Saturday, December 8, 2012

Post Death Night

Goddard walks around a bit once everyone is safely inside. The place he once called home has changed...a lot. He looks at the tapestries on the walls and growls, ripping many of them down, grumbling in druhir.


  1. Aara kneels before one of the massive fireplaces in the bathing room, waiting for water to heat. Someone- she wasn't sure who, the goblin creature, perhaps?- had told her where to go for a bath. Her mind is racing, even as she sways with exhaustion from the night's events.

    What do I do now? I never expected this...Koroush, what have you done to me?

    The things I did...That was...horrific. And I enjoyed it. Uzzaya have mercy on me...

    She shudders, feeling her hair move as one mass. Even after rubbing at herself with snow, she's sticky with blood and covered in the smell of death. Even now she can remember the way she'd danced in exhilaration, the way her heart had beat out a tempo for her, the way blood and heart had tasted. Suddenly sick, she vomits in an empty pail.

  2. After a few moments of wandering around, Goddard appears with different tapestries. He puts them on the floor, in front of the spaces the others were hanging on. "I'll put those up later," he grumbles.

    He then goes and sits in one of the chairs at the dining table and puts his head down, sighing.

    Good work Master! That worked out perfectly! Amazing!

  3. As Goddard puts the piles of cloth on the floor, Crow says something to the Runners and they stare at him kind of confused and then they take off. 2 going to each one and hanging the cloth from then wall. A couple wind up being upside down.

  4. Stomach empty, Aara starts rinsing her hair in cold water, trying to get as much blood off her as possible before getting into a bath. Shedding her clothing and piling her gear in one place, she sinks into the enormous tub, the water almost too hot to bear.


    I can't. Not yet.

    Closing her eyes, she covers her face with her hands and starts to weep.

  5. "Need a Hand?" Tannin asks, walking over to the pile of banners. His manticore cloak playes out on the ground around him, the bottom tattered and stained with blood from his recent trek through the city

  6. "Never mind, I guess" Tannin says laughing at the gutter runners "efficiency"

  7. "Thank you Crow and company," Goddard chuckles. He gets back up and gathers the other tapestries and drags them off into the kitchen, stuffing them into the garbage chute.

  8. Goddard starts to quietly pace around a lot. He looks like he wants to do something, maybe cook, but stops in the middle of gathering pots.

    He'll sit in a chair for a moment and then get up and walk around some.

    I can't believe what has happened...and what will happen...and what will I say to my crew when that ship gets here? And we take Koroush's people back to Araby? And then what do I do with a crew of my murderous, backstabbing kin? And Aara...and my wedding?

  9. Master! Go relax. Get a bath. Change. You were in a smelly sewer with smelly rats! And all kinds of garbage and refuse!


    "Those smelly rats are useful! Helpful even...and so are you Arha."


    Oh thank you Master! I knew one day you would recognize me for the wonderful creature I am! Thank you Master thank you!

    Goddard heads off to the tubs. He pushes open the door and walks in.
    "OH! I'm sorry lecai," he lowers his head. I'll let you alone...if you are ok..."

  10. "You can stay," she whispers. She's run out of tears and now just sits there, staring at the water. "There's hot water over the fire."

  11. "Thank you Aara," he whispers and sits down by the tub. "We wouldn't all be here if it weren't for you."

    "I know it wasn't easy for you...Arha told me everything and I wished I could have helped you...I wished I wasn't sitting in the sewers with the skaven."

    "If you need anything, let me know...I'll do my best..."

  12. Ah gods! There are still tears left? she thinks as her eyes fill. "I-I..." She squeezes her eyes closed for a moment, willing the tears to go away. "It wasn't her- that was easy, she deserved it." She opens her eyes again, and they're flat and empty. "But the others... I knew what I was doing, and I didn't care. I enjoyed it." Looking at Goddard, she bites her lip. "I'm a monster."

  13. "No lecai," Goddard leans over and hugs her. "I'm the monster...remember?" he forces a chuckle. "The air...the night...Khaine...please lecai...don't think that way about yourself."

  14. Leaning her head on his shoulder, Aara shudders as a slightly hysterical laugh comes out of her. "My first act as a free woman was dragging some poor girl to her death and taking a bite out of her is that not a monster?"

  15. Goddard grinds his teeth. "Well...lecai...that's..." He stops talking and pulls away from Aara. "Free? What do you mean?" he looks on, confused.

  16. Aara looks down again, unable to meet his eyes. "When I went to Koroush to ask for his blessing...he said that it was the first time he was truly afraid for me, and he wouldn't let me die a slave. I'm free," she whispers.

  17. "I...I don't know what to say," Goddard whispers, a bit shocked. "I do you feel about it? I'm really bad at this..." He passes a hand over the mark on her shoulder.

  18. Aara shrugs, eyes down. "Lost. I don't know how to be free. Or take care of myself. All I know anymore is to protect and serve." She looks at the mark on her shoulder when he passes his hand over it.

  19. " just do that protecting and serving but for yourself and anyone you feel deserves it. I'm free...and I'll protect you...and if you want me to, I will go, find drinks, and serve them to you while you sit here."

  20. She reaches for his hand. "Don't go, please," she whispers.

  21. "I won't..."

    Goddard lays his head down on his arms on the edge of the tub and closes his eyes. "I'm here for you lecai," he whispers. "No need to feel lost."

  22. They sit in silence for a long time. "What about you?" she finally asks. "You're home, how do you feel?"

  23. "Overwhelmed...confused...trapped," he grits his teeth on the last word. "I can't wait to leave...again."

  24. "Trapped? That's the last thing I expected to hear."

  25. "I..."

    You can't wait on's tomorrow you fool!

    "I'll explain to you all after everyone is refreshed..." he stands up. "I'm sorry lecai but I need to go see what else is in this tower. Make sure there are no traps or anything else dangerous...maybe I'll find you something clean to wear too..."

    Goddard rushes out and grabs the chest and pack. After whispering a few words, he and everything he has with him, turns into a specter and he floats all the way to the top floor of the tower.

    "Arha...look for traps or anything dangerous..."

    Yes Master!

    He puts the chest by the large bed and walks around, throwing open dressers and doors to other rooms. He finds clothing for Aara and himself and gathers it up. Goddard also finds a suit of his father's armor, tossed into a corner as if it were garbage.

  26. Tannin plops down in one of the chairs at the table, proping his legs up on the table, his hands resting behind his head.

    "Finally, a chance to relax" Tannin says to no one in particular

  27. Aara dries herself off and wraps up in a large towel. Sitting on a stool, she liberally applies jasmine oil to her hair, adding drops on her pulse points, trying to cover the smell of death she thinks is clinging to her. She combs her damp, clean hair before braiding it absently. He knows I'm free. What will this mean to him now? What does it mean to me?

  28. Goddard picks up the helmet and looks at it a moment. He walks over to the bed and places the helmet on the pillow.

    Master! The tower is safe. I don't think the humans would wish to wander around anyway. Too many stairs for them to handle.

    Goddard locks the door to the room from the inside. "I need to sort through of all this...I need to..."

    I can help Master. I can look while you relax!

    "I can't relax..."

    You can try Master. And she was a spell caster...I will make sure nothing tricky is in your room...

    My room...

    "Fine Arha...and...I need to take the clothing to lecai..."

    Goddard floats halfway down the tower and then stops the spell half way and walks down the stairs. His mind is going a million miles an hour and he isn't even sure of what he is thinking about anymore.

    "It'll be fine...stop it," he says to himself as he reaches the bottom step and walks back into the washroom.

  29. While she waits for Goddard to return with clothing, she washes her clothes both from Araby and the Autarii tower. All she has left clean is the Walking Death dress her brother gave her. I can truly say that I am death walking, she thinks ruefully. And dancing. She's so lost in her thoughts she doesn't even hear Goddard enter.

  30. "Here lecai," he whispers after a moment and places the clothing beside her. "I think I'll wash up too...I feel disgusting. And then we can eat," he smiles and begins to slowly take off the clothing.

    "Horrible," he grumbles as he looks at how messy everything actually is.

  31. Silently, she washes his clothing too, scrubbing at the grime as best she can. Laying their clothing on towel racks to dry, she examines the clothing he's brought.

    The "dress" is in two pieces, a deep blue skirt with dagged edges and embroidered with sharp angular designs in black. The jacket is little more than a peplum, sleeves, and an elaborate collar. It also bears the same black angular embroidery. It takes a moment to pin the peplum in place, but she manages to get it and the front of the jacket tied closed. The sleeves are loose and slightly bell-shaped, ending at her forearm, the collar wide and stiff, winging out from her bust and framing her shoulders. Most of her chest and stomach is bare, and the sides and back of the jacket only cover down to her ribs. Less covering than I'm accustomed to, but more than I wore last night. She unbraids her hair, hoping to cover more of herself.

    "Is it fixed in all the right places?" she asks Goddard. "I don't know what it's supposed to look like."

  32. Goddard sinks up to his chin in the water and sighs. He looks at Aara for a moment and nods. "If you want, I can find you something else? I didn't realize it was going to only cover so much..."

    "But maybe that's stupidity on my part...I guess I forgot what any kind of "dress" or robes might be like for a female."

  33. "I think this is fine. At least until my clothing is dry." She pulls a stool over to sit next to his tub. "How are the others? I'm not sure I can face them yet." She picks at her fingernails. "Do they know what I did? I mean, Tannin knows...I told him."

  34. "Don't worry about what they might think. We are all safe and well and I have faith that we will get out of here and get everyone safely to Araby too."

    He takes a deep breath and sinks completely under the water, popping back up quickly. The places where his horns grow are obvious when his hair is wet.

  35. They must think I'm a monster for enjoying it, too.

    When he pops back up, she reaches a hand out, but stops just before touching his horns. "Do you mind?"

  36. Goddard shakes his head and rests against the tub wall. "No I don't mind at all. None of that bothers me anymore around you lecai. Just don't ever put your finger here," he points to his nose and laughs.

  37. She smiles sadly and reaches out to touch his horn. "When I first felt this, I thought something was wrong with you. Do you remember? I was massaging your scalp, and you practically ran away when I touched them."

    For some reason, his horn reminds her of the daggers she used during the night. Shuddering, she pulls her hand away and lays her forehead down on her arms on the edge of the tub. "I don't know what to do anymore," she whispers brokenly. "It won't leave me alone."

  38. "I remember," he chuckles softly. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. I was afraid too..."

    He turns around to face her. "It'll be ok. I'm here for you," he kisses the top of her head.

  39. She takes a deep breath. "Thank you."

  40. Goddard sighs and finishes his bath, getting dry and dressed quickly.

    I don't know if I can wait any longer...I won;t be able to eat anyway...

    "I...we should go to the others...I have something I must say..." he hurries to the door, looking down at his feet.

  41. Aara hesitates, afraid to face the others. You're many things, Aara. Your mother named you The Shadow, Koroush named you The Sword, and the people of Araby named you Walking Death. None of those words are fit for a coward. And you are no coward.

    Just as she did after the massacre in Araby, Aara locks away all thoughts of what she's done. Head high, she follows him.

  42. Goddard gathers everyone around and asks them to sit.

    " is my plan," he starts nervously. "When the Black Ark arrives, and drops off my ship, we will all get on board. From there we will go to Araby to deliver Kourouh's people. I don;t know exactly how I am going to explain 'letting the slaves go' to my kin but I will think of something."

    "We'll have to be here for sixteen more days. Make yourselves comfortable but remember to stay on your toes in case we need to quickly switch back to our act."

    "Tomorrow will probably be a busy day because in order to get this boat," he gulps. "CroneHellebronToldMeINeedToMarryOneOfHerDaughters!" he blurts out, flinching at his own words.

  43. Aara's whole body flinches. "I'm sorry, Goddard, what did you say?"

  44. Tannin Shrugs. "Arranged marriages are nothing new in society, Aara. Its not like Goddard actually cares for her and we most likely wont have to deal with her at all, so let her live the lofty life while we....What did we do in the old world again? Anyway It wont matter once we get that boat, which was the entire point of this anyway"

  45. "But Aara..." he says apologetically, taking a step back, expecting the worst. "''s just politics? Ok?...Lecai..." he tries to smile as if it's no big deal.

  46. She raises a hand toward Tannin. "I'm sure you'll agree with me when I say that this really isn't any of your concern, Tannin, no matter that you're trying to help." Her face is blank, but her hand trembles. Turning to Goddard, she lowers her hand, making a fist and digging her nails into her palm. "Excuse me, please, Lord Soulshatter," she says through gritted teeth.

    She doesn't even know where she's going when she leaves, but starts going up the endless stairs as quickly as she can.

  47. I can't believe I'm going to go after her! This is like chasing a dragon.

    Goddard runs after Aara.

    "Please! Wait! Aara!" he calls after her.

  48. Aara pauses on the stairs, though every nerve ending tells her to go on. Anger races through her, the heat of it burning away her previous depression and setting her entire body to trembling. Gritting her teeth, she turns and looks down at him. She wears the same blank, dead look she had when she was on the alter of Khaine.

    "Yes, Lord Soulshatter?" she asks coldly.

  49. Goddard looks a bit hurt. "Don't call me that," he pleads. "Aara...this means nothing...she will mean nothing...I don't even know who she is let alone want to marry her! It's just so that old crone can keep her power! If I don't...none of this is mine..."

  50. Aara laughs bitterly. "You mean to tell me that I not only single-handedly returned you to your seat of power, but made it so that you're getting married? I went through hell and could have died for you, and you tell me this now?" She laughs again, almost uncontrollably. "I'm free, and the minute my hands are untied yours are put neatly in a knot! What am I supposed to do with this news, exactly?" she asks, the hysteria lends a keen edge to her voice.

  51. "I didn't know until Hellebron saw me today," he says defensively.

    Goddard takes a step forward but no more. He doesn't want to end up falling down any stairs.

    "The last thing I ever wanted to happen was to get married!"

  52. Something in her expression shutters close. "I see. It seems that..." She trails off, lifting her chin. "I hope she's as eager as you are."

    She turns and continues climbing stairs.

  53. "Aara!"

    Goddard follows her up the stairs.

    The higher you go, the worse it's going to be when she pushes you...

    "Aara please! I don't even think marriage is the right word for's uhh...ummm...I don't know but it's nothing like what humans think it is!"

  54. Aara opens the first door she comes to, takes a look into the room without registering what's inside, and curses. Closing the door, she moves on to the next. "Please, explain to me what it is then."

  55. "It's's...hmmm," he grits his teeth, trying to find words.

    "It's nothing is what it is!" he says frustrated.

    "All it is is a way for Hellebron to stay in power and for me to keep my seat without actually having to stay...this bride will just be place holder...yeah that!"

    "None of this involves actually caring for or about each other! I've said before, druchii don't love..."

  56. Again, Aara opens a door, looks in, curses, and moves on to the next. "Of course, I keep forgetting that druchii don't love. That explains why I've been a besotted, lovesick fool all by myself. If I'd remembered that, I would have realized sooner that it didn't matter if I came back this morning or not, so long as she was dead."

  57. Goddard's jaw drops as he realizes what he just said. He curses loudly in druhir and bangs his head against the stone wall. He didn't do it very hard, but the space between the stones catches one of his horns.

    "I'm...I'm stuck!" he gives a good shove off the wall and almost slips on the stairs.

  58. Aara turns and grabs his horn. With a swift jerk, he's free. "There. You're not stuck. Now, would you be so kind as to tell me where I might find a window?" she asks sweetly.

  59. "What do you want a window for?" he asks, rubbing his head. "We only have slots to shoot crossbows windows..."

  60. "That's a shame. I was hoping to throw myself out of it. I suppose the stairs will do just as well."

  61. Goddard wraps his arms around Aara. "NO lecai! Don't do that!"

  62. Aara stiffens. "Give me one good reason."

  63. " still haven't seen a moose?" he chuckles. "Or...a porcupine?"

  64. Aara laughs, but halfway through the sound it turns into a sob. Her knees buckle, and she sinks to sit on the stairs. Wrapping her arms around her knees, she puts her head down.

    "I'm such an idiot..."

  65. Goddard sits on the stair above her and wraps his arms around Aara, holding her tight.

    "No you're not..." he says, not entirely sure what she is even referring to.

    "Can we please go back down? I need to know you won't go tumbling down the stairs..."

  66. "And what? Pretend you aren't getting married tomorrow? That I can just go home after what I've done?" She sniffs, but doesn't allow herself to cry. "I am lost, nuur'eni."

  67. "It' doesn't mean anything," he rests his chin on her head. " does a bride of Khaine get married again? She doesn''s a formality. She's marrie to Khaine..."

    "And I already told aren't lost. I'm here..."

  68. "You'll still be bound to her. In- in a way I can't be. She'd never let us stay close." She looks up at him. "She'll make me leave. Or just kill me."

  69. "She won't do any of that because I won't be here for long. Once that ship gets here, we're gone and she will stay here to manage all of this mess..."

  70. I can' much more can I lock away and ignore? One day I'll have to face all of this. But not today.

    Aara raises her head and looks at him, green eyes miserable and bloodshot with exhaustion. Don't, Aara... She stretches her neck and kisses his bone cheek softly. "I should go look for Koroush's mother," she whispers, untangling herself from his arms and standing. She takes a few steps before turning to look at him. "I won't throw myself down the stairs, nuur'eni. I promise."

  71. "I'll go make dinner," he says following her down. "I bet they are all hungry. I can make some kind of stew. And we should all eat something too."

  72. She nods, not telling him the thought of food makes her sick. "I'll help organize the women to help. It won't do for the lord of the tower to be serving his slaves, should someone appear."

  73. "I'll make something convincing up," he smiles. "Don't worry about it."

  74. "All the same, we have too many people to care for by ourselves." She stops and turns to look at him. "I can't think about it. Any of it. Not last night, not your marriage, none of it. When I can...When I can, I'll find you, and we'll talk about it."

    Without another word, she turns and hurries down the stairs.

  75. Down in the slave area, Katarina wipes her brow with the back of her hand as she bandages another rescued slave. You'd think the Dark Elves would take a bit better care of their currency. she thinks to herself bitterly.

    Since getting the people in and somewhat settled in the slave area. She had seen a few injuries and other issues among the former slaves. She'd asked Koroush in giving her a few words to speak to his people. Things like "Let me help you.", "Are you injured?"

    Using the supplies she had, barring her potions, the young witch sighs as she finishes with yet another person. They need someone with better training than knowing how to apply a bandage.

    Standing and stretching, she smiles seeing the person coming down the stairs. I don't know who to thank for this, but I am grateful.

    "Aara! You are just the person we need!"

  76. Goddard's ears drop as Aara walks away. "Yes lecai," he whispers and heads down the stairs. He walks straight into the kitchen and gets to preparing a huge pot of stew.

  77. When Aara approaches the room where the women of Araby have gathered, she tries to smile for Katarina. "I'm sorry I took so long," she says. "I was in desperate need of a bath and clean clothes." Before she can say more, she hears a woman shout.

    "Afya? Afya!" Instantly, her attention is drawn to a woman in her prime, tall and buxom with olive skin and long ebony hair and dark eyes shining with tears. She moves stiffly, and her face is aged beyond her 45 years, but even slavery and the harshness of travel cannot make her unbeautiful. She is still so lovely, the First Wife.

    The woman runs over and wraps her arms around Aara. "Oh, Afya! You're alive! I was so worried!"

    Aara returns her hug gently. "Malika Rayya, I was hoping you were safe!"

    Koroush's mother pulls away and puts her hands on Aara's face. "Afya, my little shadow. You're so pale and skinny! What has my son done to you?"

    She smiles sadly. "I fear it's what I've done to myself, madam."

    Rayya, always more perceptive than most, nods. "I see. You've a need of Adahara's mercy."

    Aara nods. "But first, there is much to do." She draws Rayya towards Katarina. "Kasha, this is Rayya, Koroush's mother and the malika," she says in reikspeil. "She will help us organize the women into a semblance of order and help us keep the rouse of being slaves in place." Switching to Arabyan, she turns her head. "Malika Rayya, this is Katarina, ice witch of Kislev. You can trust her, as I do."

    Rayya nods and extends a hand to Katarina. "My little shadow says you are to be trusted. I will tell the women so," she says in Arabyan, with Aara translating. Turning to Aara, she smiles warmly. "I will gather the wounded and sick and bring them over."

    Aara nods. "There is water heating in the wash room, you can all begin to bathe and wash what clothing you have." Rayya nods and begins to go about her business.

  78. Katarina accepts Rayya's hand and then bows respectfully the way Aara had taught her previously.

    "Thank you, Lady Rayya." she answers, letting Aara translate.

    "And thank you, Aara. In a few seconds time, you have helped more than you will ever know. Some were just unsure, others are traumatized still, and" she leans in close and whispers

    "I think some of them think I am Bretonian. They saw my blonde hair, said something under their breath, then spit on the ground."

  79. Aara nods. "It's likely they called you an infidel. They will likely call you Sahir now- it means witch in my tongue. Those who are unhurt will begin bathing and washing what clothing they have, and then we can divide them into groups to help cook and clean. But for now, let's see to those who needs us. I'll need to go get my kit, but I'll be back presently."

    Aara leaves, taking the first wave of women with her to the wash room. Gathering her gear and clothing, she sets one of the surviving harem women in charge of the room. "Should the Emir or any of our companions desire a bath, rope off an area for them and leave them be," she instructs. "When they are clean and dressed, send them into the common room."

    The woman, not so much older than Aara, nods and puts a hand on her arm. "Afya, thank you. We were friends once, I hope we can be so again."

    Aara nods and leaves. Before she can go two steps, she is met by Koroush. Am I to be haunted all day?

    "My lord," she says, eyes down. "I have found the malika, she is safe and suffered few injuries. I will see that she is delivered to you as soon as she has bathed and eaten."

    Koroush takes her hand in his and smiles. "Thank you, Aara."

    Aara shakes off his hand, feeling awkward and nervous. "I will be seeing to the injured," she mutters, practically running from him. When she returns to slave quarters, she sees Katarina trying to communicate with a woman.

  80. Katarina bites her lip as the woman points to her stomach when asked where she hurts. Puzzled at the lack of wound and even bruising, she looks around.

    "Aarta. This woman indicates pain in her stomach, but I don't see an injury. Could you look at her and talk with her?"

    Turning to face Aara more fully, more concern fills her face. "Are you okay? You looked a little shaken earlier, but now... its like you've just been scared to death. Last night is sinking in, isn't it?"

  81. "I'm tired. I didn't leave the city until dawn, and have only slept a few minutes. Even that was troubled." She looks away. "I can't talk about it. Not yet." Turning to the woman, she prods and listens to her stomach before giving her a handful of leaves from her kit and telling her to chew them slowly.

  82. Goddard is alone in the kitchen for now. He exhales quickly and begins to sing softly in druhir. The kitchen is full of fresh foods and all kinds of drinks.

    Well making breakfast, lunch and dinner will be easy!

    He smiles and gets to making a light stew. Something warm and not to heavy.

  83. Katarina nods and turns to help another woman. "None of us got sleep last night, of that I'm certain. Whenever that time comes, I'm here if you need someone to listen."

    Seeing the leaves, she quickly changes the subject. "You never cease to amaze me on simple solutions; especially with those teas."

  84. "We need vegetables," he grumbles.

    He cuts up a bunch of different poultry and adds dry herbs.

    "There has to be something else...potatoes...there has to be potatoes...Ah ha!"

    He triumphantly grabs an armful of potatoes and dumps them into water to clean them.

    I'll leave the skins on...I won't make this in any reasonable amount of time if I try and peel them.

  85. "It will ease the ache in her stomach. I think she's been poisoned by bad food." Most women have small injuries, cuts and bruises and the like, and it isn't long before those in worse need of care are seen to.

    "If you like, Kasha, go get a bath and refresh yourself. I've left instructions for a separate space to be left for us, should anyone feel the need."

  86. The young witch gives a weary smile. "In a little bit, that would be nice, yes. I just need to keep my mind on this good work for right now. Thank you."

  87. Aara nods, standing. She returns to the washroom, checking on those already dried and dressed. "Afya," the woman, Basma, walks over to her. "You have done so much for us already. Rest, little shadow. I will see that it all gets done here."

    Aara shakes her head. "I can't, Basma, not yet. I've too much to think about."

    Basma laughs. "You always think the best way to mull something over is to ignore it. You cannot do that, Afya. Not forever."

    Aara gives her the best smile she can manage. "I don't have forever, so I can ignore it," she answers.

    Returning to Katarina in the slave quarters, she surveys the room. "Kasha, the women cannot sleep so close to the men. We may not be able to give them veils and appropriate clothing, but we should at least make sure the room is divided between them."

  88. "Aaaaaaarhaaaaaa!"

    Yes Master?

    "I'm lonely," he mumbles, stirring the soup.

    Oh Master! I just knew one day you would love me!

    "I never said any of that now...just that I was lonely...sheesh..."

  89. "Koroush said something about that earlier. I thought we might be able to use those banners the Skaven were taking down as a makeshift barrier. Turns out the horrid things are made from skin.

    "Have they begun rebuilt the front door? Possibly some left over boards to make a wall?"

    Katarina answers tiredly.

  90. "I don't think that's necessary. There's plenty of room on the next floor up to place the women. As soon as everyone has eaten, I'll explain and we can all rest."

  91. Master that looks delicious!

    Goddard chuckles. "How would you know?"

    Because you made it Master! And I am an excellent judge of of what things might taste like.

    "What do you think it would taste like?"

    Chicken! Master, everyone knows everything tastes like chicken!

  92. Katarina blinks a few times. "Another floor... Wow, I think I will be taking that rest. Where did you say the baths were?"

  93. "No it doesn't. Chicken tastes like chicken. Everything else tastes like whatever it is."

    You're the one with the tongue Master. I'll believe you.

  94. Aara leads her to the washing room and leaves with a string of tired, scared women behind her. After settling them in a corner of the great hall, Aara does her best to soothe their fears. She doesn't tell them that they will be returned to Araby, only that they are safe and that she will make sure they stay that way.

    When she finds the kitchen, Goddard is alone and talking to himself. He must be talking to his shadow bat. He doesn't notice her, so she leans against the wall. Uzzaya, you must hate me. You put him directly in the middle of my path, and now I can't go backwards, forwards, or around him. Even Adahara's best chastiser cannot scourge love from a heart, no matter how much grief it causes. Allay taught you- and us all- to love as thou wilt, but this is so hard. She sighs, watching him bustle around the kitchen.

  95. Look Master! I think it's time to serve everyone. IS your chicken flavored chicken ready?

    Goddard turns around and spots Aara. He smiles a bit and gives the soup one final stir. "It's ready lecai. You and your people eat first."

    He scoots by Aara and out of the kitchen.

  96. She sighs, watching him go. I told him when I was ready, I'd find him. And right now, I'm not. Aara finds a large tray and starts ladling soup into bowls. It takes time, but as more women trickle from the baths to the hall, she gets them settled with a bowl of soup. As soon as she is able, Rayya joins her.

  97. Goddard sits on the floor, away from everyone. He pulls out a book and begins reading, occasionally looking up and marveling at how many people are around.

  98. Together, they begin another kettle of soup, working quickly. "I've found someone for you, little shadow," Rayya murmurs. "She is an acolyte and not a full priestess, but she studied under the chastiser. When there is a free hour, perhaps you and she could speak."

    Aara nods, a little shocked. "Thank you, my lady. I am most grateful. When there's time, I'll seek her out."

    As other women finish eating, they begin to fill the kitchen, willing to help. Rayya, a natural leader, organizes them into washing dishes, cutting poultry and potatoes and mixing herbs. Another set begins to serve food as it's finished as more take up tray after tray of drinks. It isn't long before Rayya has organized an efficient machine.

    "You have yet to eat, little shadow," she says, shoving a bowl into her hands. "Eat, and rest. We will talk later."

    Aara nods and is pushed into the great hall. Looking around, she searches for a place to sit. The room has filled with people in various states of care, all being patient and grateful to no longer be trapped in the camp. It must have been a nightmare.

    No one sits near the door leading out, so she kneels there and simply holds the bowl.

  99. The book falls onto the floor and Goddard jumps awake.

    "Huh!?" he looks around then looks down at the book. With a yawn, he puts it back on his belt.

    "I'm so drained," he grumbles.

    Take a nap Master.

    "But," he yawns, "But I wanna eat, Arha." The end of the shadows name turns into another yawn.

    Oh Master... Arha appears on Goddard's knee. If I could get you food I would! It bows. Please forgive me for being an awesome ethereal bat...

    Goddard chuckles. "Shut up Arha..."

  100. Sore and tired, Aara floats somewhere between sleep and waking. Don't fall asleep, she commands herself, jerking awake. The dreams in those few minutes were bad enough.

    She raises the bowl to her lips, but sets it on the floor, sickened by the smell. If she tries to return to the kitchen, Rayya will just send her out again, and the lecture for returning with a full bowl would be worse than anything. Looking around, she sees Goddard yawning, again talking to himself. Rising, she walks over to him and sits. "Here," she says, offering her bowl. "I'm not hungry."

  101. Goddard looks up at her sleepily. "Are you sure, lecai? You should try to eat something. Even if you just have some bread."

  102. She shakes her head. "I tried. Everything makes me think of the heart."

  103. He takes the bowl and looks down at the soup.

    You need to eat Master. Eat!

    "I know I know," he mumbles and looks back up at Aara. "Thank you. I wish I could do something to help you..."

  104. Aara looks at him closely. He's so exhausted. We all are. "I know, nuur'eni. Koroush's mother found a priestess of Adahara for me among the women. With any luck, I can go to her and be absolved."

  105. "Koroush's mother? She's ok? That's great," he smiles and takes a sip of the soup.

  106. Aara smiles. "I imagine Rayya could cross the desert barefoot with only a skin of water and be fine." She puts a hand on his arm and squeezes softly. "Get some rest, I'll keep watch over everything."

  107. He shakes his head as he takes another sip. "No. You rest. You've been through a lot more than I have," he sighs.

  108. Aara laughs and stands. "If you won't sleep, keep moving. The men have more injuries than the women did. If you need anything, I'll be with them."

  109. He nods and whenever Aara isn't looking, Goddard downs the whole bowl of soup.

    Master, you were hungry...

    "Starving," he whispers. "I wonder if I'll look like a terrible greedy orc if I were to go get more..."

    Master you look nothing like an Orc. Far too dashing.

    "Shut up Arha," he chuckles and takes the bowl to the kitchen.

  110. Aara chuckles as she walks off. He does the strangest things when no one is looking.

    She begins moving from person to person, caring for those she can. It's a comfort, speaking to so many people she thought to be dead.

  111. Goddard waits by the kitchen entrance as women pour back and forth. He's looking for a moment where he can get in and he can't seem to find one.

    "Excu...can I...ple..."

    He leans against the wall out of the way and smirks. "Arha...I'm never going to get in there huh?"

    Probably not Master.

  112. Aara's work goes slowly. The women simply do as told, but it is the men who act differently. They accept Aara's nakedness and lack of veil without hesitation, treat her with respect and call her 'Anissa' and don't meet her eyes. The other women are treated less kindly, though still not with disrespect. In their eyes, Aara is simply placed above them, and anyone who can see her hands knows why.

  113. Goddard's bowl gets taken away from him and his ears droop when he sees it get tossed into water to get washed.

    "Well...that's that I guess."

    He sits on a chair and puts his feet up on the table.

    If any druchii walk in, this looks like a pretty good 'I'm in charge' position...

  114. After the skaven 'help' with the tapestries they seem to vanish, even Crow is no where to be found.

  115. As people finish eating, Aara starts sending women to their own quarters to rest and men into the washing room. Gratefully, she gives up command to Rayya, who barks orders like a general.

    "Afya, my shadow," Rayya says, the taller woman wrapping Aara in a hug. "Go find a bare patch of floor and sleep. When you wake, I'll send the acolyte to you."

    Aara nods and retrieves her gear. Finding a quiet place to rest is impossible, but now that men and women are moving out of the common room, general space is simple. Aara rolls out her bedroll as near the fire as she can and lies down, unable to bandage another foot or soothe another fear. With a deep sigh, she is asleep.

  116. Master. You are dozing off...

    "I know Arha..." Goddard yawns. "I'm trying really hard not to..."

    Master, I can wake you up after a time.

    "Like a rooster?"

    Master please do not insult me...I am no rooster.

    "No...I mean...never mind...If I fall asleep, and nothing happens, let me rest an hour. Wake me up if something important happens...but I will try to be awake as long as I can."

    Yes Master.

    "I'm trusting you with my life once again Arha," Goddard looks around for the shadow, but cannot find it. "Don't let me down."

    I wouldn't dream of such a thing, Master

  117. Aara dreams of rivers of blood. It's a memory of last night, and many other Death Nights before it. In her dream, she hears her heart beating out a tempo once more, smells the iron and blood in the air. She feels a thrill of excitement race through her as she dances through the street, daggers flashing. Dreaming, she slits the throat of a handsome youth, laughing gleefully as his blood gushes over her. It's hot and sticky, and she licks her lips. The kills come to her faster and faster as she dances, until she's drenched head to toe and slick with blood. Aara struggles to wake up, to pull herself out of her dream, but her heartbeat- the heartbeats of those she slays- is too intoxicating. She's swept away on a tide of blood lust, and can't fight it.

    With a gasp, Aara jerks awake. Kneeling in the snow outside Har Ganeth, she's wearing only her boots, the skirt given to her, and a piece of cloth wrapped around her bust. Her chest heaves as she gasps for breath, and her limbs have a languid, well-used warmth to them. Aside from the shock of cold, Aara feels strangely wonderful- the same kind of feeling she gets after one of Tannin's bites.

    She has two daggers in her hands, and is covered in blood.

  118. Master...why is she calling me master...we aren't done aren't leaving...MASTER! Well ok I guess you can yell that...has a nice ring to it...I guess...


    "WHAT!" Goddard leans back in his chair too far and falls onto the floor.

    "Arha...I was having such a nice dream considering what I've had to deal with and you wake me up...FOR WHAT?!"

    Lady Aara has left! A while ago would not wake up!

    "What!?" he gets to his feet. "Where? Please Arha...take!"

    Yes Master! Follow me!

    Goddard follows the shadow that now suddenly appears through the hallway and the temple and out into the streets of Har Ganeth.

    Oh look...I have a door again...

    Hurry up Master!

    Goddard quickly follows Arha and then realizes he has no weapons, except for his dagger and his magic.

    Damn! I hope no one gets any ideas...

    Here Master!

    Goddard quickly runs over to Aara. And goes a bit more pale than usual.

    She didn't go too far away...but far enough to...

    He scoops her up into his arms and rushes back with her.

  119. Shivering from cold and horror, Aara buries her face in his chest. "I- what- I didn't-" she clenches her chattering teeth and takes a breath. "What did I do? All I did was go to sleep!"

  120. "I don't know...not yet anyway..." he whispers as he quickly gets her back into the tower. He puts her down onto her feet but still holds onto her as he closes and locks the door.

    Once the door is secure, Goddard picks Aara up again and finally puts her down on the floor in front of the fire. "Warm up're so cold..."

  121. Aara rubs at her hands, trying to wash the blood away. "Get me some water," she whispers. "Somebody get me some water."

    That dream! All the blood and death, Uzzaya have mercy on me!

  122. "Don't move."

    Goddard dashes to the wash room and grabs one of the many buckets of water on the ground.

    What is going on here?

    He returns with the water and puts it by Aara.

  123. Frantic, she starts washing her hands and arms. "Those lovely clothes..." she says, trying to gather her wits. "I don't know what's happened to them."

    She splashes water on her face and neck, trying to get the blood off her as quickly as possible. "Is it in my hair?" she asks, scrubbing at herself.

  124. He puts his fingers through her hair, after carefully scooping some water up. "I'll get your hair."

    "And I'll find you more clothes...I can go check to see if anything is dry..."

  125. "My gear," she says. "They were all dry when I went back. It's all with my gear." She points a shaking hand at the pile of gear not far away. "I need to find somewhere to change."

    Oh gods, what is happening?

  126. Goddard grabs the gear and offers Aara his hand. "We can go to the washroom and you can change."

  127. Aara takes his hand and follows him quickly, using his body to sheild her so no one sees her lack of clothing or the blood covering her. The washroom is, for the first time that day, empty. Aara attributes this blessing to the cold water hanging above the fire, but doesn't care as she scrubs the last of the blood away and dresses in the warm clothing from the Autarii.

    "Nuur'eni, I was dreaming," she says, leaning against him. "About last night. And other nights like it."

  128. Most every one hears loud shrieks of terror coming from the kitchen.

  129. What the hell is going on...

    I think it's the skaven Master...

    "Stay out of my head Arha..."

    Sorry Master...I can't help myself! It's one of my twenty top powers!

    Turning back to Aara, Goddard asks, "Other nights like it? Like memories? I hate to ask you to try and remember what happened, but the more I know, the easier it might be for me to find information...Arha said that night, you were acting different."

    He then looks down. "Unless you don't want to talk about it...I'm sorry I need to warm up still and calm your mind."

  130. Aara shakes her head. "Let's find somewhere quiet, and I'll tell you everything I can remember. It won't stay quiet in here for long."

  131. "I wish there weren't so many stairs..." he sighs. "The top would be the best place to go and I doubt you want to walk up stairs right now...unless you think sitting on the stairs between floors would be a good place?"

  132. "It doesn't matter." She shivers and wraps her arms around herself. "Can we find something hot to drink, first? I think I need something to calm my nerves before I start talking."

  133. "Of course. And there will even be more than just wine. Unless you want wine...?"

    He puts his arm around her and leads her to the kitchen.

  134. She laughs, but the sound isn't quite right. "I think wine would be wonderful in this situation." She leans against him, grateful for his support.

    None of this is his fault...I shouldn't be upset with him.

  135. "I don't think I've ever seen you have any wine..."

  136. "That's because I haven't. The last time I had wine was my sixteenth birthday. It was the day my ustadh declared I was finished with my training and was ready to be Koroush's bodyguard."

  137. "And you can have wine now? Well...if there was ever anyone who needed wine, it would be you."

  138. Aara shrugs. "I'm not a bodyguard anymore."

  139. "You're can do anything you want," he smiles. "You still want to go to Altdorf?"

  140. She nearly trips, her frozen feet not working correctly. "Can I meet Otto? He sounds fascinating."

  141. Goddard steadies Aara. "Of course you can meet him." He chuckles. "Eglanor reminds me of him...except my cousin is crazy?"

  142. "You talk about him like he belongs in an asylum. A twisted sense of humor doesn't make him crazy."

  143. "When you deal with magic for long enough, I think it does something to you. Even if you do it right. Physically and mentally."

    "Last night...I did something. It went off without a hitch but...I couldn't really see after the spell was cast. And everything lost it's color. I heard Arha telling me I may have done something wrong but he was faint and he sounded far away. I didn't have time to worry too much about it but it sort of bothers me."

  144. Aara frowns, trying to remember more. "Weren't you in the sewers? I only remember seeing you at the door." She stops walking and looks at his eyes. "Your eyes looked strange, but I can't remember what it was exactly."

  145. "There were guards we needed to get rid of quickly to let you in. It was actually pretty amusing. Everything they wore, weapons and all, turned to dust...and vision abandoned me."

    "My eyes are always strange," he smiles.

  146. Most of the women come bursting out of the kitchen. Following soon after are the 7 Runners and Crow. They smell of fresh death and blood. One has a sting of flesh hanging from his mouth. Another's arms are soaked in blood up to its elbows. All have a very satisfied look on their face. As they move through the dinning hall, a small trail of blood follows one and leads up to his backpack. Crow is seen holding his head as Neska dose so often.

  147. Aara sees the skaven chasing after the women. Stepping away from Goddard, she approaches Crow, furious. "What did you do!? You can't eat the people!"

  148. Crow stops and looks at the women, and in a rough almost gravily voice says, "No-no eat man-things. Eat elf-elf-things." He then pushes past her heading to where the wash rooms are.

  149. Master...calm can't kill all the rats at may get one but the rest will pounce!

    "'s so hard," Goddard growls between clenched teeth.

    His jaw then drops. ""

  150. Aara's eyes go wide and she sways on her feet. "Uzzaya save can talk?" She takes a deep breath and puts a hand over her eyes, steadying herself. Aara, this is no time to lose your mind.

  151. Goddard steadies Aara when he notices her sway a bit. "Did he just learn? Or did he know this whole time?"

  152. Crow looks over his shoulder, "Yes-yes. Man-things, elf-thing talk-talk to much. Can not get voice-voice out of head."

  153. Aara laughs. "Well. Alright. Just don't eat anybody," she calls after him.

  154. This place is going to make me go insane.

    Goddard rubs his eyes and walks into the kitchen. Finding the largest goblet he can, he fills it with hot wine. "I need this too," he mumbles.

  155. Aara holds her goblet, staring at the wine inside. If anything was going to drive me to alcohol, at least it wasn't something insignificant, she thinks before taking a sip.

  156. "Good?" Goddard asks, leading Aara to the stairs. "We'll stop in the middle of the stairs some place. Should be quiet enough."

  157. A loud crashing noise sounds in the kitchen as a large cauldron is dislodged from the wall mount and slams onto the floor, startling everyone in the kitchen.

    A moment later, a black pointed-hat emerges from the cauldron followed by a long green nose and tiny green hands grasping the edge of the pot. On the tip of the hat hangs a crooked yellow stained crescent moon made of metal and stone, hanging like an ornament.

    In the recesses of the pitch black open-faced cloak, red beady eyes glow mischievously. Looking over at Goddard by the stairs, the dark clothed puppet-like creature speaks.

    "Oi, Boss! Iz' time fur a proper introduk'tion."

    He pulls his small body out of the cauldron and wobbles the large vessel off to the side while looking warily around the room as if he was being watched. He turns back around to face Goddard. Getting a more proper look at him reveals that he is roughly four feet tall, but his pointy hat adds another foot making him closer to five feet in total height.

    "Blasti-bitz iz ma' name. Iz gat a propuzi'shun fa ya' Guv'na..."

    Moving toward Goddard and gesturing for him to come closer to his level, his many trinkets rattle and clink together. He is adorned with several shiny baubles and the skulls of tiny birds and animals. The closer he gets to Goddard, he seems to have a particular odor to him, smelling like wet earth and a cloying smell of truffle.

  158. "Proposition? That's what you said right? I think that's what you said..." Goddard says confused. "And your name is...Blasti-bitz?" Goddard laughs. "That's the best name ever."

  159. Blasti-bitz cackles maniacally at the approval of his name.

    "Seez Boss, dis er' iz not da propa' place fa a wizzbang... Iz soggest' dat ya bring ol' Blasti-bitz wit' ya. Iz showz da' place o' Waggghhh to ya' Boss."

    He looks around nervously again, twitches once, sniffs the air with his nose acting like an antenna on an insect, and continues.

    "Wats' ya sayz?"

  160. Blasti points to the books on Goddard's waist. Licking his lips with his long tongue, he hisses.

    "Dat's da true powaz', Boss. Iz know da wot'nots on anoder' won."

  161. " wanna come with when I get the heck out of here? I don't see why not. I actually kinda like you...once I understand what you are saying..."

    "And you know where another book is? Well need to come with me."

  162. Blasti-bitz cackles with glee. It sounds almost childish and yet has a hint of malevolence mixed into a single sound.

    "Uz won't regret diz' Boss."

    He points toward Aara.

    "Dat ummie' lookin worse fa wear. Iz got da wot'nots ta' fix em."

    He starts rummaging through his cloak and dropping things on the ground. Chicken skulls, snail shells, tufts of dirt, balls of twine, marbles, spiky-bits of metal... and then he stops. His red eyes light up even brighter as he slowly produces from his cloak a purple mushroom.

  163. "Hey...I could use like...half of that..."

    Is that what I look like? Goddard puts a hand on his belt. Wow...what a mess...

    "What's that going to do," he looks at the mushroom with uncertainty.

  164. Aara stares at the creature, confused and not exactly sure if she understands what he's saying. Aara, if you live through all might want to invest in a comfortable room at an asylum.

  165. "Dat depenz' on da' ummie eatz'in et."

    He waddles over to Aara and profers the mushroom out with his green clawed hand.

    "Oi ummie! Eatz dis' er shrooom... dat's a gud ummie..." he slowly cooes at Aara.

  166. She raises an eyebrow. "What will it do to me?" she asks, taking the mushroom from him.

  167. "You tell us whats going to happen before she does anything. And if eats it and anything bad happens...I'll have a nice green patch on my house flag at the front..."

  168. "Iz uz dem' ta clear me mind."

    He ponders on the spot for a moment, scratching his long nose with a single nail like a human would stroke their chin.

    "Fur wot iz worth, uz gonna smash yer odder self'. Some'timez de git' raudy an ya' hafta bash da sod."

  169. Aara looks from the goblin to Goddard, her mind fuzzy and not quite comprehending what he's saying. "My other self? You mean the...person I was last night."

  170. "Sounds like crazy talk," Goddard crosses his arms. " are a goblin...I can only assume you are at least a little crazy..."

  171. "Daz wot Iz sez!"

    Blasti-bitz shakes his head in confusion and looks at Goddard incredulously.

  172. Aara sips from her wine, considering the mushroom. "If it will help, I'm willing to try anything. Will I still remember everything?" she asks, looking down at Blasti-bitz.

  173. "Uz memba' da wot'notz fa da oder night. Dunna fink fa a second diz iz pleasant-like. Iz tell ya', dis hurtz da' ead'."

    He collects his belongings from the floor and packs them all away in the recesses of his cloak; you're not entirely sure how all of it fits or what else he may have hidden in there.

    "Da Boss iz powaz' can keep uz safe ifn' dis goz badly."

  174. "I don't know Aara...I want to believe him because he carries around about as much junk as I do...but I just don't know..."

  175. "Iz gotz wot'notz ta fetch fa laterz. Ifn' da Boss needz me, Iz in da' pot."

    Blasti-bitz scurries away back to the kitchen and hops into the cauldron. A moment later a green glow can be seen emitting from the lid, and then fades quickly.

  176. Aara walks over to the cauldron after the glow disappears. It's as empty and clean as it was before he jumped out of it. "He's...different."

  177. "In...the...pot..." Goddard stares on confused. "That's it...if I'm going to be a lord...I needed a court jester anyway. Right?"

  178. Aara stares at the mushroom in her hand. It can't get any worse, can it? "Goddard, I don't think there's much choice, do you?"

  179. "You could always not listen to a word he says?"

  180. "Do you have any idea of how to 'fix' me?"

  181. "Not yet," he sighs. "But can do anything you want. And I'll be here for you. What do you feel you should do?"

  182. "He said it clears the mind. And that you have the power to keep me safe if it goes badly. We have no reason not to believe him." She turns to face him. "It's worth a try."

  183. "I'd say not to believe him because I think he's crazy...but...I've listened many time to father and now Eglanor..." he chuckles. "And I bet I sound crazy sometimes too...I hope it helps you lecai."

  184. "You sound crazy more often than Eglanor does. Where should we go for this? I don't think I want everyone to watch whatever happens." Koroush's people need to think I can keep them safe. Watching me lose my mind won't help.

  185. "The only place that wouldn't have anyone would be my That's empty. But so far up."

  186. "I did say I'd tell you what I remember," she reminds him. "That would give me plenty of time."

  187. "Ok then."

    " stay down here and be my eyes."

    Yes Master.

    Goddard drinks his wine as they walk up the seemingly endless staircase.

  188. She starts talking as soon as they're on the stairs. "I remember the beginning well enough. After you left with the skaven, I just walked up to the gate and entered through the door. There was a body lying there, so I-" She clenches her teeth for a moment.

    Really, Aara? Is any of this really different from what you've done in the past? Did being free change that much?


    "I used his blood to cover my tattoos. I mimicked the other brides of Khaine, splashing the blood on me. The air smelled...strange. Like I could taste iron in it." She goes on to describe the way it felt when her heart started beating louder, how the girl's heartbeat disturbed her own, and then dragging that girl to the temple. And what she saw and did there. "The crone...she looked right at me and smiled. Like she approved of what I was doing." She laughs softly. "But how could she not? I killed for her god. And it felt good. A small part of me was horrified by what was happening, but most of me didn't care. I don't remember how I got the second dagger, but when I went after an old elf, I had it."

    She toys with her goblet. "I enjoyed that, too," she says softly. "Things start going dim after that. I remember a lot of dancing. Laughing. And so much blood." She frowns. "And impatience, standing at the door. When I wasn't killing, my body seemed to get heavy, like it was made of lead. I remember noticing you and the skaven, but that's it. A guard tried to stop me, but he was no match for me like that. I don't even know if he got his weapon drawn before he was dead."

    She haltingly tells him about her fight with the dark elf in the great hall. "Gods know she tried to kill me first," she adds at the end.

  189. Goddard stays quiet the whole time, as if he were thinking really hard. He mentally sifted through what he knew and what it could be, and when nothing seemed familiar, he stored as much as he could of what she said so that, should he read or hear about it later, he won;t forget a single detail.

    "I wonder if there was any magic at work. Affecting you...I never even thought once to look into that. I'm sorry..."

  190. "That's possible. It was like..." She laughs. "You know how when Tannin bites you, the world falls away and something else washes over you, and you can't exactly control yourself? It was like that, only the desire for death and blood blocked out everything else. I knew what was happening, but I don't know if I could have stopped that if I tried. I wasn't entirely in control."
