Monday, December 3, 2012

Dances with Swords


They both watch Goddard eat quietly.

"What now?" he groans.

"Admiring you my lord," Drukh says with a grin.

Kuyl stands behind Goddard when he sits in a chair and massages his scalp.

"My lord...what happened to your beautiful hair?" Kuyl asks.

"It's still beautiul," Drukh snaps.

"Quit it!" Goddard snarls. "I like it this way...that's all the reason I need," he sighs. "You two are making me feel worse,  not better," he rubs his forehead.


  1. ((druhir))

    Both the druchii women frown. Goddard stands up with a sigh and leans against a wall. None of the other dark elves are paying attention to the trio.

    Kuyl leans against Goddard's chest, she puts her hands on his thighs and slides her hands up, stopping at one of the books on his hip.

    "You carry your library with you," she chuckles, looking down. She makes an attempt to put both hands on the book. "Could you...urk"

    Goddard's hand is around her neck, and Drukh's dagger is at his.

    A few other druchii look over in their direction but don't seem too concerned. Except for one who flatly says, "Please don't kill him you two..."

    Kuyl's eyes open wide as she stares at Goddard. "I'm sorry my lord," she breaths. He lets her go and Drukh sheathes her dagger.

    "You are very stressed," Drukh says.

  2. ((druhir))

    "Is it the Witch King?" Drukh asks, softly touching his face.

    "It's all of this," he exhales, twisting his fingers in Kuyl's long hair. She didn't back away.

    "Don't worry. You'll be fine. If Malekith does destroy you, it's because he feels threatened," Drukh smiles. "And once you have what is yours, you will have us by your side and all the other proper servants and help that come with being a highborn. You may not even have to manage anything yourself...if you put the proper druchii in charge of certain things that is..."

    "I'll remember that," he says thoughtfully. "Drukh is very good at this," he laughs.

    Kuyl sneers at Drukh who is looking pretty proud of herself.

  3. Aara sits in a dark corner, trying to meditate. Don't follow, Aara. Do. Not. Follow. Don't go looking or sneaking around or anything. Stay put. If he's this worried about us, we could be in trouble. Goddard has said time and again how dangerous they are here, and now...all it takes is a few comments from her, and I believe him. Taking a deep breath, she tries to push everything out of her mind, tipping her consciousness into the silent darkness of peace. Uzzaya, you lead and I follow, but this path is dark and I'm afraid. Keep your servant and those she are sworn to safe.

  4. ((druhir))

    Kuyl takes Goddard's bandaged hand and presses a thumb into it, after thinking about why Goddard would call the other Drukh.

    He closes his eyes, trying not to smile. He wants to be grumpy. He tries to not explode with anger at his friends and now, when it's his chance to release that anger, he finds it difficult.

    "That is what makes him feel better," Drukh smiles, seemingly forgetting her competition with Kuyl.

  5. ((druhir))

    Maybe I can still take my anger out on them...ahhh but Aara...she'll kill me...

    "I need more wine," he grumbles, hoping they will go back to just wanting to wait on him.

  6. ((druhir))

    Goddard takes the wine from them and turns away, walking back up the stairs.

    " lord," Kuyl calls after him.

    "It's your fault," Drukh hisses. "Later..." she turns on her heels and gets her own wine and food.

  7. Goddard walks up to the door where the party is. He touches the handle and then lets it go.


    "Dammit..." he whispers. "I don't belong anywhere..."

    He looks down into the red wine and heads up to the fourth story. He pulls his hood and cowl up and stares off into the swirling snow.

  8. As Goddard walks up to the fourth story, he encounters Eglanor standing in the open topped tower, covered in a light dusting of snow. His back is turned to Goddard and he seems intent on looking at a specific spot in the tower.

    His arm is extended in-front of him with his elongated haft-blade making a perfect 90 degree angle from his body.

    "Fair winds and light laughter, Goddard," he intones as Goddard approaches.

  9. Goddard looks over at Eglanor, a bit surprised.

    "I didn't see you cousin," he sighs. "It's windy...but I'm not laughing...what are you doing up here?"

  10. A moment passes and Eglanor says nothing.

    In a blur of motion he twists his body on the spot and cleaves and arch through the air with his haft-blade.

    As it transcribes a path in Goddards direction, the shaft of the haft-blade elongates into a full length spear.

    Before Goddard can even flinch the spear tip rests under his throat.

    "... too slow, cousin," chides Eglanor.

    "You're not taking this land seriously enough, or the trail that you are about to undertake."

    He keeps the spear tip just under his throat.

    "If a slow combatant, such as myself, can easily get the drop on you... then what hope would you have against those that are steeped in death... steeped in death to the point that an Amethyst Wizard would be put to shame?"

  11. Goddard swallows and grits his teeth. He's right...and my constant worrying won't help me.

    "You? Slow?" he chuckles. "I'm the slow one cousin. Not you. But if you have any advice for me, do tell. I've been willingly trapped in a tower of dust, darkness and death for many years. And now I find out I'm a highborn with a hefty inheritance and must have an audience with Malekith. This is all overwhelming."

  12. Elganor loosens his grip on the spear and pivots on his right foot, swinging the haft of the weapon around him, kicking up snow into a mini blizzard of ice.

    As the snow rises into the tower and begins to fall, he seems as though he is dancing between the snow flakes, picking them off one at a time as they descend to the floor of the tower.

    His weapon is a flourish of activity, an extension of his own body.

    Several flakes start to settle toward Goddard, which Eglanor quickly dispatches with a series of strikes that near Goddard s face.

    "You must be quick, cousin. You must have focus, grace, balance, strength, and the will to win at all costs. You must be a warrior."

    He says the last words with a sense of finality and stops his graceful movement in the exact same spot that he started in, facing away from Goddard, the spear retracted into a haft-blade again.

    "Retrieve a weapon... we will begin."

  13. Goddard laughs. " obviously haven't seen me walk enough."

    Goddard taps his chin thoughtfully. "A warrior?" he smiles. "Skinny me," he says with a laugh.

    "Sounds like I need to be druchii," he chuckles. "Then I'll get a sword."

    He heads quickly down the stone stairs and quietly enters the room. He puts the still full cup of wine down onto the table, then Goddard looks over the three weapons he has and chooses Vampire's Bane.

    This one won't put me into a rage.

    He manages to get the weapon onto his hip, despite all the other objects that one would think are in the way.

    Goddard doesn't say anything as he exits the room again and climbs the stairs to meet Eglanor again.

  14. Aara opens her eyes when she hears the door, but doesn't move. Watching Goddard put one of his weapons on his hip, she raises an eyebrow. When he leaves again, she returns to meditating.

  15. As Goddard returns, Eglanor is waiting for him. He watches Goddard from his perch 10 feet off the ground on a stack of wooden crates.

    Goddard notices that Eglanor has carved a small circle in the snow in the very center of the tower just large enough for a single person to stand in. Two more circles, one spread 3 yards from the center circle and the other another 3 yards from the inner circle other, create three rings.

    "Stand in the inner ring," he directs.

  16. Goddard nods and stands in the ring. He draws the sword and tries to figure out how to stand with the weapon. "Yeeeaahhhh...this isn't going to be easy," he chuckles nervously.

  17. Seeing his choice of weapon, Eglanor gives him a thoughtful look.

    "I would recommend you carry that weapon on your back, cousin. It can be cumbersome on your side."

    Shrugging past this aspect, he begins.

    "You favor a weapon of great strength. Good. Mastery of a weapon that requires both hands can take a life time. Thankfully, you have just that to work with."

    He pauses to let the moment sink in.

    "Hold the weapon above your head as if you were going to swipe down and chop wood with it. This is your guarded stance. From this vantage you can swat away strikes to your torso and legs. Since this is where most enemies will attempt to strike you at, it is a good start."

    He jumps down from the boxes and lands without a sound. He begins to circle around Goddard.

    "Widen you feet; a weapon of this size requires a strong sense of balance and this will help. You are not going to wield this weapon like the humans you have witnessed in the past. They are clumsy and do not fully appreciate the grace with which a weapon of this size requires to meet its full potential."

    He stops circling and enters the inner ring.

    "Now, without leaving the spot you stand on, defend yourself."

    He twirls the haft-blade with his one hand, slicing the air and kicking up more snow as it begins to fall from the sky in earnest.

  18.'s like the scythe just a little bit. Sort of...You can do this...

    Goddard shakes off the embarrassment and takes in everything Eglanor has to say. He picks up quickly when it comes to standing still, but moving may be a different story.

    He swings down with the sword and attempts to block Eglanor.

  19. A simple swipe, easily turned aside. Sparks fly as the spear tip makes contact with the downward swipe of the great weapon.

    "Good. Now, this is where things change. Do not return to your defensive stance. Once you block the initial attack, you must off balance your foe. Use the momentum of the weapon to carry your into an attack. You should be familiar with this concept from wielding your scythe, except the length of the blade is your weapon, not just the arc of the tip."

    He composes himself again in-front of Goddard.

    "When I strike next, after your block leave the inner circle and step into mine, using the momentum of the sword to carry you; let it twist you around, and use it's weight to carry your strike at my midsection. Once you strike at my midsection, let the weight carry your sword aloft over my shoulder and into another downward strike from whence we started."

    Without another word, he strikes at Goddard.

  20. Goddard grins. "This isn't as hard as I thought when you put it that w..."

    He stops talking as soon as Eglanor strikes. He does as directed, easily following the flow of the weapon's weight.

  21. He steps back away from Goddard and the blow misses his midsection by a hand-span.

    He continues to watch as Goddard terminates the move in his guarded stance, now in the second ring.

    "Very good. Now that you get the concept, it is time to teach you to fight."

    He slides his weapon onto his belt and sits on a crate outside the circles.

    "Now then, are you ready to learn how to fight?"

  22. "As ready as I'll ever be, Caldaith," he chuckles, enjoying being outside in the cold, wielding the large weapon.

  23. Eglanor closes his eyes and lets the snow start to collect about his clothes and hair. He inhales sharply, seemingly tasting the air.

    "The sorrow of this land...," he whispers.

    He begins to sing a song of sorrow, a song of emotion, a song pulled from this towers very foundation:


    I ngîl cennin erthiel
    Ne menel aduial,
    Ha glingant be vîr
    Síliel moe.
    I ngîl cennin firiel
    Ne menel aduial,
    And-dúr naun i fuin a galad firn
    Naegriel moe.

    An i natha
    An i naun ului
    A chuil, ann-cuiannen
    Am meleth, perónen.


    I saw a star rise high in the
    Evening sky,
    It hung like a jewel,
    Softly shining.
    I saw a star fade in the
    Evening sky,
    The dark was too deep and so light died,
    Softly pining.

    For what might have been,
    For what never was.
    For a life, long lived
    For a love half given

    The song can be heard throughout the tower, the shape acting as a natural conduit for the sound.

    As the song begins to end, he opens his eyes and looks at Goddard, expectantly.

  24. Goddard hums along with Eglanor. He is familiar with the tune but not so much with the lyrics.

    He slowly exhales and feels like he is in the proper state of mind to do well and learn. Everything feels different. He doesn't feel so heavy and clouded.

    He shifts his feet a bit and looks at Eglanor.

  25. Eglanor stops singing on looks at Goddard.

    "Hmmm... I see that we have more work to do. I expected as much, though I wish I had more to work with here," as he points at Goddard's feet.

    He stands up and approaches Goddard.

    "You're going to need a dance partner. I suggest that you retrieve someone who can dance with you."

    He sits back down and patiently waits.

  26. "Eglanor must be killing something again" Tannin says quietly

  27. Goddard sighs and raises a brow. "Aren't you the dancing expert cousin? Or am I so bad at this, you're afraid you might kill me," he chuckles.

    "Never mind. Arha...I know you are there. Tell Aara to grab a weapon and meet us up here."

    A smokey shadow appears from the chest and floats to Aara.

    Master requests you meet him on the roof to dance. Bring a weapon.

    It then disappears into the air.

  28. Aara frowns. "A weapon...hmm." Rising, she considers her choices as she pulls on gloves. Crossbow pistol? No. Scimitars? Not until I can properly use both hands. Daggers it is, then.

    She takes a moment to secure her veil and knot her hair behind her. Making her way through the halls, she keeps her eyes down and hopes no one notices her. When she arrives, she surveys the scene before her.

    "The last time someone asked me to dance, I didn't need a weapon," she chuckles.

  29. Eglanor sighs as he answers Goddard.

    "Cousin, there is no simple way to put this. You have no beat or rhythm. You can learn technique, but to truly aspire to greatness and strength of arms, you must feel the rhythm in your heart and make the beat part of your movements. Only then will you best the greatest the enemy has to offer."

    He looks up into the sky at the falling snow.

    "The Winds have calmed now; we have pulled the white winds to us, aiding our cause and enhancing your techniques."

    He pauses and looks back down at Goddard. Giving him a toothy grin, he proceeds.

    "At this rate, you're going to need all the help that you can get."

  30. "Tell me about it," Goddard rolls his eyes. "But...thank you Eglanor," he smiles and then turns to Aara.

    "When was the last time you danced with asur?" he laughs. "Unless my dear cousin means literally dancing and not fighting. I'll be worse at that!"

  31. Aara returns his smile, relaxing with her hands on her dagger hilts. "Well I'm here, armed, and curious."

  32. Eglanor shakes his head. "Actual dancing, cousin."

    Goddard slumps. "This is going to be a disaster...but...whatever you say."

    He puts the weapon away and smiles at Aara. "I guess you didn't need weapons...sorry about that."

  33. Aara shrugs. "Makes no difference to me. But...why are we going to dance?"

  34. "Eglanor is going to teach me how to become a warrior," he laughs.

  35. Before answering, Aara pauses, remembering her own instruction in combat. Like a dance, talib. Graceful, beautiful, and deadly, her old wrinkled ustadh would tell her over and over.

    "Alright then," she says. "Are you going to get tangled in all the stuff on your belt?"

  36. "I'll be fine. I'm used to it. But if we are going to dance together, it will be more annoying to get close to you," he smiles and gets all his belts off. Despite all the trinkets, loops, skulls and books, he gets them off with surprising ease.

  37. Aara laughs, watching him. "Why do I feel like dancing with you will be a little dangerous?" she asks.

  38. "Because you have seen how graceful I am," he chuckles. "As graceful as a shrimp on land."

  39. "Do you not remember I fell on you when I tried to dance for you?"

  40. Eglanor claps his hands. "Aara, lead Goddard. I have a feeling you know more than he does."

    "Ok ok I get it..." Goddard sighs. "Isn't dancing supposed to be fun?"

    Eglanore begins to sing and watches the two expectantly.

  41. Aara nods and steps into Goddard's arms. She puts one of his hands on her hip and holds the other. After listening to the tune a moment, she starts. "Just relax and try not to trip us," she whispers.

  42. "I can't make any promises," he whispers with a smirk as he watches their feet move.

  43. "Look up," she tells him. "Not at your feet." They dance slowly, pausing for just a moment between steps. "As you get more comfortable, we'll speed up."

  44. Goddard tries to keep looking up. He occasionally looks down but then instantly remembers to stop.

    "This is hard," he groans.

  45. "This is easy," she laughs, leading him into a turn. "Just look at me, and I'll do all the work."

  46. "And I'll be saying that to you later," he smirks.

    Goddard sighs and relaxes, trying to find that place in his mind from earlier until Eglanor speaks.

    "Now Aara. Be very careful. It's now Goddard's turn to lead," Eglanor says with sly smile.

    "Oh ha ha," Goddard groans.

  47. "Hmm, probably."

    When Eglanor speaks, Aara nods and lets Goddard take the lead. She uses the moment and the music to tilt her mind into a half meditative state, allowing the music to pulse and guide her. I wish my ustadh had taught me this way. Much more fun.

  48. Goddard focuses on tryin to keep time and where he places his feet.

    "I think I'm doing this wrong," he grits his teeth.

    He takes a deep breath, closes his eyes and clears his head. "Maybe I should stop thinking so much and just feel."

  49. "Mmmhmm." Aara closes her eyes, for once not minding the cold.

  50. It's a bit rough when Goddard takes the lead. He almost steps on Aara's feet a few times and gets confused more often but Goddard learns quickly and it's much smoother than it was in the beginning.

    "I think I've got this," he laughs.

  51. "I think you have," she murmurs, eyes still closed. "Just don't dance me off the roof, please."

  52. Eglanor explains the next step to dancing and fighting. Goddard stares on blankly and confused.

    "Ugh I think I learn better when I just do things," he grumbles. "You'll help me lecai?"

  53. Aara smiles. "We'll walk through it first." She faces him straight on, then takes a step to the right and puts her arm through his. They walk in a circle, and at the beginning point she releases him and hooks her arm into his other arm. "This is called an elbow swing," she whispers, moving them in a circle again.

    Once they've done this a couple times, Aara moves her hand to his forearm, extending herself away and sliding her hand down his arm, straightening it as she goes. After a breath, she makes a step to the left as he steps to the right, bringing them back face to face and ending with her right hand in his left. Putting his hand back on her hip and the other in her hand, she puts him through a simple box step. "We're just making a box here," she whispers. Looking up at Eglanor, she pauses. "Eglanor, get down here so I can show him how to change partners."

    When he does, Aara walks Goddard through the same steps again, then after the box, they execute a quick turn. Before Goddard knows what's happening, she's spun herself to Eglanor. They run through it quickly and smoothly before stopping.

    Smiling, Aara looks back to Goddard. "See, not so hard."

  54. "Let's not stop! Lets keep going," he laughs. "This is far more fun than swinging a sword around!"

  55. Back in the room, Katarina closes her journal and stares at one of the wine goblets on the table with the food. Intoning some words, she crinkles her face in concentration and extends a hand toward the cup.

    The goblet shakes a little, sloshing its contents to where some drops escape. After a few seconds, it scrapes an inch closer to the girl. Leaning back in the chair, Katarina closes her eyes and breathes deeply her lips silently reciting the words again. After a minute she tries again, speaking the words and reaching for the goblet.

    This time the goblet does not shake, but slides closer to her. Unsatisfied, she leans down elbows on the table and stares at the cup with her chin in her hands. "What I am I mispronouncing?" she wonders aloud.

  56. Aara laughs with him. "Let's go again." This time, instead of switching partners, when they move out of the box step, she slips beneath his arm without letting go of his hands. They now both face forward, with his arms around her. "If you don't have a second set of partners, this is the next step, then," she raises his arm and turns back out, "you go back to the box." She smiles and kisses his cheek. "You're picking this up quickly. Let's try it faster."

  57. "Now," Eglanor finally speaks after a time of watching the two. "Goddard, combine the sword, the first dance, and the second dance. Aara...give him space. Lots of it."

    "Way to make me feel confident," Goddard lazily picks the sword back up. "Phew...ok...get to singing, cousin," he says, ready to go.

    Eglanor starts to sing and Goddard moves around completely differently than how he was moving earlier. He's still going to need to practice, but his movements flow more smoothly.

  58. Aara seats herself on some crates and watches. He's not bad- and quickly improving. This will improve his scythe usage, too. My ustadh would be proud.

  59. Katarina purses her lips and stares at the cup again. She intones the spell and reaches for the goblet.

    The metal cup launches off the table at her head. She is barely able to duck out of the way as the goblet crashes into the wall behind her. "I'm sure they don't need that cup." she says glancing at the twisted metal on the ground.

    "At least I figured out which syllable to stress. Though that result could come in handy, one day." she muses. "Well, next goblet then..."

  60. Goddard finally stops to take a break.

    "Thank you. Both of you," he smiles at them as he catches his breath. "I can do this cousin! I can be a warrior. I won't be stopped."

    He puts all his belts back on almost as easily as he removed them and puts the sword on his back, where it belongs.

    "And now I am starving," he groans along with his stomach.

  61. Aara unfolds herself from the crate and walks with him. "You did well, nuur'eni. If you like, we can spar later and put your skills to the test."

  62. Three more goblets later, Katarina smiles as one is able to orbit her head at a reasonable speed and without sloshing the contents. It gently slides into her waiting hand.

    She sips the wine and looks at the wreckage in the corner. "They won't miss 4, surely..."

  63. "Oh of course not. The murderess elves cant possibly care that you broke their cups"

  64. "They should be grateful. That's shoddy workmanship if you ask me. If a metal drinking vessel can't hit a wall at a high speed and stay intact, its a clear danger to the drinker." she replies back

  65. "Because I know when I drink my wine, I do it at highspeeds and then crash into walls after. Good to know that elven craftsmen ship cant hold up to my preferred lifestyle" Tannin says with a smirk

  66. "Why are you breaking things?" Goddard grumbles as he walks through the door with Aara behind him.

    "If I own them something for that, I'm sorry but it will just have to be one of you," he chuckles.

    "So lecai...later on before it gets too dark, we can practice again," he removes the sword and looks the food on the table over. "Hmmm...I want something hot..."

  67. "So did you finally learn how to use that thing?" Tannin says, pointing at the sword

  68. Katarina intones a few words and a large piece of meat moves over onto a plate close to Goddard.

    "I think its boar." she says sipping some more wine.

  69. Aara nods and puts her cloak and gloves away. "That will be fine." She surveys the food on the table before choosing, opting for water over wine as always.

  70. "Yes Khaladh," Goddard says proudly. "Soon I'll be able to hack you to bits...provided you don't move too much," he chuckles.

    "Cute..." Goddard says unimpressed as he picks up the plate. "You might want to be careful. If they decide to pay attention, they will see the Winds acting crazy..."

  71. "When all the white wind rushed through the ceiling, I figured they might go look there first before the minor usage I was putting off.

    "What pray tell would they do with your caster slave anyway?"

  72. "If I was up there, they wouldn't care what wind was flowing around. You use magic differently. It moves differently."

    "And what kind of a dumb question is that?" he asks. "They'd beat the magic out of you is what they would do."

  73. "Oh good! I thought they would make wear a metal corset and underwear, or some such impractical things." Katarina replies with a smile and wink to Goddard.

  74. "You know, thats not a bad idea."

  75. "Why would you think such a stupid thing, Katarina?" he growls. "You're a human."

  76. Katarina rolls her eyes and then stifles a playful grin. "I agree. You definitely have the legs to pull it off Khaladh. I'm sure a word from Goddard could get you a set by tonight."

  77. Aara nudges him gently. "Calm, nuur'eni. Bickering will not help."

  78. "Calm? While in the same room with this infuriating witch and dimwitted Bretonian?" he harshly whispers close to Aara's ear.

  79. "I'm joking, Goddard. Lightening the mood? Its a human thing when when we are nervous, anxious, or scared. We make jokes and we aren't as scared for a little while.

    "Come on, picture Khaladh running into battle weapon raised wearing that little metal outfit... laugh a little now with friends. We can be scared together later."

  80. Aara giggles when he whispers to her. When she responds with her own whisper, his eyes get big and he grins.

  81. Goddard walks away and flops down by his chest, leaning against it and crossing his arms. He grumbles to himself in druhir and then sighs.

  82. Aara gathers up both his lunch and hers and takes it to him. "This isn't easy for anyone," she says, loud enough for everyone to hear. "Especially you. I appreciate it, Goddard. So do all the others."

  83. "No they don't," he grumbles as he angrily grabs a chunk of bread and gnaws on it. "Only you and Eglanor...and only Eglanor understands what I face," he mumbles. "Am I calm enough now?" he picks at the bread with his claws and makes a mess of crumbs.

  84. "No, I can't understand- but I see how it's affecting you. And no, you're not calm enough. I'll fulfill my promise when you're actually calm," she answers with a slight laugh.

  85. "We dont? Thats why we are sitting here, pretending to be your slaves. I get that this is hard for you, but thats no reason for you to act like a Veuve. " Tannin says, sitting up angrily

  86. "You're right we don't understand." Katarina says gently. There's a slight cast to her face, making her seem years older than she is. Oddly enough her voice carries an extra tinge of maturity not usually there.

    "But do not think we are unappreciative of what you have done for us."

  87. "Oh get to sit in a warm room with food and drink delivered by Autarii," Goddard snaps, forgetting what Aara said.

    "Oh wait...and if you wanted to move about, you you needn't stay 'cooped up' in this 'awful' slave holding room."

  88. Aara leans against the trunk, calmly eating. They'd have to do this eventually. Might as well get it over with. They've all got saddle sores from being together too long.

  89. "We stay 'cooped' up for YOU Goddard. We do this all for you, and you havnt been acting even remotely like yourself"

  90. "You don't have to! You stay in here for YOU! Because you are afraid! You can walk around!" he snarls.

    "I don't need you! If you walk off and get yourself killed, that's YOUR fault! I'm putting myself out on a limb for you! I'm a wreck because I care what happens to idiots!"

  91. Katarina holds up her hand and shakes her head at Tannin.

    "Oh your holding back. Tell us how you really feel. Surely we can't JUST be idiots." she says calmly.

  92. "I stay inside, because it benefits YOU" Tannin says, suddenly right infront of Goddard.

    "Id rather not start a fight with your Autarii when we are on the brink of seeing one of the few people I'd be happy to call a brother elevated to his proper position. I stay here, so that you all may be at full strength when the time comes."

  93. "Shut up!" he turns to Katarina. "If I had my way, I'd tear out your vocal cords!"

    He grits his teeth and takes a step back from Tannin. "I don't need you human," he hisses.

  94. Silently, Aara scoots a little further away. Best to let them fight it out. If not, we'll never have any peace.

  95. "I'm far from human. You of all people should know that" Tannin says, stepping closer

  96. "You're still a human," he smirks. "You will always be a human no matter what dark magic touches your doomed soul..."

  97. "Because you soul isnt any less touched or doomed by dark magic, right?"

  98. "It's's still intact...I still have a soul...You don't," he pokes Tannin in the middle of his chest.

  99. Tannin looks at Goddards finger poking into his chest, and in the time it takes everyone in the room to blink, Tannin explodes, lifting Goddard off the floor by the neck.

    Slamming him against the wall, Tannins face is inches from Goddards. "Soul or not,"

  100. Goddard looks terrified at Tannin, again clawing at the hand around his neck and failing to get it off.

    He gasps, trying to fight back, finally pulling a finger or two away from his neck.

    "If...if you kill me...everyone will die," he looks at Tannin, fear still in his eyes.

  101. "You need us just as much as we need you. NEVER forget that" Tannin says, dropping Goddard

  102. Goddard falls to his hands and knees, coughing. He pounds the floor with his fist but says nothing.

  103. Katarina turns to Aara. "Where is Eglanor at?"

  104. Aara shrugs. "We left him on the roof."

  105. Goddard finally lays down on the floor and curls up, wrapped tightly in his cloak. His hands are close to his face and he is looking at one of the rings he wears.

  106. "Excellent, roof it is." She grabs her gloves, puts on her over gear, and fastens her cloak. Heading to the door, she pulls the muffler up over her nose. Opening the door, she glances back with a scornful look at Goddard.

    Heading to the roof, she keeps he head low. Arriving she sees the disturbed snow, but no Eglanor. Slippery, Elf. she thinks to herself.

    Moving to the crate, she sits down on it and breathes deeply. Even if didn't find the wood elf, being away from the jerk elf will do wonders for my spirit.

  107. Aara sips her water, waiting. When she's sure Goddard isn't physically hurt, she pours him a cup of hot wine and sets it near him, then moves away.

  108. Tannin stands over Goddard, and simply offers his hand. "Come now, you'll get your robes all dirty from laying there"

  109. Goddard looks over at the wine and then looks up at Aara with pitiful eyes.

    He flinches slightly at Tannin's hand and after a second or two, finally takes it and seats himself upright.

    Goddard looks at the wine and eventually picks it up and takes a sip. His stomach growls.

  110. Aara offers him a warm smile and pushes his plate towards him.

  111. "Thank you," he whispers, picking up the plate and slowly eating from it. He doesn't really feel like eating, but he knows he has to.

  112. "Are you ok?" Tannin simply asks once Goddard seems to have consumed his meal

  113. "No...but it's nothing you did Khaladh."

  114. Aara puts her arms around Goddard and hugs him, laying her cheek on the top of his head. "You told me to ignore the druchii woman taunting me," she says softly. "You should do the same here. The best way we know to release tension is to laugh and pick at each other. You mustn't take it seriously." She toys with his hair, wrapping it around a finger.

  115. Katarina looks out over the forest below and tears begin to form as how much it reminds her of home. I wish I had never followed that ill wind. I would trade this new understanding and power for the chance to take it back in a split second.

    "Chto eto pytka vypolnitʹ , drevniye materi ?"

    ["What does this torture accomplish, Ancient Mother?!"] she asks with a sigh in Kislevarian.

    A howling gust of wind and renewed snowfall are the only replies she receives.

    Closing her eyes, she begins to sing softly a song she learned as a young girl. Feeling that home has never been farther away.

    "Sladkiy odin, milaya, dorogaya matʹ
    Ne davatʹchashku zelenogo vina ottsa
    Akh , ne day ottsu napitok zelenogo vina
    On budet prodatʹ svoyu dochʹ za yego *

    Akh, moy otets prodal menya
    Dlya silʹnykh poruchitelʹstv , dlya vechnoy bukvy
    Akh, dlya silʹnykh poruchitelʹstv , dlya vechnoy bukvy
    Dlya vykupa - ne mozhet vykupitʹ , chtoby pomochʹ - ne mozhet pomochʹ

    Sladkiy odin - matʹ , master moy svet - otets
    Razve ya razdrazhal vas mnogo, ya skuchatʹ vam mnogo ?
    Razve ya razdrazhal vas mnogo, ya skuchatʹ vam mnogo ?
    Razve ya ne sdelalbiznes, razve ya ne rabotal?

    Razve ya ne sdelalbiznes, razve ya ne rabotal?
    Razve ya ne byl vernym slugoy, bystro poslal?
    Razve ya nevernyye slugi, bystro poslal?
    Razve ya ne yel khleba , razve ya ne pʹyani vody?

    Akh, moya dorogaya mama, Vashe Velichestvo - otets
    O, vy serditesʹ na menya , s molodoy devushkoy
    Okh. Pochemu vy serditesʹ na menya, bednogo ?
    Razve ya nositʹ platʹye v arendu, ya sʺyestʹdopolnitelʹnyy kusok sakhara?

    Akh , ne tak li nositʹ platʹye v arendu, ya sʺyestʹdopolnitelʹnyy kusok sakhara?
    Kazhetsya, chto ya zhil, byl molod i khotel
    Kazhetsya, chto ya zhil, byl molod i khotel
    Byl spokoyneye, chem voda v rasstoyanii, byla nizhe, chem shelkovyye travy"

    ["Sweet one, sweet one, dear mother
    Do not give the cup of green wine to father
    Ah, do not let father drink green wine
    He will sell his daughter out for it*

    Ah, my father sold me out
    For strong bails, for everlasting letters
    Ah, for strong bails, for everlasting letters
    To buy out - can't buy out, to help - can't help

    Sweet one - mother, master of my light - father
    Have I annoyed you much, have I bored you much?
    Have I annoyed you much, have I bored you much?
    Haven't I done a business, haven't I worked?

    Haven't I done a business, haven't I worked?
    Haven't I been a faithful servant, a fast sent?
    Am I not a faithful servant, a fast sent?
    Haven't I eaten bread, haven't I drunk a well of water?

    Ah, my dear mum, Your Majesty - father
    Oh, you be angry with me, with a young girl
    Oh. why did you get angry with me, with poor one?
    Did I wear a dress out, did I eat an extra sugar lump?

    Ah, Did I wear a dress out, did I eat an extra sugar lump?
    It seems that I have lived, was young and wanted
    It seems that I have lived, was young and wanted
    Was calmer than water in the distance, was lower than silk grass"]
