Sunday, December 2, 2012

Drama Llamas

Goddard wakes up startled. Just a dream...he won't kill you...stand tall and don't back down...

He carefully moves away from Aara so he doesn't wake her. Lecai...I wish I could make you forget all about me. I'd make you more miserable than happy...

He goes over to his chest of books and potions. Goddard gets his writing kit out and this new book and begins reading and taking notes, occasionally pulling out the first book and referencing things.

This new book is a ton of rituals...not so much about these potions...mother's library might help...

He gets lost in his reading, as usual.


  1. "Bad dream too?" Katarina asks quietly sitting huddled nearby.

  2. He looks over at Katarina and studies her for a bit then goes back to his book.

    "Nothing like your delusions of things that did not happen on the druchii ship..."

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. "Delusions? You're the one who is delusional if you think anything not traumatizing happened there. Those on that ship were torturing people, humans, Goddard. Do you know how many of them looked at me in their pain in those jagged cells? The curses of the sailors we had so hate before? The silent pleads of the innocent for aide?

    "I don't fault you on missing this, you're not human after all. Also, you did what you had to to keep your cover and support Koroush in keeping all of us alive."

  5. "You were all safe had nothing to be afraid harm was going to come to any of you," he slowly turns a page. "You're welcome...both times..." he grumbles.

    "And the only reason you were all safe was because I'm not a human. I had no cover to keep up."

  6. Katarina stands up and walks over to him. "But that's not how the human mind works, Goddard. Fear is powerful force in our lives. Especially of the unknown... or things not understood. Its why even those of us who use magic for good are hunted by Witch Hunters.

    "You are right, I have not thanked you for your part both times. I cannot thank you for being born an elf. I will thank you for playing to that cover. The cover that you are exactly like them...

    "While you can be petty, cruel, spiteful, and seem to have to no concept of empathy at times... its no more so than I or anyone else in our group an be accused of, well maybe the Skaven. I was wrong to say you are exactly like them. Whatever drove you to leave them, it must have been some goodness in you. Thank you, Goddard."

    She leans down and kisses him on the forehead. "Don't tell anyone that I can be appreciative and sweet at times. I can't let it get out that I'm not a cold-hearted, man-hating bitch." she says with a smile and slight giggle.

  7. Goddard looks at her, extremely confused.

    "You're're...charade won't fool me Katarina...I'll give you hmmm a few minutes, before you go off and do something completely opposite of what you are doing a dagger to the forehead later."

  8. Katarina looks offended. "Have I done anything to you since I played that joke on you in the pool? No.

    "While I was sore at you for a few days after your drunken rambling incident, which Aara apologized to everyone for you. I've heard worse from drunks before, so its actually kind of funny now.

    "While I did over-react on the barge with the knife. You really don't have to worry about me stabbing you. Other than insults and hateful speech towards each other, what have we to fear from each other?

  9. "It doesn't matter exactly what you do. It's that I don't know if I can believe your intentions or what you say. One minute you're being hateful, the next, you're kissing my forehead. I might not have the best personality, but at least I'm consistent," he grumbles.

    "I've had enough hateful speeches and insults thrown at me...and fists...and rocks...and sticks...and bullets...hmmm," he thinks for a moment. "All kinds of things. I'd rather you stab my physical heart than my metaphorical heart."

  10. "You're consistent? One minute you are a nice individual the next you become a lust monger.

    "One minute I'm hateful? Can you recall the last time I insulted you? I may have been rude to you, but it has been over a month now since I insulted you. This is now the second time I have told you, I meant what I said by that tomb. The hatchet is buried on my end. Apparently not so on yours... given your derisive opening to this conversation.

    "Fists, rocks, sticks? Did I do anything to you about your little tirade on me in the caves other than tell you to keep your opinions to yourself? No. I didn't even say a word. Yet I endure your insults any time I try to speak to you."

  11. He stares at her for a moment before he goes back to reading. "You talk too much," he says simply.

  12. Aara wakes, feeling the same strangeness she always feels after waking from Tannin's bite. I remember some of last night, or was it the night before? I remember dancing while Tannin sang that lovely song. Was Goddard there? No...he'd left, hadn't he? Aara jerks completely awake and sits up. He left me? With TANNIN?

  13. "Which means you know I'm right and you can't admit it. Fine, keep playing the victim. Nurse your grudge for the next thousand years. I'm sure people then will understand how much I have wronged you then. Until then, I will bear your insults, slights, and derision; all to so our agreed upon task... getting these books to safe hands."

    Sitting down at the table, she shakes her head at the elf. "Honestly Goddard, you act like I'm leading villagers with torches and pitchforks out to burn you at the stake like a witch. All irony intended there. We might not like each other too much and may never be friends, but I do trust you; especially concerning those books."

  14. "It's just the truth...shut your mouth more often," he smiles, still looking at the book.

    "And I am the biggest sob story in all the world," he laughs.

  15. "Oh really? I'm up for a bedtime story. How about it, Goddard? It will keep me from talking..." she says with a smirk.

  16. "You couldn't handle the first part," he smirks. "I'd have to wait for you to wake up again before I would be able to continue."

  17. Aara quickly puts a hand to her throat, checking for bite marks. No, he doesn't leave marks on us. And...Tannin wouldn't...would he?

    Squeezing her eyes shut, she tries to remember. A kiss...Goddard? Yes, I'm certain that was Goddard. So when did he leave, and why? Did I...? No, of course not. Right? Will Tannin tell me if I ask?

    Goddard's laugh breaks into her thoughts. Taking a deep breath, she stands and walks over to the table. "Good...morning?" she asks.

  18. "Goddards right" Comes Tannins voice from the corner. He almost looks like he is meditating. "You can literally Wake the dead you talk so much, katarina"

  19. "So there were a lot of women then? No wonder you don't want to talk about it." she says with a giggle

    "I can gather you've had a long rough run. But trust me, I can handle more than you think. Unless you think it will bore me, give me a chance to listen."

  20. Aara looks from Katarina to Goddard and back again. "Ahhh...this conversation isn't any of my business. Tannin, can we talk a minute?"

  21. "HA! Khaladh," Goddard laughs. "Katarina is a true necromancer..."

    "And yes there are a lot, no that's not the reason," he grumbles. "It's something to show...not tell...and sorry to disappoint but it's nothing below my belt."

    He quick;y turns to face Aara. "Oh...Bwael Kre’tan lecai," he smiles. "It's still very early...I think..."

  22. Aara takes a step back, unsure of how to act. "Yes, I'm sure," she stammers. "Tannin? A minute?" She has to stop herself from running to where he sits.

  23. Tannin stands, and cracks his neck to both side.

    "Sure. Outside, perhaps?"

  24. Katarina rolls her eyes at the jokes.

    "I'm fine with it not being there. Remember, someone told me I wasn't into that." She replies with a smile.

  25. "Perfect." She grabs her cloak, scarf, and gloves, putting them on as she walks. Once they're outside, she can't even look at him. "What...what did I do for Goddard to leave last night?" she asks quietly.

  26. He flushes pink after realizing what he said in front of Aara. He turns back to Katarina. "I might show you just so I can laugh as you faint..." he grumbles. "Not to mention I have seventeen Shades to back me up should you get any ideas."

  27. "You...kissed him. And that was about it. He seemed to be frustrated that he couldnt take it any further, and left. Where, I do not know." Tannin says, standing outside the tower wearing very little compared to Aara

  28. "I've seen your scars before." she scoffs.

  29. "And after he left?" Her eyes go wide and she turns to look at him. "Did we act condition?"

  30. " We danced. And not the way Goddard "Dances". " Tannin says simply

  31. Aara releases a breath she didn't know she'd been holding. "I feels like something happened last night. Like he wasn't right when he came back. I thought I had done something to upset him."

  32. "That I dont know. He did call me Tannin when he came back, which was odd... "

  33. Aara chews the fingertip of her glove. "That is odd, but not terribly so. I guess I'll just have to ask him." Before ducking inside, she gives him a smile. "I remember the dancing. Thank you."

  34. He chuckles. "My scars are easy enough to explain."

  35. "Then what are you getting at?" Katarina asks

  36. "Dos phu kyndul," he hisses with a smile and leaps at her, slamming her down hard on her back, his forearm across her chest.

    "Kuron means monster...I knew it was really bothering you to not know what that meant..."

  37. Katarina grunts as she hits the floor. Then her eyes grow wide as she stares up at Goddard. She gasps quickly as she faints underneath him.

  38. Goddard chuckles and goes to get up off Katarina.

    "Now maybe you'll be more quiet."

  39. "You."

    Aara stops, giving her shoulder a quick glance to make sure Goddards name is showing. She turns to see a devastatingly beautiful druchii woman standing there. "C-Can I help you?"

    She slinks over to Aara, a smile spreading slowly across her face. "You're one of his khrykan slaves, aren't you?"

    Aara, entranced, only nods.

    "Mmm," she purrs. "Tell your master that if he should require a little danger, my knives are free whenever he wishes."

    Aara watches her walk off, stunned. So that's where he went last night...

  40. Aara's pace quickens as she returns to the room allotted them. When she opens the door, she sees Goddard chuckle as he climbs off Katarina.

    "You beast," she growls.

  41. Goddard finally stands up and looks over quickly at Aara. "What did I do?" He looks down at Katarina and then back to Aara before it clicks.

    "OH! No no no lecai. Trust me this is not what it looks like..."

  42. "Was last night what it looks like? Because it looks like you left me in the hands of a vampire for khrykan with an achingly beautiful druchii- who, conviently enough, told me to tell you that her knives are available whenever you wish."

    Crossing her arms, Aara fights tears. "But please, Goddard of Har Ganeth, tell me what it looks like."

  43. "Really?" is the first word that stupidly comes out his mouth.

    "I mean! NO! I...Iblith!" he pulls on his ears. "Tannin...I knew know we can't...I told you I wouldn't make you happy," he says, obviously panicked and not able to find words.

    "And...and Katarina...she was being annoying so I showed her and she shut her mouth finally!"

    He pauses for a moment then quickly says, "I showed her my face! My face!"

  44. "You also told me I'd hate you once I'd seen what you really are. You were wrong about that, too. No, I can't give you what you want most from me, but I'm trying to find some way to give you what you need. Do you think I'm not tortured, too? That I'm immune to lust?

    "As for Katarina, it's about time- maybe the two of you will give us all some peace and stop going for each other's throats every other breath." In one swift motion, Aara draws a dagger from one of her many hiding places, sorely tempted to plant it right between Goddard's eyes. With a scream, she turns and throws it at the door, sinking it with a deep thud. The blade quivering, she turns back to him.

  45. "Then why get so mad at me?" He flinches when she draws the dagger.

    "I didn't go after you for being with Tannin...I saw you two dancing and what have you and I didn't enter until later...sure it bothered me but I have no right to be upset when I do worse..."

    "Damn! I mean...ugh..." he groans.

  46. "Being with Tannin? Nothing happened! I made some empty comment about wishing for music, and then he starts waltzing me around the room singing! He was trying to distract me because I asked about you and failed. You know what it's like being bitten, you know we try to keep each other in line, and you left me! And you-" She makes fists with her hands and takes a deep breath, tears burning her eyes. When she next speaks, her voice is quiet and nearly calm. "You go off and sate your own thirst with the first female who'll have you. I don't need you to tell me that you did worse, she made it very clear."

  47. "I knew you would be safe," he says trying to figure out how he can get around her and out of the room. "He's still Tannin...he's still a knight..."

    "And when you get that feeling...well...You climbed all over me and cut me and I had to do something...Tannin said he would bite me too and...I couldn't...I couldn't risk hurting doesn't matter..." he sighs,

    "I always hurt you..."

  48. "You climb all over me, too," she tells him. "You pull me into your lap and nibble on me and whisper in my ear, begging me to do things to you or let you do them to me." Aara sighs. "And you tell me I'm torture. For both of our sakes, nuur'eni, tell me. Before I'm bitten so I don't wake up the next day thinking I've done something horrible because I can only remember glimpses.

    "I sent you to a harem full of women, remember? I was jealous, yes, but I understood."

  49. "Goddard, you'll have two thousand years to forget me after I die. At best, I'd only get a handful with you before I'm too old for you to bother with. Am I asking too much?"

  50. "I ask you to tie me up and gag me after Tannin bites don't?" He cant't help but laugh a little.

    "You could never do anything horrible to are my lecai. Don't ever feel that way."

    Goddard looks down at the floor, unsure of what to say to her last comment. "I could never forget you lecai," he finally whispers. "What do you want from me?" he asks, looking back up at her sadly.

    I can't promise to stop...or be "faithful"...

  51. Aara can't help but smile. "You keep untying my knots," she explains. "You're remarkably deft when you're determined." Walking over, she puts a hand on his chest. "You will forget me, and I know it, that's why I wanted the portrait done, to make it harder. I know I can't ask for fidelity or for you to change everything about you. I just want to know that it's me you turn to first." She looks down, her voice lowering to a whisper. "I need that."

  52. Goddard chuckles a bit. "You could have told me and I'd pick up some chains and a lock..."

    "Lecai...I..." He takes her hand and grits his teeth. " so much about you. one else means anything. It's only khyrkan or they want something from me."

    "I bet that druchii is hoping that will get her some higher position of power once I get my tower back. Or she just wanted khyrkan...but it's not because she cares for me. Just as I do not care for her."

  53. She squeezes his hand. "When it gets too much, tell me. I'll understand. And as for her..." A slow grin appears. "Do me a favor: when you get your tower back, demote her."

  54. Goddard chuckles. "What if she comes after me later with a dagger? kill me with? Not...well...I should probably shut up now..."

  55. Aara produces another dagger in a blink. "She isn't the only one good with knives."

  56. His eyes seem to light up as he looks at her hopeful and grins.

  57. Aara rolls her eyes at him. "So we have an agreement? You'll tell me before you go running off and leaving me to think I've done something wrong?"

    She turns his hand over in hers, so that it's palm up. "Because if we do..." She cuts across his palm quickly. "There's more where that came from."

  58. "Agreeeeed," he makes a tight fist after she cuts him and sighs before he has to go get something to wrap his hand with.

  59. Aara smiles and ties the bandage around his hand. "So you showed Katarina?"

  60. "Yeah...she reacted just as I expected," he chuckles. "Now to see what she does when she wakes up. She'll either hate me more if that's possible, or actually become understanding."

  61. Aara raises an eyebrow. "She'll hate you more." She digs in her pack until she comes up with a veil. It's the same sheer black silk she wore before, with the beading forming a skull's grin. "You know she will. And you'll be at each other's throats again."

  62. "Well...she tells me she wants to be friends," he laughs as he pulls up his cowl and smiles. "We match."

  63. Katarina groans and reaches for the back of her head. She feels a small knot there where her head hit the stone floor.

    What happened? I was talking, then I got hit, and then a face above me... "Goddard?!" she says sitting bolt up right and looking around.

  64. "It seems we do." Aara steps up to him and lays her forehead against his chest. When Katarina speaks, she turns to face her so that she's between them.

  65. "Morning sunshine!" Goddard beams when Katarina wakes up.

  66. "How long was I out?" she asks rubbing the back of her head.

  67. "For you to act like an idiot," Aara she mutters, jabbing him with her elbow. "Not long. Half an hour at most."

  68. "Ow..." Goddard takes a step back. "Never thought it was possible to stand too close to you lecai..."

  69. Katarina shifts a little then sighs. "Very funny. I didn't think the mage's colleges trained jesters."

  70. Aara sighs and leans back against him. "There's no hope..."

  71. "Have fun with that hobby. Once this is over, I'd love to see your performance if you play for Queen Katarin.

    "So I guess we had better face... I mean, talk about what happened."

  72. Aara eyes both of them. "Can you do so without attacking each other? Verbally and physically?"

  73. "Hmmm I guess," he whines, leaning against the table and crossing his arms.

  74. "I was going to say 'Yes', but he seems disappointed."

  75. "That's enough from both of you," Aara snaps. "It's been nothing but childish bickering since the day you two met, and I'm sick of it. If you want to discuss this, let's pretend we've all reached our majority."

  76. Goddard grinds his teeth a bit but remains quiet.

  77. Katarina sighs and sits down at the table.

    "Amusingly enough, it was Tannin that irked me the day we met. He almost accosted you for holding me halfway in that sewer." she says with a laugh.

    "All I could think was 'Please don't hit him or make him drop me, Ser Busybody!'

  78. Aara nods and sits on the tabletop between them. "Discuss."

  79. "Discuss what? At one point she didn't mind if I touched her?" he chuckles.

  80. Katarina chuckles as well. "It was the same time you looked at me with big soulful eyes and said you'd do anything for me. I don't think you expected the help with the sewer."

  81. Aara sighs. "Discuss your face, nuur'eni."

  82. Crossing her legs and pulling a dagger out of her boot, she gives him a knowing look, waving it gently. After a moment, she uses it to clean her nails.

  83. "It's not bad. Who cast the illusion?" Katarina asks.

  84. "HA...illusion...I wish," he huffs.

  85. "I mean the illusion I'm looking at now. Remember, I have felt your face. I couldn't place the feeling on the trader ship, but bone..."

  86. "It's not a spell. It just happened. for whatever reason. Lucky this last mutation happened. It was really difficult to go out in public."

  87. Katarina sucks in a breath through her teeth. "So it is that then. I was hoping it was an arcane mark of the Amethyst Wind. That you'd bungled a spell and paid the price of magic."

  88. "No...just my fate. This is why I 'ran away from home'. All asur usually kill deformed children."

  89. "So that..." she says gesturing around her mouth with the hand "since you were a child? Were you born that way or did it happen?"

  90. "It started with fangs claws and small horns. That's when I ran away. Then the rest happened later on. Still a child but a bit older."

  91. Thank Uzzaya. I was worried they'd never get past this. She starts to relax as she cleans her nails.

  92. "That's what 30, 35?" she asks with a smirk

    "Could you elaborate on when it started?"

  93. "I had lived for 12 years which is more like 7 to humans and by the time I was actually 12 years old by human standards, half of my face melted off," he rubs his jaw. "So much younger than that."

  94. Without speaking, Aara reaches out and covers his hand with hers. He never told me that.

  95. "My face was almost the last one after everything else. And then something happened and now I look amazing to everyone...except myself. My reflection doesn't lie to me."

  96. Katarina closes her eyes and lowers her head. She rubs the back of her neck.

    "So it just happened? You can't remember someone casting a spell or doing something to you? You didn't accidentally cast a spell, eat something, play with something?"

  97. "Just happened," he shrugs. "I was with Otto that whole time and I know it wasn't anything he did or anything he had around. As crazy as he is, he does care and raised me as how own."

  98. "When did you start practicing magic? Was it with Otto""

  99. "Yes with Otto. In Naggaroth, male spell casters aren't really appreciated. If I stayed here, I would have been in armor, carrying a sword...well...if I weren't mutated. If I stayed I wouldn't be alive."

    "I don't know how you witches teach magic, but for the most part, I was a cook and a cleaner. I didn't actually cast much."

  100. "Actually, I've done a lot of practice casting. We have to get used to feeling the ice of Kislev. So that if we leave Kislev or don't have access to the cold, we can feel the ley lines and find her to draw her power.

    "If I wasn't studying or practicing; I was either on patrol with Aunt Miska, or keeping an eye on my nephew, Nicolai.

    "Well, your answer took a little bit of concern off my mind. I would hate to have let any kind of chaos worshiper near those books.

    "So how did your parents not kill you or did they not find out? No offense, but I haven't seen much to show that they won't eat their young out of boredom."

  101. "I stayed locked up with dusty books most of the time."

    "I had this off color eye from birth," he points to his white eye. "This was apparently ok for a while. Until I heard them talking about the small bumps on my head and how they didn't file my teeth themselves...and about how they needed to kill me. So I 'escaped' on a ship."

  102. Aara grins. "You're taking this much better than I did, Katarina."

  103. "Druchii like to file their teeth to points. If you pay attention to the Shades, a few of them have them filed, and not just the canines."

  104. "It's because you care lecai," Goddard smiles.

  105. Aara snorted. "I laughed like a lunatic, then burst into tears in an alley until you came back."

  106. "I haven't looked any of them in the face, actually. I figured a 'slave' wouldn't do that, also I figured it would help me ignore them.

    "So did Otto have any theories on this? I mean I'm very shocked he didn't put you out of your misery on the beach, especially living in Altdorf. Last I heard, the center of the Sigmar faith was not too kind to mutants."

  107. "Because you cared?" he laughs. "I'm so sorry I ran...I shouldn't have done that but I was afraid you might kill me with all that laughing and arha wasn't making me feel any better."

  108. "Actually its more to do with someone I met and got to know.

    "You remember the wise woman who gave you your necklace? There's a good chance appearances were deceiving."

  109. "These things just happen. And father is insane," he laughs. "And mutated as well. It's why I couldn't dispose of Tannin right away for becoming something different."

  110. "Im actually starting to get offended that you keep calling me Tannin. Am I not good enough to be Khaladh anymore?"

  111. "I still can't bear to call him Tannin. He's so different now, within the span of a second.

    "Wait, so Otto is mutated too?"

  112. Goddard nods. "I'd rather not talk too much about father now though. He is a high elf and high elves and druchii have been fighting for thousands of years still."

    "Sorry Khaladh. I was in serious mode," he laughs.

  113. Closeing the door behind him, Tannin Reaches back and pulls out Aara's daggar, which is curiously stuck in the door

  114. Aara laughs and takes the proffered dagger. "Thank you."

  115. Tannin spins the Dagger expertly, and gives it to Aara hilt first, allowing the blade to open his hand as she takes it.

  116. "Tannin, you aren't that clumsy..." Aara says, watching his blood well up in his palm.

  117. Tannin slimply shrugs. "I wanted to see If I could still bleed."

  118. Turning back to Aara, Katarina continues. "I was 2 years into my training when my Aunt and I stopped near an Ungol village. She need to see a wise woman who lived there. When we arrived, we were greeted by a young girl my own age. Her name was Khavai.

    "While my Aunt saw to business, Kahavai and I talked and got to know one another over the few days we stayed there. She was the wise woman's apprentice, learning her ways as I was leaning my Aunt's.

    "We left there and would have to return a little over a year later. I was excited as I could talk with Khavai again. Things were not as they were before.

    "An old woman greeted us, she seemed nearly a century. And humans do not age as well as elves. I assumed this was the woman my Aunt was here to see. SO I was courteous and helpful as my parents had taught of me. It was only once inside, that the real person was seen. The old woman was Khavai, still my age; but ravaged by the magics she used and aged far beyond her years."

  119. There is a soft knock on the door. Goddard walks over and opens it a crack.

    "My lord," the voice is familiar to Aara.
    "There is something here you may find useful," the druchii says happily. "It's on the top floor. Come with me!"

    She grabs Goddard by his cloak and pulls him out of the room.

    "Just something useful?" he whispers with a smirk as they head up the stone stairs.

    "It's dangerous," she laughs. "To us anyway, but we are sure you could use it."

  120. "should we....?" Tannin says, nodding towards the door

  121. Aara sheaths both weapons and follows, eyes downcast and a respectful distance behind Goddard.

  122. "Well, we'll just continue this conversation later, then." Katarina says glancing at the book nearby...

  123. "She's quite cute for a human," she says laughing. "I'm here when you need something more my lord," she growls.

    Goddard's ears droop as he laughs, following behind the druchii.

  124. Aara bites her tongue and follows a little closer.

  125. Tannin picks up his axe and follows Goddard, like a good bodyguard would

  126. "Can I play with her later?" she snickers as they walk up to what would be the third story of the tower.

    "Oh no," he chuckles. "Especially not with knives...I like her the way she is...always like fresh meat." He cringes as he speaks, hoping Aara will forgive him.

  127. If that bitch lays a hand on me, she'll lose it. Aara bites her tongue a little harder.

  128. "Go play with the Blonde later. She could use a... what what the word? khyrkan?" Tannin says

  129. "Kynth Khaladh!" Goddard hisses, turning around and shooting Tannin a fairly scary look.

    The druchii laughs. "You should not make suggestions regarding your master's slaves. If you beat him, my lord, for speaking out of turn, may I watch?"

    "Sure...I'll let you know," he grumbles.

  130. Aara tastes blood and bites her lip instead. Whore.

  131. They reach the fourth story finally. It's almost completely open to the cold and snow as this is where the top of the tower was sheared off.

    "Look my lord," she runs over to what looks like a pile of glass and trash in a corner until you get close to it.

    "It' apothecary," Goddard smiles and bends down to check on how damaged it may be. "Looks to be in pretty good condition!"

    "You're welcome Lord Khadath," she bows. "I hope it can be useful to you. I found it..."

    He chuckles a bit and motions for Aara and Tannin to come. "Help me carry this back," he tells them. "Just be careful...I want to keep everything in good condition."

  132. Simpering whore. He's going to have to hitch himself to a cart if he carries any more, Aara thinks as she picks up the smaller items. Standing to the side, she waits to follow Goddard.

  133. Tannin takes his back pack and set it on the ground. He takes all the larger glass wear and sets it ontop of his clothes, put the back pack back on, and then sets about collecting any remaining stuff

  134. They head back down the stairs to the second story. Goddard thanks the female druchii who then walks off. She is replaced by other druchii, bringing in breakfast. Fish, cheese and bread, along with hot wine.

    Goddard thanks them and closes the door when they leave and Tannin and Aara are in the room. "Thanks," he takes the equipment from his friends and goes about trying to fit it all in his trunk. "Perfect!" he smiles.

  135. Aara sits in a corner and glowers at the door, toying with a dagger.

  136. Katarina looks up from scribbling something in a small book as they enter. "What happened to make her mad?" she asks seeing Aara.

  137. Goddard walks over to Aara and puts his arms around her. "Lecai...I'm sorry...and don't listen to her. You know she was trying to pick on you on purpose...she could have talked to me in druhir but spoke so you could understand."

  138. "I know," Aara sighs, "and it worked." Looking up at him, she nods. "And thank you for not letting her think she could have me."

  139. "So I hate to ask what that woman had to show you, now."

  140. "I said I wouldn't let anyone hurt you...any of you," he kisses the top of Aara's head and heads to the table to eat.

    "A small apothecary," he says to Katarina. I'll need that for those potions I found. We can't do anything with them if we don't know what they are."

  141. "You know...If that Elf needs someone to play with, your Loyal bodyguard will offer his service." Tannin says, looking like he is clearly up to somthing

  142. "Kill her for me," Aara mutters as she walks to the table and surveys the food.

  143. "I can promise she wont have any breath left " tannin says, sticking his tongue out at Aara

  144. "Please don't" Goddard begs sighing. "Don't go after a single one of these shades."

    "When she says 'play', she means cut you to ribbons and whip you...not what you think Khaladh."

  145. "Well some of them are pretty to look at, but that's a lucky find to help us use them. We did find them in that vampire's tent, so who knows what horrible things he has made.

    "I'd be interested in learning about how to make potions, if you wouldn't mind?" Katarina says closing her book.

  146. Aara throws a chunk of bread at him. "I'd rather her be well and truly dead, and not able to hang around for the rest of my miserable life."

  147. "she likes to use whips, I like to bite, sounds like we could have a party "

  148. Goddard growls as he swats the bread away,"Save your stabby urges for the fool who stole from me...both of you...I can only do so much to keep you safe...I can't fight off seventeen shades," he sighs.

    "Khaladh, if you so much as touch her, she will kill wouldn't work that way..."

    "And I have no interest in teaching any of you anything I know regarding magic," he says to Katarina as he grinds his teeth for what feels like the millionth time.

  149. Aara sneers playfully at him. "So serious, nuur'eni. I'm going to behaive just like a good little khrykan slave girl should." She raises her eyebrows. "If you promise to growl like that again next time we have a moment to ourselves."

  150. "Goddard, I want her to touch meeee . And from what she seems like shes into, maybe Aara would like to join me? Hell, we could just have a party!" Tannin says laughing, throwing the bread back at Aara.

  151. Katarina sees a vein throb in Goddard's forehead and stands up from the table. She bite her tongue at the rebuke she had there and slowly backs away from what is to come.

  152. Aara throws the bread again, hitting Tannin between the eyes and cursing at him in Arabyan.

  153. Tannin roars with laughter at the absurdity of
    Aara-sexy elf fun time, falling out of his chair as he is hit with the bread

  154. Goddard slams his fist down onto the table, not realizing his hand would land on a plate of cheese.

    "Iblith!" he shakes his hand, not getting it fully clean. "I feel responsible for all of your lives and this talk stresses me out! They aren't like me. They see you as cattle, dirt, nothing..."

    "I need to keep you safe," he grumbles as he gets a cloth to wipe his hand clean.

  155. Aara takes the cloth and helps him. "If we don't laugh, I'm afraid of what we will do. Each of us will play our parts as required. Especially me and my temper."

  156. "Iblith? I feel like that translates roughly to Encule in my tongue" Tannin says, picking himself up off the ground

  157. Goddard slumps over and rests his head on Aara's shoulder. "I'm scared lecai," he whispers.

    "I need to protect you...but I may very well can I keep you safe if I'm dead?"

  158. "Well...Thats not ENTIRELY true" Tannin says with a toothy smile. "Its the same way I keep you safe now"

  159. "I don't need to live for any longer than I have to," he grumbles. "So keep that to yourself...though in my reading...if my theory is correct...I may be able to 'fix' you khaladh..."

  160. "You won't die. We'll find a way out of this." She picks his head up and looks him in the eye. "I won't let you die, I'm not done with you yet. Now calm down, have breakfast, and we'll see what the day holds."

  161. "Fix?" Katarina asks raising an eyebrow

  162. "Do I atleast get to have fun with one of your dark elf babes first? Aara told me about fixing people like me along time ago on that river raft, and Im not ready to be fixed"

  163. Aara makes a scissor like motion.

  164. "I must have an audience with the Witch King...that is what scares me lecai...I may not come back...I can only hope that if that happens, I can trust the Shades to get you safely out of Naggaroth at least as their owed favor."

    He pulls away from Aara. "I don't own any dark elf 'babes' to give to you human," he snarls. annoyed. "And even a druchii slave would sooner kill themselves than touch you," he heads to the door and stands in front of it, not sure if he wants to walk out and be with his kin, or stay in the room.

  165. "Look, all Im saying is they are lookers. Im not implying you should make any of them do anything. I just dont want to be fixed without having a fair shot! Its no different then you comming on to human women. Besides, why do you want to fix me?!"

  166. Aara walks over to him and puts a hand on his arm. "Don't go," she whispers.

  167. "It's completely different, Tannin," he smirks. "You 'come on' to them and they will kill you. You never had a 'fair' shot."

    His ears droop when Aara touches his arm. "It's like Koroush said to me once...the feeling of being with your own kind...and being truly understood...I get that...I want...crave it now...I need to go...forgive me..." he opens the door slightly, waiting to see what Aara says.

  168. Aara nods, remembering how it felt to hear her own language spoken again. "Can I come? Just to keep an eye on you?"

  169. "Do whatever makes you happy lecai," he says as he walks through the door and heads down to the rest of the dark elves.

  170. Torn, Aara bites her knuckle. "Be careful," she whispers, hoping he can still hear her. Closing the door, she sighs heavily. "We didn't handle that well, I think."

  171. "Its really hard for him. I just thought he would be more comfortable with his friends." Tannin says.

    He reaches into his pack, and pulls out his oil and sharpening tools, and begins to work the edge of his axe

  172. ((druhir))

    "My dear lord Khadath!"

    It's the female druchii who initially shot down his earlier advances.

    She puts her hands on his shoulders and begins to rub them.

    "You are so tense," she whispers.

    "Tell me about it," Goddard grumbles.

    "Are your slaves misbehaving? Shall I kill one?"

    "I need them," he pushes her hands off. "Kuyl, I like my slaves the way they are..."

    She frowns and then snarls at him. "Why call me that?" she demands.

    "Because, you weren't interested in me before..." he snaps back.

  173. Aara shrugs. "Maybe the walls have ears and we should be more careful."

    Drawing her daggers, she sets to warming up slowly.

  174. "The room seems big enough, we could spar again if you want Aara."

  175. Aara shakes her head. "Not at the.moment," she says. All of her.focus is on her left hand. "I'm trying to train myself to attack with my left hand."

  176. "What better way then a practical exercise? I'll stand here and defend myself, but wont attack back. That way you can see how a combatant will react to your off hand strikes"

  177. Aara laughs. "First I have to teach my off hand how to move. Without the foundation practice is useless. Give me an hour or two."

  178. ((druhir))

    "Perfect name for her," the second druchii woman Goddard had talked to says as she leans against him, running her hand up and down his arm.

    "Drukh," he sighs and relaxes a bit.

    "Why call her that?" Kuyl snarls at Drukh.

    Drukh laughs and grins. "You idiot...I know what Lord Khadath likes..." she slides a finger across Goddard's collar bone.

    Kuyl hangs on Goddard's other arm and he pulls it away. "What do you want from me? What idea popped into your head since last we talked."

  179. "So, why are you training your off hand for attack? Why not use it for defense? Strike with whats strong "

  180. "Why does a bird feign injury when protecting its nest?" Katarina quips from the other side of the room while writing.

  181. ((druhir))

    "She is scheming to try and get favor with you my lord," Drukh sneers.

    Kuyl pulls out a dagger. "And so are you!"

    "I prefer Drukh's obvious scheming to you trying to sneak around Kuyl," he says. "At least I know what I'm dealing with."

    Kuyl growls when Goddard calls her that again.

    Drukh laughs and draws her own dagger. "I'll best you in combat and in the bed..."

    "Stop it!" Goddard yells at them both, pushing them away from him, hard in opposite directions. "No bickering...or I'll have both your heads! I'm tired of tension. I wan't to relax!"

  182. ((druhir))

    They don't let Goddard's shove deter them. The two women move back toward each other and Goddard raises his hand as if you hit them.

    "I said stop!"

    The druchii stand still and Drukh moves close to him again. "He's fierce like a nauglir," she grins.

    "Oh shut up..."

    She frowns.

    Kuyl sidles up by Goddard and offers him warm wine.

    "Well this is nice," he smiles and sips the wine.

    Drukh makes a face and leaves, soon returning with some bread and meat for Goddard.

    "Now this is better...I can better judeg you if you aren;t yelling at each other..."

  183. "Tannin why must you bother me with questions?" she nearly shouts. "Just let me do it."
