Sunday, December 30, 2012

Back in Altdorf

The Elthrai docks in Altdorf once again. Goddard makes sure everything is secure on Zhane before he hops into the saddle and heads toward the Amethyst college.

Friday, December 28, 2012


Otto walks slowly back to his seat and looks thoughtful. " no not that...not even that," he mumbles. "Not really. Except maybe one thing. I'm afraid of losing cynath." Otto sits down and takes a sip of the soup

Wednesday, December 26, 2012


" cheated you bitch!" one of the other men yells at her while both men take a step back.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

In Altdorf

"Wake up lecai," Goddard whispers. He's kneeling by her bed, resting his head on her pillow. "The earlier we go, the less people we'll have to deal with...we don't want it to be like that camel wrestling."

Friday, December 21, 2012

Fast Forward to the Empire

((for mike and liz unless i tell you its ok for you to post too)) 

What does it mean? I had a feeling I would regret not stabbing him. Damn my kindness...

Goddard puts the orb away. He was sitting under a tree away from the group by himself. 

You have to be careful Master.

"I know. But I have to keep Aara safe too. And I can't take everything I see in that orb seriously but I'll keep it in mind."

Thursday, December 20, 2012

20 years Ago in Altdorf

((For Mike and Liz to RP Reiker and Goddard 20 years ago in Altdorf.))

"Why are we going to Morrwies again?" Goddard complains. He kicks at a stone on the road and crosses his arms.

"Why do you always ask 'why' when you know why?" Otto says flatly and softly bats Goddard in the back of the head.

Goddard shoots Otto a dirty look. The high elf just smiles and keeps walking. "It's always good to be curious and ask why."

"Then why hit me?!" Goddard exclaims.

"You know why..."

Goddard growls in frustration and tucks his arms into the sleeves of his robes. Otto chuckles and playfully messes up Goddard's hair.

Just keep Swimming

Goddard keeps his eyes closed for the most part and then opens them when the sun doesn't seem as bright. He's floated under the branch of a tree. But Aara was right. It's easier when you keep your eyes closed. He puts a leg down, thinking he's still in shallow water and will touch the bottom but he can't feel it and panics.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The Camel Wrestle

The sun peeks through the window and shines on Goddard. "Stupid sun," he yawns and blinks his eyes.

"Where am I?" He stretches as he sits up then looks over at Aara. 

OH! That's right. 

He swings his legs over the side of the bed and rubs his head before standing up. 

That bite really ruins everything once the good feeling is gone.

Monday, December 17, 2012


"I should head back to the safe house then and get cleaned up, lecai." He blows her a kiss before he turns Zhane around and heads back to the ship.

Master! You came back!

"Of course I did. Come on. I'm going to bring all my stuff with me so you can relax too."

Thank you Master. You are truly the kindest soul in existence!

"I know I know," he grins.

Goddard packs up everything from the chest into the new pouches and baskets he got for Zhane.  He packs the armor up and puts it on the back of the saddle. Zhane lowers his head.

"Oh come on. It's not all that bad. And I'll take it all off you soon. Now everything is just packed and prepped and I don't need this big box anymore."

Goddard rides to the safe house, get's Zhane settled and comfortable, and gets to making himself comfortable.

Saturday, December 15, 2012


Goddard heads back to Zhane after his walk into the desert with Koroush. 

"Hey buddy," he says softly, petting the horse's forehead. "Did you forget me?"
Zhane bumps Goddard in the chin with his nose and Goddard chuckles. "How could you forget about me huh? You missed one heck of an adventure...and you have a lot of stuff to help me carry. Lots of metal." 

Thursday, December 13, 2012

'Wedding' Day

Goddard opens his eyes when he hears the soft murmur of druhir. Standing above him are two druchii slaves, talking about preparing him for the wedding.

Ugh no...

They gesture for him to hurry and stand up. 


"What's going on," he asks sleepily. 

"We need to get you ready for the ceremony tonight."

"If it's tonight, why bother me now?" 

"We must do as Hellebron tells us."

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Goddard fumbles with all the bolts on the door. He puts his hands on hips to examine his work and smiles.

" no one can kill me," he chuckles and stumbles down the hall. He stops in between the two images of his parents and looks up at each of them.

"You hear that," Goddard points at them. "No one is going to kill me," he laughs. ""

"Disappointed huh? Oooooh I'm sorry," he pretends to wipe tears from his eyes. "Want to do it now?" He leans his head forward toward the image of his father and brushes the hair away from the back of his neck. After waiting a couple of seconds, he quickly lifts his head up, points and laughs. "Oh can't! HA!"

Monday, December 10, 2012

Castle Soulshatter

"Interesting...there are too many things in this world that make you act in uncontrollable ways though for my liking," he chuckles. "I personally should avoid such things..."

"And you said something about dreams, lecai. Could you make anything of those?"

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Post Death Night

Goddard walks around a bit once everyone is safely inside. The place he once called home has changed...a lot. He looks at the tapestries on the walls and growls, ripping many of them down, grumbling in druhir.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Tails and Reading and Snow OH MY

No one says anything to Aara and Goddard as they walk through the group of druchii but some give Goddard a funny look.

They probably think I'm crazy hehe...maybe that's a good thing.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Fun with Eggy

Goddard watches Tannin and Aara quietly. He does tense his body though, ready to pounce on Tannin with a dagger if he has to.

"She fell asleep. Is she ok?" he asks when Tannin flops down onto his back. "Are you ok?"

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Dangerous Deadly Dance

"I normally do the same," he whispers. "Try and make light of things when the world looks it's darkest. But it's been harder lately. I'm not necessarily afraid for myself...I'm afraid for you," Goddard takes her hand and holds onto it.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Dances with Swords


They both watch Goddard eat quietly.

"What now?" he groans.

"Admiring you my lord," Drukh says with a grin.

Kuyl stands behind Goddard when he sits in a chair and massages his scalp.

"My lord...what happened to your beautiful hair?" Kuyl asks.

"It's still beautiul," Drukh snaps.

"Quit it!" Goddard snarls. "I like it this way...that's all the reason I need," he sighs. "You two are making me feel worse,  not better," he rubs his forehead.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Drama Llamas

Goddard wakes up startled. Just a dream...he won't kill you...stand tall and don't back down...

He carefully moves away from Aara so he doesn't wake her. Lecai...I wish I could make you forget all about me. I'd make you more miserable than happy...

He goes over to his chest of books and potions. Goddard gets his writing kit out and this new book and begins reading and taking notes, occasionally pulling out the first book and referencing things.

This new book is a ton of rituals...not so much about these potions...mother's library might help...

He gets lost in his reading, as usual.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

At the Autarii Tower

The druchii leave the group to recover from their walk through the snow. They have their own private room with food and drink and they have been provided with warmer clothing.

Goddard closes the door behind the last dark elf to leave the room and he leans against it and slides down to the floor. "Phew...I was afraid you were going to do something crazy Khaldah...I'm sorry they made you do that..."

Friday, November 30, 2012


Goddard smiles and stretches as he gets up. He walks over to the pot and turns it upside down. "Well...none of that went to waste," he somehow finds space for it in his pack full of books and various other things. As always, he takes inventory, makes sure the swords are attached securely and turns to Aara. "Anything else? Should I tie Katarina to a rock," he grins.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Post Snack Time

After Goddard finishes eating, he looks Tannin up and down for a moment then looks around at the rocks. "Now...we are going to do this my way Khaldah. Sit here," he points at a spot on the ground and begins to take some of the wrappings off one of his arms. Once Tannin is seated, Goddard stands behind Tannin, pulls his dagger from his boot, leans down and holds it to Tannin's throat.

"I don't know what you are...allergic to exactly but from that book, I know one of the possibilities is ithilmar. That's what this dagger is made of. If you are allergic, if I cut you, you should burst into flames. If you aren't...then...I'm assuming this still won't be good for either way, it won't be pretty."

Goddard puts his free arm over Tannin's shoulder. "Here...I'm hoping you will know when to stop on your own but if not, you stop when I tell you to. We are trusting each other to not kill each other...and its just for lunch," he chuckles.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Underground Sky

Goddard grabs one of the skulls he carries with him and after whispering a few words in elven, it begins to glow brightly. He puts his hand inside of it like a puppet and mumbles with a snicker, "I feel light headed..."

The fairly smooth tunnel begins to turn into more rough cave walls. Tiny glowing mushrooms grow all around them and strange glowing insects skitter about. Goddard stops occasionally to collect samples of the glowing fungus and any bugs that aren't too fast. The light from the skull disappearing when he lets it go.

As they continue walking on, the cave they are traveling through opens up into a massive cavern. Goddard drops the skull and it bounces off the others he carries on his belt making a hollow sound that echos. The light from it goes out as he looks up. "Wow..."

The cavern is as bright as if on the clearest night with both moons full and every star at its brightest. Countless points of glowing light shine from the ceiling and millions of long sparkling strands decorate it.  Silhouettes of small flying creatures, maybe bats, silently move about above them and the tall thin stalagmites are reminiscent of  dark tree trunks. The only sound they hear other than their breathing, is the distant faint drip of water.

Sunday, November 25, 2012


Goddard continues to take notes on what is going on with Tannin.

Master what are you doing? He's clearly dying...end him!

"No no...he's not dying. He's...I dunno...undying..." Goddard mumbles as he keep writing.

Should we kill him Master?

"I said no! Sheesh...sit here and be quiet," he taps the top of the book with the end of the feather.

Yes Master.

Thursday, November 22, 2012


Goddard curls up. "Damn bats," he mumbles still asleep. He rolls over onto his other side and curls up again. "Loaves hehe..." He twists his fingers up in his hair and slowly opens his eyes. "Hmmm just dreaming," he grumbles and sits up. He stretches while he quietly watches Aara.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Monday, November 19, 2012

Sunday, November 18, 2012

NOT on a boat...aawww

Goddard and Aara finally get back to the roof of the building the party is staying at after visiting the bones priests.

"Why did we need to jump on roofs," Goddard pants. "You know I'm clumsy...I could have died...maybe..."

Friday, November 16, 2012


Goddard's ears perk up, "Lecai?" he whispers, then lays his ears flat against his head. "Go away lecai! Go ask that horrid witch what she deserve better..."

She hears a loud thud and then Goddard saying a string of harsh elven words.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Dramatic Boat

Goddard quickly re-gathers the fabric and scrambles out of the cabin, practically diving back into his own cabin. He shuts the door behind him.

Master you're back!

"You didn't follow me? That's a surprise," he pants.

Oh Master even I know to respect the privacy of a man and a woman.

"UGH! I didn't do anything! Won't anyone believe me?"

But Mas...

"Ok ok I know why no one will believe me but...I don't always lie..."


"I DON'T!" 

Monday, November 12, 2012

Boat boat boat boat

He grins but doesn't touch her. That may ruin his chance for future hugs. Goddard then leans up against the door and calls out, "That's not necessary...I won't go into your room unless you...ya know...invite me in...but you can always wander into my cabin!" He walks back over to Aara. "I don't know why she just won't tell me her true feelings," he laughs.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

On a BIG boat

The party gets on board yet another watercraft for travel. Except this time, it's much bigger and luxurious compared to the barge. Despite the stormy weather, the ship will head out to Araby where they will search of a vampire.

After Goddard gets Zhane settled and gets the "ghost bat" to do some non-sense task, he walks over to Katarina.

"You seemed to get upset when I mentioned something about my father. Dunno what I said but I'm sorry."

He rubs the back of his head and says while looking down , "I don't mean to make you're too pretty for a sad face," he looks back up at her, smiling.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

We're on a floating 2 x 4

Goddard stares at Katarina and shudders. "I'm sure you can think of things my elven brain couldn't even can keep all that to yourself..."

Monday, November 5, 2012

We're on a boat...Drunk maybe?

"It's easy to find a reason to want to kill's harder to find a reason not to," Goddard seems to be talking to his re-filled cup which is then quickly emptied again. He slowly sits on the ground with a slight wobble and holds his cup up for Tannin. "I'll stay here for a bit and maybe not drink this so fast..." He puts his other hand to his forehead. "Maybe.."

Sunday, November 4, 2012

We're on a boat...

The party has gotten to know each other a bit the first few days of the trip and are settling in as they head to Sylvania.

Goddard was about to explain what Sigmar's sausage was all about but chuckles and figures it will be a bit more amusing to let them wonder. He walks over to the side and peers down at the water. He shivers a little bit but keeps watching the waves. He continues to listen to the strange conversations and chimes in with inappropriate comments when he feels its....appropriate...