggaroth."

  177. "I understand. Do you want to go back, when we're done with this vampire business?" she asks softly.

  178. "To Naggaroth? No way! But when you go from being an outcast, to being back to where you 'belong' and then back to be 'the only one', it affects you in a way I can't really explain."

  179. "I think I understand. Or rather, I want to understand. When we leave here, I think I'll have a better understanding of what you mean." She looks up at him, meeting his gaze. "Is there anything I can do to help you feel better?"

  180. "I think I just need to suck it up, go out there and see what happens. I know it's not going to be the way I think it will be. I just need to see it for myself."

    He scratches his head. "I hope I make sense to you when I talk like this. I'm sorry if I don't."

  181. She smiles and tugs on his ear. "You make sense. Also," she pulls him down for a long kiss. "For luck."

  182. "You sure we need to do this swimming thing?" he whispers. "We could just keep on with this...and then some..."

  183. She laughs, the sound low and throaty. "Do this for me, and I will take any instruction you might have later. Deal?"

  184. He nods with a huge grin on his face. "I can't promise that this swimming will go well...but later...that will be something to remember."

  185. She laughs and pulls him back to the courtyard. Tarik is still there, swimming in the deepest part as if he'd been born with fins. Siba watched on from a couch on the side, rocking the baby's cradle. When she sees how short her daughter cut her trousers, her eyes go wide with shock before she laughs.

    "Siba, Goddard has some very valuable things, would you have a chest brought out here so he can lock them up and keep an eye on them also?"

    Siba nods, and leaves the baby under their care while she gets the chest. Aara leans over the cradle carefully, a wary look on her face. His face is red and pinched, as if he were working up a good scream. "I hope it doesn't cry. I can't help you if you cry. Please don't cry," she pleads under her breath. She's staring so intently, willing the baby not to cry, that when the child burps, she shrieks and jumps behind Goddard.

  186. Goddard jumps at Aara's shriek and then laughs once he realizes it was nothing. "Lecai...it's a baby. Not a dragon."

  187. "Have you ever seen of those things vomit? It might as well be a dragon!" Standing behind him, she lays her cheek against his back. "Oh no, hayati, save me from the dragon," she says softly in her best damsel in distress voice.

  188. "I couldn't handle that man from earlier and you want me to save you from a dragon? You saved me. You deal with the dragon," he chuckles and moves behind her.

  189. She watches the baby nervously for a few minutes before Siba finally comes back, a servant behind her carrying the chest. "Finally!" Aara sighs.

    Siba laughs and hands Goddard the key. "Have him set it where you like," she says.

    While he stores his things away, Aara starts wading into the pool.

  190. Goddard puts the key around his neck and sits on the edge of the pool on the shallow end, dangling his feet into the water. It's not cold but it's enough of a temperature difference to feel amazingly cool.

  191. "Come on, nuur'eni," she coaxes, standing waist-deep. "We'll start with just floating."

  192. "It's weird...but the thinner you are, the harder it is to float," he says as he slides into the water. He sinks to his knees and his head still remains above the water. "It's good to be tall."

  193. She laughs and puts her hand on his shoulder. "First, just relax," she says soothingly, putting her other hand on his back. "And lean back. I'm here, so don't worry about sinking."

    "Like this!" Tarik says, flopping onto his back and floating.

  194. "Kids are magic...you can do all kinds of things that I can't," he chuckles and does as Aara instructs. He is surprisingly relaxed.

    It's because it's her...other wise I'd have panicked and drowned by now.

  195. "Now stretch out your legs," she instructs softly, her hands still beneath his back, but not supporting him. "Breathe normally, and close your eyes."

    When he's floating, she moves her hands a few inches away and smiles. "See, that's not so hard."

  196. He opens one eye and sees that Aara isn't holding him and gasps for a moment but remains still. Goddard closes his eyes and laughs nervously. "It's not hard but...it is...mentally difficult."

  197. "Keep your eyes closed, it helps. If you start to sink, I'll catch you," she promises. She hums the tune of the slowest song he sings when they spar. Feeling him relax a little more, she slowly pulls him into deeper water.
